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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Zt Elite Nava Keon Johnson R85
Scorpions Team EASTON Isaac Robles R85
Wildcatters - Rusk Jaylen Walker R85
Zt Elite Nava Jaylen Walker R85
Dallas Tigers - Miller Colton Patton R83
Zt Elite Nava Landyn Pohler R83
Dallas Tigers - Miller Zander Montgomery R82
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Carson Morton R82
Dallas Tigers-Houston Nolan Thorp R82
Houston Bengals 14u -Carter Luke Chehresa R81
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Judson Dowell R81
Texas Twelve 2026 Black Judson Dowell R81
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Gavin Garcia R81
Pride 14U Owen Horrell R81
Texas Twelve 14u Maroon Landry Mendoza R81
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Ian Bailey R80
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Dawson Hinson R80
Zt Elite Nava John “Austin” Isom R80
Scorpions Team EASTON Mark Macklin R80
Scorpions Team EASTON Jackson Marshall L80
Dallas Tigers - Miller Hezekiah Rodriguez R80
EPA 14u Gold Nathan Vallejo R80
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Michael Allen R79
Texas Twelve 14u Maroon Walker Anderson R79
Phenom 14u American Ashten Ballew R79
The Woodlands Scots Green Luke Sheeren R79
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Tyler Begeal R78
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Drake Bentke R78
Texas Twelve 14u Maroon Jordan Fowler R78
Texas Twelve 14u Maroon Kieran Gill L78
Scorpions Team EASTON Harper Heathcott L78
Phenom 14u American Ayden Leitz R78
The Woodlands Scots Green Jack Smejkal R78
Pride 14U Cutter Warren R78
Wildcatters - Bender Ashton Arredondo L77
Zt Elite Nava Ashton Arredondo L77
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Tate Campbell R77
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Drew Emery R77
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Nathan Eveler R77
Wildcatters - Rusk Nathan Eveler R77
Texas Twelve 2026 Black Bryce Nixon R77
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Bryce Nixon R77
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Caleb Simons R77
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Caden Stambolis R77
Scorpions Team EASTON Grant Stratta R77
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Ross Sullivan R77
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Hugh Wilhelm R77
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Tyler Covar R76
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Rhett Koudelka R76
Scorpions Team EASTON Noah Nieto R76
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Tyler Ramos R76
Texas Twelve 2026 Black Tyler Ramos R76
Wildcatters - Rusk Tyler Ramos R76
The Woodlands Scots Green Jack Simpson R76
EPA 14u Gold Brayden Stevenson R76
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Cooper Cortez R75
Zt Elite Nava Logan Johnson R75
14u Premier Baseball (Campos) Josh Livingston L75
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Alex Mayon R75
Texas Drillers 13u Logan Santos R75
Houston Bengals 14u -Carter Karson Schulz R75
Phenom 14u American Peyton Trummell L75
Ntx Tribe - Hudgins Benjamin Wright R75
14u Premier Baseball (Campos) Joseph Alegria R74
Fort Bend Texans Blue Zane Atkinson R74
Phenom 14u American Noah Cepeda R74
Phenom 14u Platinum Noah Cepeda R74
Pride 14U Chase Faust R74
The Woodlands Scots Green Colin Graham R74
Dallas Tigers-Houston Carter Hartman R74
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Ashton Hughes L74
Dallas Tigers - Miller Colton Laughery L74
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Devin Mayahi R74
Dallas Tigers - Miller Connor Perkins R74
Dallas Tigers - Miller Mick Randle R74
Zt Elite Nava Jacob Soliz R74
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Garrett Wright R74
Texas Twelve 14u Maroon William Barrett L73
Ntx Tribe - Hudgins Collin Brookman L73
The Woodlands Scots Green Elias Diaz R73
Fort Bend Texans Blue Langston Hogan R73
Ntx Tribe - Hudgins Matthew Hudgins R73
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Drew Mason R73
EPA 14u Gold Gavin Nabors R73
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Austin Romero R73
Phenom 14u American Evan Shedarowich R73
14u Premier Baseball (Campos) Garrett Wright R73
Texas Twelve 14u Maroon Jackson Zanolini R73
Texas Drillers 13u Samuel Arrendell L72
Phenom 14u American Aidan Bonacci R72
Zt Elite Chapa Jace Chaney L72
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Dereck Hernandez Gonzalez R72
Zt Elite Chapa Tyler Lavallier R72
Phenom 14u American Luke Logeman R72
The Woodlands Scots Green Dominick Moschitto R72
Houston Bengals 14u -Carter Nathan Patel R72
Scorpions Team EASTON Colton Sikes L72
Pride 14U Braxton Zeig R72
Texas Drillers 13u Blake Calnan L71
Texas Drillers 13u Luke Loving R71
Pride 14U Aiden McKinley R71
Texas Drillers 13u Dillon Norris R71
Fort Bend Texans Blue Austin Ortega R71
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Gabriel Saliba L71
EPA 14u Gold Kade Smith R71
14u Premier Baseball (Campos) Elias Hernandez R70
Pride 14U Channing Howatt R70
Texas Drillers 13u Andrew Lim R70
Ntx Tribe - Hudgins Braxton Reese R70
EPA 14u Gold Jake Ross L70
Zt Elite Chapa David Sandoval R70
14u Premier Baseball (Campos) Wade Thompson R70
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Danny Villarreal R70
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Corey Wilson R70
Dallas Tigers-Houston Patrick Byrd R69
EPA 14u Gold Charley Goodwin R69
Pride 14U Carson Melder R69
Phenom 14u American Macoy Cudd L68
Ntx Tribe - Hudgins Finley Hambrick R68
Houston Bengals 14u -Carter Lance Lindroos R68
Scorpions Team EASTON Gavin Matthews R68
Zt Elite Chapa Darrian Parsley B68
14u Premier Baseball (Campos) Ethan Segura R68
Scorpions Team EASTON Hunter Slott L68
Texas Drillers 13u Truett Allen R67
Dallas Tigers-Houston Zachary Christie L67
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Aidan Moyers R67
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Dax Satterwhite R67
Houston Bengals 14u -Carter David Alanis R66
Zt Elite Chapa Seth Aliniece R66
Pride 14U Brooks Cornett R66
The Woodlands Scots Green Jack Fuller R66
Zt Elite Chapa Owen Scarborough R66
Zt Elite Chapa Preston Baham R65
EPA 14u Gold Keegan Campbell R65
South County Mavericks 14u Morris Jesse Reyes L65
Fort Bend Texans Blue Ethan Phillips R64
Zt Elite Chapa Aiden Chapa R63
Fort Bend Texans Blue John Reiser R60
Fort Bend Texans Blue Kaden Prior R58
Ntx Tribe - Hudgins Jai Saluja R56