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All Tournament Teams have been posted! 
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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
941 Diamond Academy Gold
18 Rocco Baer 24 6 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/17/2022
1 Aiden Cary 36 6 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
29 Graham Houston 57 12 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/17/2022
5 Aidan Hurst 8 2 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/17/2022
83 20 Boca Thunder 2027 12/18/2022
Total 91 22
6 Blake Nichols 83 15 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
16 Noah Schnurlein 34 9 Turn 2 12/17/2022
3 Logan Sirota 37 9 Turn 2 12/17/2022
Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold
3 Jordan Anstett 52 3 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/16/2022
0 0 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/18/2022
Total 52 3
21 Noah Corps 9 1 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/16/2022
4 0 Base Eleven 12/17/2022
Total 13 1
23 Eric Garcia 32 3 Base Eleven 12/17/2022
11 David Hill 44 3 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/16/2022
0 Jackson Mizell 66 12 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/18/2022
54 Francisco Rojas 72 7 Base Eleven 12/17/2022
0 Nathaniel Sabino 5 1 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/18/2022
0 Roberto Torres 33 5 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/16/2022
30 5 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/18/2022
Total 63 10
Base Eleven
41 Fraynder Albornoz 16 1 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/17/2022
12 Santiago Espitia 24 3 Florida Northstars 14U 12/18/2022
17 Javier Rivas 46 9 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/16/2022
2 Diego Rodriguez 39 9 Florida Northstars 14U 12/18/2022
21 Alexander Roman 40 9 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/17/2022
10 Xavier Román-Giannuzzi 47 6 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/16/2022
34 Jenuel Velazquez 6 2 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/17/2022
47 9 Florida Northstars 14U 12/18/2022
Total 53 11
Boca Thunder 2027
59 Scotty Crowe 13 3 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/17/2022
25 6 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/18/2022
Total 38 9
67 Ryan Galinis 80 12 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/17/2022
18 Garett Lueck 58 15 Jcs sluggers 14 12/17/2022
16 Michael Marber 25 6 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/17/2022
61 13 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/18/2022
Total 86 19
Brayden Morrissey 31 5 Jcs sluggers 14 12/17/2022
Chiefs Baseball 14U
13 Lucas Anderten 46 6 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/16/2022
46 3 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 92 9
5 Reef Carney 31 8 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
50 Brody Gargiulo 39 6 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/16/2022
25 3 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 64 9
27 Caden Hamilton 45 5 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/17/2022
2 Hunter Mercer 24 3 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/16/2022
10 Brandon Omslaer 10 3 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/16/2022
32 Brycen Plante 18 3 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/17/2022
8 Jeffery Wright 36 6 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/17/2022
Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel
9 Karter Alvarez 25 4 Tampa Cruzers 12/17/2022
13 Ethan Bissell 20 2 Boca Thunder 2027 12/17/2022
28 Ryan Garcia 44 9 Boca Thunder 2027 12/17/2022
25 6 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/18/2022
Total 69 15
22 Gerrit Slawitschka 45 7 Boca Thunder 2027 12/17/2022
52 14 Tampa Cruzers 12/17/2022
Total 97 21
26 Lewis Turner 38 3 Boca Thunder 2027 12/17/2022
21 Brett Williams 50 12 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/18/2022
14 Wyatt Wise 13 3 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/18/2022
Florida Cudas
1 Nicholas Fernandez 52 9 Florida Northstars 14U 12/17/2022
99 Jamison Jones 33 6 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/17/2022
49 Jarrett Myers 62 8 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/17/2022
36 8 Tampa Cruzers 12/18/2022
Total 98 16
8 Bodie Seaman 48 8 Florida Northstars 14U 12/17/2022
44 Jordan Tomas 35 4 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/17/2022
9 3 Tampa Cruzers 12/18/2022
Total 44 7
9 William Weise 49 10 Tampa Cruzers 12/18/2022
Florida Northstars 14U
99 Zachary Antheil 77 15 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/16/2022
12 Francesco Brancaleone 10 2 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/16/2022
21 6 Base Eleven 12/18/2022
Total 31 8
9 Blake Curatola 0 0 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/16/2022
40 9 Florida Cudas 12/17/2022
Total 40 9
1 Brennan Jones 64 9 Florida Cudas 12/17/2022
2 Ian Liscomb 27 1 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/16/2022
11 Dillon Thomas 66 12 Base Eleven 12/18/2022
Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u
1 Anthony Abela 41 7 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/16/2022
25 0 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 66 7
5 Michael Bolling 0 0 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/17/2022
45 Memphis Davenport 31 8 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/16/2022
37 9 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/18/2022
Total 68 17
30 Augie Ferrell 41 4 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
11 Eli Kragt 15 3 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/16/2022
80 12 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/18/2022
Total 95 15
34 Ryan Locey 37 7 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/17/2022
22 Alex Ross 52 10 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/17/2022
15 0 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 67 10
25 Michael Vogel 38 3 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/16/2022
38 5 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 76 8
Jcs sluggers 14
Zachary Carter 92 10 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/18/2022
16 Sebastian Garcia 72 8 Tampa Cruzers 12/17/2022
13 Jose Gutierrez 37 5 Boca Thunder 2027 12/17/2022
14 Kevin Ortega 38 6 Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick 12/18/2022
27 Dominic Valverde 69 13 Boca Thunder 2027 12/17/2022
Prime Baseball 14u - Bench
0 Dylan Allen 15 3 Florida Northstars 14U 12/16/2022
81 15 Turn 2 12/18/2022
Total 96 18
0 Gabe Blaxberg 44 9 Florida Northstars 14U 12/16/2022
39 5 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 83 14
Jd James 97 23 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/18/2022
6 Braedon Mackay 70 13 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
24 Jackson Pennella 31 6 Florida Cudas 12/17/2022
44 9 SWFL Elite Platinum 12/18/2022
Total 75 15
23 Jadin Soto 18 3 Florida Cudas 12/17/2022
Beckett Tibbetts 41 6 Florida Northstars 14U 12/16/2022
13 Ben Todd 63 12 Florida Cudas 12/17/2022
Prime Baseball 14u - Fossick
Caden Armstrong 4 0 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/17/2022
19 3 Jcs sluggers 14 12/18/2022
Total 23 3
Angelo Ciruzzo 38 8 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/17/2022
Davin Davidson 32 4 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/17/2022
Landon Dean 45 7 Jcs sluggers 14 12/18/2022
Olivia Lockhart 7 2 Jcs sluggers 14 12/18/2022
Chase Nye 52 10 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/17/2022
Chase Snelson 25 3 Jcs sluggers 14 12/18/2022
Landon Stuart 88 8 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/17/2022
SWFL Elite Platinum
2 Zachary Allaire 79 15 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
11 Reece Bowman 59 9 Base Eleven 12/16/2022
62 10 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/18/2022
Total 121 19
5 Kayden Davidson 24 3 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
4 2 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/18/2022
Total 28 5
0 Tucker Engel 68 9 Base Eleven 12/16/2022
33 9 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
Total 101 18
63 Quinton Solis 21 4 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/16/2022
80 11 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/18/2022
Total 101 15
42 Collin Thess 49 8 Alfonzo Baseball Academy 14u Gold 12/16/2022
33 6 Chiefs Baseball 14U 12/18/2022
Total 82 14
Tampa Cruzers
11 Maddox Abouzaki 43 3 Jcs sluggers 14 12/17/2022
1 Joshua Abrahante 36 6 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/17/2022
17 3 Florida Cudas 12/18/2022
Total 53 9
9 Maykol Fernandez 85 11 Fl Dodgers 14u Suriel 12/17/2022
25 David Lemos 39 5 Jcs sluggers 14 12/17/2022
61 14 Florida Cudas 12/18/2022
Total 100 19
54 Jonathan Santana 34 3 Florida Cudas 12/18/2022
23 Alex Soto 24 1 Jcs sluggers 14 12/17/2022
Turn 2
0 Brody Baxmann 94 15 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/17/2022
9 Sean Collins 94 18 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/17/2022
36 Nicholas Conticelli 12 1 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
Brody Duffy 21 3 Vsa All Florida 14u 12/17/2022
Fernando Valenzuela 70 11 Prime Baseball 14u - Bench 12/18/2022
0 Logan Weber 8 3 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/17/2022
Vsa All Florida 14u
28 Phillip Barris 69 10 Turn 2 12/17/2022
Sylas Billie 11 3 Turn 2 12/17/2022
46 8 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/18/2022
Total 57 11
3 Jonathan Castillo 26 6 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/17/2022
8 Hayden Keller 29 2 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/17/2022
48 9 Great Lakes Vaqueros 14u 12/18/2022
Total 77 11
1 Jeremiah McFarlane 6 1 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/17/2022
27 Kenneth Miceli 36 9 941 Diamond Academy Gold 12/17/2022
24 Koleman Ragan 26 8 Turn 2 12/17/2022