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All tournaments are first pay/first play. If the tournament fills prior to the payment deadline, and you have not submitted payment, your team may be waitlisted. Full payment is due by 06/10 at 5:00pm to secure your spot in the tournament. Partial payments do NOT secure your spot. If payment is not made prior to the listed deadline, your team will be waitlisted.

Rosters must be completed and waivers must be signed by 06/14 at 5:00pm. If you are having trouble with uploading your roster, please contact the director.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u National Baseball Academy Tx
7 Zach Barnes 40 6 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/15/2024
76 12 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/16/2024
Total 116 18
17 Roger De La Cruz 38 3 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/15/2024
28 6 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/16/2024
Total 66 9
32 6 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/16/2024
Total 98 15
34 Marco Lopez 33 6 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/15/2024
44 Colt Morris 42 9 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/15/2024
30 2 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/16/2024
Total 72 11
23 Jonathan Muratalla 44 7 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/16/2024
52 8 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/16/2024
Total 96 15
12 Sebastian Redwine 50 5 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/16/2024
Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber
Aiden ACOSTA 29 4 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/16/2024
0 Kaeden Bell 45 6 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 6/15/2024
92 15 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/16/2024
Total 137 21
0 Everett Gerber 43 6 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 6/15/2024
54 9 Frisco Riders - Buchanan 6/16/2024
Total 97 15
0 Cooper Pappas 52 3 Frisco Riders - Buchanan 6/15/2024
61 8 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/16/2024
Total 113 11
0 Owen Pead 22 1 Frisco Riders - Buchanan 6/15/2024
0 Ysa Sauceda 16 2 Frisco Riders - Buchanan 6/15/2024
5 3 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/16/2024
Total 21 5
Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes
28 Strant Ellis 53 2 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/16/2024
36 Bryce Hixon 93 10 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/15/2024
55 Cade Hixon 65 15 Sunnyvale Raiders-Whittington 6/15/2024
53 Trevor Reinert 15 0 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/15/2024
87 10 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/16/2024
Total 102 10
Frisco Riders - Buchanan
27 Logan Brown 16 0 Oklahoma Shockers 6/15/2024
5 Cristiano Romero 66 9 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/15/2024
9 Gabriel Sandoval 38 2 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
3 Charlie Schneller 64 5 Oklahoma Shockers 6/15/2024
20 Eric Stevenson 38 2 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
21 Gavin Thompson 40 4 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
North Texas Longhorns - Zamora
4 Henry (Max) Bond 48 2 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/15/2024
10 Jacob Culverhouse 26 4 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/15/2024
5 Brady Foster 7 2 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
29 Stran Hartman 16 1 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
3 Mateo Hernandez 74 12 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
2 Brody Needham 27 3 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/15/2024
5 Cole Vest 69 9 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/15/2024
0 0 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/15/2024
Total 69 9
Ntx Elite Altobelli
Dax Bellamy 19 0 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/15/2024
Hayden Cavin 8 3 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/15/2024
65 15 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 73 18
Nicholas De La Luz 33 6 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 6/15/2024
60 15 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 6/16/2024
Total 93 21
Connor Nash 23 2 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/15/2024
Micah Rawley 7 2 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/15/2024
Davin Swehla 28 3 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 6/15/2024
31 2 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 59 5
Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield
56 William Kennehan 38 6 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/15/2024
16 2 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 54 8
9 Ethan Koeth 64 8 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
20 Ryan Meehan 39 6 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/15/2024
1 3 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 40 9
29 Jay Miller 47 5 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 6/15/2024
5 Marshall Pickens 22 3 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 6/15/2024
23 3 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 45 6
Oklahoma Shockers
Noah Duarte 39 6 Frisco Riders - Buchanan 6/15/2024
Hunter McCuddy 24 3 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 6/15/2024
Brodie Smith 75 8 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/16/2024
Damon Smith 27 3 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 6/15/2024
Conner Vasquez 47 5 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 6/15/2024
Red River 2028 | Baldwin
34 Langston Douglas 21 4 Sunnyvale Raiders-Whittington 6/15/2024
12 Jordan Grills 22 1 Sunnyvale Raiders-Whittington 6/15/2024
27 Ayden Harris 25 3 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/15/2024
22 Jackson Kegerreis 57 8 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/16/2024
99 Drew Lingmann 11 2 Sunnyvale Raiders-Whittington 6/15/2024
40 3 Usa Prime 14u Cole 6/16/2024
Total 51 5
10 Jakob Shepard 29 6 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/15/2024
20 Hobie Thinnes 13 1 Sunnyvale Raiders-Whittington 6/15/2024
7 Joseph Tirona 17 2 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/15/2024
Sunnyvale Raiders-Whittington
3 Matthew Crockett 32 3 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/15/2024
88 Shiloh Evans 21 6 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/15/2024
0 Slayte Hathcock 35 3 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/15/2024
77 Alexander Hernandez 38 6 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/15/2024
99 Kyler Langley 38 6 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/15/2024
Texas Rattlers - Weisz
29 Kyle Jimenez 15 3 Oklahoma Shockers 6/15/2024
4 Hudson Lee 25 4 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/15/2024
19 Travis Nickles 43 5 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/15/2024
31 1 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/16/2024
Total 74 6
3 Donovan Spencer 19 3 Oklahoma Shockers 6/15/2024
27 5 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/16/2024
Total 46 8
9 Jack Weaver 24 3 Oklahoma Shockers 6/15/2024
28 3 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/16/2024
Total 52 6
33 Joshua Weisz 13 3 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/15/2024
59 Sawyer Wurman 11 3 Oklahoma Shockers 6/15/2024
27 Ishaan Bose 41 4 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 6/16/2024
Cole Boylan 22 3 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/16/2024
24 Everett Burky 49 9 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
17 3 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/16/2024
Total 66 12
30 Eli Deutsch 26 6 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/15/2024
15 1 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/15/2024
Total 41 7
16 0 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
Total 57 7
5 Sawyer Free 58 6 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/15/2024
47 6 Cardinals Baseball 14u Gerber 6/16/2024
Total 105 12
59 5 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/16/2024
Total 164 17
Zach Jimerson 16 1 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/15/2024
6 1 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/15/2024
Total 22 2
Seth Von Lehmden 8 2 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/15/2024
70 11 Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom 6/16/2024
Total 78 13
Usa Prime 14u Cole
24 Nicolas Del Muro 8 3 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/15/2024
61 6 Oklahoma Shockers 6/16/2024
Total 69 9
15 2 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 84 11
1 Luke Furr 40 7 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/15/2024
44 Grayson Kirk 32 9 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/15/2024
20 4 Oklahoma Shockers 6/16/2024
Total 52 13
7 Luke Morris 40 8 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
10 Miles Rodriguez 29 2 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/15/2024
4 3 Oklahoma Shockers 6/16/2024
Total 33 5
50 4 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/16/2024
Total 83 9
5 Cason Van Noy 37 9 14u National Baseball Academy Tx 6/15/2024
55 12 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/16/2024
Total 92 21
Usa Prime Dfw Wisdom
14 Carter Knabe 56 5 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/15/2024
3 Michael Malchow 31 2 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/15/2024
9 Dean Railing 96 15 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/16/2024
36 Rudy Sandoval 24 4 Ntx Tribe - Stubblefield 6/15/2024
7 Landon Thetford 16 6 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/15/2024
1 AJ Vest 18 1 Ntx Elite Altobelli 6/15/2024