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7U (AA) 8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 11U (AA) 12U (AA) 13U (AA) 14U (AA)
14u Check schedules. There was an error in standings.
Mar 1 - 3 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Ap Express-Fabre
2 Ty Buttars 9 3 Stingers 3/1/2024
49 7 Lp Revolution 3/3/2024
Total 58 10
5 Cooper Dooley 20 3 Mustangs 3/1/2024
24 8 Lp Revolution 3/3/2024
Total 44 11
17 Jackson Fabre 32 4 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/3/2024
12 Cason Hammond 31 5 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/3/2024
10 David Knipp 19 3 Stingers 3/1/2024
11 Huck Robertson 45 7 Mustangs 3/1/2024
7 Kemper York 15 2 Mustangs 3/1/2024
Black Gold
6 Jaxon Logan 36 6 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/2/2024
6 1 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/3/2024
Total 42 7
9 Easton Lucas 30 3 Edge Baseball 3/2/2024
56 Jace McComb 43 6 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/2/2024
12 Jackson Mitchell 18 3 Edge Baseball 3/2/2024
44 11 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/3/2024
Total 62 14
30 Luke Swanson 41 6 Edge Baseball 3/2/2024
Bpt Hurricanes White
11 Graham Agnew 41 9 Stingers 3/3/2024
15 Jack Christofferson 96 11 Prospect Red 3/2/2024
12 Blake Foley 8 1 Prospect Red 3/2/2024
7 Foster Smith 41 3 Prospect Blue 3/2/2024
99 Wyatt Timpe 37 0 Prospect Blue 3/2/2024
Edge Baseball
44 Brock Ashmore 0 4 Katy Thunder Red 3/3/2024
42 Cameron Crawford 49 8 Black Gold 3/2/2024
12 Dylan Davila 40 7 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/2/2024
4 Caleb Gage 42 6 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/2/2024
15 Liam Jordan 0 2 Katy Thunder Red 3/3/2024
17 Ryan Shi 19 1 Black Gold 3/2/2024
Fort Bend Texans
28 Pierce Lathrop 51 6 Houston Storm 3/2/2024
8 Hunter Leiker 69 13 Houston Storm 3/3/2024
30 Tipton Lyon 32 3 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/2/2024
Liam North 69 9 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/2/2024
44 Tate Taylor 36 1 Houston Storm 3/2/2024
21 Case Wootton 12 2 Houston Storm 3/2/2024
Ftp Gator Elite
21 Mason Castaneda 21 3 Lp Revolution 3/2/2024
3 Merrick (Grayson) Deville 16 3 Lbc Tigers 3/2/2024
64 9 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Total 80 12
5 Colin Gagnon 0 2 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Jacob Richardson 45 9 Lp Revolution 3/2/2024
Game 7 Sports 11u
12 Jovani Guerra 32 7 Stingers 3/1/2024
30 5 Katy Colts 3/3/2024
Total 62 12
34 Edgar Hinojosa 44 4 Katy Colts 3/3/2024
21 Yael Mercado 36 2 Stingers 3/1/2024
Houston Storm
Sam Escamilla 0 2 Fort Bend Texans 3/3/2024
0 Robert Eureste 36 5 Houston Warriors-Blue 3/2/2024
Mateo Juarez 56 9 Fort Bend Texans 3/2/2024
Caden Langford 0 13 Fort Bend Texans 3/3/2024
0 Martin Moreno 30 1 Houston Warriors-Blue 3/2/2024
Andrew Saenz 22 3 Fort Bend Texans 3/2/2024
Houston Warriors-Blue
Gannon Bozeman 27 3 Prospect Red 3/3/2024
Jayce Carter 27 9 Setx Outlaws 3/2/2024
Paulie Dickerson 57 12 M2 Baseball 11u Black 3/3/2024
James Hildebrandt 73 15 Lbc Tigers 3/3/2024
Chase Mucha 31 6 Prospect Red 3/3/2024
Logan Rondou 50 3 Setx Outlaws 3/2/2024
Houston Warriors-Silver
James Cara 37 3 Texas Seminoles 3/1/2024
Logan Estes 26 6 Houston Warriors-White 3/3/2024
5 1 Fort Bend Texans 3/3/2024
Total 31 7
0 5 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Total 31 12
Rowan Felps 68 11 Fort Bend Texans 3/3/2024
Jacob Huss 27 6 Houston Warriors-White 3/3/2024
Lincoln Martinez 11 1 Texas Seminoles 3/1/2024
Jason Smagacz 88 11 M2 Baseball 11u Black 3/1/2024
Chappell Vann 7 1 M2 Baseball 11u Black 3/1/2024
38 2 Texas Seminoles 3/1/2024
Total 45 3
1 0 Fort Bend Texans 3/3/2024
Total 46 3
Houston Warriors-White
Jeb Beasley 45 3 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/2/2024
0 3 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
Total 45 6
Austin Brand 16 1 Katy Thunder Red 3/2/2024
Kyson Erickson 0 0 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
Johnny Flores 0 1 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
Declan Huber 22 2 Katy Thunder Red 3/2/2024
Ezaan Mohamedali 31 3 Katy Thunder Red 3/2/2024
0 8 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
Total 31 11
William So 30 0 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/2/2024
Jackson Taylor 18 3 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/2/2024
Katy Colts
7 Hudson Barfuss 60 6 M2 Baseball 11u Black 3/1/2024
17 Tripp Burleigh 34 3 Texas Seminoles 3/1/2024
25 Brody Kraus 27 4 M2 Baseball 11u Black 3/1/2024
3 Maxwell Willey 36 6 Texas Seminoles 3/1/2024
99 Matthew Winters 31 3 Texas Seminoles 3/1/2024
Katy Thunder Red
7 Haden Gudelman 20 2 Houston Warriors-White 3/2/2024
0 1 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Total 20 3
10 Samuel Itanares 19 3 Knights Baseball 3/2/2024
0 5 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Total 19 8
30 Johann Razo 24 3 Knights Baseball 3/2/2024
28 9 Edge Baseball 3/3/2024
Total 52 12
14 Sagar Sebastian 21 3 Knights Baseball 3/2/2024
0 1 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Total 21 4
8 Zihao Zhou 36 1 Houston Warriors-White 3/2/2024
25 Kyle Zwillman 21 3 Houston Warriors-White 3/2/2024
0 5 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/3/2024
Total 21 8
Knights Baseball
8 Drew Berbenich 41 3 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/2/2024
Ford Guillory 32 3 Katy Thunder Red 3/2/2024
Case Lee 9 2 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/2/2024
27 Jack Pinkstaff 23 7 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/2/2024
10 Conoly Pursley 35 3 Katy Thunder Red 3/2/2024
15 Ryan Young 27 3 Katy Thunder Red 3/2/2024
Lbc Tigers
22 Jack Coates 41 6 Ftp Gator Elite 3/2/2024
99 Trayce Keith 40 9 Lynx 11u Morris 3/2/2024
Lp Revolution
9 Matthew Cook 53 12 Texas Seminoles 3/3/2024
27 Julian Marroquin 41 9 Ftp Gator Elite 3/2/2024
10 Jackson Pfingsten 41 9 Lynx 11u Morris 3/2/2024
8 Sebastian Schnabel 10 3 Ftp Gator Elite 3/2/2024
Lynx 11u Morris
14 Levi Bonitatibus 40 6 Lbc Tigers 3/2/2024
3 Trevor Hiett 48 5 Lp Revolution 3/2/2024
12 Parker Quezada 39 2 Lbc Tigers 3/2/2024
27 Aiden Vorster 35 4 Lp Revolution 3/2/2024
M2 Baseball 11u Black
34 Carrson Krantz 32 3 Katy Colts 3/1/2024
7 Derek McCaskill 22 6 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/1/2024
12 Brady Moore 19 3 Katy Colts 3/1/2024
22 Grayson Sablatura 23 3 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/1/2024
Logan Ford 10 1 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
Will Hotard 45 6 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
Jacob Sperling 45 5 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u
4 Maximus Garza 18 3 Setx Outlaws 3/2/2024
27 Rudolfo Guerra 22 3 Setx Outlaws 3/2/2024
1 Colton Mathias 26 2 Fort Bend Texans 3/2/2024
99 Brayden Mixson 24 3 Fort Bend Texans 3/2/2024
13 Roque Salinas 18 3 Setx Outlaws 3/2/2024
30 Connor Soriano 35 4 Fort Bend Texans 3/2/2024
2 Alexander Tamez 16 3 Fort Bend Texans 3/2/2024
23 Liam Tamez 16 3 Setx Outlaws 3/2/2024
Prospect Blue
7 Brooks Aston 29 6 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/3/2024
41 6 Game 7 Sports 11u 3/3/2024
Total 70 12
21 Dean Beller 27 3 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/2/2024
11 Graham Caddell 54 6 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/2/2024
99 Brennan Gibson 55 4 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/3/2024
2 Jake Greene 70 12 Ap Express-Fabre 3/3/2024
1 Jackson Boyd Henderson 12 1 Bpt Hurricanes White 3/2/2024
15 Jasper Hodges 79 8 Bpt Hurricanes White 3/2/2024
23 Pierce Wolfe 24 6 Game 7 Sports 11u 3/3/2024
8 2 Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy 3/3/2024
Total 32 8
Prospect Red
11 Luke Canfield 69 6 Bpt Hurricanes White 3/2/2024
21 Tyler Evans 33 3 Black Gold 3/3/2024
44 Weston Lasseigne 57 12 Knights Baseball 3/3/2024
12 Logan Lippold 18 3 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/2/2024
27 Alexander Marshall 63 12 Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher 3/2/2024
7 Jack Preisler 33 6 Bpt Hurricanes White 3/2/2024
26 6 Black Gold 3/3/2024
Total 59 12
8 Will Rausch 7 3 Black Gold 3/3/2024
24 Bo Wells 14 3 Knights Baseball 3/3/2024
Prospect United Houston - D. Fisher
22 Brody Boone 40 9 Prospect Red 3/2/2024
21 3 Ftp Gator Elite 3/3/2024
Total 61 12
53 Hunter Burns 0 6 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
Conner Ermis 19 0 Prospect Blue 3/2/2024
Liam Jobe 0 0 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
82 Bentley Lanclos 62 9 Ftp Gator Elite 3/3/2024
8 Xander Roberts 21 3 Prospect Red 3/2/2024
36 4 Katy Thunder Red 3/3/2024
Total 57 7
Kason Townsend 35 6 Prospect Blue 3/2/2024
29 5 Katy Thunder Red 3/3/2024
Total 64 11
0 1 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/3/2024
Total 64 12
Ryker Townsend 43 3 Prospect Blue 3/2/2024
Setx Outlaws
2 Kutter Kelley 3 1 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/2/2024
36 2 Lynx 11u Morris 3/3/2024
Total 39 3
14 Casen Lewis 29 3 Houston Warriors-Blue 3/2/2024
46 Parker Ramos 30 3 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/2/2024
8 Mason Rouse 50 7 Houston Warriors-Blue 3/2/2024
Caleb West 28 3 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/2/2024
8 1 Lynx 11u Morris 3/3/2024
Total 36 4
99 Revin West 30 2 Pearland Rowdy Reds 11u 3/2/2024
6 2 Houston Warriors-Blue 3/2/2024
Total 36 4
42 9 Lynx 11u Morris 3/3/2024
Total 78 13
Javion Allen 17 0 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
Daniel Edwards 15 2 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
30 4 Game 7 Sports 11u 3/1/2024
Total 45 6
72 8 Mustangs 3/3/2024
Total 117 14
Derrick Edwards 7 1 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
41 4 Game 7 Sports 11u 3/1/2024
Total 48 5
6 Aidan Rogers 14 2 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
37 4 Mustangs 3/3/2024
Total 51 6
Dean Silva 12 1 Ap Express-Fabre 3/1/2024
12 0 Game 7 Sports 11u 3/1/2024
Total 24 1
Texas Bluechips 11u Navy
Elijah Cantu 13 2 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/2/2024
33 6 Black Gold 3/2/2024
Total 46 8
Joshua Dehoyos 32 6 Black Gold 3/2/2024
David Green 40 6 Texas Bluechips 11u 3/2/2024
Texas Seminoles
99 Jackson Berger 16 1 Katy Colts 3/1/2024
99 Brooks Dalton 32 1 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/1/2024
99 Sammy Findley 18 3 Katy Colts 3/1/2024
99 Luca Roggenkaemper 26 3 Katy Colts 3/1/2024
99 Tate (Tj) Shaw 29 4 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/1/2024
99 Brayden Thomas 33 3 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/1/2024
99 Jackson Towles 7 1 Houston Warriors-Silver 3/1/2024
99 Grayson Williams 36 2 Katy Colts 3/1/2024
Texas Twelve 11u Black - Katy
27 Nathan Cathey 38 6 Knights Baseball 3/2/2024
79 Rhyan Donahoe 13 0 Knights Baseball 3/2/2024
13 Dylan Sodolak 55 6 Knights Baseball 3/2/2024
45 Easton Walker 50 6 Houston Warriors-White 3/2/2024