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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Ba Broncos
2 Tristan Arghiropol 34 3 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
21 Elijah Bridges 29 2 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
55 Austin Cummings 79 14 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
9 Keaton Hall 69 12 Proway Colt .45s 12u 11/13/2021
1 Conner Joyce 17 2 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
13 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Total 30 4
4 Alexander Strong 25 1 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
Backyard Ballers Red
Lucas Burleson 24 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Braiden Carter 29 6 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
Gage Dittert 20 2 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
Ashton Hanna 29 5 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/13/2021
Landon Lauve 11 3 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
Jacob Matthew 22 6 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
Nicholas Rodano 22 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/13/2021
23 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Total 45 13
Brazos Stevenson 11 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/13/2021
38 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Total 49 10
Bombers Baseball
99 Trystan Cook 70 12 Lone Star Express Red 11/14/2021
13 Mohammad Ibrahim 12 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/13/2021
21 6 Lone Star Express Red 11/14/2021
Total 33 9
64 11 Texas Tigers 11/14/2021
Total 97 20
15 Levi Potter 7 1 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/13/2021
4 Josard Steele 30 6 Rage Baseball 11/13/2021
18 Cameron Thornton 29 1 Rage Baseball 11/13/2021
17 Jacob Thornton 11 0 Rage Baseball 11/13/2021
49 6 Texas Tigers 11/14/2021
Total 60 6
0 0 Lone Star Express Red 11/14/2021
Total 60 6
12 Jimmy Welnack 41 5 Rage Baseball 11/13/2021
7 Luke Westry 46 6 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/13/2021
Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler
11 Adrian Ballesteros 64 8 Proway Colt .45s 12u 11/13/2021
Derrick McCray Jr 18 1 Proway Colt .45s 12u 11/13/2021
42 Luke Ovalle 51 10 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/14/2021
21 Benjamin Robinson 47 9 Ba Broncos 11/13/2021
27 Giovanni Volante 34 5 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/14/2021
12 Darius Benitez 26 7 Lone Star Express Red 11/13/2021
37 4 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 63 11
4 Romeo Benitez 33 5 Lone Star Express Red 11/13/2021
3 Francisco Chavez 51 5 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/13/2021
26 1 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/14/2021
Total 77 6
9 Valentin Lopez 14 3 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/14/2021
42 9 Ktn Athletics 11/14/2021
Total 56 12
42 Elias Ruiz 29 3 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/13/2021
11 0 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 40 3
35 6 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/14/2021
Total 75 9
27 Gabriel Saenz 32 5 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/13/2021
40 10 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 72 15
29 5 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/14/2021
Total 101 20
Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders
Elliott Beasley 13 3 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
Zach Cowles 22 0 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Tate Cunningham 0 0 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
James Doyle 19 3 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
19 5 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Total 38 8
Austin Kapinos 3 0 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
Duke Keller 42 5 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
Luke Lenhart 37 6 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
Jackson Lindsey 36 6 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
12 0 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Total 48 6
Aidan McMurray 38 4 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
Preston Wu 10 3 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
53 10 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Total 63 13
Ktn Athletics
7 Reece Abbott 18 3 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
3 Colby Adams 27 6 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
27 Cael Perkins 16 1 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/13/2021
16 Trenton Royer 27 6 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
43 7 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Total 70 13
13 Jose Santoyo 18 5 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/13/2021
99 Kolby Spillars 33 6 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/13/2021
26 2 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Total 59 8
Lone Star Express Red
Britt Cooper 62 10 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/13/2021
Bennett Garcia 16 5 Bombers Baseball 11/14/2021
Kyle Johnston 17 2 Hooligans 11/13/2021
Gael Pantoja 32 5 Hooligans 11/13/2021
Tye Roberts 30 1 Hooligans 11/13/2021
Brayden Shellhammer 16 2 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/13/2021
Jordan Vera 20 0 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/13/2021
Nolan Walker 77 13 Bombers Baseball 11/14/2021
Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin
5 Drake Cherry 35 6 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
18 0 Ba Broncos 11/14/2021
Total 53 6
13 Tristan Cruz 23 3 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
32 3 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 55 6
1 Isaac Dillman 25 3 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
46 9 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 71 12
10 Cody Eggleston 40 8 Ba Broncos 11/14/2021
3 Aiden Gentry 6 3 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
15 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/14/2021
Total 21 6
12 Bennett Mosley 15 3 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
27 5 Ba Broncos 11/14/2021
Total 42 8
1 3 Backyard Ballers Red 11/14/2021
Total 43 11
68 8 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/14/2021
Total 111 19
27 Brandon Sauceda 21 6 Texas Tigers 11/13/2021
42 Milton Watkin 12 1 Ba Broncos 11/14/2021
75 13 Backyard Ballers Red 11/14/2021
Total 87 14
Proway Colt .45s 12u
Juan Flores 28 3 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
74 11 Texas Tigers 11/14/2021
Total 102 14
London James 29 1 Ba Broncos 11/13/2021
Brayden Martin 38 1 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
Cody Milder 19 2 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
0 Aj Rodriguez 37 3 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/13/2021
27 2 Ba Broncos 11/13/2021
Total 64 5
53 7 Texas Tigers 11/14/2021
Total 117 12
Shovaughn Smith 28 6 Ba Broncos 11/13/2021
Rage Baseball
7 Austin Adamson 67 5 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/14/2021
23 Mason Fitzsimmons 33 3 Bombers Baseball 11/13/2021
15 Nathan Hout 16 2 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/13/2021
17 Cannon Karnuth 34 8 Bombers Baseball 11/13/2021
36 4 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/14/2021
Total 70 12
99 Jaxson Smith 60 7 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/13/2021
33 Phoenix Teague 42 6 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/13/2021
27 1 Bombers Baseball 11/13/2021
Total 69 7
Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue
34 Maximus Barrett 35 6 Hooligans 11/13/2021
58 11 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Total 93 17
1 Drayton Baylor 43 9 Lone Star Express Red 11/13/2021
27 6 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/14/2021
Total 70 15
30 Preston Blackman 7 1 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/14/2021
88 Landen Ivy 23 5 Lone Star Express Red 11/13/2021
60 15 Hooligans 11/14/2021
Total 83 20
9 Jaxon Jorgensen 3 1 Lone Star Express Red 11/13/2021
52 11 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/14/2021
Total 55 12
21 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Total 76 16
13 Jackson Mead 37 7 Hooligans 11/13/2021
50 12 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/14/2021
Total 87 19
Scorpions Team EASTON (Red)
Payton Aaron 35 6 Bombers Baseball 11/13/2021
Blake Bielke 17 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Billy Cole III 23 3 Bombers Baseball 11/13/2021
45 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Total 68 10
Cole Cotten 19 3 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/14/2021
Jack Ely 13 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/14/2021
Jace Garrett 29 2 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/13/2021
Cash Hall 6 1 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/13/2021
Micah Mendez 25 6 Texas Hot Shots 12U 11/13/2021
Jack Schlesinger 16 3 Bombers Baseball 11/13/2021
71 12 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/14/2021
Total 87 15
2 Christopher Anderson 49 6 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
24 6 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 73 12
99 Carlos Morales 9 0 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/14/2021
40 Jayden Newhouse 46 9 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
35 9 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/14/2021
Total 81 18
5 Curtis Pichon 28 3 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
30 Nathan Reyes 11 3 Zt Elite- Navarro 11/13/2021
24 5 Gulf Coast Marlins Ziegler 11/14/2021
Total 35 8
4 Jayden Thompson 45 6 Ktn Athletics 11/13/2021
14 4 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Total 59 10
Texas Hot Shots 12U
Ryder Christiansen 33 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/13/2021
Hayes Harughty 30 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/13/2021
Cayden Larrison 35 9 Rage Baseball 11/13/2021
Cody Mersiovsky 51 6 Rage Baseball 11/13/2021
Landon Norwood 74 15 Rc Elite Mizuno-Blue 11/14/2021
Cole Snearly 53 3 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/13/2021
Texas Tigers
57 Jordan Batts 27 5 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
6 Nathaniel Leal 34 5 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
25 6 Bombers Baseball 11/14/2021
Total 59 11
1 Nathan Nehls 32 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/13/2021
23 Tyler Padgett 42 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/13/2021
69 6 Bombers Baseball 11/14/2021
Total 111 9
12 Oliver Reyes 0 0 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
6 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 11/13/2021
Total 6 2
27 3 Bombers Baseball 11/14/2021
Total 33 5
21 3 Proway Colt .45s 12u 11/14/2021
Total 54 8
45 Lucas Strawn 62 15 Proway Colt .45s 12u 11/14/2021
2 Jackson Theriot 23 2 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
1 0 Bombers Baseball 11/14/2021
Total 24 2
22 Ryan Young 20 3 Backyard Ballers Red 11/13/2021
Zt Elite- Navarro
7 Michael Barbosa 85 16 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/13/2021
18 Carsten Dennis 22 3 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
72 9 Rage Baseball 11/14/2021
Total 94 12
1 Armeen Hadaegh 22 5 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
11 Justin Jiminez 50 7 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
35 3 Rage Baseball 11/14/2021
Total 85 10
8 Santiago Navarro 29 6 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/14/2021
28 Dylan Pruneda 0 0 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/13/2021
10 2 STA-MO STORM 12U 11/13/2021
Total 10 2
63 6 Scorpions Team EASTON (Red) 11/14/2021
Total 73 8