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7U (AA) (CP) 8U (AA) (CP) 8U (AAA) (CP) 9U (AA) 9U (AAA) 9U (Major) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 10U (Major) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 11U (Major) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 12U (Major) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA) 14U (Major)
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Baseball USA
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Katy National Little League
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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia
2 Ryan Braun 11 3 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
4 Ryan Cowles 19 3 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
39 7 Banditos Alvidrez 10/9/2022
Total 58 10
19 Caleb Crosby 27 5 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
7 Cristiano Garcia 16 3 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
5 Brady Lozano 12 3 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
48 9 Banditos Alvidrez 10/9/2022
Total 60 12
3 Hunter Stein 31 3 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
44 Jackson Strong 11 6 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
29 2 Banditos Alvidrez 10/9/2022
Total 40 8
27 Luke Strong 26 3 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
8 Stephen Thompson 18 4 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
9 Tallon Whitting 14 0 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
Austin Sun Devils - 11u French
20 Witten French 35 6 Patriots Baseball 10/8/2022
18 0 Premier 11U Chapa 10/9/2022
Total 53 6
Jase Kohler 0 0 Texas Swingman 10/9/2022
32 Landon Kohler 31 5 Texas Swingman 10/9/2022
28 Jace Norris 31 4 Ntx Finest 10/8/2022
68 Carter Pedersen 37 9 Premier 11U Chapa 10/9/2022
34 Creed Peoples 47 7 Ntx Finest 10/8/2022
52 10 Texas Swingman 10/9/2022
Total 99 17
14 Jacob Reyes 37 3 Premier 11U Chapa 10/9/2022
13 3 Texas Swingman 10/9/2022
Total 50 6
7 Clayton Wilks 2 1 Ntx Finest 10/8/2022
29 6 Patriots Baseball 10/8/2022
Total 31 7
Banditos Alvidrez
4 Michael Benavides 31 6 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
22 Kaden Bumpous 42 4 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
20 4 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/9/2022
Total 62 8
13 Cale Littleton 31 3 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
49 14 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/9/2022
Total 80 17
99 Tyler Pope 34 9 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/8/2022
18 Tanner Williams 26 8 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
C4 Saldivar
10 Aiden Aldape 25 3 Lbc South 11u 10/8/2022
12 Adrian Quintero 18 3 Lbc South 11u 10/8/2022
11 Mason Reyna 20 3 Lbc South 11u 10/8/2022
69 12 New Age Black 10/9/2022
Total 89 15
21 Jedrek Rivera 28 6 Texas Legacy Baseball 10/8/2022
8 Ayden Ybarra 14 3 Texas Legacy Baseball 10/8/2022
Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham
34 Nolan Bingham 8 0 Mansfield Renegades 10/8/2022
Colton Harris 25 4 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/8/2022
23 Nathan Mathews 27 5 Mansfield Renegades 10/8/2022
4 Christian Parks 27 4 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/8/2022
12 Steven Richard 36 0 Mansfield Renegades 10/8/2022
5 Reid Villarreal 24 4 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/8/2022
Cc Crew 11u
11 Jaxson Dishman 30 3 Southern Prospects 10/8/2022
15 Matthew Garza 28 6 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/8/2022
0 Fawx King 28 3 Southern Prospects 10/8/2022
4 Rolando Ruiz 30 6 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/8/2022
8 Romeo Ruiz 23 3 Southern Prospects 10/8/2022
12 Evan Zermeno 27 6 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/8/2022
Fort Worth Aces Tovar
2 Nicolas Delgadillo 41 4 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/9/2022
41 Kameron Morgan 18 1 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/9/2022
98 Julian Reyes 17 2 Lions 10/7/2022
23 Luke Tovar 47 7 Lions 10/7/2022
19 2 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/9/2022
Total 66 9
Lba Dirtbags
99 Lyrick Gipson 44 8 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/7/2022
15 Davis Horton 15 6 Premier Hulsey 11u Red 10/7/2022
18 3 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/9/2022
Total 33 9
10 Tim Hutto 61 15 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/9/2022
2 Colin Jones 78 15 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/9/2022
27 Jase Newbury 43 4 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/7/2022
24 Harper Wilson 16 3 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/7/2022
Lbc South 11u
7 Jaxon Anness 55 9 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/9/2022
8 Ryan De Alejandro 14 3 Valiant Victors Roman 10/8/2022
16 3 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/9/2022
Total 30 6
4 Jacob Diaz 35 3 Valiant Victors Roman 10/8/2022
13 Blake Jarzombek 55 6 Valiant Victors Roman 10/8/2022
9 Jackson Johnson 50 2 C4 Saldivar 10/8/2022
20 Weston Skaggs 30 4 C4 Saldivar 10/8/2022
33 William Canfield 34 3 Premier 11U Chapa 10/7/2022
35 5 Ntx Finest 10/9/2022
Total 69 8
11 Cash Donat 9 1 Premier 11U Chapa 10/7/2022
27 Riggs Hammer 14 0 Premier 11U Chapa 10/7/2022
4 Hudson Handel 22 1 Fort Worth Aces Tovar 10/7/2022
17 6 Ntx Finest 10/9/2022
Total 39 7
37 Bennett Hutchinson 20 2 Premier 11U Chapa 10/7/2022
24 Dylan Kline 0 6 Premier 11U Chapa 10/7/2022
1 Torrin Lawson-Ho 19 2 Fort Worth Aces Tovar 10/7/2022
14 Lane Thompson 24 3 Fort Worth Aces Tovar 10/7/2022
14 2 Ntx Finest 10/9/2022
Total 38 5
7 Nicholas Yager 21 3 Fort Worth Aces Tovar 10/7/2022
Mansfield Renegades
22 George Flower 23 0 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/8/2022
17 Jose Gonzalez 47 15 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/9/2022
19 Blake Strathman 23 0 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/8/2022
27 Tanner Strumila 46 0 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/8/2022
28 Caden Tipton 18 0 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/8/2022
59 18 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/9/2022
Total 77 18
Marucci Elite Texas-McGill
23 Mason Celedon 48 9 New Age Black 10/7/2022
16 2 Mansfield Renegades 10/9/2022
Total 64 11
99 Ben Richards 33 9 New Age Black 10/7/2022
5 Luke Rutherford 53 11 Mansfield Renegades 10/9/2022
44 Ryker Stogner 47 9 Lba Dirtbags 10/7/2022
24 Colten Towle 28 5 Lba Dirtbags 10/7/2022
New Age Black
0 Larry Anguiano 38 0 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/7/2022
10 Pryce Herbstritt 35 4 C4 Saldivar 10/9/2022
9 Ivan Lopez 30 0 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/7/2022
44 Brendan Mathwig 32 1 C4 Saldivar 10/9/2022
12 Cannon Owens 7 0 Marucci Elite Texas-McGill 10/7/2022
77 Zane Rodriguez 23 3 C4 Saldivar 10/9/2022
New Age National
15 Jaxon Cross 70 9 Valiant Victors Roman 10/9/2022
4 Noah Mendeola 11 3 Valiant Victors Roman 10/9/2022
Ntx Finest
23 Juan Carrillo 9 0 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
33 6 Lions 10/9/2022
Total 42 6
4 Dayne D'Ambra 42 9 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/8/2022
40 Willie Davidson 4 2 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/8/2022
54 9 Lions 10/9/2022
Total 58 11
3 Anthony Delgadillo 9 2 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
25 4 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/8/2022
Total 34 6
49 Angel Munoz 21 6 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
24 Aaron Rodriguez 27 3 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
62 11 Fort Worth Aces Tovar 10/9/2022
Total 89 14
99 Giovanni Vasquez 28 1 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
76 13 Lbc South 11u 10/9/2022
Total 104 14
Patriots Baseball
25 Jessie Garza 28 3 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
13 Xavier Pettigrew 20 0 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
18 3 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/8/2022
Total 38 3
23 Elias Portugues 10 1 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
99 Evan Thornhill 13 5 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/8/2022
55 Matthew Yowell 49 9 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/8/2022
Pearland Expos - Alpha Black
23 Everett Bailey 18 0 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/8/2022
1 Nathan Christopoulos 71 0 Cc Crew 11u 10/9/2022
7 Miles Haas 38 0 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/8/2022
2 David Murillo 29 4 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/8/2022
69 0 Stx Yard Dawgs 10/9/2022
Total 98 4
9 Noah Perez 25 6 Td Edge 11u - Josefsen 10/9/2022
5 Guillermo Rios 6 0 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/8/2022
3 Gavin Smith 11 0 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/8/2022
24 John Timmons 20 0 Stx Banditos Gonzales 10/8/2022
12 Logan Winson 46 5 Canes Southwest 11u - Bingham 10/8/2022
Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red
32 Nathan Bocanegra 45 6 Southern Prospects 10/8/2022
13 Issac De La Fuente 45 5 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/8/2022
10 Jax Edwards 16 0 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/8/2022
12 Zade Roblow 35 6 Southern Prospects 10/8/2022
72 15 YOUNG GUNS 11U 10/9/2022
Total 107 21
44 Julius Villalpando 58 9 Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u 10/8/2022
Premier 11U Chapa
5 Crew Chapa 18 4 Lions 10/7/2022
7 Hayes Collier 22 2 Lions 10/7/2022
61 12 Texans 10/9/2022
Total 83 14
11 Kooper Forehand 36 6 Texans 10/9/2022
1 Ashton Prado 16 3 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/9/2022
27 Karter Richard 52 6 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/9/2022
2 Bishop Stidham 33 9 Lions 10/7/2022
Premier Hulsey 11u Red
99 Quinn Blackford 62 0 Patriots Baseball 10/9/2022
3 Cory Jai Crawford 2 0 Patriots Baseball 10/9/2022
5 Leiam Huffmeister 42 6 Lba Dirtbags 10/7/2022
Southern Prospects
14 Noah Bradshaw 8 2 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
25 Grady Goswick 14 1 Cc Crew 11u 10/8/2022
5 Cameron Miklis 6 3 Cc Crew 11u 10/8/2022
3 Carter Newton 49 6 Cc Crew 11u 10/8/2022
8 Peyton Rector 27 6 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
12 Gibson Sanders 36 6 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
6 Dylan Smith 16 2 Cc Crew 11u 10/8/2022
4 Easton Stanley 15 1 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
Stx Banditos - Renteria 11u
22 Christopher Aguilar II 34 6 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
25 Orlan Aleman 43 8 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
2 Isaac Gomez 28 1 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/8/2022
7 Brennan "Mason" Gonzalez 39 6 Cc Crew 11u 10/8/2022
12 Parker Little 10 3 Southern Prospects 10/9/2022
11 Matthew Moreno 73 12 Southern Prospects 10/9/2022
13 Javier Solis 38 9 Cc Crew 11u 10/8/2022
62 18 Lba Dirtbags 10/9/2022
Total 100 27
Stx Banditos Gonzales
18 Edward Almeida 22 0 Mansfield Renegades 10/8/2022
27 Mark De Leon 80 8 Lba Dirtbags 10/9/2022
44 Jonah Garza 28 0 Mansfield Renegades 10/8/2022
1 Pete Gomez 28 0 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/8/2022
14 4 Lba Dirtbags 10/9/2022
Total 42 4
12 Robert Rodela 19 0 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/8/2022
Stx Yard Dawgs
23 Oziel Garcia 12 2 Valiant Victors Roman 10/8/2022
22 3 Texans 10/8/2022
Total 34 5
42 Luke Garza 31 6 Texans 10/8/2022
1 Eugene Jimenez Jr 20 3 Valiant Victors Roman 10/8/2022
27 Jadiel Ornelas 20 4 Valiant Victors Roman 10/8/2022
97 Lisandro Tovar 25 3 Texans 10/8/2022
Td Edge 11u - Josefsen
1 Connor Cain 32 1 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/9/2022
3 Nathan Croy 31 6 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
27 Riley Jaquay 30 3 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
34 Preston Maxwell 10 3 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
54 9 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
Total 64 12
17 Will McNabb 28 3 11u Offseason Baseball - Garcia 10/8/2022
23 Hunter Poncik 13 3 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/9/2022
4 Hudson Randall 18 1 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
24 0 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/9/2022
Total 42 1
35 Reid Sciba 39 5 Banditos Alvidrez 10/8/2022
11 2 Pearland Expos - Alpha Black 10/9/2022
Total 50 7
12 Driscoe Bertillion 19 6 Stx Yard Dawgs 10/8/2022
99 John Leonard 22 6 Texas Swingman 10/8/2022
8 Robert Pugh 22 6 Stx Yard Dawgs 10/8/2022
13 Beau Teare 15 3 Texas Swingman 10/8/2022
4 Hayes Toomey 20 6 Texas Swingman 10/8/2022
Texas Legacy Baseball
98 Luke Martinez 45 7 Texas Swingman 10/8/2022
77 Maximus Rodriguez 50 6 C4 Saldivar 10/8/2022
21 Everardo Romero 23 3 C4 Saldivar 10/8/2022
2 Adam Salazar 15 3 Texas Swingman 10/8/2022
Texas Swingman
27 Jamien Allen 13 3 Texans 10/8/2022
9 Sebastian Castillo 10 3 Texas Legacy Baseball 10/8/2022
10 Andres Escamilla 20 3 Texas Legacy Baseball 10/8/2022
18 Markcus Garcia 20 2 Texans 10/8/2022
41 9 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/9/2022
Total 61 11
23 Jaythan Guzman 15 3 Texans 10/8/2022
27 6 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/9/2022
Total 42 9
4 Liam Moreno 15 4 Texans 10/8/2022
25 Ethan Santillano 33 6 Texas Legacy Baseball 10/8/2022
16 2 Austin Sun Devils - 11u French 10/9/2022
Total 49 8
Valiant Victors Roman
23 Eli Avila 41 5 Lbc South 11u 10/8/2022
44 Daniel Delafuente 30 1 Lbc South 11u 10/8/2022
99 Alan Diaz 12 3 Stx Yard Dawgs 10/8/2022
50 12 New Age National 10/9/2022
Total 62 15
50 Brayden Sealy 22 3 Stx Yard Dawgs 10/8/2022
5 Evan Vanover 20 3 Stx Yard Dawgs 10/8/2022
3 Parker White 37 6 Lbc South 11u 10/8/2022
0 0 New Age National 10/9/2022
Total 37 6
42 DeMarcus Gonzalez 28 8 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/9/2022
11 Ernesto Martinez 37 7 Players Only Athletic Club 11U Red 10/9/2022
3 Salomon Ortiz III 43 3 Patriots Baseball 10/8/2022
19 Kaden Trevino 26 6 Patriots Baseball 10/8/2022