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All tournaments are first pay/first play. If the tournament fills prior to the payment deadline, and you have not submitted payment, your team may be waitlisted. Full payment is due by 06/02 at 5:00pm to secure your spot in the tournament. Partial payments do NOT secure your spot. If payment is not made prior to the listed deadline, your team will be waitlisted.

Rosters must be completed and waivers must be signed by 06/07 at 5:00pm. If you are having trouble with uploading your roster, please contact the director.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes
55 Cade Hixon 61 14 Ellis County Bombers 6/8/2024
12 Colt Lederman 29 2 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/8/2024
53 Trevor Reinert 46 7 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/8/2024
Dawgs Baseball
Walker Campbell 11 3 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
22 1 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 33 4
Whitten Gray 10 2 Silo Rebels 14u 6/8/2024
25 4 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 35 6
9 2 River Valley Prime 6/9/2024
Total 44 8
James Howard 31 4 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
29 1 Silo Rebels 14u 6/9/2024
Total 60 5
35 2 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 95 7
Brayden Mendez 31 5 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
42 5 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 73 10
Tanner Miller 29 5 Silo Rebels 14u 6/8/2024
56 5 Silo Rebels 14u 6/9/2024
Total 85 10
Devin Rodriquez 0 0 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
Jase Vanzandt 25 6 Silo Rebels 14u 6/8/2024
76 13 River Valley Prime 6/9/2024
Total 101 19
Dulins Dodgers-Oakes
24 Hudson Allen 51 5 Txb 6/8/2024
8 Zachary Allinson 23 3 Txb 6/8/2024
6 Hudson Childress 9 2 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/8/2024
15 Cash Gutschlag 43 4 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/8/2024
1 Weston Oakes 19 0 Txb 6/8/2024
21 Matthew Vieira 32 3 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/8/2024
Ellis County Bombers
Steven "Trey" Creel 19 2 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/8/2024
Ayden Martinez 45 9 North Texas Senators-Fields 6/8/2024
Jaxon McGraw 40 6 North Texas Senators-Fields 6/8/2024
Ethan Richardson 91 11 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/8/2024
Adrian Satterwhite 15 3 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/9/2024
Colt Schilling 57 12 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/9/2024
Impact Baseball Club-Myers
10 Beckett Beaver 35 3 Txb 6/8/2024
13 Luke Giddens 19 1 Txb 6/8/2024
34 Thomas Justice 23 2 Txb 6/8/2024
49 12 Txb 6/9/2024
Total 72 14
6 3 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 78 17
11 Tryston Robinson 27 6 Txb 6/8/2024
2 Davin Roman 40 4 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/8/2024
55 12 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/9/2024
Total 95 16
55 Dex Smith 14 3 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/8/2024
36 3 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 50 6
17 Weston Speer 53 4 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
36 3 Txb 6/9/2024
Total 89 7
5 Jacob Vaughan 5 3 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/8/2024
Midland Bulls Gold
99 Lucas Black 21 0 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/9/2024
27 Kellen Brooks 25 5 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/9/2024
5 Braden Edwards 20 4 River Valley Prime 6/8/2024
18 Caden Lewis 8 3 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 6/8/2024
55 15 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/9/2024
Total 63 18
5 George Lugo 9 0 River Valley Prime 6/8/2024
2 2 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/9/2024
Total 11 2
10 Daeton Noriega 61 8 River Valley Prime 6/8/2024
16 Ridge Peloquin 53 9 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 6/8/2024
7 0 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/9/2024
Total 60 9
4 Michael Slack 56 18 UB BRAVES - BAKER BLUE 6/9/2024
North Texas Longhorns - Zamora
10 Cody Barker 0 0 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
4 Henry (Max) Bond 87 9 Silo Rebels 14u 6/8/2024
3 Mateo Hernandez 3 0 Silo Rebels 14u 6/8/2024
9 Henry Rasor 63 9 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
5 Cole Vest 23 3 Red River 2028 | Baldwin 6/8/2024
North Texas Senators-Fields
7 Cooper Carter 30 2 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/8/2024
Asher Hutchins 19 3 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/8/2024
26 4 Silo Rebels 14u 6/9/2024
Total 45 7
10 Slade Thompson 45 9 Ellis County Bombers 6/8/2024
36 3 Silo Rebels 14u 6/9/2024
Total 81 12
17 Seth Truette 41 7 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/8/2024
28 7 Silo Rebels 14u 6/9/2024
Total 69 14
9 Braxten Vest 22 6 Ellis County Bombers 6/8/2024
5 3 Silo Rebels 14u 6/9/2024
Total 27 9
Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire
1 Cash Bennett 60 8 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 6/9/2024
4 William Brown 17 3 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
5 Noah Dillon 33 8 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/8/2024
26 4 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 6/9/2024
Total 59 12
21 Cade Puente 33 2 Dallas Tigers 2028 - Orr/Hughes 6/8/2024
11 Witt Starkweather 66 7 North Texas Senators-Fields 6/8/2024
28 2 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 94 9
31 Grayson Whitmire 11 1 North Texas Senators-Fields 6/8/2024
22 2 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 33 3
13 Benson Wright 22 1 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Red Raiders Ruiz Red
4 Abraham Avila 11 2 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/9/2024
21 Michael Chavez 42 8 Midland Bulls Gold 6/8/2024
4 Simon Portillo 23 5 Midland Bulls Gold 6/8/2024
0 0 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/9/2024
Total 23 5
0 Ace Turner 23 4 River Valley Prime 6/8/2024
17 1 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/9/2024
Total 40 5
22 Charles Wolford 35 8 River Valley Prime 6/8/2024
66 8 Prosper Spikes - 14u Whitmire 6/9/2024
Total 101 16
Red River 2028 | Baldwin
34 Langston Douglas 2 1 Dawgs Baseball 6/8/2024
12 Jordan Grills 15 3 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/8/2024
22 Jackson Kegerreis 51 12 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/8/2024
18 Dylan Ward 85 10 Dawgs Baseball 6/8/2024
River Valley Prime
10 Hayden Daniel 82 8 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
21 Drew Dickinson 16 4 Midland Bulls Gold 6/8/2024
26 3 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
Total 42 7
20 Finn Schmalz 31 6 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 6/8/2024
3 Carson Sharp 45 8 Midland Bulls Gold 6/8/2024
5 Luke Wilson 76 9 Red Raiders Ruiz Red 6/8/2024
Silo Rebels 14u
25 Cannon Atwood 100 17 North Texas Senators-Fields 6/9/2024
Frankie Bishop 15 3 Dawgs Baseball 6/8/2024
2 Warner Bradley 47 5 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
3 Bentley Gambrell 48 8 Dawgs Baseball 6/8/2024
1 Randall Scasta 74 10 North Texas Longhorns - Zamora 6/8/2024
34 Jacob Wright 47 3 Dawgs Baseball 6/9/2024
26 Lawson Berardi 18 3 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024
18 1 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 36 4
2 Noah Duke 20 0 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024
9 Brayden Govea 16 3 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024
21 1 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 37 4
5 Grant Hoffman 60 12 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 6/8/2024
8 Deegan Neu 21 0 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024
1 Easton Rios 17 6 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024
70 12 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/9/2024
Total 87 18
3 Andrew Fite 53 6 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024
5 Sawyer Free 60 8 Dulins Dodgers-Oakes 6/8/2024
10 Heath Mohon 69 6 Impact Baseball Club-Myers 6/8/2024