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Coaches, Parents, and Players, 

We would like to start by saying we appreciate you for your understanding and patience with the weather today. Due to weather and the cancellations of games, we have revised and updated the schedule for both Saturday, March 16th & Sunday, March 17th. To accommodate everyones 4 GG and to avoid teams playing 3 games in a single day we have pushed pool play games to Sunday morning. After the Sunday pool play games, we as a perfect game committee will reseed all teams for consolation and playoff bracket. All teams should be ready to play at 1:00 pm following the pool play bracket. Due to the weather, we will not be taking any schedule requests, and the revised schedule is final pending any further weather. The playoff format will remain the same and the Championship game will be scheduled to play at 5:30 Pm. Once again, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Action Photos will be available for teams this weekend thru our partners Photomules- Click on this link  HERE for more information and to REGISTER for action photos of your team and players click HERE

Arizona Athletic Grounds facility reminders:
This is a turf complex and there are not metal spikes allowed at all at any time on the fields.
There is a $5 gate parking fee for Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Non-local teams are required to have 50% of their team stay in one of our approved lodging partners. As part of being approved into the event the following link will provide you with our approved partner hotels that are part of the requirement to host events within our host community.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
AZ Runners Baseball
19 Jacob Black 28 2 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
6 1 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
Total 34 3
32 Eli Boeding 37 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
24 Cash Carmichael 30 3 Fs21 Stars 3/15/2024
13 0 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
Total 43 3
48 7 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 91 10
2 Bentley Elrod 20 3 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
16 3 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Total 36 6
21 5 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
Total 57 11
14 Deklan Emmersen 64 9 Fs21 Stars 3/15/2024
28 6 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
Total 92 15
21 Jacob Gabbel 23 3 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
38 7 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Total 61 10
27 5 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 88 15
13 James Hartzel 0 0 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
27 Blake Hermes 1 0 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
35 Ty Holmstead 75 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
44 Carter Hummer 16 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
22 1 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Total 38 4
41 2 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
Total 79 6
20 5 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 99 11
5 Brody Kosor 42 9 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
11 0 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Total 53 9
39 4 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 92 13
12 Ryder Sand 1 0 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
29 1 Fs21 Stars 3/15/2024
Total 30 1
59 8 Fs21 Stars 3/17/2024
Total 89 9
18 Austin Sorenson 31 4 Overfly Az Grey 3/14/2024
58 10 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Total 89 14
Bpa Wallbanger
23 Dean Brosterhous 83 14 Overfly Az 2028 3/16/2024
15 Joshua Calcanas 14 4 Overfly Az 2028 3/16/2024
66 9 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/17/2024
Total 80 13
21 Noah Esquival 9 1 Trosky American 2028 3/14/2024
96 12 One National 2028 3/16/2024
Total 105 13
3 Cash Parry 28 4 Trosky American 2028 3/14/2024
45 6 One National 2028 3/16/2024
Total 73 10
6 Connor Patlogar 47 6 Trosky American 2028 3/14/2024
58 8 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/17/2024
Total 105 14
12 Ayden Rios 10 0 Overfly Az 2028 3/16/2024
35 Reed Tibbetts 19 1 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/17/2024
10 Adam Vega 53 7 Trosky American 2028 3/14/2024
Brewers Langley Blaze Gold
Matthew Andersen 56 4 Next Level Baseball 3/16/2024
51 Sam Craven 58 9 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/16/2024
86 Cruz Dann 29 3 Next Level Baseball 3/16/2024
63 Jack Johnson 44 3 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/16/2024
29 Declan Kenny 58 8 Hood 3/17/2024
13 Jackson Lovas 31 1 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/16/2024
70 Nolan Marshall 38 5 Next Level Baseball 3/16/2024
68 Everett Nagy 37 7 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/14/2024
23 Ian Nesbitt 22 0 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/16/2024
58 Aiden Psajd 0 0 Next Level Baseball 3/16/2024
22 Rip Smith 66 14 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/14/2024
39 Evan Thompson 8 2 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/16/2024
28 3 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 36 5
Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028
1 Jaydon Brophy 56 9 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/17/2024
8 Kolten De Groot 43 3 Trosky National 3/14/2024
6 3 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/17/2024
Total 49 6
7 Holden Goodrich 38 6 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/16/2024
43 Owen Lee 82 12 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/16/2024
13 Guillermo Molina 46 6 Trosky National 3/14/2024
20 Peyton Pettinger 17 9 Nm Regulators 3/16/2024
10 Asieli Rigby 26 3 Trosky National 3/14/2024
28 Nolan Taylor 30 5 Nm Regulators 3/16/2024
2 Kai Wagner 54 9 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/17/2024
Fs21 Stars
24 Kellan Anderson 58 8 Overfly Az Grey 3/16/2024
12 Robert Brunet 43 6 Nsa Select 3/14/2024
56 11 AZ Runners Baseball 3/17/2024
Total 99 17
11 Preston Brush 80 8 AZ Runners Baseball 3/15/2024
28 Jack Lane 38 6 Nsa Select 3/14/2024
57 10 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Total 95 16
27 Isaiah Martinez 31 6 Nsa Select 3/14/2024
63 10 AZ Runners Baseball 3/17/2024
Total 94 16
21 Jesse Mendoza 48 6 AZ Runners Baseball 3/15/2024
15 Calan Platt 66 10 Overfly Az Grey 3/16/2024
28 Maddux Rocha 88 11 Trosky Force 3/16/2024
Gbg South Bay Navy
12 Davis Adams 18 6 Nm Regulators 3/14/2024
16 Kekoa Delatori 63 12 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/17/2024
6 James Durant 44 4 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/16/2024
1 David Holliday 60 9 Nm Regulators 3/14/2024
24 Jackson Jun 53 7 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/16/2024
11 William Necessary 41 8 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/16/2024
27 Nick Pangaro 76 12 Trosky National 3/16/2024
7 Grayson Thomas 58 9 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/17/2024
77 Aiden Vargas 21 3 Trosky National 3/16/2024
44 Luis Alonzo II 59 6 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/14/2024
25 4 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
Total 84 10
10 Jacob Amado 55 5 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/14/2024
54 11 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/17/2024
Total 109 16
99 Richard Avina 5 1 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/14/2024
59 12 Trosky National 3/17/2024
Total 64 13
22 Jordan Ayala 50 6 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/14/2024
25 Nathaniel Maldonado 95 21 AZ Runners Baseball 3/17/2024
55 Ryan Morales 66 8 Next Level Baseball 3/16/2024
36 6 Trosky National 3/17/2024
Total 102 14
20 Tysen Rivera 17 3 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/16/2024
24 Briggs Rooney 12 3 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/16/2024
46 8 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
Total 58 11
Mason Smith 30 6 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/16/2024
44 Justin Tieman 52 9 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/16/2024
48 9 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
Total 100 18
23 Joel Vargas 46 7 Next Level Baseball 3/16/2024
Mmw Arizona 2028 Black
10 Peyton Burgess 54 9 Trosky National 3/14/2024
Jaxon Clubb 48 12 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/16/2024
40 7 Nm Regulators 3/17/2024
Total 88 19
4 Chase Fillman 57 8 One National 2028 3/17/2024
11 David Molina 21 3 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/16/2024
13 Sergio Rendon 78 18 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/16/2024
23 Ethan Smith 36 9 Trosky National 3/14/2024
4 1 One National 2028 3/17/2024
Total 40 10
7 Mikey Stortz 60 8 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/16/2024
22 Landon Swinehart 65 7 One National 2028 3/17/2024
14 Chase Valdez 28 8 Nm Regulators 3/17/2024
Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold
33 Yadiel Allen 16 0 Bpa Wallbanger 3/17/2024
1 Chase Berger 3 1 Bpa Wallbanger 3/17/2024
38 Adrian Coronado 40 4 Overfly Az 2028 3/16/2024
23 Waylon Daniels 70 13 Overfly Az 2028 3/16/2024
35 Tyler Davis 1 0 Overfly Az 2028 3/16/2024
43 5 Bpa Wallbanger 3/17/2024
Total 44 5
12 Eli Esquivel 73 12 Bpa Wallbanger 3/17/2024
44 Jacoby Gagnon 6 1 Trosky American 2028 3/16/2024
3 Miguel Hernandez Jr 51 6 Trosky American 2028 3/16/2024
6 Joey Lizarraga 39 4 One National 2028 3/14/2024
2 Angello Magallanes 0 0 Bpa Wallbanger 3/17/2024
0 Draven McKinnon 73 11 One National 2028 3/14/2024
11 Michael Ruelas 69 10 Trosky American 2028 3/16/2024
Next Level Baseball
1 Xavier Banderas 67 11 Hood 3/16/2024
99 James Fair 49 5 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/14/2024
7 Aiden Haas 52 7 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/14/2024
10 2 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/17/2024
Total 62 9
82 Erik Hashimoto 43 4 Hood 3/16/2024
2 Sonny Muro 38 3 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/17/2024
3 Peyton Nguyen 12 3 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/16/2024
46 8 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/17/2024
Total 58 11
23 Logan Seymour 24 1 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/17/2024
22 Aiden Sullivan 62 12 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/16/2024
Nm Regulators
33 Adam Baca 24 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/17/2024
5 Cinque Dunlap 3 1 Trosky National 3/15/2024
14 Johnny Gomez 35 3 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/14/2024
48 6 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/16/2024
Total 83 9
20 Victor Mirabal 88 9 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/14/2024
25 Brady Moore 79 6 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/16/2024
9 Philip Vigil 82 12 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/17/2024
16 Treyson Wiebe 89 5 Trosky National 3/15/2024
Nsa Select
48 Gage Gandy 30 9 Overfly Az Grey 3/16/2024
10 Daren Guzman 26 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
13 Chase Hartley 38 9 Overfly Az Grey 3/16/2024
42 8 Trosky Force 3/17/2024
Total 80 17
Noah Knudson 44 8 Fs21 Stars 3/14/2024
Jayson Marquez 45 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
22 Logan Pena 42 6 Fs21 Stars 3/14/2024
4 Austin Rodriguez 38 6 Fs21 Stars 3/14/2024
Anthony Sanchez 42 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
9 Evan Zickafoose 24 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/16/2024
48 10 Trosky Force 3/17/2024
Total 72 13
One National 2028
9 Liam Becher 12 2 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/14/2024
39 8 Bpa Wallbanger 3/16/2024
Total 51 10
53 5 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
Total 104 15
1 Ryder Bell 19 3 Overfly Az 2028 3/14/2024
67 15 Trosky American 2028 3/15/2024
Total 86 18
10 Cooper Daley 28 9 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/14/2024
29 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/17/2024
Total 57 12
3 Christian (CJ) Estrella 88 12 Bpa Wallbanger 3/16/2024
6 Tucker Harden 81 15 Overfly Az 2028 3/14/2024
33 Blake Loving 45 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/14/2024
5 Camden Pallas 0 0 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/14/2024
20 3 Overfly Az 2028 3/14/2024
Total 20 3
8 J. Haizen Reidhead 94 10 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
7 Troy Tewers 85 17 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/17/2024
Overfly Az 2028
14 Trevor Alons 17 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/16/2024
Edward chavira 31 2 Bpa Wallbanger 3/16/2024
14 3 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/16/2024
Total 45 5
7 Santiago Heredia 72 21 One National 2028 3/14/2024
10 Max Nieuwenhuis 96 19 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
1 Alexander Padilla 75 14 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/16/2024
43 Brandon Pate 104 19 Bpa Wallbanger 3/16/2024
28 Jackson Terborg 12 3 Trosky American 2028 3/17/2024
3 Diego Velazquez 6 1 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/17/2024
84 15 Trosky American 2028 3/17/2024
Total 90 16
Overfly Az Grey
6 Brendan Cupido 74 12 Nsa Select 3/16/2024
8 Jackson Hall 21 1 Nsa Select 3/16/2024
8 Vasser Harmon 70 20 Fs21 Stars 3/16/2024
9 Daniel Henze 24 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/17/2024
20 Hugh Hurkmans 18 1 AZ Runners Baseball 3/14/2024
87 8 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/17/2024
Total 105 9
7 Ryder Salontai 38 3 Nsa Select 3/16/2024
2 Jackson Smith 20 2 Nsa Select 3/16/2024
34 Henry Wheeler 117 16 AZ Runners Baseball 3/14/2024
46 Owen Wheeler 1 3 AZ Runners Baseball 3/14/2024
34 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/17/2024
Total 35 12
Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson
99 Richard Cruz Iii 85 21 Nsa Select 3/16/2024
22 Alex Lihvarchik 48 7 Trosky Force 3/14/2024
22 3 Overfly Az Grey 3/17/2024
Total 70 10
30 Brady Lihvarchik 47 9 Overfly Az Grey 3/17/2024
Erik Lopez 20 0 Nsa Select 3/16/2024
32 4 Overfly Az Grey 3/17/2024
Total 52 4
27 Richie Lopez 96 14 Trosky Force 3/14/2024
99 Diego Morales 99 9 AZ Runners Baseball 3/16/2024
38 Easton Morgan 23 2 AZ Runners Baseball 3/16/2024
Kingston Sinner 23 5 Overfly Az Grey 3/17/2024
Evan Thompson 48 3 AZ Runners Baseball 3/16/2024
Slammers Bauer 2028
28 Tate Carlson 55 12 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/14/2024
23 Oliver Kellogg 72 10 Hood 3/16/2024
24 Travis Kenz 47 4 Next Level Baseball 3/17/2024
10 Karter Robertson 59 8 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/15/2024
17 Thomas Shank 53 5 Swarm Red Elite National 2028 3/15/2024
50 Hudson Stewart 28 6 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/14/2024
33 5 Next Level Baseball 3/17/2024
Total 61 11
27 Connor Thrush 11 3 Hood 3/16/2024
99 Jameson Wheeler 54 5 Next Level Baseball 3/17/2024
12 Rocco Zavaras 13 3 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/14/2024
13 Cannon Zubeck 37 7 Hood 3/16/2024
Swarm Red Elite National 2028
12 Cruz Chavez 80 10 One National 2028 3/17/2024
18 Jacob Colao 73 9 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/15/2024
3 1 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 76 10
13 Jirah Jensen 72 14 Hood 3/14/2024
19 5 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 91 19
51 Brayden Lee 32 6 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/16/2024
19 Xavier Martinez 87 16 Hood 3/17/2024
44 Ashton Mitchell 8 3 Next Level Baseball 3/14/2024
13 3 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/16/2024
Total 21 6
14 Kohler Mobley 41 6 Slammers Bauer 2028 3/15/2024
46 7 One National 2028 3/17/2024
Total 87 13
99 Ian Palumbo 49 3 Next Level Baseball 3/14/2024
45 6 Brewers Langley Blaze Gold 3/16/2024
Total 94 9
23 Josiah Shim 33 4 Hood 3/14/2024
30 9 Next Level Baseball 3/14/2024
Total 63 13
24 Chase Waterbury 79 21 Overfly Az 2028 3/17/2024
Trosky American 2028
24 Allen Alegria 56 9 Bpa Wallbanger 3/14/2024
39 6 Overfly Az 2028 3/17/2024
Total 95 15
4 Owen Martinson-Fuller 37 2 One National 2028 3/15/2024
6 Jackson McCoy 13 1 Bpa Wallbanger 3/14/2024
59 12 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/16/2024
Total 72 13
12 Brandon Park 58 9 One National 2028 3/15/2024
27 Ethan Richards 40 11 Overfly Az 2028 3/17/2024
11 Brayden Rogers 49 8 Mmw Arizona 2028 Gold 3/16/2024
22 David Thauberger 54 7 Bpa Wallbanger 3/14/2024
19 3 Overfly Az 2028 3/17/2024
Total 73 10
Trosky Force
23 Grady Alonso 68 14 Nsa Select 3/17/2024
25 Caden Anderson 45 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/14/2024
42 Brayden Geruntino 50 12 AZ Runners Baseball 3/16/2024
3 Timmy Gosselin 44 5 AZ Runners Baseball 3/16/2024
28 Brody Jundt 37 4 AZ Runners Baseball 3/16/2024
27 Blake Littrell 53 7 Fs21 Stars 3/16/2024
31 Jason Torres 49 11 Fs21 Stars 3/16/2024
8 Brady Wilson 56 12 Scottsdale Dirtbags 2028 Johnson 3/14/2024
27 6 Nsa Select 3/17/2024
Total 83 18
Trosky National
11 Blake Barberena 36 6 Nm Regulators 3/15/2024
34 Camden Bowser 24 6 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/16/2024
12 Nathan Godbold 55 9 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/14/2024
33 5 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 88 14
3 Jack Graham 49 12 Mmw Arizona 2028 Black 3/14/2024
38 4 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 87 16
2 Walker Kane 49 9 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/16/2024
14 Gideon Mayo 0 0 Gbg South Bay Navy 3/16/2024
21 Bryant Provencio 20 3 Nm Regulators 3/15/2024
26 Siale Tulua 43 9 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/14/2024
55 Sione Tulua 16 3 Elite Baseball 14u National - 2028 3/14/2024
58 9 Hood 3/17/2024
Total 74 12