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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
A+ Drillers 11u Bronze
Hunter Hudson 38 6 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/28/2022
Jaxson Kooker 54 3 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/28/2022
Liam Malone 37 12 Batter'S Box White 5/28/2022
Michael Morales 32 6 Batter'S Box White 5/28/2022
Ashton Noel 40 6 Batter'S Box White 5/29/2022
Chayim Young 0 6 Batter'S Box White 5/29/2022
A+ Drillers 11u Grey
Noah Garcia 30 3 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/28/2022
23 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/29/2022
Total 53 6
Ivan Guzman 33 4 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
Jack Kelly 33 6 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/28/2022
Samuel Marcuse 21 3 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/28/2022
Ryan Melton 45 3 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
Carson Rudel 34 3 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
Keaton Washington 69 6 Tma Red Dogs 5/29/2022
Batter'S Box White
2 Reese Baade 45 6 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/29/2022
7 Braeden Brewster 22 0 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/28/2022
64 11 A+ Drillers 11u Bronze 5/29/2022
Total 86 11
8 Cal Hatton 14 3 Texas Rattlers 5/29/2022
40 6 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/29/2022
Total 54 9
0 Jackson Havers 51 9 A+ Drillers 11u Bronze 5/28/2022
3 Cayden Krupala 78 12 Texas Rattlers 5/29/2022
14 4 A+ Drillers 11u Bronze 5/29/2022
Total 92 16
12 Corbin Schluens 61 12 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/28/2022
Easton Witt 48 9 A+ Drillers 11u Bronze 5/28/2022
C4 Saldivar
10 Aiden Aldape 10 5 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/29/2022
26 Noah Capuchino 12 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
29 1 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/29/2022
Total 41 4
28 Daniel Cazares 52 12 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/29/2022
14 Kash DeRousse 23 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
47 0 Mambas 11u 5/29/2022
Total 70 3
13 Sebastian Gonzalez 24 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
12 Adrian Quintero 11 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
99 Aaron Sanchez 15 0 Mambas 11u 5/29/2022
D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson)
13 Bo Brown 40 3 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/28/2022
27 Wyatt Johnson 32 1 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
35 Lawson Lothringer 16 6 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/28/2022
68 15 C4 Saldivar 5/29/2022
Total 84 21
7 Jd Merrill 32 0 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
9 Max Schneider 14 0 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
1 Kash Taylor 30 0 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/28/2022
Houston Warriors-Red
44 Kenny Barrientos 17 3 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/29/2022
3 Hugo Chavez 60 9 Nation Elite Navy 11 AA 5/28/2022
32 Gage Donnell 20 6 Texas Twelve (Royal) 5/28/2022
40 6 Texas Twelve (Royal) 5/29/2022
Total 60 12
42 Parker Garin 20 3 Nation Elite Navy 11 AA 5/28/2022
20 Kellan Hahn 74 15 C4 Saldivar 5/29/2022
27 Peter Saladino 45 6 Texas Twelve (Royal) 5/29/2022
44 9 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/29/2022
Total 89 15
Mambas 11u
4 Ethan Capelo 25 4 Prospects Baseball 5/28/2022
11 1 Texas Rattlers 5/28/2022
Total 36 5
25 Jeremy Coleman Jr. 15 1 Texas Rattlers 5/28/2022
7 Zackary Martin 52 8 Prospects Baseball 5/28/2022
7 Dante Martinez 81 12 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 5/29/2022
10 Levi Mitchell 10 4 Texas Rattlers 5/28/2022
Nation Elite Navy 11 AA
Landon Lopez 54 7 Houston Warriors-Red 5/28/2022
Malachi Pierson 6 1 Prospects Baseball 5/28/2022
56 5 Houston Warriors-Red 5/28/2022
Total 62 6
Dalton Stubbs 43 8 Prospects Baseball 5/28/2022
Prospects Baseball
24 Jayden Kesinger 56 6 Nation Elite Navy 11 AA 5/28/2022
28 Yadier Ramirez 11 3 Nation Elite Navy 11 AA 5/28/2022
27 Luis Rosales 57 9 Mambas 11u 5/28/2022
62 2 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/29/2022
Total 119 11
Nathaniel Torres 13 3 Mambas 11u 5/28/2022
53 7 Spartans Baseball 11u 5/29/2022
Total 66 10
Rafter S Baseball Herd 2
12 Jude Amato 2 0 Mambas 11u 5/29/2022
5 Deagan Gragg 25 2 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/28/2022
2 Kaiden Kaps 31 7 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/28/2022
56 7 Mambas 11u 5/29/2022
Total 87 14
95 Wyatt Richey 27 3 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/28/2022
30 3 Mambas 11u 5/29/2022
Total 57 6
51 Jake Stanislawski 33 6 D3 Baseball Club 11u Red (Thompson) 5/28/2022
14 Alex Tidwell 30 3 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/28/2022
Spartans Baseball 11u
8 Colin Barta 57 9 A+ Drillers 11u Bronze 5/28/2022
30 Davis Berg 53 9 Prospects Baseball 5/29/2022
7 Cj Epps 60 9 Houston Warriors-Red 5/29/2022
Liam Lopez 63 9 Batter'S Box White 5/28/2022
10 3 A+ Drillers 11u Bronze 5/28/2022
Total 73 12
Texas Rattlers
2 Jacob Berrones 3 1 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/28/2022
9 1 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/29/2022
Total 12 2
13 Gilbert Celestino 24 3 Mambas 11u 5/28/2022
23 Felix Cervantes 51 8 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/28/2022
Eladio Garcia 39 6 Mambas 11u 5/28/2022
17 5 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/29/2022
Total 56 11
14 David Moya 0 6 Batter'S Box White 5/29/2022
33 3 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/29/2022
Total 33 9
Texas Twelve (Royal)
5 Jorden Barrientes 11 2 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
2 Luke Bastian 25 0 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
77 Andrew Chavarria 29 0 Houston Warriors-Red 5/29/2022
99 Nathan Chavarria 30 2 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
1 Pierson Fitzpatrick 16 0 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
10 Tyler Hataway 25 2 Houston Warriors-Red 5/28/2022
12 Daxton Krueger 71 9 Houston Warriors-Red 5/29/2022
2 Cohen Love 42 1 Houston Warriors-Red 5/28/2022
23 Micah McEuen 7 0 Houston Warriors-Red 5/28/2022
8 Wyatt Ruiz 30 1 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
Tma Red Dogs
Eddie Cowins 28 3 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
66 9 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/29/2022
Total 94 12
21 Landyn Dimmick 32 3 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/28/2022
Julio Funes 31 2 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/28/2022
2 Anthony Hernandez 23 1 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/28/2022
Nicholas Miauro 31 6 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
3 0 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/29/2022
Total 34 6
Julian Ocampo 6 0 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/29/2022
Jean Perez 22 2 C4 Saldivar 5/28/2022
27 2 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 5/29/2022
Total 49 4
27 Xavier Romero 18 3 Wow Factor Texas East - 11u 5/28/2022
Wow Factor Texas East - 11u
34 Gabriel Cadena 35 7 Nation Elite Navy 11 AA 5/29/2022
Evan Cespedes 25 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
13 5 Nation Elite Navy 11 AA 5/29/2022
Total 38 8
Eli Delcastillo 23 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
Jack Dolan 46 3 Texas Rattlers 5/28/2022
Jadrien Guzman 36 3 Texas Rattlers 5/28/2022
Shiner Murphy 25 3 Tma Red Dogs 5/28/2022
Dominic Rios 0 9 Texas Rattlers 5/29/2022
Colton Sweppenhiser 14 3 Texas Rattlers 5/28/2022