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7U (AA) 8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
Sep 8 - Nov 17 |  The Farm League | Spring, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Cruz Baseball
Cj Epps 13 3 Elite RBI 14u 10/6/2024
50 6 Wow Factor Swb 11/3/2024
Total 63 9
Sebastian Fuentes 14 0 Wow Factor Swb 9/8/2024
Marsley Herder 51 3 Wow Factor Swb 9/8/2024
40 1 Elite RBI 14u 10/6/2024
Total 91 4
61 11 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 11/3/2024
Total 152 15
Hudson Kirk 40 6 Wow Factor Swb 9/8/2024
3 1 Opa Jays - Cerny 9/22/2024
Total 43 7
13 1 Opa Jays - Coleman 10/6/2024
Total 56 8
16 1 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 11/3/2024
Total 72 9
Liam Lopez 28 6 Pba 9/8/2024
28 9 Opa Jays - Coleman 10/6/2024
Total 56 15
Davis Loyd 52 6 Opa Jays - Cerny 9/22/2024
64 8 Elite RBI 14u 10/6/2024
Total 116 14
Mason Ly 42 7 Opa Jays - Coleman 10/6/2024
Sergio Munoz 35 5 Opa Jays - Cerny 9/22/2024
40 6 Wow Factor Swb 11/3/2024
Total 75 11
Jack Rice 55 6 Pba 9/8/2024
14 Preston Cole 50 0 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 10/6/2024
24 Kason Garcia-Jackson 7 2 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/8/2024
18 4 Apex Vipers 14u Teal 9/22/2024
Total 25 6
33 Dillon Goley 82 8 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/8/2024
82 12 Wow Factor Swb 9/22/2024
Total 164 20
13 Weston Moon 70 7 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/8/2024
52 7 Apex Vipers 14u Teal 9/22/2024
Total 122 14
17 0 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 10/6/2024
Total 139 14
69 Carter Morris 16 1 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/8/2024
19 0 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 10/6/2024
Total 35 1
A+ Drillers 14u Black
Jace Avelar 53 2 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/8/2024
Andrew Brice 23 1 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/8/2024
19 3 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/22/2024
Total 42 4
Kadin Capeles 26 4 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/8/2024
Mason Copeland 32 8 Houston Hawks 9/22/2024
Max Cousté 46 5 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/8/2024
Bennett Emmons 34 6 Houston Hawks 9/22/2024
Cameron Matuszewski 8 1 Houston Hawks 9/22/2024
Jake Powitzky 25 2 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/8/2024
20 3 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/22/2024
Total 45 5
Hunter Puckett 39 6 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/8/2024
9 0 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/22/2024
Total 48 6
Keaton Washington 43 6 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/22/2024
Advantage 14u
4 Brady Conrad 15 3 Houston Hawks 10/6/2024
Juan Garza 24 2 Elite RBI 14u 9/22/2024
7 Grayson Handley 32 3 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 10/6/2024
5 Hunter Hiett 26 6 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/8/2024
46 5 Elite RBI 14u 9/22/2024
Total 72 11
9 2 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 10/6/2024
Total 81 13
15 3 Houston Hawks 10/6/2024
Total 96 16
42 Gavin Kemper 40 6 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/8/2024
34 5 Elite RBI 14u 9/22/2024
Total 74 11
50 6 Houston Hawks 10/6/2024
Total 124 17
34 Caleb Salazar 38 4 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 10/6/2024
Apex Vipers 14u Teal
22 Sammie Ramos 70 9 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/22/2024
6 Dylan Socha 36 9 Wow Factor Swb 9/22/2024
9 Abram Zeller 203 0 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/22/2024
Bvr 14u Maroon
Korbin Armor 78 9 Advantage 14u 9/8/2024
31 0 WBA 14u Angel 10/6/2024
Total 109 9
Cooper Bailey 42 6 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/8/2024
Johnathan Bouis 44 9 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/8/2024
40 9 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 9/22/2024
Total 84 18
Eli Evans 68 0 WBA 14u Angel 10/6/2024
Omar Olvera 27 3 Advantage 14u 9/8/2024
Colton Sajewski 34 3 Advantage 14u 9/8/2024
1 0 WBA 14u Angel 10/6/2024
Total 35 3
Canes Houston - 14u Blanton
Brayden Beckham 54 9 Texas Elite Lobos Scout 9/22/2024
78 10 Advantage 14u 11/3/2024
Total 132 19
James Dejesus 3 1 Advantage 14u 11/3/2024
Wyatt Ervin 5 2 Advantage 14u 11/3/2024
Knox Kanatani 25 2 Houston Hawks 9/8/2024
Ace Martinez 8 1 Advantage 14u 11/3/2024
Nicholas Norman 49 12 Houston Hawks 9/8/2024
35 6 Texas Elite Lobos Scout 9/22/2024
Total 84 18
37 8 Advantage 14u 11/3/2024
Total 121 26
Konnor Saqr 8 1 Houston Hawks 9/8/2024
Raul Vega 8 1 Advantage 14u 11/3/2024
Canes Houston - 14u Hayes
Jude Amato 7 2 Prospect United Houston - Bearden 9/8/2024
26 5 Advantage 14u 10/6/2024
Total 33 7
Jason Casares 13 0 Prospect United Houston - Bearden 9/8/2024
37 6 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/22/2024
Total 50 6
34 2 Opa Jays - Cerny 10/6/2024
Total 84 8
Cole Degeorge 15 1 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/22/2024
Colin Jimmerson 25 3 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/22/2024
Ky Pratt 64 12 Texas Elite Lobos Scout 9/8/2024
38 5 Opa Jays - Coleman 9/22/2024
Total 102 17
Wyatt Prudhomme 25 4 Prospect United Houston - Bearden 9/8/2024
41 1 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/22/2024
Total 66 5
Wyatt Richey 53 9 Prospect United Houston - Bearden 9/8/2024
40 6 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/22/2024
Total 93 15
43 4 Advantage 14u 10/6/2024
Total 136 19
Jalieel Simon 19 0 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/22/2024
Charlie Stephens 43 4 Opa Jays - Cerny 10/6/2024
Taven Treminio 21 3 Opa Jays - Cerny 10/6/2024
Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red
17 Jackson Allen 61 6 Houston Hawks 9/22/2024
42 12 Prospect United Houston - Bearden 10/6/2024
Total 103 18
86 Hunter Chesney 28 4 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/22/2024
16 3 Houston Hawks 9/22/2024
Total 44 7
32 1 Pba 10/6/2024
Total 76 8
0 Nicholas Federico 73 9 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/8/2024
63 5 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/22/2024
Total 136 14
56 6 Pba 10/6/2024
Total 192 20
2 Christopher Kenski 7 3 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/8/2024
67 Ethan Vetter 26 3 Bvr 14u Maroon 9/8/2024
18 3 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/22/2024
Total 44 6
6 2 Pba 10/6/2024
Total 50 8
Houston Hawks
95 Jonathan Armenta 6 2 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 9/8/2024
18 3 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/8/2024
Total 24 5
34 3 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/22/2024
Total 58 8
0 Sebastian Castanon 19 3 Advantage 14u 10/6/2024
99 Javier Hendricks 38 4 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 9/8/2024
60 6 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 9/22/2024
Total 98 10
49 9 Advantage 14u 10/6/2024
Total 147 19
6 Bennett King 49 9 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 9/8/2024
58 9 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/22/2024
Total 107 18
40 6 Opa Jays - Cerny 10/6/2024
Total 147 24
27 Aleksander Vergara 47 6 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/8/2024
36 6 A+ Drillers 14u Black 9/22/2024
Total 83 12
30 6 Opa Jays - Cerny 10/6/2024
Total 113 18
Opa Jays - Cerny
11 Jacob Day 12 1 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 10/6/2024
55 Landon Dixon 39 3 Elite RBI 14u 9/8/2024
4 Kade Kessler 52 6 14u Cruz Baseball 9/22/2024
64 9 Houston Hawks 10/6/2024
Total 116 15
6 Luke Schaake 43 3 Elite RBI 14u 9/8/2024
48 8 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 10/6/2024
Total 91 11
2 Kashton Shahan 24 6 14u Cruz Baseball 9/22/2024
18 3 Houston Hawks 10/6/2024
Total 42 9
Carter Valente 35 0 Elite RBI 14u 9/8/2024
Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher
Brody Allen 34 6 Pba 9/22/2024
27 0 14U TEXAS BLUES 10/6/2024
Total 61 6
Carter Cagna 40 9 Pba 9/22/2024
50 6 WBA 14u Angel 10/6/2024
Total 90 15
25 Kingston McKenzie 60 9 Houston Hawks 9/8/2024
42 3 WBA 14u Angel 10/6/2024
Total 102 12
Kolton Meyer 4 0 14U TEXAS BLUES 10/6/2024
64 Andre Rivas 45 6 Houston Hawks 9/8/2024
71 0 14U TEXAS BLUES 10/6/2024
Total 116 6
Prospect United Houston - Bearden
Gavin Carroll 20 0 Houston Hawks 11/3/2024
Hudson Gilliam 63 6 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 9/8/2024
43 5 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 10/6/2024
Total 106 11
18 3 Houston Hawks 11/3/2024
Total 124 14
Adrian Herrera 40 8 Houston Hawks 11/3/2024
Logan Kessler 66 7 Fury Baseball Hurricanes Red 10/6/2024
36 3 WBA 14u Angel 11/3/2024
Total 102 10
Timothy Lester 44 9 WBA 14u Angel 11/3/2024
John Patrick Smoter 40 9 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 9/8/2024
18 1 Houston Hawks 11/3/2024
Total 58 10
Texas Elite Lobos Scout
3 Andrew Bachman 54 2 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/22/2024
26 Ayden Jaradi 54 6 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/22/2024
11 Landon Mains 53 3 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 9/8/2024
19 1 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/22/2024
Total 72 4
2 Hayden Rodriguez 29 0 WBA 14u Angel 9/8/2024
13 Carter Sutphen 49 9 WBA 14u Angel 9/8/2024
23 Grey Tapia 56 6 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 9/8/2024
24 Jett Tapia 31 3 Canes Houston - 14u Hayes 9/8/2024
32 6 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/22/2024
Total 63 9
WBA 14u Angel
Diego Alvarado 55 0 Texas Elite Lobos Scout 9/8/2024
Manuel Marte 15 1 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 10/6/2024
Konnor Oliver 81 9 Canes Houston - 14u Blanton 9/22/2024
70 8 Prospect United Houston - B. Fisher 10/6/2024
Total 151 17
Brodie Sanchez 58 6 Texas Elite Lobos Scout 9/8/2024
Wow Factor Swb
32 Jack Dolan 15 0 14u Cruz Baseball 9/8/2024
18 1 Apex Vipers 14u Teal 9/22/2024
Total 33 1
58 Aaron Guzman 20 5 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/22/2024
55 Cameron Jenks 62 4 Apex Vipers 14u Teal 9/22/2024
24 Carter Trosclair 15 0 14u Cruz Baseball 9/8/2024
3 Elijah Villegas 37 3 Apex Vipers 14u Teal 9/22/2024
37 James Williams 36 3 14u Cruz Baseball 9/8/2024
47 7 14U TEXAS BLUES 9/22/2024
Total 83 10