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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Canes West Futures
Evan Barker 34 5 LVR 10U 3/28/2024
Evan Bowers 25 3 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/29/2024
Nicolas Garcia 36 5 Utah Gunners 3/29/2024
51 Hudson Hoffman 26 6 San Diego Show Blue 3/28/2024
6 2 Utah Gunners 3/29/2024
Total 32 8
Rory McPhee 54 9 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/29/2024
Cruz Moran 44 4 LVR 10U 3/28/2024
Ethan Murphy 60 9 San Diego Show Blue 3/28/2024
James Rash 50 7 Utah Gunners 3/29/2024
Glendora Bulldogs
8 Chase Banares 35 6 ZT National Prospects 3/28/2024
11 3 Punishers 3/29/2024
Total 46 9
11 1 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/29/2024
Total 57 10
11 Jackson Ochoa 44 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/29/2024
14 Henry Ojeda 28 0 San Diego Show Black 3/28/2024
32 3 Punishers 3/29/2024
Total 60 3
31 Victor Peinado, Jr. 38 6 ZT National Prospects 3/28/2024
64 5 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/29/2024
Total 102 11
6 Damian Rojo 22 3 San Diego Show Black 3/28/2024
42 Abel Sandoval 22 6 San Diego Show Black 3/28/2024
58 6 Punishers 3/29/2024
Total 80 12
Golden Spikes Baseball
0 Tahj Field 34 5 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/28/2024
27 6 San Diego Show Black 3/29/2024
Total 61 11
23 Kason Grant 32 6 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/29/2024
0 Payton Hinsen 45 3 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/28/2024
4 Brooks McFarland 59 9 San Diego Show Black 3/29/2024
16 Maximus Santistevan 27 3 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/28/2024
28 3 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/28/2024
Total 55 6
22 Jacob Smoot 37 7 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/29/2024
0 Jacob Valencia 24 1 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/29/2024
62 7 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/29/2024
Total 86 8
Grind National
0 Nathan Bertram 44 6 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/28/2024
48 6 LVR 10U 3/29/2024
Total 92 12
Easton English 43 9 Punishers 3/29/2024
Jaxon Johnson 34 3 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/28/2024
Tucker Morrison 32 3 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/28/2024
34 6 LVR 10U 3/29/2024
Total 66 9
Derek Perez 27 2 Punishers 3/29/2024
Gianni Quaranta 33 5 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/28/2024
23 2 LVR 10U 3/29/2024
Total 56 7
Jorge Rosas Jr 47 6 Punishers 3/29/2024
Declan Silverstein 20 0 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/28/2024
28 Nolan Barker 11 3 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/29/2024
10 Luke D'Ambrosio 29 4 Canes West Futures 3/28/2024
6 Alex Flynt 12 1 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/30/2024
Owen Guzman 6 1 Canes West Futures 3/28/2024
34 Nolan Milton 26 6 Punishers 3/28/2024
76 12 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/30/2024
Total 102 18
17 TJ Newburg 37 6 Canes West Futures 3/28/2024
13 2 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/30/2024
Total 50 8
42 Everett Smith 55 14 Grind National 3/29/2024
7 Brayden Watters 6 3 Punishers 3/28/2024
29 1 Canes West Futures 3/28/2024
Total 35 4
63 8 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/29/2024
Total 98 12
2 Andrew Alexander 57 6 LVR 10U 3/29/2024
28 Bradley Boonyarit 26 6 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/28/2024
19 4 San Diego Show Black 3/30/2024
Total 45 10
13 Hunter Hamrick 47 7 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/29/2024
59 9 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/30/2024
Total 106 16
1 AJ Khan 52 5 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/28/2024
46 3 San Diego Show Black 3/30/2024
Total 98 8
3 Jaxon Knox 49 7 Utah Gunners 3/29/2024
41 9 ZT National Prospects 3/30/2024
Total 90 16
34 Ayden Maciel 33 5 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/29/2024
23 Armando Maciel Jr 37 5 Utah Gunners 3/29/2024
7 2 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/30/2024
Total 44 7
6 Ruben Magana 33 2 San Diego Show Black 3/30/2024
50 Aaron Uriostegui 48 6 LVR 10U 3/29/2024
31 4 ZT National Prospects 3/30/2024
Total 79 10
Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia
24 Cameron Banks 19 3 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/29/2024
20 Abraham Garcia 51 8 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/28/2024
18 Brandon Garcia 21 3 Grind National 3/28/2024
77 13 ZT National Prospects 3/30/2024
Total 98 16
1 1 Punishers 3/30/2024
Total 99 17
1 Jared Martinez 56 3 Glendora Bulldogs 3/29/2024
9 JASE MILLER 36 8 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/29/2024
67 11 Punishers 3/30/2024
Total 103 19
8 Brandon Simon Jr 12 2 ZT National Prospects 3/30/2024
2 Carson Skeens 35 6 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/28/2024
10 Cooper Swack 52 8 Grind National 3/28/2024
5 3 Punishers 3/30/2024
Total 57 11
28 Blake Thornton 2 1 Grind National 3/28/2024
31 5 Glendora Bulldogs 3/29/2024
Total 33 6
33 4 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/29/2024
Total 66 10
15 Mason Baker 64 12 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/30/2024
7 Jack Barnes 25 5 Grind National 3/29/2024
17 Jacen Chin 21 4 San Diego Show Blue 3/28/2024
2 Chase Clark 18 1 LVR 10U 3/28/2024
28 Valentin Garcia Iii 36 7 Glendora Bulldogs 3/29/2024
35 Joshua Hamilton 36 2 LVR 10U 3/28/2024
22 Jayson Lopez 16 3 Grind National 3/29/2024
23 Lewis Lopez 11 1 San Diego Show Blue 3/28/2024
45 9 Grind National 3/29/2024
Total 56 10
6 Abram Parnell 46 6 San Diego Show Blue 3/28/2024
16 0 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/30/2024
Total 62 6
19 Pedro Pineda 38 5 LVR 10U 3/28/2024
11 Madden Weeda 51 7 Glendora Bulldogs 3/29/2024
San Diego Show Black
34 Nathan Abarca 47 6 Utah Gunners 3/28/2024
30 1 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
Total 77 7
28 Ricardo Cobian 31 4 Utah Gunners 3/28/2024
8 Diego Espiritu 30 6 Glendora Bulldogs 3/28/2024
50 Darian James 52 9 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/29/2024
7 Miles McPherson, Jr 48 6 ZT National Prospects 3/29/2024
13 Quintin Medina 17 5 Glendora Bulldogs 3/28/2024
55 5 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
Total 72 10
17 Francisco Perez 51 9 ZT National Prospects 3/29/2024
23 Alejandro Rivera 21 1 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
2 Ivan Robles 54 9 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/29/2024
6 1 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
Total 60 10
San Diego Show Blue
27 Mason Guidi 52 10 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/29/2024
24 Austin Kelly 68 8 Punishers 3/28/2024
20 Liam Longley 45 6 Canes West Futures 3/28/2024
88 Landon Shaw 25 4 Punishers 3/28/2024
28 5 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/29/2024
Total 53 9
1 Jase Trujillo 21 3 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/29/2024
55 Boden Wellman 64 6 Canes West Futures 3/28/2024
21 Donovan Yeomans 60 6 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/29/2024
Texas Sun Devils 10u National
2 Gunnar Fox 49 9 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/29/2024
Trace Gulley 48 6 ZT National Prospects 3/29/2024
1 Sylas Hall 29 4 Grind National 3/28/2024
48 Michael Methena 18 0 Grind National 3/28/2024
84 Brody Pemberton 39 9 ZT National Prospects 3/29/2024
6 Connor Peters 14 5 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/29/2024
9 Maverick Powers 38 4 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/28/2024
10 Ryan Ragland 50 5 Grind National 3/28/2024
3 Pierce Teague 51 8 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/28/2024
Utah Gunners
Knox Bennett 6 3 San Diego Show Black 3/28/2024
27 4 ZT National Prospects 3/28/2024
Total 33 7
Ryder Conder 64 9 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/29/2024
Brady Hendry 46 3 San Diego Show Black 3/28/2024
Blake Jensen 38 5 ZT National Prospects 3/28/2024
25 3 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/29/2024
Total 63 8
Owen McCoy 47 4 San Diego Show Black 3/28/2024
Bennett Tucker 37 9 Canes West Futures 3/29/2024
Bubba Wilkes 32 6 Canes West Futures 3/29/2024
Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan
17 Sterling Crawford 37 5 San Diego Show Blue 3/29/2024
Levi Hasseman 52 5 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/28/2024
Blaine Kirschenbaum 12 1 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/28/2024
19 4 Canes West Futures 3/29/2024
Total 31 5
Ethan Markey 61 10 San Diego Show Blue 3/29/2024
Logan Mittlestat 18 3 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/28/2024
Ben Olech 73 8 Canes West Futures 3/29/2024
Jacob Sheep 41 4 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/28/2024
Weston Smith 20 1 Zt Prospects Ortiz 3/28/2024
Max Trosen 37 4 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/28/2024
ZT National Prospects
30 Alejandro Arcos 34 6 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/29/2024
35 9 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
Total 69 15
23 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/30/2024
Total 92 18
9 Ethan Chung 29 5 Glendora Bulldogs 3/28/2024
19 1 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/29/2024
Total 48 6
42 Thomas Coleman 32 7 Glendora Bulldogs 3/28/2024
13 Jake Daly 12 2 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/29/2024
2 Cash Gonzales 1 1 San Diego Show Black 3/29/2024
4 Aidan Lechuga 34 7 Utah Gunners 3/28/2024
40 James Meza 0 0 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/30/2024
17 Jacob Ornelas 33 7 San Diego Show Black 3/29/2024
50 Sebastian A. Perez 19 6 Texas Sun Devils 10u National 3/29/2024
30 6 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
Total 49 12
24 Johnny Sorian 40 8 San Diego Show Black 3/29/2024
67 12 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/30/2024
Total 107 20
1 Alan Uribe 33 5 Utah Gunners 3/28/2024
9 3 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/30/2024
Total 42 8
Zt Prospects Ortiz
14 Jake Gordon 37 3 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/28/2024
43 5 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/29/2024
Total 80 8
6 Zack Helsper 31 1 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/28/2024
56 10 Mvp/Hustle-Hooks 10u Garcia 3/29/2024
Total 87 11
9 Dylan Jones 34 3 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/28/2024
22 Dontay Kidd 49 6 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/28/2024
27 Ethan Llamas 15 3 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/28/2024
0 Kayden Lung 36 3 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/28/2024
8 Nicholas Pesqueda 10 2 Golden Spikes Baseball 3/28/2024
73 9 Mvp/Hustle-Casillas 3/30/2024
Total 83 11
24 Aaron Song 45 7 San Diego Show Blue 3/29/2024
13 Riley Wade 0 0 Warriors Baseball Club of Michigan 3/28/2024
7 2 San Diego Show Blue 3/29/2024
Total 7 2
15 Weston Watanabe 59 15 LVR 10U 3/30/2024
18 Sebastian Zamora 28 3 San Diego Show Blue 3/29/2024