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At the request of Seminole County and our partnership with them, the following policies will continue to be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex.

* Metal Spikes are not allowed inside of the complex.  Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box.  Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes.  They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.  
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.   
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed
* No boom boxes, music or noise makers allowed
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12 Michael Devereaux 19 3 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
1 Micah Fudge 17 3 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
32 5 Timberwolves 4/7/2024
Total 49 8
23 Ja”Zhyun Kenzo 15 3 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
41 Ryan Terry 49 9 Cbc Melcolm/Doyle 4/6/2024
10 Dylan Wolf 9 3 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
65 13 Timberwolves 4/7/2024
Total 74 16
Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u
19 Ron Bingemann 31 5 Arsenal 4/6/2024
37 9 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
Total 68 14
7 Jack Hodges 20 4 Arsenal 4/6/2024
23 3 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
Total 43 7
9 Benjamin Rosario 33 3 Arsenal 4/6/2024
20 Oliver Whalen 41 6 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
35 6 Scorpions 12u 4/7/2024
Total 76 12
3 Sagers Wickham 38 9 GSB Prospects 2030 4/6/2024
50 15 Scorpions 12u 4/7/2024
Total 88 24
Cbc Melcolm/Doyle
27 Gabriel Divone 36 3 Arsenal 4/6/2024
2 Tennyson Marino 53 7 Swamp Donkeys 4/7/2024
12 Miles McFarlane 14 1 Swamp Donkeys 4/7/2024
55 Cameron "Chuck" O'Neal 9 1 Arsenal 4/6/2024
3 Grant Robertson 82 9 GSB Prospects 2030 4/6/2024
61 9 Swamp Donkeys 4/7/2024
Total 143 18
41 Holden Smuckler 41 6 GSB Prospects 2030 4/6/2024
13 Reed Weidenaar 29 4 Arsenal 4/6/2024
Central Florida Suns
24 Landon Bono 43 6 Swamp Donkeys 4/5/2024
17 Jace Currie 85 18 Scorpions 12u 4/7/2024
27 Sawyer Eppleman 22 6 Swamp Donkeys 4/5/2024
41 4 CF United 4/7/2024
Total 63 10
1 Eiden OFarrill 76 15 Timberwolves 4/7/2024
9 Sergio Pagan Ledee 63 12 CF United 4/6/2024
3 Trey Sampson 39 10 CF United 4/7/2024
CF United
34 Aedan Connolly 56 8 Swamp Donkeys 4/6/2024
4 2 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
Total 60 10
6 Sagan Dudley 60 6 Central Florida Suns 4/6/2024
99 Keaghan Henaghan 0 0 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
Lathan Norton 27 4 Central Florida Suns 4/6/2024
8 Nolan Odonnell 27 2 Swamp Donkeys 4/6/2024
36 3 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
Total 63 5
5 2 Central Florida Suns 4/7/2024
Total 68 7
22 Jax Padgett 69 10 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
0 Andres Reyes 27 5 Swamp Donkeys 4/6/2024
65 7 Central Florida Suns 4/7/2024
Total 92 12
1 Santiago Sosa 2 0 Central Florida Suns 4/6/2024
23 3 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
Total 25 3
0 1 Swamp Donkeys 4/6/2024
Total 25 4
13 Ashton Waldrop 46 6 Central Florida Suns 4/7/2024
Dme Academy
Easton Levi 29 6 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/5/2024
13 2 Pasco Stingers 4/5/2024
Total 42 8
Carson McDonnell 33 3 Pasco Stingers 4/5/2024
Brody Meadows 48 6 Pasco Stingers 4/5/2024
Andrew Panetta 41 6 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/5/2024
Kade Slezak 38 5 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/7/2024
Kaiden Sullivan 29 3 Pasco Stingers 4/5/2024
59 9 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/7/2024
Total 88 12
Florida Burn 12U
Xavier Arthur 21 3 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/6/2024
Rylan Brogdon 66 6 Stix 12u 4/6/2024
Chase Dinius 22 3 Stix 12u 4/6/2024
Luke Dowling 13 2 Wow Factor Central Florida 12u 4/7/2024
Connor Drechsler 55 9 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/6/2024
Brayden Harper 32 1 Wow Factor Central Florida 12u 4/7/2024
Benjamin Hentges 14 3 Stix 12u 4/6/2024
Noah McCreery 30 3 Wow Factor Central Florida 12u 4/7/2024
GSB Prospects 2030
2 Gavin Cobb 65 7 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
56 6 Pasco Stingers 4/7/2024
Total 121 13
Grayson Coggin 13 2 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
3 Max Conaway 23 3 Pasco Stingers 4/7/2024
16 Connor Freundt 41 9 Cbc Melcolm/Doyle 4/6/2024
32 3 Pasco Stingers 4/7/2024
Total 73 12
Noah Sawuk 42 5 Cbc Melcolm/Doyle 4/6/2024
Naturals Florida
77 Sebastian Barrios 19 3 CF United 4/6/2024
10 Joseph Cline 61 10 Wow Factor Central Florida 12u 4/6/2024
25 Landon Coberly 76 14 Scorpions 12u 4/6/2024
Ezhra Rodriguez 64 8 Wow Factor Central Florida 12u 4/6/2024
Rolin Sarmiento 89 15 CF United 4/6/2024
Anthony Tonge 10 0 CF United 4/6/2024
12 Korbyn Townsend 13 2 Scorpions 12u 4/6/2024
Pasco Stingers
39 Brody Biernacki 44 9 GSB Prospects 2030 4/7/2024
12 Blaine Kohan 9 3 GSB Prospects 2030 4/7/2024
3 Bryse Shower 36 9 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
1 Krushav Srichinta 15 3 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
43 9 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
Total 58 12
11 Johnathan Wardle 34 3 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
9 Brayden White 61 9 Pentagon Baseball Academy 4/6/2024
Pentagon Baseball Academy
12 Christopher Cordero 66 13 Pasco Stingers 4/6/2024
11 Sebastian Gomera 56 6 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
23 Sebastian Ledezma 26 4 Pasco Stingers 4/6/2024
7 Hector Lozada 15 3 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
4 Jaydrien Montanez 19 1 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
3 Keegan Santiago 85 15 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/6/2024
20 Jayden Weissman 9 2 Dme Academy 4/5/2024
17 1 Pasco Stingers 4/6/2024
Total 26 3
Scorpions 12u
3 Jacob Bibaud 77 12 Wow Factor Central Florida 12u 4/6/2024
17 Sean Davis 65 15 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/7/2024
88 Lawty Hernandez 22 5 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
9 Patrick Monette 33 9 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
36 3 Blue Collar Dawgs Black 12u 4/7/2024
Total 69 12
11 Jackson Raczkowski 80 15 Central Florida Suns 4/7/2024
0 Garrett Rohozen 16 3 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
Scorpions 12u Purple
10 Hunter Alexander 25 4 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
38 6 Timberwolves 4/7/2024
Total 63 10
2 Matthew Bird 46 3 Timberwolves 4/7/2024
2 1 Dme Academy 4/7/2024
Total 48 4
13 Brody Bridges 65 12 Florida Burn 12U 4/6/2024
12 Luis Calo 85 15 Dme Academy 4/7/2024
24 JJ Dering 34 0 Timberwolves 4/7/2024
22 2 Dme Academy 4/7/2024
Total 56 2
17 Owen Ritchie 85 14 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
Stix 12u
4 Colter Grass 25 3 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
23 Nicholas Montalvo 7 0 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
14 Everett Naes 22 4 Timberwolves 4/6/2024
12 Georgie Rios 71 8 Timberwolves 4/6/2024
7 Abdiel Ruiz 66 12 Florida Burn 12U 4/6/2024
99 Reid Thompson 35 1 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
16 Mark Urbanowicz 31 2 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
8 Jacob Wissig 57 9 Timberwolves 4/5/2024
Swamp Donkeys
7 J. Luca Capone 18 5 Cbc Melcolm/Doyle 4/7/2024
31 Tripp Griffiths 16 3 CF United 4/6/2024
98 Braden Grosch 77 13 Cbc Melcolm/Doyle 4/7/2024
29 David Hey 73 8 Central Florida Suns 4/5/2024
17 Koki Kamimoto 61 12 CF United 4/6/2024
15 Braxton Smith 49 4 Central Florida Suns 4/5/2024
71 Callan Beilenson 90 15 Stix 12u 4/5/2024
13 Evander Gonzalez 2 0 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/5/2024
3 Blake Heldreth 33 6 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/5/2024
27 1 Central Florida Suns 4/7/2024
Total 60 7
27 Mathew Kim 61 18 Arsenal 4/7/2024
77 Pedro Laureano 53 4 Stix 12u 4/6/2024
9 Engel Matos 39 5 Stix 12u 4/6/2024
12 Josiah Only 43 5 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/5/2024
18 6 Stix 12u 4/6/2024
Total 61 11
44 Sebastian Rodriguez 8 3 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/7/2024
69 11 Central Florida Suns 4/7/2024
Total 77 14
7 Cody Summers 39 5 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/5/2024
39 6 Scorpions 12u Purple 4/7/2024
Total 78 11
Wow Factor Central Florida 12u
14 Josiah Diaz 33 3 Scorpions 12u 4/6/2024
22 Jensen Eckerdt 50 8 Scorpions 12u 4/6/2024
33 Fenn Morin 77 12 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
12 Landon Prince 36 6 Naturals Florida 4/6/2024
3 Roman Schultz 20 1 Scorpions 12u 4/6/2024
2 Brayden Wells 26 6 Florida Burn 12U 4/7/2024