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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 Baseball
25 Cooper Blanton 15 5 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
5 3 Pine Belt Regulators 6/6/2024
Total 20 8
44 Braydin Davis 32 3 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
21 4 Pine Belt Regulators 6/7/2024
Total 53 7
6 Miguel Fernandez Gallardo 25 1 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
54 6 Pine Belt Regulators 6/6/2024
Total 79 7
27 Caden Frank 47 4 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/4/2024
23 Auston Fugate 13 6 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/4/2024
34 8 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
Total 47 14
65 7 Pine Belt Regulators 6/7/2024
Total 112 21
3 Jaxen Fugate 42 2 Pine Belt Regulators 6/7/2024
1 Mayson Lang 27 6 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
45 Ellis Schaumburg 84 15 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/5/2024
LA Angels
20 Eli Boswell 23 7 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
42 6 Wfba 13u 6/7/2024
Total 65 13
17 Zachary Buss 38 3 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
79 9 Wfba 13u 6/7/2024
Total 117 12
11 Warner Edgeworth 29 4 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/5/2024
48 9 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/7/2024
Total 77 13
1 Caleb Feightner 35 4 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
58 8 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/6/2024
Total 93 12
8 Henry Harshberger 27 1 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
76 19 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/6/2024
Total 103 20
22 4 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/6/2024
Total 125 24
5 Warren Johnston 35 5 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/5/2024
2 Colton Lopasser 6 1 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
9 3 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/5/2024
Total 15 4
41 7 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
Total 56 11
33 Acker Luedecke 19 5 Plano Hurricanes 6/4/2024
20 2 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/6/2024
Total 39 7
9 Nate Putnam 39 6 Plano Hurricanes 6/4/2024
43 5 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/7/2024
Total 82 11
Pine Belt Regulators
8 Ethan Degeyter 16 1 643 Baseball 6/6/2024
14 Maliq Gray 31 5 643 Baseball 6/6/2024
Bryce Hammond 20 0 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
63 10 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/7/2024
Total 83 10
0 0 643 Baseball 6/7/2024
Total 83 10
11 Landon Hayes 26 3 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/4/2024
6 1 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
Total 32 4
20 1 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/5/2024
Total 52 5
27 4 643 Baseball 6/7/2024
Total 79 9
18 3 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/7/2024
Total 97 12
Andrew Jordan 29 6 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/4/2024
44 6 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/5/2024
Total 73 12
15 2 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
Total 88 14
Joshua McCarty 11 2 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/4/2024
17 4 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
Total 28 6
0 0 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/6/2024
Total 28 6
72 11 643 Baseball 6/7/2024
Total 100 17
35 Anderson Nicholas 25 2 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
70 12 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/6/2024
Total 95 14
Tyler Spencer 4 1 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
4 2 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/5/2024
Total 8 3
8 2 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/6/2024
Total 16 5
10 Levi Thompson 16 3 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/4/2024
19 0 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
Total 35 3
28 Angus Van Orsdol 19 1 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/4/2024
19 4 Plano Hurricanes 6/5/2024
Total 38 5
Plano Hurricanes
12 Andres Avila 68 6 Wfba 13u 6/4/2024
7 Brody Balda 51 6 643 Baseball 6/5/2024
2 Kyle Benz 33 4 LA Angels 6/4/2024
4 1 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/7/2024
Total 37 5
32 Sawyer Hensley 85 13 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/7/2024
6 Ford Hulcy 22 3 LA Angels 6/4/2024
60 Caleb Norris 21 2 LA Angels 6/4/2024
16 0 Wfba 13u 6/4/2024
Total 37 2
17 1 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/7/2024
Total 54 3
23 Luis Peña Iii 16 2 Wfba 13u 6/4/2024
1 Ethan Prickett 30 3 LA Angels 6/4/2024
9 Nicholas Roberts 73 8 Pine Belt Regulators 6/5/2024
67 10 643 Baseball 6/5/2024
Total 140 18
Red River 2028 | Elting
8 Caleb Busch 23 1 Pine Belt Regulators 6/4/2024
8 Kruz Chappell 34 7 Pine Belt Regulators 6/4/2024
35 3 Wfba 13u 6/7/2024
Total 69 10
99 Bryson Cross 10 3 LA Angels 6/6/2024
5 Aiden Curtis 23 4 LA Angels 6/5/2024
45 Gage Gibson 34 9 Wfba 13u 6/5/2024
12 0 Wfba 13u 6/7/2024
Total 46 9
0 Reid Hudson 55 10 LA Angels 6/5/2024
22 Colton Mora 35 5 643 Baseball 6/4/2024
16 6 LA Angels 6/6/2024
Total 51 11
44 12 Wfba 13u 6/7/2024
Total 95 23
24 Evan Plank 9 1 643 Baseball 6/4/2024
27 6 Wfba 13u 6/5/2024
Total 36 7
20 Hobie Thinnes 2 1 Pine Belt Regulators 6/4/2024
13 0 LA Angels 6/6/2024
Total 15 1
28 Blake Thompson 21 0 Wfba 13u 6/5/2024
0 0 LA Angels 6/6/2024
Total 21 0
14 Mason Webb 30 3 643 Baseball 6/4/2024
7 0 LA Angels 6/6/2024
Total 37 3
Red River 2028 | Nairn
5 Miles Buesing 34 4 LA Angels 6/4/2024
65 12 Pine Belt Regulators 6/6/2024
Total 99 16
13 Gavin Bump 20 0 Pine Belt Regulators 6/5/2024
0 0 643 Baseball 6/5/2024
Total 20 0
25 4 Plano Hurricanes 6/7/2024
Total 45 4
18 Everett Gidney 31 6 Wfba 13u 6/4/2024
3 1 LA Angels 6/4/2024
Total 34 7
72 11 Pine Belt Regulators 6/7/2024
Total 106 18
42 Charlie Holloway 20 1 Pine Belt Regulators 6/5/2024
51 12 Plano Hurricanes 6/7/2024
Total 71 13
13 Colby McDaniel 2 1 Wfba 13u 6/4/2024
15 3 643 Baseball 6/5/2024
Total 17 4
13 Brooks Morse 35 5 Wfba 13u 6/4/2024
15 2 Plano Hurricanes 6/7/2024
Total 50 7
18 3 Pine Belt Regulators 6/7/2024
Total 68 10
7 Ashton Nairn 63 9 643 Baseball 6/5/2024
3 Wade Olsen 20 4 LA Angels 6/4/2024
64 8 Pine Belt Regulators 6/5/2024
Total 84 12
Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder
11 Diego Alvarez 60 10 LA Angels 6/5/2024
0 Drew Baker 36 5 Pine Belt Regulators 6/4/2024
0 0 Wfba 13u 6/6/2024
Total 36 5
0 Tyler Daugherty 39 6 Pine Belt Regulators 6/4/2024
6 1 643 Baseball 6/4/2024
Total 45 7
16 3 LA Angels 6/7/2024
Total 61 10
8 Tyler Dickschat 71 6 Wfba 13u 6/5/2024
0 Weston Geismar 63 21 LA Angels 6/6/2024
0 Jonathan Goren 73 11 Wfba 13u 6/6/2024
25 Kai Hong 2 1 Pine Belt Regulators 6/4/2024
32 4 Wfba 13u 6/5/2024
Total 34 5
10 1 Wfba 13u 6/6/2024
Total 44 6
0 Noah Sullivan 45 7 643 Baseball 6/4/2024
76 12 LA Angels 6/7/2024
Total 121 19
0 Jackson Vacek 25 1 LA Angels 6/5/2024
0 Brody Walker 44 4 643 Baseball 6/4/2024
Wfba 13u
10 Henry Brown 33 4 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
58 7 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/6/2024
Total 91 11
89 Cullen Calametti 38 9 Plano Hurricanes 6/4/2024
0 0 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
Total 38 9
87 Daniel Clark 16 3 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
43 Drew Collins 21 2 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
56 5 LA Angels 6/7/2024
Total 77 7
2 Brock Davies 7 6 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/6/2024
3 Jett Jones 3 1 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
96 18 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/7/2024
Total 99 19
10 Carter McCullers 50 11 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
27 Maxx Miller 14 1 Red River 2028 | Elting 6/5/2024
99 Jeremiah Pilgrim 24 3 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
8 Nathan Polansky 21 2 Red River 2028 | Nairn 6/4/2024
55 8 LA Angels 6/7/2024
Total 76 10
17 Braxton Southern 81 12 Texas Oilers Nth 14u McGruder 6/5/2024