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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Shockers
7 Ty Alexander 50 9 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/29/2023
50 5 The Right Way Baseball 11u 5/1/2023
Total 100 14
10 Easton Baugh 12 3 Diamond Athletics 4/29/2023
55 11 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/30/2023
Total 67 14
17 Sloan Browning 6 3 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/29/2023
86 12 Gulf Coast Edge 4/30/2023
Total 92 15
12 Sawyer Croyle 19 3 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/29/2023
96 18 Diamond Athletics 4/30/2023
Total 115 21
9 Baylor Edge 37 3 Diamond Athletics 4/29/2023
1 Austin Hornbuckle 12 3 Diamond Athletics 4/29/2023
68 8 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
Total 80 11
13 Grant Lusk 38 7 Diamond Athletics 4/29/2023
7 3 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/30/2023
Total 45 10
14 Kingston Mitchell 20 2 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/29/2023
27 4 Gulf Coast Edge 4/30/2023
Total 47 6
Birmingham Stars
99 Willie Richards 49 9 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/29/2023
42 8 EBC 11u-Casey 4/30/2023
Total 91 17
9 Benton Tate 22 5 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
61 10 EBC 11u-Casey 4/30/2023
Total 83 15
3 Jackson Thomas 25 5 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
4 Kendan Thomas 61 9 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/29/2023
7 Connor Tubb 22 4 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
75 9 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
Total 97 13
55 Kellen Wade 19 3 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
27 3 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
Total 46 6
Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger
Braxton Butler 44 8 Fca Braves 4/29/2023
1 Noah Harbin 16 3 Valor 11u - Gold 4/29/2023
88 Grayson Ikard 22 0 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
12 Zane Powell 32 6 Valor 11u - Gold 4/29/2023
9 2 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
Total 41 8
9 Judson Watt 15 6 Valor 11u - Gold 4/29/2023
27 4 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
Total 42 10
4 Dylan Whorton 54 9 Fca Braves 4/29/2023
43 7 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
Total 97 16
Diamond Athletics
5 Kinsey Bruhmuller 73 11 5 Star Shockers 4/29/2023
10 Jude Crisler 12 3 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
35 Clay Decker 44 9 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/29/2023
0 0 5 Star Shockers 4/29/2023
Total 44 9
23 John Curry Lyons 39 9 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/29/2023
2 Jakob Martin 27 7 5 Star Shockers 4/29/2023
11 Rush Riley 78 14 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
EBC 11u-Casey
14 Brooks Bennett 58 9 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
8 Ellis Casey 52 6 Storm 11u 4/29/2023
23 Mayson Hall 23 1 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
13 Evan O'Brien 13 3 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
68 9 Birmingham Stars 4/30/2023
Total 81 12
7 Miller Susong 35 7 Storm 11u 4/29/2023
30 6 Birmingham Stars 4/30/2023
Total 65 13
1 John Payne Wilson 14 2 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
Fca Braves
9 Luke Eason 49 7 Valor 11u - Gold 4/30/2023
12 Tucker Hall 20 3 Valor 11u - Gold 4/29/2023
56 10 Valor 11u - Gold 4/30/2023
Total 76 13
5 Easton Hill 27 7 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/29/2023
13 Gavin Rogers 16 3 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/29/2023
32 Ty Townsend 35 8 Valor 11u - Gold 4/29/2023
2 Eli Welch 12 2 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/29/2023
Gulf Coast Edge
7 Wells Allen 62 10 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/29/2023
24 Cooper Lee 19 3 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
27 5 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
Total 46 8
13 1 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/30/2023
Total 59 9
14 Cooper Mason 65 11 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
5 Will May 35 8 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/29/2023
1 Wylder Musgrove 19 3 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
15 Beckett Peacock 14 3 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
80 13 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/30/2023
Total 94 16
2 Nolan Richardson 33 6 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
10 0 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/30/2023
Total 43 6
4 Wright Thompson 9 3 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/29/2023
Memphis Tigers - Clothier
16 Cole Carpenter 25 6 5 Star Shockers 4/29/2023
26 5 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
Total 51 11
12 Miles Miller 79 17 Diamond Athletics 4/29/2023
44 Quinn Moran 66 10 5 Star Shockers 4/29/2023
24 Woodrow Smith 63 9 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u
44 Christian Baker 49 8 Gulf Coast Edge 4/30/2023
1 Justin Cox 37 7 Gulf Coast Edge 4/29/2023
30 4 Gulf Coast Edge 4/30/2023
Total 67 11
23 Max Goetz 34 4 Birmingham Stars 4/29/2023
20 Austin Gordon 53 8 Birmingham Stars 4/29/2023
17 Aiden Ha 39 6 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/30/2023
28 Cameron Hesselrode 69 7 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/30/2023
13 Brendon Hill 6 1 Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams 4/30/2023
50 Matthew Larson 7 5 Birmingham Stars 4/29/2023
42 Aiden Sharp 53 7 Gulf Coast Edge 4/29/2023
4 Jayden Thomas 9 0 Gulf Coast Edge 4/30/2023
Next Level Baseball 11u-Williams
15 Hughston Brewington 44 9 Birmingham Stars 4/29/2023
33 5 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/30/2023
Total 77 14
5 Braylon Copeland 38 6 Gulf Coast Edge 4/29/2023
13 Kade Pogue 67 9 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/30/2023
31 Tj Topp 34 7 Birmingham Stars 4/29/2023
14 1 Nashville Stars Youth Foundation 11u 4/30/2023
Total 48 8
1 Rhet Williams 41 9 Gulf Coast Edge 4/29/2023
21 Slade Williams 24 4 Gulf Coast Edge 4/30/2023
Storm 11u
10 Cole Benningfield 18 4 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/30/2023
22 6 Valor 11u - Gold 4/30/2023
Total 40 10
34 Paxton Canada 28 1 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
29 4 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
Total 57 5
1 0 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
Total 58 5
44 Austin Coleman 2 0 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
73 11 Memphis Tigers - Clothier 4/30/2023
Total 75 11
99 Tatum Fowler 47 9 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
11 Costa Gianakis 28 2 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
25 Cash Rempel 0 0 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
45 Carter Silverthorn 16 0 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
24 2 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
Total 40 2
9 George Sloan 38 5 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/29/2023
2 3 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
Total 40 8
12 3 Valor 11u - Gold 4/30/2023
Total 52 11
13 Jason Spray, Jr 54 4 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
2 Hudson Woodard 28 2 The Right Way Baseball 11u 4/30/2023
The Right Way Baseball 11u
7 Myles Bryant 15 1 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
11 Carson Crum 0 0 Birmingham Stars 4/30/2023
2 Fabian Harper Jr. 19 3 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
8 3 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
Total 27 6
53 9 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
Total 80 15
1 Mason Jones 14 2 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
3 Chase Morning 41 9 Storm 11u 4/29/2023
39 3 Birmingham Stars 4/30/2023
Total 80 12
10 Kamrn Scott 58 11 EBC 11u-Casey 4/29/2023
37 6 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
Total 95 17
13 Josue Serrano 22 4 5 Star Shockers 4/30/2023
65 9 Birmingham Stars 4/30/2023
Total 87 13
Valor 11u - Gold
1 Kobe Clemmons 37 4 Fca Braves 4/29/2023
10 Luke Filar 21 1 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
5 Tucker Monhollen 58 6 Fca Braves 4/29/2023
4 Preston Powell 51 3 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
99 Connor Root 74 18 Fca Braves 4/30/2023
27 Camden Savadge 43 9 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/29/2023
11 Coy Waller 43 6 Bulls Baseball 11u Lybarger 4/29/2023
6 1 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
Total 49 7
6 Zach Wilburn 30 2 Storm 11u 4/30/2023
7 Matthew Williamson 31 1 Storm 11u 4/30/2023