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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Arkansas Capitals
22 Brantley Brown 44 8 Fury Baseball Club 3/23/2024
13 3 Canes Se 12u - Cook 3/24/2024
Total 57 11
13 3 EBC 12u-Haley 3/24/2024
Total 70 14
1 Cayman Campbell 44 1 EBC 12u-Peet 3/23/2024
23 Jett Carter 81 9 Canes Se 12u - Cook 3/24/2024
7 Gatlin Davis 55 6 EBC 12u-Peet 3/23/2024
50 Aiden Douglas 26 1 EBC 12u-Peet 3/23/2024
14 Lakyn Frames 69 11 EBC 12u-Haley 3/24/2024
9 Harrison Turner 27 3 Fury Baseball Club 3/23/2024
Batters Box 11u AAA
22 Aiden Adams 19 6 Brewers 3/23/2024
44 5 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
Total 63 11
51 Amos Fisher 40 5 EBC 12u-Peet 3/22/2024
1 Case Hankins 27 6 EBC 12u-Peet 3/22/2024
27 Sawyer Kennedy 16 0 EBC 12u-Peet 3/22/2024
23 Kadin Nutall 15 3 Brewers 3/23/2024
13 3 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
Total 28 6
5 Parker White 50 5 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
Batters Box White 12U
44 John Ballard 25 3 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
21 3 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
Total 46 6
11 Brandon Decatur 43 1 EBC 12u-Haley 3/22/2024
48 6 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
Total 91 7
15 3 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
Total 106 10
21 Collin McKenzie 33 2 EBC 12u-Haley 3/22/2024
45 Gavin Snyder 55 6 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
Big League Wildcats 12u Red
6 Blake Bobbitt 60 10 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
11 Blake Burton 51 6 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
24 Myles Crawford 64 11 Fury Baseball Club 3/22/2024
33 Alex Stone 67 14 Canes Se 12u - Cook 3/23/2024
1 Easton Witt 44 5 Fury Baseball Club 3/22/2024
9 Andrew Bowlan 57 9 EBC 12u-Haley 3/22/2024
3 Ryland Carver 65 2 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
28 Dylan Cooper 8 0 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/23/2024
7 Austen Hassetine 33 2 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/23/2024
23 Maddox Ralph 17 0 EBC 12u-Haley 3/22/2024
18 Weston Schultz 37 3 EBC 12u-Haley 3/22/2024
27 4 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
Total 64 7
21 Harrison Umansky 37 2 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
6 Jack White 57 6 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/23/2024
Canes Se 12u - Cook
27 Jacob Albright 21 6 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/23/2024
80 7 Arkansas Capitals 3/24/2024
Total 101 13
25 Clay Brewer 44 4 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/23/2024
6 Oakley Burnett 0 0 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024
44 Will Bailey Reid 64 9 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024
36 Grant Summerford 7 0 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024
26 Ridgely Walls 22 2 Arkansas Capitals 3/24/2024
2 Garrett Williams 23 1 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024
42 5 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/23/2024
Total 65 6
EBC 12u-Haley
5 Conner Allison 40 6 Batters Box White 12U 3/22/2024
18 4 Arkansas Capitals 3/24/2024
Total 58 10
14 3 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 72 13
4 Cooper Allison 18 0 Brewers 3/22/2024
76 12 Arkansas Capitals 3/24/2024
Total 94 12
18 Murphy Owen 81 18 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
7 Will Thompson 23 2 Brewers 3/22/2024
13 0 Batters Box White 12U 3/22/2024
Total 36 2
9 Clay Ware 69 9 Brewers 3/22/2024
EBC 12u-Peet
13 Hunter Brigance 20 0 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/22/2024
4 Ryan Britt 37 3 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
12 Easton Doss 27 2 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/22/2024
16 Haston Fields 15 3 Brewers 3/24/2024
10 Brady Harris 63 7 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/24/2024
11 Gage Kiestler 48 8 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/22/2024
28 3 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
Total 76 11
7 Maddox Margeson 3 1 Arkansas Capitals 3/23/2024
15 2 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/24/2024
Total 18 3
3 Ford Pigg 36 1 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/22/2024
30 6 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/24/2024
Total 66 7
19 Joshua Romine 17 3 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
15 Harrison Weatherford 43 9 Brewers 3/24/2024
0 0 Batters Box 11u AAA 3/24/2024
Total 43 9
2 Bonner Wilson 66 7 Arkansas Capitals 3/23/2024
Fury Baseball Club
Kaycee Canter 39 5 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/22/2024
56 9 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
Total 95 14
0 Eli Dantzler 51 3 Arkansas Capitals 3/23/2024
51 7 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
Total 102 10
10 Ken'Narius Johnson 0 0 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
5 Davis Kimbrough 27 5 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/22/2024
13 1 Arkansas Capitals 3/23/2024
Total 40 6
38 9 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/24/2024
Total 78 15
99 Jayden Lucas 30 1 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/22/2024
72 7 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 102 8
0 Quinn Moran 17 3 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/22/2024
62 9 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
Total 79 12
4 Khai Smith 11 1 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/22/2024
8 2 EBC 12u-Peet 3/24/2024
Total 19 3
37 7 Big League Wildcats 12u Red 3/24/2024
Total 56 10
48 James Wallace 74 8 Arkansas Capitals 3/23/2024
28 4 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 102 12
Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt
12 Ashton Crout 49 8 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
48 8 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/24/2024
Total 97 16
3 Jace Forbes 4 3 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/24/2024
59 9 EBC 12u-Haley 3/24/2024
Total 63 12
28 Oliver Hansen 28 3 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
5 William Hughes 65 7 Canes Se 12u - Cook 3/23/2024
17 Luke McKee 22 6 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
Kaden Yarbro 44 11 EBC 12u-Haley 3/24/2024
37 6 Fury Baseball Club 3/24/2024
Total 81 17
4 Jackson Yount 23 3 Canes Se 12u - Cook 3/23/2024
45 9 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/24/2024
Total 68 12
Swing Check Baseball 11u White
19 Banks Butler 38 6 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
20 1 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 58 7
2 Halton Darby 51 7 Batters Box White 12U 3/23/2024
10 1 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 61 8
23 Bryce Maddox 40 6 Batters Box White 12U 3/23/2024
5 Lane Trevathan 17 5 Batters Box White 12U 3/23/2024
42 8 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
Total 59 13
11 Cannon West 16 0 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 3/23/2024
32 3 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 48 3
12 Case West 31 6 Batters Box White 12U 3/23/2024
24 1 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
Total 55 7
17 Knox White 67 12 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/24/2024
West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr
24 Kyler Alsip 64 10 Fury Baseball Club 3/23/2024
6 Carter Bell 16 3 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
3 Weston Hinz 13 3 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024
2 1 Fury Baseball Club 3/23/2024
Total 15 4
4 Wyatt Manley 55 4 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024
23 Banks Orr 28 6 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
39 6 Fury Baseball Club 3/23/2024
Total 67 12
7 Knox Stone 53 6 Swing Check Baseball 11u White 3/23/2024
0 Gavin Webb 71 4 Memphis Tigers 12u Fyt 3/23/2024