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6U (Open) (CP) 7U (AA) (CP) 7U (AAA) (CP) 8U (AA) (CP) 8U (AAA) (CP) 9U (AA) 9U (AAA) 9U (Major) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 10U (Major) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 12U (Major) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major)
Payment is due Tuesday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

Catch 2 Dugout: $10/car - CASH ONLY

Big League Dreams: $8 CASH OR CARD
- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX (CASH OR CARD)
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Chargers Mason Desai R82
Scorpions Team EASTON Wade Sebek L81
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Oscar Barron L80
Banditos Faltine Joshua Flores R80
Scorpions Team EASTON Ben Garrett R80
Td Edge 14u - Bailey Davis Lee L80
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Luke Gladchuk L79
Hp Baseball Watassek Tavyn Lonis R79
Magnolia Strikers 14 Black Robert Ferrell R78
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera Elijah Gassett L78
Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 14u Brock Havens R78
Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis Landon Hinson R78
Texas Twelve Katy Black 14u Isaac Huerta R78
Hp Baseball Watassek Kash Schwab L78
Elite Squad Texas 14u Jara Ceylan Williams R78
Twelve South Texas 14u Black Andrew Alvarado R77
Texas Elite Lobos - Scout Eric Jean R77
Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 14u Jirius Khoury R77
Td Edge 14u - Bailey Dante Mitchell R77
Dulins Dodgers Prime Koleman Ragan R77
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera Stephen (Drew) Rocha R77
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera Samuel Aguilera R76
Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 14u Jackson Bryant R76
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera Matthew Christopoulos R76
Banditos Deleon 14U David Corona R76
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Carlos Gamboa R76
Texas Drillers Tripp Kneale R76
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Gregory Leon R76
Elite Squad Texas 14u Jara Demarea Rodriguez R76
Scorpions Team EASTON (National) Greyson Vercher R76
Hp Baseball Watassek Brody Bartee R75
Texas Hitmen Bryce Brody R75
Banditos Deleon 14U Cade Calhoun R75
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Pablo Cavaluzzi R75
Houston Velocity- Larzabal Aidan Cisneros R75
C2 2027 Melendez Kellen Davidson R75
Texas Twelve Katy Black 14u kade Estrada R75
Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 14u kade Estrada R75
Houston Velocity- Larzabal Francisco Graham R75
Scorpions Team EASTON Jackson Morrow R75
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Jansyel Otwell R75
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera Julian Rincon R75
Td Edge 14u - Bailey Deven Rodriguez L75
Scorpions Team EASTON Jackson Wilcox R75
Elite Squad Texas 14u Jara Connor Young R75
Houston Velocity- Larzabal Xavier Blanco L74
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano Lewis Brazelton R74
Hp Baseball Chavez Hayden Britt R74
Lynx 14u Black Jordan Dawson R74
South County Mavericks 14u Lower Kole Deberardinis L74
Dirtbags Charlie Ford L74
Chargers Charlie Ford L74
American Legends Adrian Garcia R74
Houston Velocity- Larzabal Adrian Garcia R74
Lone Star Outlaws Ivory Gilliam R74
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Christian Gracia R74
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera Holt Griffith R74
Texas Twelve Katy Maroon 14u Corbin Medack R74
Banditos Deleon 14U Cade Morris R74
Twelve South Texas 14u Black Joshua Norval R74
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano Gabriel Rahimi R74
Dulins Dodgers Prime Mark Ramos R74
Lynx 14u Black Nolan Sides R74
Scorpions Team EASTON (National) John Wagner R74
Magnolia Strikers 14 Black Cayson Wang R74
Texas Drillers Blake Calnan L73
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Barron Diego Cardin R73
Twelve South Texas 14u Black Landon Gandy R73
Texas Hitmen Joseph Garcia R73
DG29 Baseball Academy 14U Colton Jurwich L73
Td Edge 14u - Bailey Mason Lambert R73
Texas Drillers Ryan Lamon R73
Lynx 14u Black Hayden McLennan R73
Texas Hitmen Jacob Montemayor R73
Texas Twelve Katy Black 14u William Newhouse R73
South County Mavericks 14u Lower Jeremyah Pena R73
Scorpions Team EASTON Neil Raju R73
5 Star Performance 2027 Black Dunn Smith R73
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano Jackson Suminski R73
South County Mavericks 14u Lower Kale White R73
Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis Bryson Bergeaux R72
C2 2027 Melendez Nathan Burke R72
Texas Elite Lobos - Scout Griffin Cales L72
Chargers Caine Chapman R72
Chargers Ryland Forks R72
Texas Hitmen Anthony Gonzales R72
DG29 Baseball Academy 14U Dillon Hatcher R72
Banditos Faltine Christopher Izaguirre R72
Lone Star Outlaws Nicolas Luna R72
Banditos Faltine Aiden Rossano R72
Hp Baseball Dawson Dylan Stanko R72
Houston Velocity- Larzabal Darwin Virtudazo L72
Hp Baseball Dawson Daniel Walker R72
Lynx 14u Black Braden White L72
Hp Baseball Chavez Brayden Anzaldua R71
Texas Elite Lobos - Scout Slade Brown R71
Texas Elite Lobos - Scout Ty Cook R71
South County Mavericks 14u Lower Ty Cook R71
Lynx 14u Black Brady Hamilton R71
Dulins Dodgers Prime Maddox Hankins R71
Scorpions Team EASTON (National) Everett Huffman L71
Td Edge 14u - Bailey Timothy Killam R71
5 Star Performance 2027 Black Lawson Nichols R71
Texas Hitmen Colton Roberts R71
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano Gabriel Turley L71
Katy Scrappers Baseball Sameer Ali R70
Chargers Luke Beierle R70
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano Miles Comarda L70
South County Mavericks 14u Lower Miles Comarda L70
Houston Velocity- Larzabal Raiden Garay R70
Elite Squad Texas 14u Jara Roy Gardner Jr L70
Hp Baseball Chavez Ethan Giap R70
Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis Jeremy Serafini R70
Hp Baseball Chavez Justin Vallejo R70
Houston Legends Harrison Ward R70
Lone Star Outlaws Gabriel Gresham R69
Lone Star Outlaws Brady Lowe R69
Scorpions Team EASTON Jase Pierson R69
Lone Star Outlaws Omar Santana R69
Elite Squad Texas 14u Jara Jacob Cockrell R68
Chargers Chase Kuhn R68
DG29 Baseball Academy 14U Brian Winfrey R68
Houston Legends Callen Jenks R67
Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis Cody Sawyer R67
Scorpions Team EASTON Braxton Onhaizer L66
Texas Elite Lobos - Scout Robert Croce R65
Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis Austin Greene L65
Lone Star Outlaws Luke Kordisch R65
Crew Baseball White Daniel Shirley R65
Scorpions Team EASTON Mason Webb R65
Lone Star Outlaws Elijah Martin L64
Crew Baseball White Cole Grove L63
Crew Baseball White Fletcher Jones R62
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano Braden Tollar R61