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We are accepting online payments ONLY. Cash and check payments will no longer be accepted. In order to pay with ACH (Bank Account), you must submit payment at LEAST two weeks prior to the start of the event. If you submit payment less than two weeks from the event, you have to pay by Credit Card and will be charged the 3.5% technology fee.


Skills competition will be hosted on Friday evening at Baseball USA and will start at 6pm. This includes Relay Races, Homerun Derby, Flamethrower Competition, and Around the Horn. All players are welcome, but this is not a requirement by any means.
AGES: 7u / 8u / 9u / 10u

From 6:00pm to 8:00pm 
HR Derby  - BBUSA FIELD #9
Around the Horn - BBUSA FIELD #5 &#6
Relay Race - BBUSA FIELD #7 & #8
Flamethrower - BBUSA FIELD #4 (2 stations)

AGES: 11u / 12u

From 6:00pm to 8:00pm 
HR Derby  - BBUSA FIELD #3
Around the Horn - BBUSA FIELD #5 &#6
Relay Race - BBUSA FIELD #7 & #8
Flamethrower - BBUSA FIELD #4 (2 stations)

AGES: 13u / 14u

From 6:00pm to 8:00pm 
HR Derby  - BBUSA FIELD #11
Around the Horn - BBUSA FIELD #5 & #6
Relay Race - BBUSA FIELD #7 & #8
Flamethrower - BBUSA FIELD #4 (2 stations)
Mar 11 - 13 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Zt Elite - Morales Dawson Keim R80
Zt Elite - Morales John “Austin” Isom R79
Katy Prestige Hudson Chenard R78
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Bryce Nixon R77
817 Patriots Abraham Alvarado R76
Zt Elite - Morales Jacob Boggan R75
Team Venom 13 Colby Campbell R75
Katy Prestige Brayden Kanak R75
Team Venom 13 Griffin McClosky L75
Fort Bend Bombers Colby Taylor R75
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Chase Morgan R74
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Riley Sherowski R74
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Jeffrey Sisan R74
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Garrett Wright R74
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Ryan Carpenter R73
Houston Athletics - Gold Noah Guijosa R73
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Carson Pogach R73
Bvr 14u Peyton Tomas R73
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Carter Hartman R72
Prospect U Houston Luke Hoepfl R72
Edge Baseball - Wiley Gavyn Diesel Lee R72
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Liam McCarthy R72
ZT Elite Jacob Caden Thomas L72
Fort Bend Bombers Brooks Allen R71
Fort Bend Bombers Trevor Bielitz L71
Team Venom 13 Hudson Brown L71
Zt Elite - Morales Christopher Carvajal R71
ZT Elite Jacob Tripp Kneale R71
Zt Elite - Morales Jorydn Morales R71
Zt Elite - Morales Jayden Potter R71
Bvr 14u Peyton Stone R71
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Drew Tureau R71
817 Patriots Christopher Aguirre L70
817 Patriots Oscar Castaneda Jr R70
Fort Bend Bombers David Harris L70
817 Patriots Raul Lomas R70
Fort Bend Bombers Luke Chapman R69
Hp Baseball Wilson Cy Garcia R69
Katy Lonestars 14u Cole Holsomback R69
Team Venom 13 Lukas Hosler R69
ZT Elite Jacob Lukas Hosler R69
Bvr 14u Logan Jackson R69
South County Mavericks 14u Blue Kooper Martin R69
ZT Elite Jacob Bennett Schnee R69
Houston Athletics - Gold Carson Tichenor R69
Houston Athletics - Gold Peyton Warren R69
Brewers Bode Werner R69
South County Mavericks 14u Blue John “Camp” Williamson R69
Katy Prestige Cayden Beard R68
817 Patriots Brody Bugay R68
ZT Elite Jacob Luke Gladchuk L68
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Dylan Gonzales R68
Katy Lonestars 14u Tyson Pavle R68
817 Patriots Axel Alvarado R67
Team Venom 13 Jhett Bubke R67
Bvr 14u Cooper Cadro R67
Brewers Nathan Castillo R67
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Colby Jones R67
Prospect U Houston Jayce Jorgensen R67
Katy Prestige Weston Loudon R67
Katy Lonestars 14u Jack Marriott R67
Edge Baseball - Wiley Braden Schumann R67
Brewers Layne Sevcik R67
Edge Baseball - Wiley Spencer Slavinski R67
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Jaxon Black R66
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Cade Calhoun R66
Brewers Gavyn Chapa R66
Hp Baseball Wilson Broden Clark R66
Bvr 14u Shane Clements R66
Zt Elite - Morales Joshua Duron L66
Brewers Connor Fogle R66
Team Venom 13 Colson Istre L66
South County Mavericks 14u Blue Kyle Mercer L66
Houston Athletics - Gold Gabriel Roberts R66
Katy Lonestars 14u Antonio Sagbini R66
Team Venom 13 Cameron Williams R66
Prospect U Houston Joseph Banasik R65
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Andrew Basaldua R65
South County Mavericks 14u Blue Gavin Hathorn R65
Hp Baseball Wilson Gavin Johnson R65
Houston Athletics - Gold Landen Klaus R65
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Hunter Miller R65
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Jesse Reyes L65
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Nicolas Samanns R65
Prospect U Houston Brandon Stoebner R65
Hp Baseball Wilson Isaiah Alexander L64
Hp Baseball Wilson Davian Barrera L64
Brewers Matthew Blanchard R64
Team Venom 13 Hayden Britt R64
817 Patriots Jayden Evans R64
ZT Elite Jacob Jayden Fillyaw R64
Edge Baseball - Wiley Carson Parlipiano R64
South County Mavericks 14u Blue Hayden Ross R64
Katy Lonestars 14u Cooper Wainwright R64
Houston Athletics - Gold Matthew Christopoulos R63
Houston Athletics - Gold Charlie Eberst R63
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Jayden Felder R63
817 Patriots Joel Gamez R63
Hp Baseball Wilson Levi Poulter R63
Katy Lonestars 14u Ayden Russo R63
South County Mavericks 14u Blue Ryan Sinski R63
817 Patriots Richard Armendariz R62
Team Venom 13 Michael Atkinson R62
Dallas Tigers Houston 14u Aaa Jason Harkins R62
Bvr 14u Jace Williams R62
Bvr 14u Caleb Maurer R60
Texas Dawgs 14u (Gold) Hunter Borchers L59
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Toby White R58