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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Apex Vipers 9u
24 Timothy Cuevas 28 1 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
16 John Ross Jones 60 9 Outlaws Baseball (Red) 5/25/2024
7 1 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
Total 67 10
2 Owen Mahdi 18 3 Outlaws Baseball (Red) 5/25/2024
22 2 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
Total 40 5
17 James Redlinger 17 0 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
Bellaire Bats 9u
Henry Carter 13 7 Swarm 5/25/2024
Quinn Hughes 36 6 Seven Baseball Academy - 9u 5/25/2024
Francisco Rico 39 3 Seven Baseball Academy - 9u 5/25/2024
7 Thomas Robinson 56 5 Swarm 5/25/2024
Chargers 8u
6 Wyatt Iversen 32 3 Unleashed 9u Blue 5/25/2024
2 Drew Megas 62 7 WBA - 9u 5/25/2024
9 Hudson Mozisek 29 2 WBA - 9u 5/25/2024
3 Beau Weller 58 6 Unleashed 9u Blue 5/25/2024
Fury Baseball Tornados
99 Ashton Gatewood 17 3 Houston Warriors-Blue 5/25/2024
27 Carter Wood 63 4 Houston Warriors-Blue 5/25/2024
Houston Indios
3 Hector Chavez 54 9 Outlaws Baseball (Red) 5/25/2024
23 Giovanni Cruz 33 6 Apex Vipers 9u 5/25/2024
Houston Warriors-Blue
Maddox Flores 9 1 Fury Baseball Tornados 5/25/2024
Ledger Foxwell 23 3 Fury Baseball Tornados 5/25/2024
Phillip Ghutzman, Jr. 21 3 WBA - 9u 5/25/2024
23 2 Fury Baseball Tornados 5/25/2024
Total 44 5
Santiago Hung 26 3 WBA - 9u 5/25/2024
Luke Karbach 32 5 WBA - 9u 5/25/2024
Sawyer Stephens 32 1 WBA - 9u 5/25/2024
Hudson Weiser 22 3 Fury Baseball Tornados 5/25/2024
Katy Bombers - Tang
11 Griffin Inabnit 41 6 Opa Jays 5/25/2024
12 Graham King 41 8 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 5/25/2024
5 Josiah Llamas 16 3 Opa Jays 5/25/2024
23 Dawson Smith 34 4 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 5/25/2024
Legacy Baseball 9u Black
30 Kanin Avrit 27 3 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
12 Gage Lopez 21 3 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
33 Sophia McGee 21 3 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
31 5 Texas Blues Navy 5/26/2024
Total 52 8
49 9 Houston Warriors-Blue 5/26/2024
Total 101 17
5 David Olivares 41 8 Scorpions Team Easton Silver 5/25/2024
2 Titus Porter 26 5 Scorpions Team Easton Silver 5/25/2024
44 4 Texas Blues Navy 5/26/2024
Total 70 9
18 Giovanni Vasquez 20 3 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
Opa Jays
7 Bridger Anderson 57 6 Katy Bombers - Tang 5/25/2024
12 Hudson Firestone 48 5 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/26/2024
88 Roman Hinojosa 40 5 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 5/25/2024
32 Beau Hoffart 70 12 Fury Baseball Tornados 5/26/2024
17 Ben Morris 53 4 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 5/25/2024
23 Noah O'Connor 53 2 Katy Bombers - Tang 5/25/2024
2 Brennan Peoples 56 6 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/26/2024
Outlaws Baseball (Red)
27 Blake Bergstrom 41 7 Apex Vipers 9u 5/25/2024
2 Landen Conner 19 4 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
9 Evan Louvier 42 5 Apex Vipers 9u 5/25/2024
17 Cain Monjaras 42 3 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
10 Eric Uribe 19 2 Houston Indios 5/25/2024
Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red
8 Billy Bonnett 40 3 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/25/2024
22 Clark Davis 8 5 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/25/2024
4 Rhett Dillard 39 6 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
27 Luke Gutierrez 19 2 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
24 Mateo Ochoa 12 1 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
17 David Thayer 32 1 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/25/2024
Scorpions Team Easton Silver
13 Keegan Byrd 60 11 Apex Vipers 9u 5/26/2024
7 Easton Eychner 25 4 Apex Vipers 9u 5/26/2024
12 Brock Harabis 26 1 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
8 Kadon Hilz 20 3 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/25/2024
90 Zachary Jarvis 33 6 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
23 William Moran 18 3 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
18 Corbin Newman 15 3 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/25/2024
7 Julian Reed 55 6 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/25/2024
Seven Baseball Academy - 9u
10 Santiago Devis 56 6 Bellaire Bats 9u 5/25/2024
15 Yunesky Duboy 52 6 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/26/2024
27 Anthony Enriquez 71 9 Texas Blues Navy 5/25/2024
8 Juan Pablo Pinero 6 2 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/26/2024
10 Julio Salazar 19 0 Bellaire Bats 9u 5/25/2024
12 Juan Torres 17 1 Texas Brigade - Trujillo 5/26/2024
27 Elroy Assenga 21 2 Texas Blues Navy 5/25/2024
22 Carson Klein 53 4 Texas Blues Navy 5/25/2024
23 Camden Meltzer 27 2 Bellaire Bats 9u 5/25/2024
33 Greyson Nottebart 31 2 Texas Blues Navy 5/25/2024
3 Jake Slatnick 25 3 Bellaire Bats 9u 5/25/2024
15 Cruz Verrett 27 4 Bellaire Bats 9u 5/25/2024
Texas Blues Navy
99 Garrett Daniel 75 18 Chargers 8u 5/26/2024
23 Lennox Gomez 27 3 Swarm 5/25/2024
15 Declan McDonald 68 6 Seven Baseball Academy - 9u 5/25/2024
12 Jackson Morrill 40 6 Swarm 5/25/2024
19 3 Seven Baseball Academy - 9u 5/25/2024
Total 59 9
Texas Brigade - Trujillo
2 Gavin Barnes 37 6 Scorpions Team Easton Silver 5/25/2024
23 Mayson Dominguez 25 4 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
10 Tyler McManus 22 2 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
44 Alex Munoz 22 3 Regulators Baseball Club - 8u Red 5/25/2024
11 Connor Roberts 39 6 Scorpions Team Easton Silver 5/25/2024
Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands
30 Carter Allbritton 8 3 Katy Bombers - Tang 5/25/2024
16 Kyle Greene 33 8 Opa Jays 5/25/2024
3 Holden Holmes 27 1 Opa Jays 5/25/2024
23 Tanner Hooks 68 15 Legacy Baseball 9u Black 5/26/2024
9 Knox Kana 3 2 Houston Indios 5/26/2024
35 Conlan Moran 76 9 Katy Bombers - Tang 5/25/2024
11 Sean Ruston 76 10 Houston Indios 5/26/2024
18 Theodore Williams 62 9 Bellaire Bats 9u 5/26/2024
Unleashed 9u Blue
21 Gauge Dodd 35 3 Chargers 8u 5/25/2024
34 6 Swarm 5/26/2024
Total 69 9
15 Mason Gutierrez 55 9 Katy Bombers - Tang 5/26/2024
14 Yram Ortiz-Castillo 23 2 Chargers 8u 5/25/2024
35 4 Swarm 5/26/2024
Total 58 6
5 Conway Roach 33 1 Chargers 8u 5/25/2024
WBA - 9u
Colton Betian 65 6 Houston Warriors-Blue 5/25/2024
Drew Cisneros 53 9 Chargers 8u 5/25/2024
Aston Delatorre 15 3 Houston Warriors-Blue 5/25/2024
Cole Dworaczyk 52 3 Houston Warriors-Blue 5/25/2024