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8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
Please note - teams playing at Lindsey Lyons on Saturday must park in back parking lot behind fields 10-13. Teams playing at Texas Lone star (This is not the RAC) It is the park before the RAC
Apr 6 - 7 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Alpha One 14u
34 Kayson Freiley 34 0 Rivalry 14u Young 4/7/2024
3 Haiden Scott 82 0 Rivalry 14u Young 4/7/2024
Banditos 14u Reynolds
25 Josue Flores 7 3 Rivalry 14u Young 4/5/2024
39 3 Renegades 14U White 4/5/2024
Total 46 6
23 Jacobi Stegman 62 6 Renegades 14U White 4/5/2024
5 Geovani Wade 60 9 Rivalry 14u Young 4/5/2024
Wyatt Baker 23 2 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/7/2024
21 Luke Cartwright 72 11 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/7/2024
7 3 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/7/2024
Total 79 14
3 Matthew Martinez 6 1 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/7/2024
41 Nathan Mosqueda 24 3 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/7/2024
39 Landon Pogue 3 10 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/7/2024
10 3 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/7/2024
Total 13 13
7 Mario Salinas 40 9 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/7/2024
BLBA 14u
Andrew Findling 0 9 Tsb 4/7/2024
Hayden Lemon 65 3 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/6/2024
Zander Uy 19 6 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/6/2024
0 3 Tsb 4/7/2024
Total 19 9
Dp - Texas Rebels (Red)
27 Tavin Desadier 65 9 West Columbia Oilers 4/6/2024
12 Evan Hildebrand 45 2 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/7/2024
9 Gregory Laseur 62 9 Fort Bend Texans White 4/6/2024
Fort Bend Texans White
24 Colton Brown 47 2 West Columbia Oilers 4/7/2024
6 Gabriel Depriest 32 1 West Columbia Oilers 4/7/2024
7 Wade Hoffman 60 5 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/6/2024
2 Andy Hong 30 1 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/6/2024
22 Vijhay Lewis 27 4 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/6/2024
6 2 West Columbia Oilers 4/7/2024
Total 33 6
15 Wyatt Loupe 27 2 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/6/2024
19 Dylan Roberson 19 4 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/6/2024
30 Aiden Terrones 8 1 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/6/2024
Ft. Bend Outlaws
32 Luke Garcia 28 3 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/7/2024
7 Casey Lawson 58 5 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/7/2024
19 Emanuel Reyes 22 1 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/7/2024
4 Justin Riebschlager 15 3 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/7/2024
Gladiator Katy Red
7 Elijah Farray 57 11 Houston Thunder 14u 4/6/2024
14 Vincent Leaumont 55 9 Sta-Mo Storm 14u 4/6/2024
16 Benjamin Macgregor 56 6 Southbelt Express 4/7/2024
13 Aaden Nash 28 1 Houston Thunder 14u 4/6/2024
23 Addison Smego 23 3 Southbelt Express 4/7/2024
0 Grant Templeton 13 3 Sta-Mo Storm 14u 4/6/2024
0 4 Sta-Mo Storm 14u 4/7/2024
Total 13 7
6 Drake Thompson 15 0 Sta-Mo Storm 14u 4/6/2024
34 Chet Vacek 29 1 Sta-Mo Storm 14u 4/7/2024
Houston Angels 13u
6 Jaiden Hernandez 47 9 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/7/2024
15 Marxalus Peoples 45 6 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/7/2024
Houston Heat 14u Bossello
Preston Cole 28 3 West Columbia Oilers 4/6/2024
16 3 Bba 4/7/2024
Total 44 6
Jaxson Derouen 12 3 Fort Bend Texans White 4/6/2024
37 3 Bba 4/7/2024
Total 49 6
34 Jeffrey Forsyth 11 0 West Columbia Oilers 4/6/2024
18 0 Bba 4/7/2024
Total 29 0
Kaiden Kaps 25 6 West Columbia Oilers 4/6/2024
22 3 Bba 4/7/2024
Total 47 9
11 Casey Newton 33 6 Fort Bend Texans White 4/6/2024
21 0 Bba 4/7/2024
Total 54 6
Houston Thunder 14u
Sebastian Andon 17 3 Gladiator Katy Red 4/6/2024
10 3 Southbelt Express 4/6/2024
Total 27 6
Gabriel Hernandez 40 9 Southbelt Express 4/6/2024
Wesley Jaeger 67 8 Gladiator Katy Red 4/6/2024
Marlo Jolliff 13 1 Gladiator Katy Red 4/6/2024
Houston Warriors-Silver
Liam Svoboda 14 3 Texas Bluechips 14u Navy 4/6/2024
Angel Tapia 0 15 Sta-Mo Storm 14u 4/7/2024
Sam Vincent 79 12 Texas Bluechips 14u Navy 4/6/2024
Lynx 14u- C. Marches
10 Ethan Hunt 48 6 Southbelt Express 4/7/2024
OPA JAYS - Cerny
Dylan Barbato 12 0 Renegades 14U White 4/7/2024
Austin Chavis 65 6 Renegades 14U White 4/5/2024
Luca Curci 7 2 Rivalry 14u Young 4/5/2024
84 14 Renegades 14U White 4/7/2024
Total 91 16
Connor Koma 23 4 Renegades 14U White 4/5/2024
20 2 Renegades 14U White 4/7/2024
Total 43 6
Henry Reynolds 40 3 Rivalry 14u Young 4/5/2024
Ethan Robert 20 1 Rivalry 14u Young 4/5/2024
5 2 Renegades 14U White 4/7/2024
Total 25 3
78 12 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/7/2024
Total 103 15
Cohen Rogerson 35 3 Renegades 14U White 4/5/2024
Renegades 14U White
6 Caleb Arb 27 33 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
11 Michel Arb 48 3 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/5/2024
38 7 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/7/2024
Total 86 10
98 Mario Castellanos 10 0 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
16 Esteban Hinojosa 15 0 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
10 Logan Kessler 39 6 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/5/2024
65 8 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/7/2024
Total 104 14
64 Andre Rivas 11 3 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
12 1 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/7/2024
Total 23 4
16 Ricardo Urbanich 33 3 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/5/2024
Rivalry 14u Young
Logan Beatty 81 10 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
21 Daniel Leander 22 2 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/5/2024
Gauge Martin 8 1 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
19 1 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/5/2024
Total 27 2
Sawyer Martin 46 3 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/5/2024
Caiden McCain 71 12 Alpha One 14u 4/7/2024
Benjamin Schreiber 81 10 Banditos 14u Reynolds 4/5/2024
Riverside Bulls
Landon Krenek 39 3 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/6/2024
Cooper Lawson 33 6 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/6/2024
Wyatt Leopold 39 6 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/6/2024
Gage Morton 39 6 Tsb 4/6/2024
Carson Todd 26 6 Tsb 4/6/2024
Sienna Knights - Winters
9 William Brendel 73 12 Riverside Bulls 4/6/2024
3 Jefferson Pettit 21 1 Bba 4/7/2024
32 6 Houston Angels 13u 4/7/2024
Total 53 7
35 Michael Ramirez 11 3 Riverside Bulls 4/6/2024
80 12 Houston Angels 13u 4/7/2024
Total 91 15
27 Angel Vasquez 90 15 Houston Thunder 14u 4/7/2024
34 Willis Winters 0 15 Tsb 4/6/2024
Southbelt Express
5 Noah Celedon 12 2 Lynx 14u- C. Marches 4/7/2024
13 1 Gladiator Katy Red 4/7/2024
Total 25 3
4 Anthony Chapa 70 6 Gladiator Katy Red 4/7/2024
42 Caleb Johnson 9 1 Lynx 14u- C. Marches 4/7/2024
34 Adan Lopez 46 6 Houston Thunder 14u 4/6/2024
99 Wolfgang Montes 33 3 Houston Thunder 14u 4/6/2024
30 Kolby Stubblefield 76 11 Lynx 14u- C. Marches 4/7/2024
Sta-Mo Storm 14u
Ethan Caraway 39 4 Southbelt Express 4/6/2024
20 Brayden Christopher 9 3 Southbelt Express 4/6/2024
11 Landon Christopher 27 6 Gladiator Katy Red 4/6/2024
23 Jayden Douglas 6 9 Southbelt Express 4/6/2024
25 3 Houston Warriors-Silver 4/7/2024
Total 31 12
Judah Edomobi 0 8 Gladiator Katy Red 4/7/2024
7 Laithan Jones 9 0 Southbelt Express 4/6/2024
40 Jayden Newhouse 25 3 Gladiator Katy Red 4/6/2024
75 12 Houston Warriors-Silver 4/7/2024
Total 100 15
Isaiah Ukpe 41 3 Gladiator Katy Red 4/6/2024
0 1 Gladiator Katy Red 4/7/2024
Total 41 4
Texas Bluechips 14u Blue
Caleb Bornscheuer 16 6 Ft. Bend Outlaws 4/7/2024
54 5 West Columbia Oilers 4/7/2024
Total 70 11
Liam Burke 41 6 Ft. Bend Outlaws 4/7/2024
Rogers Hughes 4 1 BLBA 14u 4/6/2024
Maximus Loya 37 4 West Columbia Oilers 4/7/2024
Stephen Sanchez 27 3 BLBA 14u 4/6/2024
Texas Bluechips 14u Navy
Hunter Featherly 17 3 Houston Warriors-Silver 4/6/2024
31 6 OPA JAYS - Cerny 4/7/2024
Total 48 9
Shawn Greenville 38 6 14u Cruz Baseball 4/7/2024
58 12 Riverside Bulls 4/7/2024
Total 96 18
Kyle Guillot 20 0 Houston Warriors-Silver 4/6/2024
26 3 Riverside Bulls 4/7/2024
Total 46 3
Julian Robinson 45 6 Houston Warriors-Silver 4/6/2024
Julian Trainor 28 6 Houston Warriors-Silver 4/6/2024
31 6 14u Cruz Baseball 4/7/2024
Total 59 12
Jonathan Davis 31 5 Riverside Bulls 4/6/2024
Andrew Evans 0 15 Sienna Knights - Winters 4/6/2024
Connor Jones 58 7 Riverside Bulls 4/6/2024
Asher King 59 15 BLBA 14u 4/7/2024
Usa Prime Houston North 14u - Russell
7 Jafet Beltran 21 6 Rivalry 14u Young 4/7/2024
3 Wyatt Mosley 26 2 Rivalry 14u Young 4/7/2024
West Columbia Oilers
12 Baylor Brown 23 3 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/6/2024
14 3 Fort Bend Texans White 4/7/2024
Total 37 6
6 Hunter Cain 57 9 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/6/2024
36 Clayton Macon 27 3 Houston Heat 14u Bossello 4/6/2024
0 2 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/7/2024
Total 27 5
22 Keegan McGrael 0 6 Texas Bluechips 14u Blue 4/7/2024
33 6 Fort Bend Texans White 4/7/2024
Total 33 12
10 Cayden Stewart 19 0 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/6/2024
11 Weston Stewart 38 4 Dp - Texas Rebels (Red) 4/6/2024