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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12u Louisiana Athletes
19 Colstyn Boudreaux 27 6 Stars & Stripes 6/12/2024
88 16 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/15/2024
Total 115 22
18 Brant Boykin 6 3 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/12/2024
13 Slade Citizen 27 4 Stars & Stripes 6/12/2024
26 3 Blueclaw Baseball 6/13/2024
Total 53 7
44 Jude Hedrick 39 7 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
60 18 Southpaw Baseball 6/14/2024
Total 99 25
10 Ace Mancuso 2 1 Stars & Stripes 6/12/2024
30 4 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/12/2024
Total 32 5
33 6 Blueclaw Baseball 6/13/2024
Total 65 11
0 Baylin Murphy 16 5 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
71 16 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/14/2024
Total 87 21
20 Braydon Peveto 27 7 Stars & Stripes 6/12/2024
5 2 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/15/2024
Total 32 9
5 Cason Trahan 27 5 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/12/2024
12 3 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
Total 39 8
13 3 Blueclaw Baseball 6/13/2024
Total 52 11
14 2 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/14/2024
Total 66 13
Ballistic Baseball 12u
10 Ashton Abshire 5 1 Champion Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
9 3 Showtime Hornets 6/13/2024
Total 14 4
54 12 Blueclaw Baseball 6/15/2024
Total 68 16
41 Diesel Daigle 20 3 Showtime Hornets 6/13/2024
Easton Dempsey 46 6 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/12/2024
30 Kale Dolezal 40 8 Champion Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
27 Garrison Martin 29 6 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/12/2024
32 6 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/15/2024
Total 61 12
0 Tyler Simon 57 9 Showtime Hornets 6/14/2024
1 Easton Stanley 18 6 Jays 6/13/2024
75 12 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/15/2024
Total 93 18
Black Gold
33 Rhett Bell 74 11 WAR Baseball 12U 6/12/2024
8 Christopher Galan 40 9 Showtime Hornets 6/12/2024
44 6 Southpaw Baseball 6/13/2024
Total 84 15
29 Kade Huggins 16 0 WAR Baseball 12U 6/12/2024
82 12 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/15/2024
Total 98 12
22 Cody Parrish 54 6 Showtime Hornets 6/12/2024
80 18 Jays 6/14/2024
Total 134 24
2 Mason Street 40 9 Southpaw Baseball 6/13/2024
62 12 WAR Baseball 12U 6/15/2024
Total 102 21
55 Tristin Szecsy 72 13 Blueclaw Baseball 6/13/2024
Blueclaw Baseball
6 Eli Aguillard 38 6 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/12/2024
13 Maxton Bartee 22 2 Stars & Stripes 6/14/2024
8 Lucas Coffman 37 6 Jays 6/12/2024
10 Stanford Cruz 41 6 Black Gold 6/13/2024
70 16 Stars & Stripes 6/14/2024
Total 111 22
15 Camden Feldes 40 9 Black Gold 6/13/2024
64 9 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/15/2024
Total 104 18
2 Easton Gary 51 9 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/13/2024
14 Trey Grossi 30 4 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/12/2024
12 Colton Miller 57 6 Jays 6/12/2024
CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford
29 Steven Ardoin 30 3 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/12/2024
23 Mathieu Comeaux 33 7 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/14/2024
8 Cutter Crawford 24 1 Southpaw Baseball 6/13/2024
9 Brady Dickerson 56 8 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/14/2024
27 Noah Duhon 41 7 Stars & Stripes 6/13/2024
12 Rigyn Hungerford 20 1 Southpaw Baseball 6/13/2024
11 3 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/14/2024
Total 31 4
23 Brody Labruyere 1 1 Champion Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
41 5 Southpaw Baseball 6/13/2024
Total 42 6
16 Kayden Marshall 22 3 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/12/2024
13 Aiden Miller 49 6 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/12/2024
17 Paxton Mitchell 36 5 Stars & Stripes 6/13/2024
25 Kale Welch 52 8 Champion Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
67 15 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/14/2024
Total 119 23
Champion Baseball 12u
14 Kendall Burt 48 7 WAR Baseball 12U 6/14/2024
3 Trent Callais 36 3 Jays 6/13/2024
10 0 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/13/2024
Total 46 3
Grady Corbello 26 1 WAR Baseball 12U 6/14/2024
10 Gabriel Gaspard 32 7 Jays 6/13/2024
27 Victor Daniel Guignan Milano 73 8 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/12/2024
0 Christian Meadows 8 1 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
28 1 Jays 6/13/2024
Total 36 2
5 Nolan Mitchell 4 1 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/12/2024
27 3 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/13/2024
Total 31 4
99 Philip Winters 45 6 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
77 Brayden Woodard 73 9 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/13/2024
Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA
42 Carter Johnson 38 9 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/12/2024
24 Jeremy Livings 61 5 Southpaw Baseball 6/14/2024
6 Breylin Orphey 43 4 Champion Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
15 Anthony Rigmaiden 30 4 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/13/2024
5 Gavyn Stone 41 11 WAR Baseball 12U 6/12/2024
51 7 Champion Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
Total 92 18
2 Kameron Triggs 46 5 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/13/2024
27 Javonte’ Vital 18 3 WAR Baseball 12U 6/12/2024
26 3 Southpaw Baseball 6/14/2024
Total 44 6
19 Ja’Mauric Wright 28 6 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/12/2024
10 1 WAR Baseball 12U 6/12/2024
Total 38 7
6 1 Champion Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
Total 44 8
8 Kyle Zackery 9 1 Southpaw Baseball 6/14/2024
Houston Mustangs 12u
2 Jayden Barrera 8 1 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
16 3 Showtime Hornets 6/13/2024
Total 24 4
19 4 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/14/2024
Total 43 8
13 Nickolas Bueno 60 6 Stars & Stripes 6/12/2024
3 Felix Cervantes 27 5 Showtime Hornets 6/13/2024
2 1 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/14/2024
Total 29 6
5 Isaiahs De La Fuente 31 1 Showtime Hornets 6/13/2024
0 Riley Hill 32 5 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/13/2024
26 1 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/14/2024
Total 58 6
24 Alex Infante 33 2 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/13/2024
13 3 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/14/2024
Total 46 5
23 Richard Rivera 9 2 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
99 Rudolph Rodriguez 4 2 Stars & Stripes 6/12/2024
44 Julian Vitela 29 1 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
13 1 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/13/2024
Total 42 2
8 Makayala Zuniga 41 2 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
Keegin Bryson 38 3 Showtime Hornets 6/12/2024
13 2 Champion Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
Total 51 5
31 6 Champion Baseball 12u 6/15/2024
Total 82 11
34 Kaleb Kearns 35 6 Showtime Hornets 6/12/2024
82 18 Black Gold 6/14/2024
Total 117 24
6 Zane Kearns 28 6 Blueclaw Baseball 6/12/2024
9 0 Black Gold 6/14/2024
Total 37 6
77 Chase Kordisch 36 1 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
2 Arturo Perez 11 0 Blueclaw Baseball 6/12/2024
25 Ramsey Smith 38 9 Champion Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
52 9 Champion Baseball 12u 6/15/2024
Total 90 18
4 Benjamin Stephens 20 1 Champion Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
44 Gavin Stephens 17 3 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
7 Felix Vargas 48 6 Blueclaw Baseball 6/12/2024
Leatherbacks 12U Green
30 Harris Dennis 53 9 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/14/2024
27 6 Jays 6/15/2024
Total 80 15
62 12 Black Gold 6/15/2024
Total 142 27
3 Sam Galloway 66 9 Jays 6/15/2024
1 Carson Harrington 5 3 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/12/2024
67 5 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/13/2024
Total 72 8
24 Zaidyn Jeter 50 3 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/12/2024
10 Noah Lawrence 47 9 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/12/2024
57 9 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/14/2024
Total 104 18
5 Dakota Pollard 32 6 Blueclaw Baseball 6/12/2024
12 3 Black Gold 6/15/2024
Total 44 9
9 Kennon Treme 18 1 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/13/2024
40 9 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/13/2024
Total 58 10
8 Kacetyn Williamson 51 6 Blueclaw Baseball 6/12/2024
1 Bentley Albert 28 3 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
42 9 Blueclaw Baseball 6/15/2024
Total 70 12
4 1 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/15/2024
Total 74 13
14 Brody Berry 38 4 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
2 Deuce Byrnes 26 3 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/13/2024
9 Elan Calhoon 34 6 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
6 2 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/14/2024
Total 40 8
41 8 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/16/2024
Total 81 16
16 Masen Sellers 6 3 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
83 13 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/14/2024
Total 89 16
10 Mason Taylor 8 1 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/13/2024
53 11 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/15/2024
Total 61 12
18 Tristen Till 41 8 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/13/2024
322 0 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/16/2024
Total 363 8
47 Tristan Welch 45 6 Leatherbacks 12U Green 6/13/2024
84 15 Stars & Stripes 6/15/2024
Total 129 21
5 Payton White 28 3 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/12/2024
6 2 Southpaw Baseball 6/12/2024
Total 34 5
26 2 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/16/2024
Total 60 7
Showtime Hornets
Jayse Bourgeois 9 5 Jays 6/12/2024
16 0 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/13/2024
Total 25 5
Cooper Fontenot 20 3 Black Gold 6/12/2024
Watende Henderson 16 1 Jays 6/12/2024
14 1 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/13/2024
Total 30 2
Kordell Kerlegan 6 1 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
Nathan Lastrapes 28 3 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/13/2024
13 0 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
Total 41 3
48 8 Stars & Stripes 6/15/2024
Total 89 11
Gaberiel Moore 53 7 Jays 6/12/2024
34 2 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/13/2024
Total 87 9
Jax Shields 58 5 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/13/2024
55 6 Ballistic Baseball 12u 6/14/2024
Total 113 11
15 1 Stars & Stripes 6/15/2024
Total 128 12
Amir Tezeno 51 12 Black Gold 6/12/2024
Southpaw Baseball
6 Evan Boudreaux 33 9 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/13/2024
2 Miles Boudreaux 34 6 Black Gold 6/13/2024
19 Cash Hebert 16 3 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/12/2024
7 Jagger Hunt 21 3 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/12/2024
23 Zane Kelly 12 3 Black Gold 6/13/2024
48 9 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/14/2024
Total 60 12
5 Paul Labove 63 9 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/14/2024
10 Maddin LeFrere 44 6 Black Gold 6/13/2024
9 3 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/14/2024
Total 53 9
14 Kurry Miller 35 5 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/12/2024
17 6 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/14/2024
Total 52 11
0 Landon Odom 6 3 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/13/2024
3 Ty Thompson 28 3 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/12/2024
77 Braden Willis 42 7 LOUISIANA LEGENDS 12U 6/12/2024
Stars & Stripes
6 Andrew Babin 23 3 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/12/2024
4 1 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
Total 27 4
13 3 Showtime Hornets 6/15/2024
Total 40 7
3 Timothy Badeaux Iii 31 6 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/13/2024
9 Camdyn Bullock 34 5 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/12/2024
20 2 Blueclaw Baseball 6/14/2024
Total 54 7
13 Kash Cambre 40 6 Houston Mustangs 12u 6/12/2024
53 7 Blueclaw Baseball 6/14/2024
Total 93 13
4 Cade Duhe 19 1 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
24 Owen Guidry 50 9 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/12/2024
42 9 Blueclaw Baseball 6/14/2024
Total 92 18
28 6 Southpaw Baseball 6/15/2024
Total 120 24
12 Corbyn Luminais 6 1 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
12 Graham Millet 6 1 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/12/2024
26 6 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/13/2024
Total 32 7
43 9 Southpaw Baseball 6/15/2024
Total 75 16
15 Pierre Rauch 35 9 WAR Baseball 12U 6/13/2024
32 9 Showtime Hornets 6/15/2024
Total 67 18
WAR Baseball 12U
7 Lance Benoit 45 4 Black Gold 6/12/2024
50 7 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/13/2024
Total 95 11
Acen Davis 26 3 Stars & Stripes 6/13/2024
15 3 Champion Baseball 12u 6/14/2024
Total 41 6
5 Britt Fontenot 34 8 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/12/2024
21 1 Champion Baseball 12u 6/14/2024
Total 55 9
11 Gabe Hebert 29 8 12u Louisiana Athletes 6/13/2024
2 1 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/15/2024
Total 31 9
44 Canaan Keys 14 1 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/12/2024
7 2 Champion Baseball 12u 6/14/2024
Total 21 3
18 Drew Latour 30 4 Black Gold 6/12/2024
17 3 Champion Baseball 12u 6/14/2024
Total 47 7
87 14 CBA Sticks 12U Hungerford 6/15/2024
Total 134 21
10 Max Monroe 43 4 Black Gold 6/12/2024
53 6 Stars & Stripes 6/13/2024
Total 96 10
21 Zachary Morgan 7 3 Evolution Baseball Academy 12 AA 6/12/2024
84 16 Black Gold 6/15/2024
Total 91 19