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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross
13 Jackson Bell 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/22/2022
8 Aj Brooks 0 7 South Walton Hawks 6/21/2022
22 Dierdorff Daniel 0 3 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/22/2022
55 Luke Donaldson 0 3 Backyard Ballers Black 6/22/2022
99 Daniel Lee 0 8 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/21/2022
0 8 Hustle Baseball 6/23/2022
Total 0 16
19 Kendrick Seever 0 1 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/21/2022
0 4 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/22/2022
Total 0 5
3 Kaylor Stancill 0 2 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/22/2022
17 Tyson Todd 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/22/2022
44 Will Zeigler 0 2 South Walton Hawks 6/21/2022
Backyard Ballers Black
Colt Edwards 0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
0 15 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/23/2022
Total 0 18
18 Lance Ehlers 0 6 South Walton Hawks 6/21/2022
0 5 Spain Park Jags 6/23/2022
Total 0 11
0 9 Spain Park Jags 6/24/2022
Total 0 20
Leonel Gonzalez 0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
8 Logan Lacox 0 8 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/21/2022
0 4 Spain Park Jags 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
Aiden Rossano 0 1 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/21/2022
0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
Total 0 4
20 Parker Stamps 0 10 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/22/2022
42 Beckam Whiteside 0 2 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/22/2022
Chrystian Wimberly 0 6 South Walton Hawks 6/21/2022
0 6 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
Total 0 12
0 1 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/23/2022
Total 0 13
0 3 Spain Park Jags 6/24/2022
Total 0 16
Canes Southeast 13u - Davis
24 Bresden Fabirkiewicz 0 3 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/21/2022
0 6 Carolina Lightning 6/22/2022
Total 0 9
0 2 South Walton Hawks 6/23/2022
Total 0 11
42 Jordan Garcia 0 9 Carolina Lightning 6/22/2022
0 16 Derby City Baseball Club 6/24/2022
Total 0 25
10 Ethan Hadarits 0 15 Slammers Prospects 6/21/2022
0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
5 Brayde Harris 0 3 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/21/2022
34 Lee Holt 0 3 South Walton Hawks 6/23/2022
22 Gage Norris 0 6 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/21/2022
0 8 South Walton Hawks 6/23/2022
Total 0 14
46 Landon Rawlins 0 12 Southwest Sox 6/22/2022
25 Eason Runion 0 15 Derby City Baseball Club 6/23/2022
Carolina Lightning
23 Dillon Blatt 0 2 Southwest Sox 6/21/2022
0 6 Slammers Prospects 6/22/2022
Total 0 8
25 Matthew Casey 0 4 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/23/2022
2 Calvin Durrence 0 6 Hustle Baseball 6/21/2022
0 3 Slammers Prospects 6/22/2022
Total 0 9
0 3 Ntx Elite Landry 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
0 15 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/24/2022
Total 0 27
4 Erskine Fousek 0 5 Hustle Baseball 6/21/2022
0 3 Ntx Elite Landry 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
0 1 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
21 Jud Lowie 0 4 Southwest Sox 6/21/2022
12 Sam Lowie 0 6 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/22/2022
0 5 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/23/2022
Total 0 11
7 Lucas McCall 0 9 Southwest Sox 6/21/2022
6 Hayden Stewart 0 6 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/22/2022
0 3 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
Derby City Baseball Club
14 Blake Brown 0 9 S.I. Naturals 6/22/2022
23 Gary Hellman 0 9 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/21/2022
0 15 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/23/2022
Total 0 24
9 Seth Keefe 0 9 Spain Park Jags 6/21/2022
0 4 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/23/2022
Total 0 13
20 Andrew McMurry 0 9 Ntx Elite Landry 6/22/2022
0 12 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
34 Henry Nixon 0 6 S.I. Naturals 6/22/2022
0 3 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/24/2022
Total 0 9
2 Owen Nutter 0 4 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/21/2022
0 8 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
27 Jack Stivers 0 3 Spain Park Jags 6/21/2022
0 6 Ntx Elite Landry 6/22/2022
Total 0 9
0 9 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/24/2022
Total 0 18
Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain
88 BLAZE Ashley 0 6 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/24/2022
27 Carter Callais 0 2 Backyard Ballers Black 6/22/2022
22 Liam Cazenave 0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/21/2022
0 9 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
18 Spencer Fuhrer 0 3 South Walton Hawks 6/22/2022
0 6 Carolina Lightning 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
0 5 Spain Park Jags 6/24/2022
Total 0 14
24 Cooper Hebert 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/22/2022
17 Grant Kirkpatrick 0 3 South Walton Hawks 6/22/2022
0 2 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
0 9 Carolina Lightning 6/24/2022
Total 0 14
0 7 Spain Park Jags 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
10 Evan Leboeuf 0 6 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/21/2022
0 3 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
0 9 Carolina Lightning 6/24/2022
Total 0 18
16 Luke Spangler 0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/21/2022
0 12 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2022
Total 0 15
0 6 Carolina Lightning 6/23/2022
Total 0 21
Hustle Baseball
48 Mario Balderas 0 6 Southwest Sox 6/21/2022
0 9 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/23/2022
Total 0 15
99 Isaiah Gutierrez 0 6 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/22/2022
7 Sean Lara 0 9 Slammers Prospects 6/22/2022
33 Luis Lozano 0 8 Carolina Lightning 6/21/2022
0 4 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
13 Guadalupe Pulido 0 1 Southwest Sox 6/21/2022
16 Jaythan Salinas 0 8 Southwest Sox 6/21/2022
0 14 South Walton Hawks 6/23/2022
Total 0 22
10 Carlos Soto 0 3 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/22/2022
0 3 Slammers Prospects 6/22/2022
Total 0 6
1 Tristan Trevino 0 4 Carolina Lightning 6/21/2022
0 8 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
Ntx Elite Landry
29 Lucas Barker 0 9 Spain Park Jags 6/22/2022
1 Aiden Graham 0 9 Derby City Baseball Club 6/22/2022
0 3 Spain Park Jags 6/22/2022
Total 0 12
32 Andrew Meazle 0 6 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/21/2022
0 3 Derby City Baseball Club 6/22/2022
Total 0 9
0 4 Spain Park Jags 6/23/2022
Total 0 13
22 Connor Nash 0 9 S.I. Naturals 6/21/2022
0 11 Spain Park Jags 6/23/2022
Total 0 20
3 Grayson Parker 0 3 S.I. Naturals 6/21/2022
0 3 Derby City Baseball Club 6/22/2022
Total 0 6
14 Ian Sundberg 0 6 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/21/2022
0 6 Carolina Lightning 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
Piranhas 13u Duff
28 Jaxson Allee 0 3 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/21/2022
34 Matthew Arguijo 0 7 Hustle Baseball 6/22/2022
12 Caden Barlow 0 6 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/21/2022
0 2 Hustle Baseball 6/22/2022
Total 0 8
0 2 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 10
32 Braeden Childress 0 8 Slammers Prospects 6/23/2022
50 Scott Helt 0 9 Slammers Prospects 6/21/2022
0 3 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
22 Ezra Norton 0 3 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/21/2022
0 1 Slammers Prospects 6/21/2022
Total 0 4
0 4 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
15 Darel Vega 0 2 Slammers Prospects 6/21/2022
0 2 Southwest Sox 6/22/2022
Total 0 4
0 4 Slammers Prospects 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
7 Edwin Vega 0 7 Southwest Sox 6/22/2022
0 2 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
S.I. Naturals
44 Cole Carmickle 0 3 Derby City Baseball Club 6/22/2022
0 2 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 5
21 Bryson Caudle 0 5 Derby City Baseball Club 6/22/2022
0 1 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
26 Aiden Germak 0 7 Derby City Baseball Club 6/22/2022
0 1 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
4 Drew Lankford 0 6 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/22/2022
0 6 Southwest Sox 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
0 13 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/24/2022
Total 0 25
1 Jayden Melvin 0 6 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/22/2022
11 Evan Rhodes 0 9 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/21/2022
0 9 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/23/2022
Total 0 18
0 12 Southwest Sox 6/24/2022
Total 0 30
12 Drew Roosevelt 0 6 Ntx Elite Landry 6/21/2022
19 Dawson Wood 0 3 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/21/2022
0 3 Ntx Elite Landry 6/21/2022
Total 0 6
0 2 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
0 18 Slammers Prospects 6/24/2022
Total 0 26
Slammers Prospects
50 Marc Brousseau 0 6 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/21/2022
22 Gavin Cantrell 0 6 Hustle Baseball 6/22/2022
31 Griffin Hasche 0 9 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/21/2022
0 9 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/24/2022
Total 0 18
4 Luke Lauer 0 9 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/21/2022
0 3 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
77 Matthew Schimberg 0 6 Carolina Lightning 6/22/2022
7 John Stamison 0 3 Carolina Lightning 6/22/2022
2 Caden Weller 0 9 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/23/2022
28 Brody Wright 0 6 Hustle Baseball 6/22/2022
South Walton Hawks
12 Alex Goodwin 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/21/2022
0 3 Team Elite 13U MVP 6/22/2022
Total 0 9
4 Drew Igou 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/21/2022
2 Bryant Mathis 0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/21/2022
0 6 Hustle Baseball 6/23/2022
Total 0 9
18 Fletcher Taylor 0 3 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/21/2022
0 9 Hustle Baseball 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
0 18 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/24/2022
Total 0 30
14 Blake Waites 0 3 Backyard Ballers Black 6/21/2022
0 9 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/22/2022
Total 0 12
0 3 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/23/2022
Total 0 15
1 Nathan Whitney 0 6 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/21/2022
0 9 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/23/2022
Total 0 15
Southwest Sox
9 Landon Blair 0 3 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/22/2022
3 Codie Bryant 0 6 Hustle Baseball 6/21/2022
8 Aidan Cloud 0 7 Canes Southeast 13u - Davis 6/22/2022
10 Bryant Edge 0 9 Hustle Baseball 6/21/2022
5 Chase Kemp 0 9 Carolina Lightning 6/21/2022
0 3 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/23/2022
Total 0 12
12 Brayden Mathis 0 8 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/22/2022
1 Seth Mika 0 1 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/22/2022
0 5 Piranhas 13u Duff 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
33 Alvaro Trejo-Lopez 0 6 Carolina Lightning 6/21/2022
0 12 S.I. Naturals 6/23/2022
Total 0 18
Spain Park Jags
5 Landon Besch 0 5 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2022
31 Patrick Beverly 0 2 Derby City Baseball Club 6/21/2022
0 1 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2022
Total 0 3
42 Bastian Carroll 0 6 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/21/2022
0 2 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2022
Total 0 8
1 Peyton Cerniglia 0 1 Ntx Elite Landry 6/22/2022
22 Hayden Hannah 0 9 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/21/2022
0 15 Ntx Elite Landry 6/23/2022
Total 0 24
2 Carter Holloway 0 3 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/22/2022
0 3 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/23/2022
Total 0 6
0 2 Backyard Ballers Black 6/24/2022
Total 0 8
8 Jackson Schach 0 9 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/22/2022
0 7 Backyard Ballers Black 6/24/2022
Total 0 16
11 Caden Smith 0 9 Derby City Baseball Club 6/21/2022
0 9 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/23/2022
Total 0 18
0 Cason Weidman 0 9 Ntx Elite Landry 6/22/2022
0 15 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/24/2022
Total 0 24
Team Elite 13U MVP
Gavin Bennett 0 1 South Walton Hawks 6/22/2022
Lucas Bennett 0 2 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/21/2022
0 6 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
Total 0 8
Jesse Brumbelow 0 3 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/21/2022
Dylan Bunch 0 1 S.I. Naturals 6/23/2022
Tyler Charles 0 2 Backyard Ballers Black 6/21/2022
0 8 S.I. Naturals 6/23/2022
Total 0 10
Warren Cintron 0 4 Backyard Ballers Black 6/21/2022
Mason Douglass 0 3 Backyard Ballers Black 6/21/2022
Griffin Heard 0 1 South Walton Hawks 6/22/2022
Landon Jordan 0 1 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/21/2022
0 2 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
Total 0 3
Brayden Lewis 0 1 643 Dp Tigers 13u Ross 6/22/2022
Team Elite 13u Prospects
Xavier Demro 0 12 Ntx Elite Landry 6/21/2022
0 1 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/24/2022
Total 0 13
Ryan Harless 0 8 S.I. Naturals 6/21/2022
5 Scotton Manton 0 12 Spain Park Jags 6/23/2022
6 Owen Mauney 0 4 S.I. Naturals 6/21/2022
0 13 Farm System Prospects 13u - Bonvillain 6/24/2022
Total 0 17
8 Will Morris 0 6 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/22/2022
Andrew Parker 0 1 Spain Park Jags 6/22/2022
9 Jj Sims 0 9 Texas Mizuno - Black 6/22/2022
11 Brody Tanner 0 8 Spain Park Jags 6/22/2022
Texas Mizuno - Black
22 Dreyden Cook 0 1 Derby City Baseball Club 6/21/2022
0 5 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/22/2022
Total 0 6
7 Bryceten Felps 0 9 S.I. Naturals 6/22/2022
0 3 Hustle Baseball 6/24/2022
Total 0 12
10 Parker Mire 0 5 Derby City Baseball Club 6/21/2022
0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/23/2022
Total 0 11
13 Grayson Royer 0 12 Spain Park Jags 6/21/2022
0 9 Hustle Baseball 6/24/2022
Total 0 21
24 Jacob Scheiderer 0 10 Team Elite 13u Prospects 6/22/2022
0 Slade Schroeder 0 3 Spain Park Jags 6/21/2022
0 9 Derby City Baseball Club 6/21/2022
Total 0 12
0 9 Derby City Baseball Club 6/23/2022
Total 0 21
9 Dayne Sunderland 0 6 S.I. Naturals 6/22/2022