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FB Velocities
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Jacob Biester R77
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Zach Stiles R76
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Hunter Segal R75
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Benjamin Cagle R74
Creekview Grizzlies James Dugger R74
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Kenneth Gresham L74
Creekview Grizzlies Landon Moore R74
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Luke Donaldson R73
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Owen Helms R73
Southeast Barons - Black Brody Keel R73
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Dixon Lindsey R73
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Connor Copp R72
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Evan Hardin R72
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Taylor Hart R72
Buford Wolves Anthony Kauker R72
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Mathis Powell R72
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Cooper Reynolds L72
Trpl Dmnd Baseball - 14u Henry Zaring R72
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Jude Alderete R71
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Peyton Chancey L71
Wahoos Baseball Judd Chastain R71
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Case Gravitt R71
Creekview Grizzlies Everett Grubbs R71
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Samuel Kirk R71
Buford Wolves Will Wyatt R71
Southeast Barons - Black Drew Zampieri R71
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Noah Cagle R70
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Carter Callan R70
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Carlos Figueroa R70
Trpl Dmnd Baseball - 14u Jayden Gaddis R70
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Emmett Reeves R70
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Hayden Turner R70
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Christian York L70
Buford Wolves Cohen Hansard R69
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Grant Peacock R69
Creekview Grizzlies Christopher Reece R69
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Jack Wilson R69
Buford Wolves Sean Han R68
Southeast Barons - Black Brayden Patrick R68
Buford Wolves Liam Patrick R68
Buford Wolves Nash Perdew R68
Wahoos Baseball Kallen Reynolds R68
Trpl Dmnd Baseball - 14u Matthew Syken R68
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Brayden Busby R67
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Colt Feutral R67
Buford Wolves Trent Gieler R67
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Blake Gordon R67
Creekview Grizzlies Hayden Hansen L67
Buford Wolves Carter Hill L67
Trpl Dmnd Baseball - 14u Declan Hollifield R67
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Jackson Lewachowicz R67
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Rowan McClung R67
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Carter Rath R67
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Keenan Rice R67
Creekview Grizzlies Jack Martin L66
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Eric Stuetzer R66
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Owen Zopf R66
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Christian Masci R65
Buford Wolves Reese McGuire R65
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Trenton Mealer R65
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Max O'Bryant R65
Southeast Barons - Black Felix Perez L65
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Carden Sampson R65
Southeast Barons - Black Chase Schneider R65
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Thomas Byrne R64
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Jaden Daise R64
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Wyatt Earwood R64
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Dallen Fuqua R64
Southeast Barons - Black Niko Stojic R64
Creekview Grizzlies Devin Ballard R63
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Jaxon Bowen R63
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Landon Clark R63
DC Baseball 14U Cagle Brody Jones R63
643 Dp 14u Panthers Bowers Aiden Morgan R63
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Connor Torres R63
Wahoos Baseball Jeremiah Welty L63
Sharon Springs Spartans 14u Noah Blumenthal R62
Wahoos Baseball Thomas Kirkman R62
Trpl Dmnd Baseball - 14u Matthew Evans R61
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit Andrew Hite R61
Trpl Dmnd Baseball - 14u Daren Jones R61
Southeast Barons - Black Rj Pierre R61
DC Baseball 14U O'Bryant Cash Priest R61
Creekview Grizzlies Braxton Carnes R60
Wahoos Baseball Luke McGregor R60
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Cole Spencer L60
Buford Wolves Ashton McFadden R59
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano Gavin Wood L59
Wahoos Baseball Brandon Prom R58
Wahoos Baseball Sawyer Swift R58