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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
BCS Prospects
4 Anthony Calvo 0 6 Pride 14u 9/25/2022
19 Andrew Carrillo 0 6 Pride 14u 9/25/2022
10 Braedon Lopez 24 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 9/11/2022
12 Cristian Rodriguez 53 15 Pride 14u 9/11/2022
38 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 9/11/2022
Total 91 21
cannon boyz
0 Manuel Arredondo 14 3 KC Prep Team 2027 Navy 9/11/2022
68 15 Pride 14u 11/6/2022
Total 82 18
0 Donald Burling 41 6 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/25/2022
0 Dominic Juarez 35 1 Channelview Crushers 9/11/2022
52 9 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 9/25/2022
Total 87 10
Croccifixio Martinez 62 6 KC Prep Team 2027 Navy 9/11/2022
17 4 Channelview Crushers 9/11/2022
Total 79 10
Eli Moreno 40 4 Channelview Crushers 9/11/2022
20 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/25/2022
Total 60 7
Channelview Crushers
11 Jayvian Chavez 14 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/11/2022
12 3 HTB Black 14u 9/25/2022
Total 26 6
40 4 EPA 14U GREEN 10/9/2022
Total 66 10
36 Roberto Colunga 16 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/11/2022
14 5 SpringSpirit Toros 9/25/2022
Total 30 8
25 1 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 10/9/2022
Total 55 9
45 Juan Fonseca 12 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/11/2022
30 6 HTB Black 14u 9/25/2022
Total 42 9
25 1 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 10/9/2022
Total 67 10
6 Christopher Gonzalez 4 1 cannon boyz 9/11/2022
5 Abbas Razvi 13 3 cannon boyz 9/11/2022
27 6 HTB Black 14u 9/25/2022
Total 40 9
2 Alexander Rodriguez 24 2 cannon boyz 9/11/2022
30 5 EPA 14U GREEN 10/9/2022
Total 54 7
27 Tyler Ruiz 21 3 SpringSpirit Toros 9/25/2022
20 3 EPA 14U GREEN 10/9/2022
Total 41 6
23 Joel Trevino 13 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/11/2022
25 6 SpringSpirit Toros 9/25/2022
Total 38 9
9 Christopher Zamorano 35 5 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 10/9/2022
Emmett Baldwin 46 4 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 9/11/2022
Brady Broadus 20 3 SpringSpirit Toros 9/11/2022
50 12 Channelview Crushers 10/9/2022
Total 70 15
John Sherron 30 2 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 9/11/2022
Alex Wiggins 39 6 SpringSpirit Toros 9/11/2022
Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue
44 Lucas Kuznicki 34 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 9/11/2022
75 11 Channelview Crushers 10/9/2022
Total 109 17
50 9 BCS Prospects 11/6/2022
Total 159 26
7 Sebastian Maple 52 6 Texas Bluechips 14u 9/11/2022
11 Joaquin Nunez 23 3 cannon boyz 9/25/2022
47 7 Channelview Crushers 11/6/2022
Total 70 10
44 Paul Perez 43 6 EPA 14U GREEN 9/11/2022
15 Jeremi Sanchez 9 3 EPA 14U GREEN 9/11/2022
3 Ja'Voris Taylor 18 3 cannon boyz 9/25/2022
Xarius Valdez 2 1 Channelview Crushers 10/9/2022
28 5 Channelview Crushers 11/6/2022
Total 30 6
Houston Thunder Baseball 14u
Jake Freed 25 4 KC Prep Team 2027 Navy 9/11/2022
43 11 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 9/25/2022
Total 68 15
29 3 SpringSpirit Toros 11/6/2022
Total 97 18
Jackson Gierman 25 4 SpringSpirit Toros 11/6/2022
Mason Huynh 16 2 SpringSpirit Toros 11/6/2022
Adrian Kennedy 18 12 Channelview Crushers 9/11/2022
24 3 SpringSpirit Toros 11/6/2022
Total 42 15
Gabriel Macharia 45 4 KC Prep Team 2027 Navy 9/11/2022
33 6 cannon boyz 9/25/2022
Total 78 10
Angel Morales 21 3 Channelview Crushers 9/11/2022
18 3 cannon boyz 9/25/2022
Total 39 6
33 3 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 10/23/2022
Total 72 9
Greg Otjen 5 1 KC Prep Team 2027 Navy 9/11/2022
12 4 Houston Hard Hitters 14u Blue 9/25/2022
Total 17 5
Noah Rincon 36 3 Channelview Crushers 9/11/2022
HTB Black 14u
Adrian Campa 38 7 WBA 14u Xavier 9/11/2022
74 12 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 11/6/2022
Total 112 19
10 Julian Espino 16 3 Pride 14u 9/11/2022
45 Daniel Garcia 2 1 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 11/6/2022
5 Alberto Gonzalez 25 6 Channelview Crushers 9/25/2022
64 15 KC Prep Team 2027 Navy 11/6/2022
Total 89 21
Alfredo Martinez 40 4 WBA 14u Xavier 9/11/2022
22 Caleb Poirrier 33 6 SpringSpirit Toros 9/25/2022
Adrian Ramirez 6 1 WBA 14u Xavier 9/11/2022
64 9 Channelview Crushers 9/25/2022
Total 70 10
7 Dj Soliz 22 6 Pride 14u 9/11/2022
KC Prep Team 2027 Navy
15 Giovanni Compean 41 6 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/11/2022
63 William Faye 73 9 EPA 14U GREEN 11/6/2022
1 Andrew Quiros 70 3 EPA 14U GREEN 11/6/2022
21 Ebias Sexton 41 9 cannon boyz 9/11/2022
31 Robert Turney 39 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 9/11/2022
Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue
2 Alex Araiza 18 3 WBA 14u Xavier 9/11/2022
35 Micah Davis 34 6 BCS Prospects 9/11/2022
23 Zackary Martin 55 9 WBA 14u Xavier 9/11/2022
23 12 Pride 14u 9/25/2022
Total 78 21
27 7 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 10/23/2022
Total 105 28
19 Kaden Saqr 21 0 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 10/23/2022
2 Hayden Wilkinson 38 6 BCS Prospects 9/11/2022
47 3 Houston Thunder Baseball 14u 10/23/2022
Total 85 9
Pride 14u
88 Luke Brewer 24 2 HTB Black 14u 9/11/2022
18 Ben Locke 26 3 HTB Black 14u 9/11/2022
0 4 BCS Prospects 9/25/2022
Total 26 7
24 Ethan Lopez 0 2 HTB Black 14u 9/11/2022
15 2 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 9/25/2022
Total 15 4
33 Eli Prukop 14 3 BCS Prospects 9/11/2022
8 J.D. Saldaña 34 2 HTB Black 14u 9/11/2022
35 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 9/25/2022
Total 69 8
20 3 WBA 14u Xavier 11/6/2022
Total 89 11
9 Gavin Van Reenen 49 12 BCS Prospects 9/11/2022
SpringSpirit Toros
Elijah Hogan 29 2 Texas Bluechips 14u 9/11/2022
15 3 Channelview Crushers 9/25/2022
Total 44 5
Holt Lang 50 3 HTB Black 14u 9/25/2022
Justin Lopez 38 1 Texas Bluechips 14u 9/11/2022
Hezekiah Malbreaux 20 3 BLBA 14u 11/6/2022
John Martinez 6 0 Texas Bluechips 14u 9/11/2022
20 6 EPA 14U GREEN 9/11/2022
Total 26 6
John Martinez 34 6 Channelview Crushers 9/25/2022
Joaquin Salazar 40 3 Texas Bluechips 14u 9/11/2022
Kai Urada 67 6 EPA 14U GREEN 9/11/2022
63 3 HTB Black 14u 9/25/2022
Total 130 9
60 9 BLBA 14u 11/6/2022
Total 190 18
WBA 14u Xavier
0 Andrew Daily 60 6 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 9/11/2022
Brady Gayer 26 3 Magnolia Strikers 14 Blue 9/11/2022
Braxton Lemoine 0 6 HTB Black 14u 9/11/2022
Jc Williams 0 3 HTB Black 14u 9/11/2022