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Saturday: 3:55 PM - All playoff and consolation games have been posted.  Good luck to all teams!
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Old Dominion Hitters 2019/2020 Druz (1-2-0)
1-2-0 Overall 1-2-0 vs. Non-classified
Tournament Roster Print
14 Seth Avant SS 6-0160 R/R 2020Granby Norfolk, VA  
3 Vincent Bashara RHP IF 5-11180 L/R 2020Maury Norfolk, VA Top 1000 Old Dominion
5 John Bonney, Jr. SS 2B, MIF, RHP 5-10145 R/R 2019Maury Norfolk, VA High Follow King University
11 Zack Chadwell RHP 1B 6-5220 L/R 2021Hickory Chesapeake, VA 500 High Point
36 Ben Durham LHP 6-2210 L/L 2020Tallwood Virginia Beach, VA  
63 Parker Ensogna OF 1B, 3B 5-11160 R/R 2020Frank W. Cox Virginia Beach, VA  
33 Alex Gianascoli RHP 6-2165 R/B 2019Cape Henry Collegiate School Virginia Beach, VA  
6 Pj Harn C OF 5-10180 R/R 2020Floyd Kellam Virginia Beach, VA  
1 Devon Hicks OF RHP 6-2205 R/R 2020Bayside Virginia Beach, VA 500 Old Dominion
44 Jacob Jackson SS 2B, 3B, OF 5-10165 R/R 2020Maury Norfolk, VA High Follow Washington and Lee University
27 Landon Martino C OF 6-0175 R/R 2020Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Suffolk, VA  
12 Grant Melnyk SS 2B, 3B, IF, OF, UT 6-1155 R/R 2020Floyd Kellam Virginia Beach, VA Top 1000 Longwood
30 Jack Morick 3B MIF, OF 6-0175 R/R 2019Floyd Kellam Virginia Beach, VA Follow Marymount
42 Pedro Orta RHP C, IF, OF 6-2168 R/R 2020Granby Norfolk, VA Top 1000 Bryant and Stratton College -VA
20 Wyatt Reid RHP 6-2195 L/R 2019Frank W. Cox Virginia Beach, VA  
23 Khalil Reynolds RHP OF 6-3220 R/R 2020Churchland Chesapeake, VA 500 Bryant and Stratton College -VA
9 Clayton Robbins SS RHP 6-0165 R/R 2021Princess Anne Virginia Beach, VA  
24 Sebastian Silva C 1B, OF, RHP 6-0175 L/R 2020Norfolk Christian Schools Norfolk, VA Top 1000 Lake Erie College
2 Myles Webb OF IF, RHP, UT 6-2188 R/R 2020Granby Norfolk, VA Follow Randolph-Macon College
Pool Standings
Pool seeding tie breaker
Pool A
Mid Penn Prospects 2019 PA1.000200015
Pittsburgh Diamond Dawgs 17 Gold (2019) PA1.000200219
2019 Hampton Roads Hurricanes VA1.000200314
Virginia REVO 17U VA1.000200714
Frederick Sluggers MD0.50011065
Jersey Tri Force Red NJ0.500110810
Old Dominion Hitters 2019/2020 Druz VA0.5001101513
Team MaxBat VA0.25001165
USA Mavericks 17U NH0.250011124
RBI Tri-Cities Expos 17U TN0.000020140
BBA Bombers NY0.000020167
Garciaparra Baseball Group VA0.000020247