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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects
16 Dominic Athans 31 0 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/18/2025
7 1 Vegas Elite 1/19/2025
Total 38 1
Jason Espinoza 15 0 Vegas Elite Gold 1/18/2025
Lorenzo Grajeda 12 2 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/18/2025
41 4 Vegas Elite 1/19/2025
Total 53 6
Jameson Mandle 43 3 Vegas Elite Gold 1/18/2025
60 9 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/19/2025
Total 103 12
Xavier Molina 53 4 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/18/2025
39 4 Vegas Elite 1/19/2025
Total 92 8
Kaleb Perkins 42 4 Vegas Elite Gold 1/18/2025
45 3 Vegas Elite 1/19/2025
Total 87 7
Gatlynn Watt 27 3 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/18/2025
48 2 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/19/2025
Total 75 5
CBA Vegas Gold
Harrison Arlie 47 7 EP Reapers 1/18/2025
34 3 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/19/2025
Total 81 10
Cash Banda 45 3 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/19/2025
Oliver Brown 46 8 Glendora Bulldogs 1/19/2025
Jaxon Englebright 55 6 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/18/2025
19 3 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/19/2025
Total 74 9
Mason Menendez 16 1 Glendora Bulldogs 1/19/2025
Adrian Neely 42 6 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/18/2025
CBA Vegas Navy
18 Austin Correa 47 3 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/18/2025
99 Anthony D'Anna 76 15 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/19/2025
27 Jose Gamboa 17 2 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/18/2025
16 3 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/19/2025
Total 33 5
2 Chyna Muehlnickel 34 9 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/18/2025
7 2 Vegas Elite 1/19/2025
Total 41 11
7 Logan Tabeek 76 10 Vegas Elite 1/19/2025
34 Sebastian Unzueta 38 6 Glendora Bulldogs 1/18/2025
17 Diego Vega 36 6 Glendora Bulldogs 1/18/2025
EP Reapers
2 Luke Burciaga 57 9 CBA Vegas Gold 1/18/2025
46 2 Vegas Elite Gold 1/19/2025
Total 103 11
19 Antonio Contreras 38 3 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/18/2025
61 10 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/19/2025
Total 99 13
34 Samuel Lightbourn 12 1 Vegas Elite Gold 1/19/2025
Elias Mendoza 24 3 CBA Vegas Gold 1/18/2025
14 2 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/19/2025
Total 38 5
52 2 Vegas Elite Gold 1/19/2025
Total 90 7
D'Angelo Ortiz 19 2 CBA Vegas Gold 1/18/2025
58 5 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/18/2025
Total 77 7
Glendora Bulldogs
12 Jack Beemer 42 9 CBA Vegas Navy 1/18/2025
54 14 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/20/2025
Total 96 23
4 McCoy Davis 26 3 CBA Vegas Navy 1/18/2025
18 6 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/18/2025
Total 44 9
13 3 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/19/2025
Total 57 12
11 Noah Delgado 9 3 CBA Vegas Navy 1/18/2025
41 6 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/18/2025
Total 50 9
33 5 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/20/2025
Total 83 14
8 Gael Francis 36 6 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/18/2025
16 Leo George 14 6 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/19/2025
6 3 CBA Vegas Gold 1/19/2025
Total 20 9
23 Isaac Herrera 42 9 CBA Vegas Gold 1/19/2025
5 Matteo Pierotti 23 3 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/19/2025
Golden Spikes Baseball
99 Matthew Akbari 35 2 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/19/2025
12 Alexander Bird 48 6 Glendora Bulldogs 1/18/2025
13 Cash Brunson 39 6 Vegas Elite 1/18/2025
23 Adrian Cruz 59 9 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/19/2025
10 Jayden Habibian 12 2 Glendora Bulldogs 1/18/2025
36 4 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/20/2025
Total 48 6
55 Blaze Johnson 56 10 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/20/2025
18 Carter Quezada 28 9 Glendora Bulldogs 1/18/2025
6 Alexander Rivera 53 6 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/19/2025
22 Christian Rodriguez 27 3 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/19/2025
2 Crew Smith 19 1 Glendora Bulldogs 1/18/2025
Rawlings Tigers LV 10u
Jacob Baeza 70 8 EP Reapers 1/19/2025
73 Niklas Jensen 58 3 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/19/2025
Alexis Lopez 16 2 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/18/2025
32 2 EP Reapers 1/19/2025
Total 48 4
17 Mason Morgan 78 6 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/18/2025
9 Kingston Thornton 69 10 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/18/2025
23 Mavrik Tuohy 14 2 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/18/2025
45 6 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/19/2025
Total 59 8
Sin City Thunder 10u Purple
17 Kason Bannigan 36 6 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/18/2025
49 7 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/20/2025
Total 85 13
22 Davion French Ii 31 3 Glendora Bulldogs 1/19/2025
27 Michael Licari Jr 28 3 EP Reapers 1/18/2025
21 Coen Loudenslager 15 3 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/19/2025
8 Aiden McKenna 58 6 EP Reapers 1/18/2025
70 Parker Prince 31 3 Glendora Bulldogs 1/19/2025
6 Sawyer Shellum 15 3 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/19/2025
9 Brady Stephenson 66 6 Glendora Bulldogs 1/19/2025
34 Daniel Zlatev 48 8 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/20/2025
Sin City Thunder 9u Purple
Franklin Blanco 54 9 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/19/2025
Brandon Bounds 16 3 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/18/2025
Cameron Chapin 41 9 CBA Vegas Gold 1/19/2025
Kason Coxon 43 3 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/18/2025
Prestyn Norris 30 3 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/18/2025
8 3 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/20/2025
Total 38 6
Evan Roy 19 6 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/18/2025
Tre Ruezga 28 3 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/18/2025
61 12 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/20/2025
Total 89 15
Bobby Sandhu 20 3 CBA Vegas Gold 1/19/2025
Camdon Truman 38 9 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/19/2025
Texas Railhawks Orange
80 Virat Chari 27 3 CBA Vegas Gold 1/18/2025
42 Kade Hays 9 1 CBA Vegas Gold 1/18/2025
77 William Henry 30 5 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/18/2025
Anantya Jarugumilli 32 6 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/19/2025
99 Harrison Keenan 53 6 Vegas Elite Gold 1/19/2025
10 Grant Melville 39 5 CBA Vegas Gold 1/18/2025
2 2 Vegas Elite Gold 1/19/2025
Total 41 7
87 Brooks Morgan 13 0 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/18/2025
29 Daniel Olivo Jr. 19 1 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/18/2025
88 Corbyn Sarchet 7 3 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/19/2025
0 Deacon Thole 31 2 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/18/2025
49 7 Vegas Elite Gold 1/19/2025
Total 80 9
Vegas Elite
15 Ashton Christie 40 5 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/19/2025
3 Jameson Ellenberger 67 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/19/2025
52 Joseph Florez 25 3 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/18/2025
1 Roman Lomeli 20 4 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/18/2025
45 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/19/2025
Total 65 10
5 Milan Osorio 56 8 West Coast Blackdogs Guzman 1/18/2025
5 Fabian Ramirez 24 5 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/19/2025
23 Nolan Atom Ramos 28 2 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/19/2025
22 Jackson Smith-Tirado 61 6 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/18/2025
Vegas Elite Gold
27 Nixon Houser 23 3 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/18/2025
23 Jax Killebrew 26 3 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/18/2025
9 Cooper Korch 16 3 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/18/2025
18 3 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/19/2025
Total 34 6
2 Julian Lomeli 59 9 365 / Lights Out 10U Prospects 1/18/2025
3 Easton Lords 21 3 West Coast Blackdogs Barnes 1/18/2025
8 Jonathan Ramirez 43 7 EP Reapers 1/19/2025
35 Chase Ross 29 2 EP Reapers 1/19/2025
1 Carter Walos 70 9 Texas Railhawks Orange 1/19/2025
West Coast Blackdogs Barnes
34 Lucas Adams 52 8 CBA Vegas Navy 1/19/2025
42 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/20/2025
Total 94 14
9 George Cardenas III 76 9 Vegas Elite Gold 1/18/2025
14 3 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/18/2025
Total 90 12
14 3 CBA Vegas Navy 1/20/2025
Total 104 15
Mason Fissell 42 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/19/2025
5 Conrad Schermerhorn 50 9 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/19/2025
45 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/20/2025
Total 95 15
7 Asthon Slaughter 8 3 Golden Spikes Baseball 1/19/2025
28 3 CBA Vegas Navy 1/19/2025
Total 36 6
53 Myles Tavera 26 6 Vegas Elite Gold 1/18/2025
37 9 Rawlings Tigers LV 10u 1/18/2025
Total 63 15
West Coast Blackdogs Guzman
Alexander Evans 61 9 Vegas Elite 1/18/2025
95 Jaxon Halko 45 3 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/19/2025
25 Jaxon Kamphuis 75 9 Sin City Thunder 10u Purple 1/19/2025
Julian Mendoza 61 9 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/19/2025
1 Cruz Perez 29 4 Vegas Elite 1/18/2025
33 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/18/2025
Total 62 10
2 Nico Perez 67 6 CBA Vegas Navy 1/18/2025
23 6 Sin City Thunder 9u Purple 1/19/2025
Total 90 12