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9/21 10:00AM - Due to a team dropping from the event this morning, a slight adjustment to the schedule has been made. Please double check your game times for accuracy.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13u Sandy Springs Storm
42 David Bowman 35 2 Tg Dbacks-Ocee 9/26/2021
44 Jordan Clayman 26 3 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
1 Evan Eisenstat 38 3 Tg Dbacks-Ocee 9/26/2021
7 Kyle Grayson 30 1 Tg Dbacks-Ocee 9/26/2021
13 Ethan Lipman 30 3 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
27 Samuel Mattison 4 0 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
22 Sam McAbee 18 0 Tg Dbacks-Ocee 9/26/2021
17 3 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
Total 35 3
11 Graham Swerdlin 37 3 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
ATL Lightning 13U Wallace
18 Sam Chasteen 20 3 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
11 Luke Cushman 39 6 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
27 Weston Goodman 17 3 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
4 Ryan Harrigan 44 4 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
12 Robert Hunter 26 3 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
8 Quint McGrath 14 3 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
5 Jack Simmons 0 0 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
1 Grant Smith 13 2 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
9 Jack Wilson 24 3 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
Augusta Mudcats
3 Carson Agner 32 2 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
11 Connor Bridges 47 5 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
9 Carson Chalker 52 5 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
1 Maddox Nuckols 64 12 Baseball Lab Comanche Maroon 9/26/2021
12 3 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
Total 76 15
10 Cody Spencer 16 3 Baseball Lab Comanche Maroon 9/26/2021
21 Bobby Whitley 87 15 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia
21 Alex Bemus 48 8 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
11 Braeden Derk 25 3 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
24 Carter Kinley 41 9 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
34 Rian Lavelle 61 12 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
13 Terry Tyler 15 1 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
0 Aubrey Young 19 1 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
Baseball Lab Comanche Maroon
1 Jackson Butts 51 7 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
64 Omar Ganzy, Ii 20 3 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
9 Mason Geeslin 32 5 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
44 Blake Hall 29 4 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
4 Nolan McPherson 24 3 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
10 Chase Stanfield 11 2 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
41 2 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
Total 52 4
6 Mason Stanfield 30 6 FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke 9/26/2021
5 Logan Trask 3 1 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
Brookwood Layson 13u
27 Alex Evans 24 3 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 9/26/2021
11 Logan Mixon 63 9 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 9/26/2021
20 Davis Robinson 55 9 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
18 3 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 9/26/2021
Total 73 12
17 Hayden Strickland 17 6 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold
34 Cortland Carter 0 0 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
3 Wesley Hendrix 39 9 ATL Lightning 13U Wallace 9/26/2021
9 Joseph (J.R.) Hoffman 57 8 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
24 L'Trelle Hooper 25 2 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
32 Kameron Leibel 3 1 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
5 Everett Perkins 33 2 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
9 3 ATL Lightning 13U Wallace 9/26/2021
Total 42 5
31 Beau Tibbitts 50 7 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
17 4 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Total 67 11
20 3 ATL Lightning 13U Wallace 9/26/2021
Total 87 14
10 Brody Tibbitts 72 11 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Dingers Athletics 13u Elite
27 Chase Alonso 54 5 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
36 6 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
Total 90 11
20 Jett Beck 21 6 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
40 4 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
Total 61 10
11 Brayden Hatcher 4 0 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
30 Atticus Joseph 13 1 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
9 Avery Lazenby 67 9 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
44 Owen Mauney 57 8 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
13 2 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
Total 70 10
21 Gianmarco Vega 17 3 Team Elite 13U Gray 9/26/2021
84 8 Canes Georgia 13u Lawless - Gold 9/26/2021
Total 101 11
Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold
24 Connor Bok 53 11 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
10 Andrew Chatigny 25 3 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
1 Alejandro Espelosin 46 8 Tg Dbacks-Ocee 9/26/2021
7 Jack McCreary 33 12 Tg Dbacks-Ocee 9/26/2021
72 Bradyn Oblas 35 6 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
22 Adam "Aj" Ranero 59 9 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
2 Vince Reiss 41 5 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
31 Britt Smith 26 0 Tigers baseball 9/26/2021
FCA Newnan Naturals - Abke
22 Nate Brown 21 5 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
25 Porter Child 23 0 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
4 Reid Davis 51 4 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
13 Nathan Dewberry 24 5 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
3 Thomas Knight 75 9 Baseball Lab Comanche Maroon 9/26/2021
8 Brian Moore 4 1 Baseball Lab Comanche Maroon 9/26/2021
34 2 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
Total 38 3
20 Ben Roche 57 12 Augusta Mudcats 9/26/2021
10 Thomas Strickland 65 8 Baseball Lab Comanche Maroon 9/26/2021
Prime Baseball 13u - Degon
23 Charles Becker 35 5 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
8 Brayden Bell 11 0 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
33 Maddox Degon 51 6 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
22 Jon DiNapoli 33 5 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
9 Lukas Gibson 46 6 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
13 Anthony Kauker 47 8 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
66 Brently Kohler 4 3 Brookwood Layson 13u 9/26/2021
11 3 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
Total 15 6
74 12 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
Total 89 18
5 Adrian Palacios 7 3 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
30 Owen Smith 17 0 Southeast Barons 9/26/2021
Southeast Barons
44 Will Aden 42 12 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
Dylan Cunningham 47 4 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
5 Ryan Keating 69 4 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
Brody Keel 5 2 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 9/26/2021
Jack Pierce 62 8 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
Niko Stojic 15 1 Prime Baseball 13u - Degon 9/26/2021
Owen Szczepanik 95 18 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 9/26/2021
Team Elite 13U Gray
Wesley Denton 12 3 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Grady Hansen 3 0 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Noah Layton 54 9 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Grant Sagro 19 1 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Jj Sims 43 6 ATL Lightning 13U Wallace 9/26/2021
Mookie Smolin 48 7 ATL Lightning 13U Wallace 9/26/2021
Brice Stone 17 1 Dingers Athletics 13u Elite 9/26/2021
Braylon Wilson 1 3 ATL Lightning 13U Wallace 9/26/2021
Tg Dbacks-Ocee
17 Matthew Bronitt 36 5 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
18 Evan Lucas 27 5 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
42 Bryce Nolan 57 9 13u Sandy Springs Storm 9/26/2021
5 Tilden Reams 24 4 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
11 Austin Walsh 11 3 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
Tigers baseball
45 Jake Beard 73 9 13u Sandy Springs Storm 9/26/2021
11 Cole Cable 23 5 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
5 Riley Castaneda 38 9 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
47 Bennett Miles 8 3 13u Sandy Springs Storm 9/26/2021
79 12 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021
Total 87 15
24 Luke Nordholz 59 10 Dunwoody Diablos 13u Gold 9/26/2021