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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Farm Team
2 Dylan Belanger 7 0 St. George Baseball 6/9/2024
Jaxson Christofferson-Ables 23 1 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/8/2024
1 Jackson Cosca 24 3 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
8 Lucas Engen 49 8 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/8/2024
24 Hudson Figles 31 8 Rawlings Tigers Velo 14u 6/8/2024
58 7 St. George Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 89 15
27 Ethan Gribbin 44 6 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/8/2024
35 9 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
Total 79 15
15 Krew Jarvis 15 2 St. George Baseball 6/9/2024
17 Elijah Ruiz 34 5 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
23 Colten Schmidt 23 4 Rawlings Tigers Velo 14u 6/8/2024
27 2 St. George Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 50 6
3 Griffin Stewart 35 4 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u
33 Landon Borg 76 12 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
Cole Cassidy 2 1 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/9/2024
13 Rocco DeGrazia 18 4 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
44 Kien Gerboc-Chun 44 6 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
11 Max Krautstrunk 12 0 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
Max Mayo 87 20 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/9/2024
73 Quinten Miranda 58 15 Vegas Strong Baseball 6/8/2024
0 Jackson Oceguera 68 8 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
72 Alex Vu 24 6 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
GBG Utah
8 Brogan Coop 89 15 Pure Baseball Titans 6/8/2024
9 Jake Hadley 52 8 Scottsdale Bombers 14u 6/8/2024
52 12 Pono Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 104 20
78 Santos Marin 30 3 Pono Baseball 6/9/2024
91 Dav'Ion Meadows 40 8 Scottsdale Bombers 14u 6/8/2024
Gbg Vegas
Michael Bergin 93 21 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/9/2024
Chase Clarino 23 6 Rawlings Tigers Velo 14u 6/8/2024
Kalin Laesch 37 9 Rawlings Tigers Velo 14u 6/8/2024
63 11 Pono Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 100 20
Yael Machado 54 14 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/9/2024
Andres Matheus 42 6 Knights Elite Black Lv 6/8/2024
60 10 Pono Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 102 16
Henderson High Heat
4 Gavin Gottschall 59 10 Pono Baseball 6/8/2024
24 Noah Henneman 24 6 Farm Team 6/9/2024
9 Izaiah Herrera 84 21 Vegas Strong Baseball 6/9/2024
Caleb Piehler 89 12 Farm Team 6/9/2024
2 Logan Silverman 57 11 Pono Baseball 6/8/2024
51 Liam Wells 67 15 Scottsdale Bombers 14u 6/8/2024
Knights Elite Black Lv
13 Ryder Creighton 65 13 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/9/2024
22 Eron Galvan 51 9 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
55 Cruz Johnson 27 6 Farm Team 6/8/2024
18 5 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/9/2024
Total 45 11
24 Jaxson McMullin 29 6 Farm Team 6/8/2024
2 Carson Redford 32 8 Gbg Vegas 6/8/2024
3 Reese Robinson 39 3 Farm Team 6/8/2024
33 Ryder Schuette 41 4 Gbg Vegas 6/8/2024
Pono Baseball
9 Zaiyah Barrozo 20 4 Henderson High Heat 6/8/2024
75 12 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
Total 95 16
12 Kai Carreras 39 6 Pure Baseball Titans 6/8/2024
18 4 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
Total 57 10
42 Thomas Noland 67 6 GBG Utah 6/9/2024
27 5 Gbg Vegas 6/9/2024
Total 94 11
15 Isaiah Poloa 99 16 Henderson High Heat 6/8/2024
41 Kendrick-Allen Stevens 25 9 Pure Baseball Titans 6/8/2024
72 12 GBG Utah 6/9/2024
Total 97 21
Pure Baseball Titans
2 Davin Brady 34 3 GBG Utah 6/8/2024
26 Carlos Cosme 29 3 GBG Utah 6/8/2024
3 1 Pono Baseball 6/8/2024
Total 32 4
1 Joseph Gallo 59 7 GBG Utah 6/8/2024
27 Jadon Noriega 81 14 Pono Baseball 6/8/2024
5 Benson Ornelas 62 14 Rawlings Tigers Velo 14u 6/9/2024
23 Kyler Vroman 76 11 Scottsdale Bombers 14u 6/9/2024
Rawlings Tigers Velo 14u
10 Carson Bowcutt 93 10 Gbg Vegas 6/8/2024
4 Izaiah Fabela 10 1 Gbg Vegas 6/8/2024
10 Oliver Walter 55 9 Pure Baseball Titans 6/9/2024
1 Bridger Wilde 64 6 Farm Team 6/8/2024
13 Ryker Woodruff 40 5 Pure Baseball Titans 6/9/2024
28 Keegan Worthen 52 6 Farm Team 6/8/2024
Scottsdale Bombers 14u
21 Jackson Amine 76 12 GBG Utah 6/8/2024
48 Lucas Hull 83 12 Henderson High Heat 6/8/2024
36 3 Pure Baseball Titans 6/9/2024
Total 119 15
29 Zach Newhouse 17 3 GBG Utah 6/8/2024
61 7 Pure Baseball Titans 6/9/2024
Total 78 10
9 Luke Patton 23 2 Henderson High Heat 6/8/2024
7 Kaleb Sam 15 2 Pure Baseball Titans 6/9/2024
4 Gunnar Schmella 22 0 Henderson High Heat 6/8/2024
4 Porter Weik 4 0 Henderson High Heat 6/8/2024
Southern Nevada Baseball
RJ Aguilar 45 4 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
Carsten Duffy 42 6 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
Cohen Fuller 37 6 Vegas Strong Baseball 6/8/2024
30 6 St. George Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 67 12
Gage Gandy 35 9 Vegas Strong Baseball 6/8/2024
Max Mayo 44 4 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
Landon Works 2 1 St. George Baseball 6/8/2024
73 12 St. George Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 75 13
St. George Baseball
4 Jack Boyer 6 1 Southern Nevada Baseball 6/9/2024
Kolten Duwel 65 11 Southern Nevada Baseball 6/8/2024
44 Reggie Ence 17 3 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024
89 20 Southern Nevada Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 106 23
2 Palmer Hafen 36 3 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024
20 Cody Ruffell 28 3 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024
29 Kash Sissener 58 12 Farm Team 6/9/2024
Hudson Wright 17 3 Southern Nevada Baseball 6/8/2024
95 Jamon Yates 42 9 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024
Vegas Strong Baseball
3 Elijah Agee 17 3 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
7 Sebastian Barraza 39 6 Southern Nevada Baseball 6/8/2024
48 7 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
Total 87 13
14 Kaleb Keao 69 8 Henderson High Heat 6/9/2024
71 Damian Lucero 37 6 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024
49 Christopher Saracho 28 1 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024
Cole Steiner 63 9 Southern Nevada Baseball 6/8/2024
11 Connor Steiner 39 6 Flyin Hawaiian Baseball 14u 6/8/2024