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Mar 25 - 27 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
9 Kingston Galaviz-Soto 41 7 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/26/2022
22 Isaac Gutierrez 28 2 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/26/2022
17 4 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
Total 45 6
12 ADAN RAMIREZ JR 74 8 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
1 Jonell Rodriguez 8 1 5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black 3/26/2022
41 Rodrigo Ruiz 74 11 5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black 3/26/2022
5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black
10 Parker Bradford 24 2 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/26/2022
61 10 Team Venom 13 3/27/2022
Total 85 12
24 Brendan Error 43 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/26/2022
88 Michael Gonzales 23 1 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/26/2022
24 2 Team Venom 13 3/27/2022
Total 47 3
5 Jack Houston 51 9 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/26/2022
11 Michael Mirshak 10 0 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/26/2022
7 Federico Moran 48 7 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/26/2022
6 Nolan Setliff 15 0 Team Venom 13 3/27/2022
Bvr 14u
14 Cooper Cadro 36 6 Hustle 13u 3/26/2022
10 Shane Clements 76 12 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
31 Camrin Daniel 4 0 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
8 Logan Jackson 57 8 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/26/2022
3 0 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
Total 60 8
3 Peyton Stone 43 2 Hustle 13u 3/26/2022
22 Peyton Tomas 25 0 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/26/2022
28 Ty Wade 13 0 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/26/2022
27 Jace Williams 24 3 Hustle 13u 3/26/2022
2 Ford Anderson 43 12 Prospect Baseball White 14u 3/25/2022
3 Mason Desai 9 4 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
44 12 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 53 16
0 Holden Holchak 20 6 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
5 Luke Polasek 36 4 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
7 Michael Pozzi 20 4 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
56 6 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 76 10
Colt 45s
11 Zane Bailey 21 3 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
9 Kaden Calderone 75 15 Sa Cobras 3/26/2022
42 Aubre Frock 18 3 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
1 Marshall Griffin 26 2 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
19 Logan Guthrie 20 4 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
10 Camden Slazer 17 3 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
76 10 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
Total 93 13
14 Jove Vestal-Peek 30 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
Dulins Dodgers Greenway
2 Chase Adams 26 5 Sa Cobras 3/26/2022
42 Cameron Askew 22 1 Sa Cobras 3/26/2022
1 Will Buck 36 6 Sa Cobras 3/26/2022
34 Pearson Fouts 40 8 Colt 45s 3/26/2022
6 1 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
Total 46 9
11 Will Fredrickson 46 6 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
9 Zack Goldberg 9 3 Colt 45s 3/26/2022
31 6 Hp Baseball Wilson 3/27/2022
Total 40 9
23 Dominik Martinez 34 4 Colt 45s 3/26/2022
5 Kenneth Snider 48 9 Hp Baseball Wilson 3/27/2022
22 Levi Visser 36 2 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
84 Nathan Wixon 28 3 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
Edge Baseball - EPJ
7 Gavin Dingas 73 15 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/27/2022
18 Kaler Koch 25 1 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 3/26/2022
24 Cass Madden 8 0 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/27/2022
8 Jacob Martinez 54 9 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 3/26/2022
32 Brandon Orellana 97 15 Bvr 14u 3/27/2022
10 Ishan Paliwal 39 9 Texas Renegades 3/26/2022
19 2 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/27/2022
Total 58 11
77 Deven Rodriguez 65 9 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/27/2022
11 Cooper Wilson 60 3 Texas Renegades 3/26/2022
Edge Baseball - Wiley
14 Jacob Burdick 89 13 Texas Prime Red 3/27/2022
34 Trevor Jones 82 11 Team Venom 13 3/26/2022
15 Gavyn Diesel Lee 18 2 Texas Prime Red 3/26/2022
49 6 Prodigy Baseball 3/27/2022
Total 67 8
5 Garrett Rex 78 7 Texas Prime Red 3/26/2022
27 Braden Schumann 4 2 Texas Prime Red 3/27/2022
35 6 Prodigy Baseball 3/27/2022
Total 39 8
Expos Baseball 14U Red
14 Jake Coker 23 6 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/26/2022
7 0 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 30 6
18 kade Estrada 104 17 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
26 Elias Palacios Jr. 50 6 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/26/2022
7 Wyatt Powell 54 11 Prodigy Baseball 3/26/2022
10 Ian Rodriguez 21 4 Prodigy Baseball 3/26/2022
7 0 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 28 4
Fb Spartans 14u
14 Andres Marquez 28 3 Team Venom 13 3/26/2022
35 2 The Branch 3/27/2022
Total 63 5
27 Nathan Perez 33 5 South County Mavericks 14u Blue 3/26/2022
27 4 The Branch 3/27/2022
Total 60 9
10 John Sander 39 6 Team Venom 13 3/26/2022
5 Eli Smith 42 6 The Branch 3/27/2022
8 Cooper Venable 9 0 Team Venom 13 3/26/2022
1 Hunter Windham 68 7 South County Mavericks 14u Blue 3/26/2022
2 Reece Yarrish 10 3 Team Venom 13 3/26/2022
Five Tool Players-West
8 Mitchell Araujo 34 2 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/26/2022
20 Tayte Barrow 32 1 Hustle 13u 3/26/2022
3 Christopher Dehoyos 74 12 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/26/2022
11 Braden Eckerman 86 9 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/27/2022
16 Carter Hough 47 3 Hustle 13u 3/26/2022
99 Jaxon Leuellen 40 7 Hustle 13u 3/26/2022
15 Carson Schmitt 17 1 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/26/2022
10 Colten Simonton 10 3 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/27/2022
Houston Athletics - Gold
13 Greyson Boyd 58 9 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/26/2022
20 Matthew Christopoulos 36 2 Prospect U Houston 3/26/2022
11 Charlie Eberst 35 6 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/26/2022
54 Brayden Edris 41 6 Prospect U Houston 3/26/2022
44 Noah Guijosa 28 5 Prospect U Houston 3/26/2022
3 Gabriel Roberts 71 12 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
18 Peyton Warren 19 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
Houston Bengals-14u (Watson)
11 Benjamin Bailey 1 0 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/26/2022
84 15 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 3/27/2022
Total 85 15
34 Jacob Benavidez 43 9 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/26/2022
27 Josh Cupitt 22 5 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/26/2022
9 3 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 3/27/2022
Total 31 8
32 2 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 63 10
5 Mason Goodale 27 2 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/26/2022
41 6 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 68 8
26 Nathan Johnson 10 3 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
0 Rich Scarborough 73 9 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/26/2022
17 1 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 90 10
Hp Baseball Dawson
25 Chase Allen 49 3 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
22 1 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
Total 71 4
2 Mason Coursey 11 0 Chargers 3/25/2022
23 Nicholas Gonzalez 21 3 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
24 2 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
Total 45 5
16 Aiden Haby 18 3 Chargers 3/25/2022
16 4 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
Total 34 7
29 Ethan Horton 8 3 Chargers 3/25/2022
5 Hunter Myers 11 5 Chargers 3/25/2022
67 11 Team Houston 3/27/2022
Total 78 16
35 Daniel Walker 43 6 Chargers 3/25/2022
33 7 Team Houston 3/27/2022
Total 76 13
8 Jackson West 20 3 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
12 0 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
Total 32 3
Ty Woodward 19 1 Chargers 3/25/2022
21 5 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
Total 40 6
Hp Baseball Wilson
Isaiah Alexander 30 7 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/27/2022
0 Davian Barrera 64 11 The Branch 3/25/2022
0 Joaquin Cavazos 18 1 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/27/2022
0 Broden Clark 57 7 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/27/2022
0 Cy Garcia 42 12 Katy Prestige 3/25/2022
Gavin Johnson 50 6 Katy Prestige 3/25/2022
Levi Poulter 14 3 The Branch 3/25/2022
Hustle 13u
3 Samuel Aguilera 28 6 Five Tool Players-West 3/26/2022
24 4 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
Total 52 10
30 Delton Branch 25 3 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
1 Brady Darr 12 2 Five Tool Players-West 3/26/2022
2 Hunter Golden 13 2 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
35 Holt Griffith 31 7 Five Tool Players-West 3/26/2022
55 Bryce Haneiko 24 7 Bvr 14u 3/26/2022
23 Sebastian Mora 50 5 Bvr 14u 3/26/2022
11 Lubin Rincon 48 8 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
Katy Prestige
8 Cayden Beard 38 7 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
1 Hudson Chenard 83 18 Hustle 13u 3/27/2022
3 Nathaniel Gayhart 75 17 Hp Baseball Wilson 3/25/2022
11 Brayden Kanak 69 9 Team Houston 3/25/2022
4 Weston Loudon 42 6 Team Houston 3/25/2022
16 0 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 58 6
18 Wyatt Tipton 26 5 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
7 Connor Vodehnal 53 12 T-Cats Red 3/27/2022
Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez
8 Hayden Bogan 7 2 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/26/2022
18 4 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/27/2022
Total 25 6
17 6 Colt 45s 3/27/2022
Total 42 12
37 Dylan Gulbis 0 0 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
76 13 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/27/2022
Total 76 13
55 Wyatt Kay 66 12 5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black 3/26/2022
7 Christian Luna 14 3 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/26/2022
53 9 Colt 45s 3/27/2022
Total 67 12
34 Quentin Pogue 41 3 5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black 3/26/2022
4 Ridge Spenrath 59 12 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/26/2022
12 Diego Torres 24 0 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/26/2022
48 9 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
Total 72 9
8 1 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/27/2022
Total 80 10
11 Brody Weir 43 9 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
Premier Baseball 14u Yost
0 Grayson Albaugh 47 8 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/26/2022
Neil Raju 30 2 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/26/2022
Jacek Scasny 9 2 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/27/2022
Cj Tabor 84 16 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/27/2022
Ricky Talavera 82 15 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/26/2022
Premier Baseball Elliott 14u
12 Joe Bazan 101 13 South County Mavericks 14u Blue 3/27/2022
75 Griffin Cales 47 6 Prodigy Baseball 3/26/2022
15 5 Team Venom 13 3/27/2022
Total 62 11
34 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
Total 96 18
7 Brooks McGill 26 7 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/26/2022
7 5 South County Mavericks 14u Blue 3/27/2022
Total 33 12
35 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
Total 68 19
9 Christian Perez 21 1 Prodigy Baseball 3/26/2022
22 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/27/2022
Total 43 3
10 Stephen Tripp 56 5 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/26/2022
16 Braydon Wisener 25 3 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/26/2022
63 14 Team Venom 13 3/27/2022
Total 88 17
21 Kevin Wright 20 1 Prodigy Baseball 3/26/2022
Prodigy Baseball
80 Jose Garcia 97 15 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/27/2022
16 3 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/27/2022
Total 113 18
27 Camron Richard 42 7 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/26/2022
0 0 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/27/2022
Total 42 7
4 Jaxon Roberts 83 11 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/26/2022
12 Gus Sanchez 32 3 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/26/2022
24 Stephen Sepulveda 6 2 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/26/2022
3 Tristan Smaistrla 77 12 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/27/2022
Prospect Baseball White 14u
24 Jack Henry Carl 73 8 Team Houston 3/27/2022
19 Grayson Granda 21 1 Chargers 3/25/2022
9 Murphy Jones 12 1 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
0 0 Chargers 3/25/2022
Total 12 1
19 6 Team Houston 3/27/2022
Total 31 7
12 Blake Keller 29 2 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
17 Davis Shoaf 0 0 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
8 Barton Smith 53 8 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
23 Luke Tamez 11 1 T-Cats Red 3/25/2022
16 Ryland West 81 8 Chargers 3/25/2022
Prospect U Houston
Joseph Banasik 48 9 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/26/2022
49 11 Sa Cobras 3/27/2022
Total 97 20
Joey Bruhn 17 3 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/26/2022
1 3 Sa Cobras 3/27/2022
Total 18 6
52 8 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 70 14
Luke Hoepfl 40 6 ZT Elite - Texas 14U 3/26/2022
Jayce Jorgensen 50 9 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/26/2022
47 10 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 97 19
Brandon Stoebner 35 11 Sa Cobras 3/27/2022
Sa Cobras
10 Elijah Diaz 20 5 Colt 45s 3/26/2022
76 18 Prospect U Houston 3/27/2022
Total 96 23
4 Dominick Montes 48 7 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
30 Alfonso Ruelas 51 9 Colt 45s 3/26/2022
9 Raymond Vasquez 27 5 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/26/2022
45 Colt Winchell 13 1 Colt 45s 3/26/2022
South County Mavericks 14u Blue
2 Hank Bills 20 1 Texas Prime Red 3/26/2022
0 0 Fb Spartans 14u 3/26/2022
Total 20 1
Kristopher Castillo 75 12 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
4 Gavin Hathorn 36 5 Texas Prime Red 3/26/2022
30 Kooper Martin 33 6 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
22 Hayden Ross 81 9 Fb Spartans 14u 3/26/2022
Ryan Sinski 32 5 Texas Prime Red 3/26/2022
T-Cats Red
33 Joshua Bunker Jr. 32 2 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
46 Antonio Cadriel Jr 0 0 Prospect Baseball White 14u 3/25/2022
0 0 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
Total 0 0
6 Kade Holifield 80 12 Prospect Baseball White 14u 3/25/2022
11 Gavin Jenkins-Greif 38 5 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
9 Jack Morman 37 6 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
0 Cayson Smith 37 5 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/25/2022
27 Dylan West 47 5 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
Team Houston
4 Trebor Dewhitt 40 7 Prospect Baseball White 14u 3/27/2022
40 Seth Ferguson 47 6 Katy Prestige 3/25/2022
17 Nick Hagle 15 3 Katy Prestige 3/25/2022
84 Walker Haranda 34 9 The Branch 3/25/2022
53 12 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/27/2022
Total 87 21
20 Luke Herbst 43 5 The Branch 3/25/2022
47 5 Hp Baseball Dawson 3/27/2022
Total 90 10
28 Bryce Hudson 13 0 The Branch 3/25/2022
42 3 Prospect Baseball White 14u 3/27/2022
Total 55 3
34 Parker Tinkham 19 3 Katy Prestige 3/25/2022
Team Venom 13
5 Michael Atkinson 36 3 Fb Spartans 14u 3/26/2022
99 Hayden Britt 15 2 5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black 3/27/2022
24 Jhett Bubke 66 9 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
7 Jett Hardwick 7 2 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
4 Lukas Hosler 15 3 Fb Spartans 14u 3/26/2022
0 0 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/26/2022
Total 15 3
64 12 5 Star Performance HTX 14U Black 3/27/2022
Total 79 15
50 Colson Istre 38 0 Fb Spartans 14u 3/26/2022
40 7 Premier Baseball Elliott 14u 3/27/2022
Total 78 7
6 Griffin McClosky 78 9 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/26/2022
27 Cameron Williams 55 5 Fb Spartans 14u 3/26/2022
18 3 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/26/2022
Total 73 8
Texas Prime Red
3 Nicolas Broyles 58 8 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/26/2022
33 Mark Hanrahan 13 2 South County Mavericks 14u Blue 3/26/2022
28 Ben Marshall 67 9 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/27/2022
99 Michael Morris 27 3 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/27/2022
6 Hayden Summers 20 0 Edge Baseball - Wiley 3/26/2022
2 Nick Verducci 59 6 South County Mavericks 14u Blue 3/26/2022
Texas Renegades
3 Eric Deshautelle 39 5 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/26/2022
65 12 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 104 17
12 Ashton Huebner 16 3 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/26/2022
0 Juan Lomeli 11 3 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/26/2022
22 0 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 33 3
81 Corbin Martinez 26 5 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/26/2022
55 Landon Pina 23 6 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/26/2022
20 Brady Schexnider 84 20 The Branch 3/27/2022
11 Damian Torres 30 3 Texas Twelve 2027 Gold 3/26/2022
20 3 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Total 50 6
2 Paul Wilkinson 29 3 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
Texas Twelve 2027 Black
36 William Beck 39 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/26/2022
56 Jackson Bryant 0 0 Texas Renegades 3/27/2022
50 9 Prospect U Houston 3/27/2022
Total 50 9
13 3 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/27/2022
Total 63 12
19 Luke Hardy 45 10 Prospect U Houston 3/27/2022
12 Brock Havens 51 9 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/26/2022
16 3 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 67 12
16 Isaac Huerta 69 9 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
47 Jirius Khoury 10 3 Texas Renegades 3/27/2022
0 0 Prospect U Houston 3/27/2022
Total 10 3
34 William Newhouse 2 2 Prospect U Houston 3/27/2022
12 3 Wildcatters 13u Barron 3/27/2022
Total 14 5
31 Noah Powell 3 2 Texas Renegades 3/27/2022
25 3 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/27/2022
Total 28 5
9 Luke Simon 75 12 Texas Renegades 3/27/2022
15 Grant Sperandio 79 12 Expos Baseball 14U Red 3/27/2022
39 Collins Turner 49 12 Marucci Elite Texas-Martinez 3/26/2022
35 Jackson Van Wie 27 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/26/2022
Texas Twelve 2027 Gold
21 Camden Hughes 24 1 Texas Renegades 3/26/2022
45 Ethan Kerze 55 7 Texas Renegades 3/26/2022
11 Cash McWhorter 38 5 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 3/26/2022
27 Jayden Morales 54 6 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
1 Carson Smith 33 6 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
17 Aidan Stuart 14 1 Edge Baseball - EPJ 3/27/2022
44 Reid Traeger 67 15 Five Tool Players-West 3/27/2022
8 Collin Weaks 57 6 Premier Baseball 14u Yost 3/26/2022
The Branch
21 Luke Boutros 65 11 Hp Baseball Wilson 3/25/2022
13 William Coates 24 6 Hp Baseball Wilson 3/25/2022
56 12 Texas Renegades 3/27/2022
Total 80 18
3 Brayden Johansson 21 5 Team Houston 3/25/2022
27 Timothy Lee 2 1 Team Houston 3/25/2022
8 Will Tacker 63 9 Team Houston 3/25/2022
37 6 Texas Renegades 3/27/2022
Total 100 15
42 Luke Zilafro 71 12 Fb Spartans 14u 3/27/2022
Wildcatters 13u Barron
35 Oscar Barron 49 5 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
15 0 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
Total 64 5
24 Hudson Bradley 12 1 Bvr 14u 3/26/2022
20 3 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/27/2022
Total 32 4
16 Christian Gracia 47 7 Five Tool Players-West 3/26/2022
26 9 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/27/2022
Total 73 16
7 Hudson Gregory 46 9 Bvr 14u 3/26/2022
13 Noah Melendez 55 8 Texas Twelve 2027 Black 3/27/2022
1 Isaiah Reyes 21 3 Five Tool Players-West 3/26/2022
10 2 Chargers 3/27/2022
Total 31 5
60 12 Katy Prestige 3/27/2022
Total 91 17
3 Gabriel Rivera 15 2 Bvr 14u 3/26/2022
79 14 Chargers 3/27/2022
Total 94 16
8 Joseph Salinas 28 3 Houston Bengals-14u (Watson) 3/27/2022
34 Cash Wilson 54 5 Five Tool Players-West 3/26/2022
ZT Elite - Texas 14U
45 Dominic Giametta Iii 56 4 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/26/2022
10 Johnny Ray Guajardo 67 9 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/27/2022
4 Ethan Partain 5 0 Prospect U Houston 3/26/2022
51 6 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/27/2022
Total 56 6
99 Isaiah Santamaria 85 15 Prodigy Baseball 3/27/2022
33 Payton Suneja 25 1 Prospect U Houston 3/26/2022
9 Jacob Tucker 53 11 Prospect U Houston 3/26/2022
8 2 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 3/27/2022
Total 61 13
24 Matthew Tucker 53 6 Dulins Dodgers Greenway 3/27/2022
3 Dominick Vasquez 49 11 Houston Athletics - Gold 3/26/2022