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May 28 - 30 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Twelve Maroon College Station Dylan Stallones L83
Texas Banditos Black 13u Cash Clayton R80
Wolfpack Finnegan Cove R80
Texas Banditos Black 13u Aiden DeLeon L80
Texas Banditos Black 13u Michael Holliday R80
Wolfpack Preston Farragut R79
Kings Gonzalez Brent Frosch L79
Texas Banditos Black 13u Troy Gonzalez R79
Kings Gonzalez Eleazar Hernandez Jr R79
Texas Banditos Black 13u Jaxon McKnight R79
TEST Black 13U Aiden Mendez L79
Fort Bend Bombers Ralph Ortiz R79
TEST Black 13U Karston Coffey R78
Fort Bend Bombers Dominic Giametta Iii R78
Kings Gonzalez Isaac Guerrero R78
Kings Gonzalez Jack Vasquez L78
Kings Gonzalez Luke Galvan R77
Texas Show Elite Jesse Garza R77
Twelve Maroon College Station Carson Morgan R77
Wolfpack Chace Robbins R77
Texas Show Elite Daren Bosquez R76
Hustle 13u Delton Branch R76
Apex 13u Predators Delton Branch R76
TEST Black 13U Hudson Cuevas R76
Wolfpack Grady Holmes R76
Texas Bombers Elite 13u Andrews Roman Martinez R76
TEST Black 13U Roman Martinez R76
Wildcatters Barron Justin McCarver R76
Texas Banditos Black 13u Jansyel Otwell R76
TEST Black 13U Jansyel Otwell R76
Diaz Baseball Jansyel Otwell R76
Apex 13u Predators Julian Ricks R76
Zt Elite Jacob Stephen (Drew) Rocha R76
Wolfpack Weston Williams R76
Wildcatters Barron Hudson Bradley R75
Texas Edge North Sebastian Castillo R75
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Connor Comeau R75
TEST Black 13U Jacob Guevara L75
Kings Gonzalez Grayson Hallmark R75
Texas Banditos Black 13u Alex Hernandez R75
Kings Gonzalez Ryan Maples R75
American Legends Baseball Jaydon Ortiz R75
Scorpions Team EASTON Jay Sralla R75
Apex 13u Predators Alec Carranza L74
Zt Elite Jacob Luke Gladchuk L74
Zt Elite Jacob Kaleb Harrison R74
Hp Baseball Dawson Hunter Myers R74
Texas Show Elite Ethan Olivares R74
Wildcatters Barron Isaiah Reyes R74
Wildcatters Barron Nomar Torres R74
Texas Bombers Elite 13u Andrews Nomar Torres R74
Twelve Maroon College Station Joseph Young R74
Phenom 13u Red Jonathan Adams R73
Lbc Central Carter Pete Fredenburg R73
Apex 13u Predators Adrian Garcia R73
Scorpions Team EASTON Bryce Garrett R73
Texas Banditos Black 13u Chris Gonzales R73
Fort Bend Bombers David Harris L73
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Trevor Hernandez R73
Wolfpack Hudson Holt R73
LBC North League Braylon Jones R73
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Samuel Kennedy R73
13 Banditos Conroe Trent Maraviglia R73
Wildcatters Barron Noah Melendez L73
Scorpions Team EASTON Jackson Morrow R73
Twelve Maroon College Station Sterling Scheffer R73
LBC North League Weston Smiley R73
Texas Banditos Black 13u Francisco Soria R73
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Rodrigo Teran R73
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Hayden Walters R73
Texas Edge North Zachary Wanoreck R73
Hp Baseball Dawson Chase Allen L72
Wolfpack Max Bachmann R72
Prodigy Baseball Bryant Balderas R72
Lbc Central Carter Major Bettridge R72
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Joseph Cardona Jr L72
Twelve Maroon College Station Max Cochran R72
Scorpions Team EASTON Brady Ekdall R72
Fort Bend Bombers Thomas Eugate R72
Apex 13u Predators Kaled Faudoa R72
Apex 13u Predators Ethan Gomez R72
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Sage Hall R72
Scorpions Team EASTON Charlie Heard R72
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Jake Jenkins L72
Zt Elite Jacob Tavyn Lonis R72
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Harry Nester R72
TEST Black 13U Sawyer Neugent R72
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Stephen Ozuna R72
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Orlando Reyes R72
Hustle 13u Lubin Rincon R72
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Lubin Rincon R72
Wildcatters Barron Gabriel Rivera R72
TEST Black 13U Connor Young R72
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Arturo “DJ” Aranda Jr. R71
Wildcatters Barron Oscar Barron L71
Texas Edge North Kobe Boulom R71
Scorpions Team EASTON Andrew Clayton R71
Twelve Maroon College Station Owen Finke R71
Scorpions Team EASTON Brody Fortunato R71
LBC North League Josue Hernandez R71
Twelve Maroon College Station Wyatt Hoffart R71
Houston Royals Tripp Kneale R71
Zt Elite Jacob Tripp Kneale R71
Texas Edge North Caden Mackey L71
American Legends Baseball Christian Villarreal R71
Texas Edge North Houstton Webster R71
Hustle 13u Samuel Aguilera R70
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Samuel Aguilera R70
Twelve Maroon College Station Austin Allen R70
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Jordan Bice R70
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Saul Diaz L70
American Legends Baseball Joseph Garcia R70
Diaz Baseball Roberto Gonzalez R70
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Corbin McDaniel R70
American Legends Baseball Oscar Medina R70
13 Banditos Conroe Jackson Reagan R70
Hp Baseball Dawson Kash Schwab L70
Texas Show Elite Michael Singleterry R70
Texas Banditos Black 13u Christian Smith L70
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Holt Spivey R70
Phenom 13u Red Dallas Walker R70
Fort Bend Bombers Brooks Allen R69
American Legends Baseball Pete Almaraz R69
Texas Show Elite Joaquin Ayala R69
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Aidan Charbonneau R69
Wolfpack Griffin Civello R69
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Kason Condra R69
Lbc Central Carter Anthony Delgado R69
Hp Baseball Dawson Aiden Haby R69
Twelve Maroon College Station Hudson Hartstack R69
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Noah Hernandez R69
Kings Gonzalez Sebastian Mora R69
Hustle 13u Sebastian Mora R69
Houston Royals Sebastian Mora R69
Banditos Faltine Jerod Spraberry R69
Wildcatters Barron Taylon Villanueva L69
Banditos Faltine Kash Abke R68
Zt Elite Moreno Anthony Amezquita R68
Houston Royals Moises Becerra R68
Zt Elite Moreno Moises Becerra R68
Wolfpack Kellan Cantrell R68
Zt Elite Moreno Isaiah Guerrero R68
Phenom 13u Red Rawly Hinch R68
Banditos Faltine Christopher Izaguirre R68
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Grant Petersen R68
Houston Royals Julian Rincon R68
Hustle 13u Julian Rincon R68
Wildcatters Barron Julian Rincon R68
Phenom 13u Red Calvin Rippy L68
Banditos Faltine Mario Salcido L68
Lbc Central Carter Cade Sanders L68
Phenom 13u Red Luke Simpson R68
Scorpions Team EASTON Hudson Vannatta R68
Prodigy Baseball Alexander Bard R67
Zt Elite Moreno Derrion Jones R67
Diaz Baseball Jesse Leija R67
Zt Elite Moreno Zach Quintanilla R67
Scorpions Team EASTON Kaden Rosado R67
Banditos Faltine Brady Burrow L66
Texas Banditos Black 13u Colson Cahal R66
Banditos Faltine Mayson Dean R66
13 Banditos Conroe Cory Kelly R66
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Issac Lamas R66
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Elijah Ramirez L66
Phenom 13u Red Jayden Ramirez R66
Twelve Maroon College Station Dane Simmen R66
Fort Bend Bombers Colby Taylor R66
Zt Elite Jacob Caden Thomas L66
TEST Black 13U Cooper Thomas R66
Banditos Faltine Kaleb Thomas R66
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Nathaniel Vera L66
Texas Show Elite Marco Villarreal R66
Hp Baseball Dawson Daniel Walker R66
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Sean Warren R66
Zt Elite Jacob Brody Bartee R65
American Legends Baseball Xavier Blanco L65
LBC North League Braedan Borger R65
13 Banditos Conroe Lamarques Bussey R65
Texas Show Elite James Cansino R65
Sabers Baseball- Turquoise Ovidio Flores R65
Texas Banditos Black 13u Caleb Gafford R65
American Legends Baseball Jonathan Garcia R65
American Legends Baseball Anthony Gonzales R65
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Dylan Howard R65
Banditos Faltine Sean Marquez R65
Scorpions Team EASTON Jaxon Schramm L65
Phenom 13u Red Hudson Adkison R64
13 Banditos Conroe Noah "Nojo" Barber R64
LBC North League Patrick Brock R64
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Brody Dobbs R64
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Bodie Martyak L64
Lbc Central Carter Bodie Martyak L64
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Walker Pressley R64
LBC North League Nolan Riviere R64
Banditos Faltine Daniel Salazar R64
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Connor Smith R64
Prodigy Baseball Levi Thompson R64
Diaz Baseball Andres Alvarado R63
13 Banditos Conroe Weston Bailey L63
LBC North League Darey Esparza R63
Texas Show Elite Devin Hernandez R63
Hp Baseball Dawson Ethan Horton R63
13 Banditos Conroe Matthew Johnson R63
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Rex Railsback R63
13 Banditos Conroe Connor Schulz R63
Zt Elite Moreno Grayson Swann R63
LBC North League Zane Thomas R63
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Rene Torres R63
Canes Southwest ATX 13u Dylan Wells L63
Tbt Ballers Texas 13u Black Ethan Cardenas L62
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Davin Castro R62
Prodigy Baseball Xadrian Gomez R62
Prodigy Baseball Emiliano Olvera R62
Diaz Baseball Miguel Romero R62
Prodigy Baseball Nolan Challenger R61
13 Banditos Conroe John Richards R61
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Andrew Sobey R61
Texas Angels 13u Keeton Adrian Bonilla R60
Lbc Central Carter Wyatt Everswick L59
Zt Elite Moreno Josue Rebollar R59
13 Banditos Conroe Preston Wilson L57
Diaz Baseball Ethan Izaguirre R55
Diaz Baseball Jharell Valerio R54