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Super NIT Championship Brackets WILL DO Organization Protections....NO POOL PROTECTION

Super NIT Championship Brackets WILL DO Organization Protections...NO POOL PROTECTION

Super NIT Championship Brackets WILL DO Organization Protections...NO POOL PROTECTION

Super NIT Championship Brackets WILL DO Organization Protections...NO POOL PROTECTION

No two teams from the same organization will match-up in their first playoff game unless the game is affected by a bye (Applicable to brackets with 9+ teams).
Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
101 Elite 11u
11 Trevor Abel 28 1 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
53 6 Canes South 3/3/2024
Total 81 7
23 Carter Ikeda 30 5 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/2/2024
Edward Canelo Jimenez 19 3 League City Impact 3/3/2024
9 Cameron Knight 3 1 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/2/2024
83 15 League City Impact 3/3/2024
Total 86 16
5 Aiden Morones 31 4 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/2/2024
12 Dickinson Ross 45 5 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/2/2024
22 6 Canes South 3/3/2024
Total 67 11
19 3 League City Impact 3/3/2024
Total 86 14
4 Gabriel Sartoris 32 6 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/2/2024
25 3 Canes South 3/3/2024
Total 57 9
21 Caden Spahr 36 6 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
18 Kason Speer 42 9 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/2/2024
1 Huntington Teague 18 2 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
Aces Black
15 Connor Copeland 10 0 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/2/2024
14 1 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
Total 24 1
32 Davis Cummins 24 4 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/2/2024
4 Ryan Etheredge 48 7 League City Impact 3/2/2024
60 9 LVR Maloff 11u 3/3/2024
Total 108 16
55 Baylor Gazzier 6 0 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/2/2024
17 3 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
Total 23 3
10 0 LVR Maloff 11u 3/3/2024
Total 33 3
27 Cash Land 11 0 League City Impact 3/2/2024
13 3 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
Total 24 3
19 Cohen Letson 23 7 League City Impact 3/2/2024
37 6 LVR Maloff 11u 3/3/2024
Total 60 13
12 Brantley Pippin 21 1 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
28 Jordan Sims 13 2 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
3 Jaxon Stagner 48 9 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/2/2024
6 1 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
Total 54 10
Austin Banditos National
12 Javier Garza 32 2 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/3/2024
Noah Lopez 13 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/4/2024
24 Marco Palacios Jr. 22 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
44 Ivan Pena 24 3 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/3/2024
9 Brandon Reyes 26 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/4/2024
3 Marco A Sanchez III 48 11 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
2 Levi Segura 11 4 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/3/2024
21 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/4/2024
Total 32 7
34 Tripp Southwell 83 18 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/2/2024
4 Jonathan Tapia 69 15 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/2/2024
11 Tru Zook 23 1 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
Banditos 11u Black
9 Nathaniel Alaniz 40 6 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/3/2024
52 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/4/2024
Total 92 15
28 Waylon Harris 42 3 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
77 Noah Kelly 38 4 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
1 Mikayel Khan 47 9 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
25 5 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/4/2024
Total 72 14
8 Tobias Lowry 7 2 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
76 12 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 83 14
7 Jacob Meche 33 6 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
21 Zach Mortensen 21 0 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
6 Ethan Shelledy 59 9 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/3/2024
14 Adriano Villasana 27 6 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
3 Brayden Worthen 49 12 Elite - Gonzalez 3/3/2024
Baum Bat Nw - 11u
26 Jameson Flynn 28 2 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
1 William Hemenway 46 7 Btx Wolfpack 3/3/2024
3 Zechariah Kim 21 2 101 Elite 11u 3/2/2024
7 0 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
Total 28 2
5 Max Media 38 6 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/2/2024
22 1 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
Total 60 7
6 Dustin Peterson 32 8 Btx Wolfpack 3/3/2024
8 Jordan Stier 21 2 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
0 Jack Sutter 0 0 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/2/2024
46 4 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
Total 46 4
10 Allen Yoo 81 12 101 Elite 11u 3/2/2024
Braves Baseball Academy
17 Kai Arimoto 41 8 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
54 8 The Show 3/3/2024
Total 95 16
99 Cash Bailey 33 4 The Show 3/3/2024
86 Maddox Escamilla 7 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/3/2024
50 Carlos Guzman 34 9 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/3/2024
0 Devin Moraleja 16 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/2/2024
22 3 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
Total 38 6
22 Finn Oshima 25 2 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
1 Nathan Perez 26 2 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/2/2024
17 1 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
Total 43 3
15 Leo Reyes 55 10 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/2/2024
38 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/3/2024
Total 93 12
Luis Valencia 3 1 The Show 3/3/2024
Btx Wolfpack
24 Reid Crosby 50 11 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/2/2024
8 Cole Janish 41 7 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/3/2024
10 Colton Jones 74 9 MS RAYS 3/2/2024
0 0 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/2/2024
Total 74 9
7 Harrison Major 56 7 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/3/2024
2 Rhys Manning 19 5 MS RAYS 3/2/2024
16 4 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/2/2024
Total 35 9
28 1 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/3/2024
Total 63 10
27 Justin York 60 9 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/3/2024
Canes South
24 Cameron Brown 37 6 Mvp Hustle 3/2/2024
77 Hamp Burnett 41 9 Texas Velocity 3/2/2024
1 Isaiah Lee 55 7 Mvp Hustle 3/2/2024
7 Dylan Roth 68 15 101 Elite 11u 3/3/2024
47 Rush Spence 4 1 Mvp Hustle 3/2/2024
33 Griffin Stevens 29 3 Texas Velocity 3/2/2024
12 Jayce Willard 74 14 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/3/2024
Cba Heat South Texas 11u
12 Camden Armijo 55 6 Mvp Hustle 3/2/2024
111 Noah Blancas 69 8 Texas Velocity 3/2/2024
2 Bryan Daniel 36 9 Us Nationals Midwest 3/3/2024
0 Darian Gonzalez 25 4 Mvp Hustle 3/2/2024
39 10 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/3/2024
Total 64 14
13 Marc Montoya 36 4 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/3/2024
21 Andres Tovar 16 0 Texas Velocity 3/2/2024
Colorado Prospects
8 Ben Bellows 10 1 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
38 6 Lh Panthers 11u 3/3/2024
Total 48 7
40 Irving Del Real Orozco 9 2 Lh Panthers 11u 3/3/2024
1 Evan Fifer 19 6 Elite - Gonzalez 3/2/2024
0 0 The Show 3/2/2024
Total 19 6
22 4 Lh Panthers 11u 3/3/2024
Total 41 10
23 Jace Hoppe 65 12 Elite - Gonzalez 3/2/2024
9 Briggs Skinner 41 4 The Show 3/2/2024
11 Trey Thome 49 7 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
3 Bryce Wilkinson 72 7 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
13 Jonas Yuhas 40 4 The Show 3/2/2024
Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz
22 Jake Beleckis 22 6 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/2/2024
78 16 West Valley 11U 3/4/2024
Total 100 22
10 Dianyelo Darraido 23 8 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
23 Lucas Diaz 24 6 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
82 12 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/3/2024
Total 106 18
77 Rodrigo Diaz 21 3 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/3/2024
52 9 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
Total 73 12
19 Aiden Euley 4 1 West Valley 11U 3/4/2024
26 1 League City Impact 3/4/2024
Total 30 2
29 Trey Hloska III 41 5 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
0 0 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/3/2024
Total 41 5
52 8 League City Impact 3/4/2024
Total 93 13
50 Kian Madani 11 3 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
52 12 Aces Black 3/3/2024
Total 63 15
4 Lucas Sandoval 56 9 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/2/2024
21 5 League City Impact 3/4/2024
Total 77 14
Doc Baseball 2031
35 Miles Beasley 46 9 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/2/2024
55 8 The Show 3/3/2024
Total 101 17
7 William Johnson 12 1 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
74 18 Legacy 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 86 19
17 Beckett Kremers 47 8 Lamar Elite 3/3/2024
13 Kale Looney 14 5 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
4 Easton Prater 32 9 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
66 9 The Show 3/3/2024
Total 98 18
34 Joshua "Knox" Stinson 50 5 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/2/2024
12 Bryce Tyus 5 1 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/2/2024
38 9 Lamar Elite 3/3/2024
Total 43 10
11 Dray Weatherford 20 2 The Show 3/3/2024
4 1 Lamar Elite 3/3/2024
Total 24 3
Downey Hustle
3 Gavin Brandon 81 16 Ntx Aces 11u 3/3/2024
13 Reese Kleist 3 0 Ntx Aces 11u 3/3/2024
1 Jayden Lopez 56 5 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/3/2024
99 Cruz McDonell 77 18 Knights-Jahner 3/2/2024
4 Nathaniel Perez 18 5 LVR Maloff 11u 3/2/2024
24 6 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/3/2024
Total 42 11
27 Ryan Pimentel 74 12 LVR Maloff 11u 3/2/2024
Elite - Gonzalez
9 Mason Estrada 75 13 Colorado Prospects 3/2/2024
0 Erik Garner 0 0 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
2 Lane Gladchuk 16 2 Colorado Prospects 3/2/2024
11 John Mark Golden 0 0 Colorado Prospects 3/2/2024
6 Austin Hernandez 58 14 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/3/2024
12 Nolen Perez 0 0 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
27 Josiah Sanchez 76 9 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
18 Quinn Smith 0 0 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
59 Jackson "J Hawk" Weaver 65 15 The Show 3/2/2024
Fbt 11u National
0 Tyler Ballard 74 7 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
0 Dallon Brodzky 13 0 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
0 Michael DeLorenzo 45 9 Lh Panthers 11u 3/2/2024
13 2 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
Total 58 11
0 Jace Hernandez 28 3 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
14 5 Texas Made 3/3/2024
Total 42 8
0 Andrew (AJ) Kessler 54 6 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
0 Brody Kuhmann 30 6 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
12 3 Lh Panthers 11u 3/2/2024
Total 42 9
0 Matteo Pandolfini 65 12 Texas Made 3/3/2024
Fbt 11u National Scout
0 Carter Bianucci 70 9 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/2/2024
0 Liam Bloomer 27 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/2/2024
33 1 League City Impact 3/3/2024
Total 60 4
0 Kinsler Dedona 1 0 League City Impact 3/3/2024
81 8 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/3/2024
Total 82 8
0 Ron Harrington 46 7 League City Impact 3/3/2024
0 Landon Hughey 62 7 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/2/2024
0 Moises Ulloa 58 5 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/2/2024
11 0 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/3/2024
Total 69 5
Frisco Riders - Rae
7 Bradley Carbo 14 1 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
22 Josiah Delgado 2 0 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
48 Noah Goldsberry 24 3 Fbt 11u National 3/2/2024
9 Noah King 72 12 Fbt 11u National 3/2/2024
10 Hunter Kuhlman 33 2 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/2/2024
3 Eli Lawson 13 1 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
14 Darran Perry 29 4 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/2/2024
2 Davis Rae 30 9 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/2/2024
28 7 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
Total 58 16
1 Cesar Rivera Menchaca 0 0 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
52 9 Team Sosa National 3/3/2024
Total 52 9
29 Matthew Ward 40 3 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
Gold Culture
18 Beckett Benton 47 8 ZT Prospects TJ 3/2/2024
1 Grey Hollier 55 6 Texas Freight 3/2/2024
4 Porter Lebrun 37 4 ZT Prospects TJ 3/2/2024
13 Major Morgan 21 1 Mvp Hustle 3/3/2024
12 Maverick Morgan 27 2 Texas Freight 3/2/2024
9 2 Mvp Hustle 3/3/2024
Total 36 4
21 Bear Parker 39 5 Texas Velocity 3/3/2024
42 Mason Rowland 34 6 Texas Freight 3/2/2024
16 Sylas Smith 46 4 Texas Velocity 3/3/2024
24 William Wright 56 9 Mvp Hustle 3/3/2024
Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams
99 Nick Aguilar 35 4 Aces Black 3/2/2024
49 6 Ntx Aces 11u 3/3/2024
Total 84 10
24 Kayden Chapa 68 4 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/3/2024
7 Bentley Harmon 43 8 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/3/2024
10 Mason Kainer 36 10 Aces Black 3/2/2024
0 Mason Rowell 60 12 YGLA 3/2/2024
23 Reid Schleider 43 9 Ntx Aces 11u 3/3/2024
Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon
12 John Compean 41 4 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/2/2024
22 Luke Lastrapes 46 5 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
24 Jackson Lee 9 2 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
27 Aharon Linarez 69 12 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/3/2024
13 3 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/3/2024
Total 82 15
1 Aayan Patel 34 9 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/2/2024
2 Will Strawbridge 77 12 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/3/2024
30 Hudson Yoder 19 2 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
4 Bryce Yurick 20 0 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja
99 Chase Adam 15 3 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
27 Kaleb Arceneaux 33 6 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/3/2024
22 Nathan Buenrostro 19 3 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
63 8 League City Impact 3/4/2024
Total 82 11
2 Cayden Cushing 40 6 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
5 Noah Gamarra 33 6 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/3/2024
15 Chandler Hall 21 3 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
27 9 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/3/2024
Total 48 12
4 Mylo Leyja 14 3 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
3 Davis Price 36 3 League City Impact 3/4/2024
13 Liam Sprinkle 49 6 PRD Ghost National 3/2/2024
4 0 League City Impact 3/4/2024
Total 53 6
6 Bowen Taylor 35 6 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/3/2024
42 JaMarcus Vidrine 30 3 Braves Baseball Academy 3/2/2024
Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez
1 Chiram Adewumi 30 6 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/2/2024
44 11 ZT Prospects TJ 3/3/2024
Total 74 17
Trevor Alexander 14 1 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/2/2024
Carson Almaguer 25 4 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/2/2024
10 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/3/2024
Total 35 7
21 Bronxton Anzellotti 59 9 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/3/2024
12 David Arredondo 4 1 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/2/2024
65 7 ZT Prospects TJ 3/3/2024
Total 69 8
24 Noah Capuchino 3 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/3/2024
8 Zachary Geren 52 7 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/2/2024
Drew Riddle 14 3 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/2/2024
68 7 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/2/2024
Total 82 10
6 William Jahner 29 3 Downey Hustle 3/2/2024
22 5 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 51 8
5 Ryan Miers 14 1 Downey Hustle 3/2/2024
17 Eli Pulmano 17 5 Downey Hustle 3/2/2024
10 Rhys Sanford 35 9 Downey Hustle 3/2/2024
12 3 LVR Maloff 11u 3/2/2024
Total 47 12
42 8 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 89 20
8 3 Texas Saints 3/3/2024
Total 97 23
4 Andrew Tristan 43 9 LVR Maloff 11u 3/2/2024
60 11 Texas Saints 3/3/2024
Total 103 20
La Storm 11u
5 Luke Arceneaux 33 6 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
2 Quinn Bonin 10 3 ZT National Prospects 3/2/2024
33 6 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
Total 43 9
8 Jaxon Carter 20 4 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
17 Kohner Johnson 26 3 ZT National Prospects 3/2/2024
19 3 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/3/2024
Total 45 6
12 Nathan Matchett 18 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
26 Kelson Nagle 65 12 ZT National Prospects 3/2/2024
13 Kase Paddy 64 12 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
15 Parker Tujague 41 8 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/3/2024
Lamar Elite
1 Brayden Carlisle 70 9 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
7 Benjamin Curtis 53 7 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
99 Parker Eaton 0 0 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/2/2024
0 0 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
Total 0 0
0 0 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
Total 0 0
0 0 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
Total 0 0
44 Shane Grawe 20 1 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
22 Luke Helmke 10 4 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
48 11 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
Total 58 15
11 Joseph Miller 39 6 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/2/2024
4 Lucas Sontag 30 9 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/2/2024
2 Logan Williams 56 7 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
Las Vegas Baseball 11u
9 Miles Glass 52 9 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/2/2024
46 9 The Show 3/4/2024
Total 98 18
0 Antonio Guillen III 21 6 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/3/2024
16 1 The Show 3/4/2024
Total 37 7
4 Brodrick Inouye 68 14 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/3/2024
1 Ren Rollo 42 8 Fbt 11u National 3/3/2024
6 0 The Show 3/4/2024
Total 48 8
37 Jaxon Sanchez 66 8 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/2/2024
24 Kai Sapp 60 6 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
23 Parker Soranaka 14 6 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/2/2024
14 Liam Sparks 48 6 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/2/2024
25 3 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
Total 73 9
8 Samuel Vacante 12 3 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
24 4 Fbt 11u National 3/3/2024
Total 36 7
Lbc Central Navy 11u
17 Cameron Benton 57 11 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
14 Ryan Fischer 33 1 Team Sosa National 3/2/2024
9 Jameson Halbert 10 1 Team Sosa National 3/2/2024
26 5 Tbt National White 3/2/2024
Total 36 6
1 Nolan Hall 50 5 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
3 Caleb McBride 55 4 Tbt National White 3/2/2024
5 Johnny Moseley 61 7 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
99 Blake Owen 0 0 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
21 Braxtton Reiling 41 10 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
16 Ryder Street 57 7 Team Sosa National 3/2/2024
Lbc Central Red 11u
23 Cade Carlson 21 3 YGLA 3/3/2024
4 Easton Darity 26 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/2/2024
33 Brady Jackson 33 2 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/2/2024
24 Wyatt Kalmick 29 3 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/2/2024
78 Isaiah Molina 28 0 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/2/2024
1 Easton Perez 27 6 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/2/2024
75 12 YGLA 3/3/2024
Total 102 18
Owen Stegemeier 50 5 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
3 Samuel Supinski 16 4 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/2/2024
13 Kristian Valadez 58 9 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/2/2024
42 4 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
Total 100 13
League City Impact
26 Jake Bradley 32 9 Aces Black 3/2/2024
49 8 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/3/2024
Total 81 17
3 Jaxon Chism 62 9 101 Elite 11u 3/3/2024
39 7 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/4/2024
Total 101 16
44 Levi Ellis 8 2 YGLA 3/2/2024
44 8 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/4/2024
Total 52 10
42 Wyatt Ellis 40 4 Aces Black 3/2/2024
18 3 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/3/2024
Total 58 7
9 Khyber Mann 57 12 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/4/2024
2 Colton Oshel 27 6 YGLA 3/2/2024
3 2 Aces Black 3/2/2024
Total 30 8
36 8 101 Elite 11u 3/3/2024
Total 66 16
Legacy 11u Black
15 Aaron Barraza 43 4 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/2/2024
0 0 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
Total 43 4
9 Zachary Berman 45 13 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/2/2024
0 Griffin Block 8 0 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
42 Connor Brackett 42 12 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
27 Decker Del Giorgio 28 3 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
24 Chase Hasson 67 12 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
23 Clayton Malik 19 2 Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas 3/2/2024
32 3 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
Total 51 5
5 Graham Pender 35 6 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/2/2024
21 3 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
Total 56 9
2 Maxwell Pocino 32 1 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
51 Luke Upton 37 7 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
45 Zach Weisbarth 0 0 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/3/2024
Lh Panthers 11u
23 Casen Eggeling 54 9 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/2/2024
15 Layton Foree 6 0 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
12 Reece Macgibbon 48 6 Fbt 11u National 3/2/2024
34 3 Colorado Prospects 3/3/2024
Total 82 9
33 Sadler Phillips 54 9 Colorado Prospects 3/3/2024
9 Tanner Schluterman 50 3 Tbt National White 3/3/2024
6 Jagger Tabor 62 6 Fbt 11u National 3/2/2024
27 Kiptyn Wiederhold 15 1 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/2/2024
LVR Maloff 11u
6 Carson Allgood 44 9 Knights-Jahner 3/2/2024
24 Colin Hitch 77 10 Aces Black 3/3/2024
22 Luke Lentz 30 1 Knights-Jahner 3/2/2024
13 Noah Letalu 82 12 Downey Hustle 3/2/2024
1 Russell McGee 18 5 Downey Hustle 3/2/2024
30 5 Aces Black 3/3/2024
Total 48 10
8 Maximus Ridlen 30 3 Texas Freight 3/3/2024
7 Bradley Rom 1 3 Knights-Jahner 3/2/2024
34 9 Texas Freight 3/3/2024
Total 35 12
Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau
25 Jake Bludau 26 3 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
8 1 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 34 4
9 Owen Dietel 0 0 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
49 9 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
Total 49 9
11 0 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 60 9
42 Cooper Green 7 1 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
20 3 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
Total 27 4
22 Mason Hemberger 12 1 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
43 5 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 55 6
35 Carlos Nellen 24 2 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
28 2 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 52 4
23 Cooper Obadal 11 1 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
10 Garon Reynolds 43 7 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
11 Levan Scheel 33 5 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
82 Wittin Williams 17 3 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
32 8 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
Total 49 11
Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u
13 George Acosta 78 11 MS RAYS 3/3/2024
Christopher Domenech 52 5 YGLA 3/3/2024
Angel Gomez 36 5 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
Easton Mahoney 38 8 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
4 1 Premier Rick 3/2/2024
Total 42 9
15 1 MS RAYS 3/3/2024
Total 57 10
26 Jonatan Mendoza 4 1 MS RAYS 3/3/2024
Ghevian Reyes 34 6 Premier Rick 3/2/2024
28 4 MS RAYS 3/3/2024
Total 62 10
Adrian Rodriguez 23 2 Premier Rick 3/2/2024
0 0 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
Total 23 2
18 1 YGLA 3/3/2024
Total 41 3
0 Jaxson Roicki 51 5 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
37 6 YGLA 3/3/2024
Total 88 11
Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National
Oliver Conners 25 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
Jacob Haygood 21 3 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/2/2024
66 15 ZT Prospects TJ 3/3/2024
Total 87 18
Easton Jobe 39 3 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/2/2024
Conor LaBrosse 13 0 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
Royce Rombach 10 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
Xavier Stilin 47 9 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
Jaxson Stout 31 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
Sean Wood 34 9 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
7 Brayden Beaver 46 7 Btx Wolfpack 3/2/2024
21 3 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
Total 67 10
2 Jhett Brignone 14 2 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/2/2024
5 Jace Conerly 65 11 Btx Wolfpack 3/2/2024
12 Noah Gonzales 50 8 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/2/2024
44 Dakkoda Jackson 14 3 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/2/2024
75 12 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/3/2024
Total 89 15
4 Owen Schoenberger 28 6 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/3/2024
41 10 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
Total 69 16
11 Colston Weary 19 3 ZT National Prospects 3/3/2024
Mvp Hustle
24 Jovan Lamas 49 4 Canes South 3/2/2024
17 3 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
Total 66 7
50 Cache Malan 16 3 Gold Culture 3/3/2024
1 Nathan Mitchell 48 4 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
22 Lincoln Ploog 47 9 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/2/2024
42 Ethan Robertson 57 8 Canes South 3/2/2024
13 Mason Ruvalcaba 46 6 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
17 Kenzo Shimomura 36 9 Gold Culture 3/3/2024
23 Cameron Villamil 26 3 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/2/2024
Ntx Aces 11u
2 Kinsler Braley 38 5 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
64 9 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/4/2024
Total 102 14
0 Blayde Buck 68 16 Downey Hustle 3/3/2024
24 Ramaad Bunch 17 0 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
23 Kaiden Bush 67 11 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/3/2024
18 Alijah Jimenez 39 9 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/2/2024
17 2 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/4/2024
Total 56 11
46 9 Texas Velocity 3/4/2024
Total 102 20
99 Alfonze Lemming 12 1 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
77 9 Texas Velocity 3/4/2024
Total 89 10
15 Mason Monreal 12 3 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/2/2024
22 5 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
Total 34 8
67 12 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/4/2024
Total 101 20
21 Isaac Parks 60 8 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/4/2024
7 Titus Solis 14 2 Downey Hustle 3/3/2024
22 4 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/3/2024
Total 36 6
22 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/4/2024
Total 58 9
Parkland Pokers 11u
1 Dylan Abreu 53 9 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/2/2024
5 2 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/3/2024
Total 58 11
33 9 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/3/2024
Total 91 20
9 Connor Baldocchi 41 8 Ntx Aces 11u 3/2/2024
60 9 Austin Banditos National 3/4/2024
Total 101 17
5 Joseph Ferrara 77 16 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
46 Marco Longaro 13 0 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
2 Christian Mejia 15 3 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/2/2024
11 0 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
Total 26 3
14 3 Austin Banditos National 3/4/2024
Total 40 6
12 Nathan Sandbrand 17 3 Ntx Aces 11u 3/2/2024
81 16 Twelve San Antonio Maroon 3/3/2024
Total 98 19
20 Kellen Streicher 2 1 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
PRD Ghost National
Santino Cerruto 25 2 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/2/2024
Carson Christie 29 2 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
Antonio Dugo 50 6 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/2/2024
Jarred Eckhart 33 4 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/2/2024
Gabriel Gonzaga 38 4 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
Camden Knapp 41 6 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
Lucas Litton 53 9 The Show 3/3/2024
Louis Marconi 14 5 Banditos 11u Black 3/2/2024
Luke Miller 50 9 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
Bryce Sanchez 30 6 The Show 3/3/2024
Premier Rick
25 Axel Dwyer 50 6 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
2 Jake Garza 29 7 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
0 0 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Total 29 7
18 Spencer Goykhman 32 5 ZT National Prospects 3/2/2024
9 David Herring 14 1 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
99 Asher Hesson 37 6 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
13 Lathan Lindsey 46 6 ZT National Prospects 3/2/2024
22 3 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Total 68 9
1 Landon Melcher II 0 0 ZT National Prospects 3/2/2024
31 1 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
Total 31 1
2 2 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Total 33 3
12 Pablo Rentas 14 0 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
20 1 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Total 34 1
17 Zachary Rose 10 0 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
11 Brecken Semmler 39 6 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
3 Caleb Soto 10 0 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/2/2024
Prime Baseball - Tallo
8 Duran DuBose 0 0 Ntx Aces 11u 3/2/2024
12 Brody Gilmore 29 2 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/2/2024
13 0 West Valley 11U 3/3/2024
Total 42 2
22 Joshua Handley-White 26 2 Ntx Aces 11u 3/2/2024
9 Christopher Lannie 30 1 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/2/2024
5 Dylan Leblanc 55 7 Ntx Aces 11u 3/2/2024
3 Roman Mirabella 62 10 West Valley 11U 3/3/2024
2 Johnny Mizell 22 0 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/3/2024
1 Hudson Tallo 13 2 Ntx Aces 11u 3/2/2024
41 6 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/3/2024
Total 54 8
7 Jaidyn Tartt 11 5 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/3/2024
10 Ashton Turrubiartez 36 6 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/2/2024
8 1 West Valley 11U 3/3/2024
Total 44 7
Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED
5 Jackson Andreadis 13 2 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/2/2024
44 9 Lamar Elite 3/3/2024
Total 57 11
11 Leland Andreadis 49 8 Lamar Elite 3/3/2024
42 Liam Ballew 19 3 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/2/2024
8 1 Legacy 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 27 4
17 Blake Cantu 36 5 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/2/2024
27 Ethan Cavazos 45 6 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/2/2024
7 Jordan Halas 0 0 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/2/2024
50 Ashton Jackson 0 0 Legacy 11u Black 3/3/2024
0 0 Lamar Elite 3/3/2024
Total 0 0
34 Wyatt Landry 41 6 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/2/2024
60 14 Legacy 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 101 20
4 Brayden Thompson 51 8 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/2/2024
San Diego Show Black
99 David Beck 76 13 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
11 2 PRD Ghost National 3/3/2024
Total 87 15
24 Dylan Dennis 2 0 PRD Ghost National 3/3/2024
9 Dylan Forgione 18 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/3/2024
31 Jack Golden 62 9 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/2/2024
28 5 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 90 14
21 Ryder Karlson 28 9 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/2/2024
47 Iker Laija 87 16 PRD Ghost National 3/3/2024
33 Chase Meyer 46 7 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
17 Victor Montoya 47 9 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/3/2024
37 4 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 84 13
28 Jake Pendleton 40 6 Marucci Elite Ctx - Bludau 3/2/2024
16 3 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/2/2024
Total 56 9
36 6 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 92 15
2 Marcos Thompson 43 3 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/2/2024
SBA Bolts National 11U
11 Mac Aul 8 3 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
32 9 Texas Made 3/3/2024
Total 40 12
5 1 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
Total 45 13
5 Mason Bitzenhofer 89 10 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
1 Ricardo Flores 45 8 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
88 Easton Metzelaars 10 3 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
22 3 Team Sosa National 3/4/2024
Total 32 6
11 Parker Smith 8 3 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/2/2024
8 2 Team Sosa National 3/4/2024
Total 16 5
21 Desmond Todd 29 2 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery 3/3/2024
70 10 Team Sosa National 3/4/2024
Total 99 12
24 Izaiah Webster 61 12 Lh Panthers 11u 3/2/2024
2 Landon Williams 84 17 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/3/2024
SBA Los Rayos National 11U
Hudson Bettencourt 47 9 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/3/2024
Grayson Bordeaux 26 4 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
Bryce Causey 39 5 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
62 12 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
Total 101 17
Carson Coleman 29 6 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/3/2024
Jack Cormier 12 0 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/2/2024
Jack Henson 18 0 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
Max Kottra 59 11 Knights-Jahner 3/3/2024
Parker Smith 33 7 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
Weston Stalls 11 2 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/2/2024
Ethan Stroud 51 9 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/2/2024
49 5 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
Total 100 14
Jase Whorton 12 3 Wow Factor Southwest 11U 3/2/2024
Scorpions Team EASTON
5 Brody Dean 75 8 La Storm 11u 3/3/2024
10 Ethan Dominguez 5 1 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
42 4 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Total 47 5
27 Robbie Haberkamp 37 8 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
40 3 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Total 77 11
1 Trent Honea 43 6 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
21 Matthew Longoria 27 1 Regulators Baseball Club - 11u RED 3/2/2024
9 Jaxson Phillips 47 5 ZT Prospects 11u JC 3/3/2024
Jonathan Salinas 79 11 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
Cash Wal 17 0 San Diego Show Black 3/2/2024
38 3 La Storm 11u 3/3/2024
Total 55 3
Scorpions Team Easton (Silver)
45 Frank Fuda 45 6 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
28 6 Braves Baseball Academy 3/3/2024
Total 73 12
5 Cullen Krampitz 70 9 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
34 Ryan Lopez 52 6 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
99 Edilberto Marin 29 0 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
2 Casey Moore 47 9 Braves Baseball Academy 3/3/2024
999 Parker Rocha 16 2 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
26 3 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
Total 42 5
13 Alexander Sabia 0 0 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
58 8 San Diego Show Black 3/3/2024
Total 58 8
Sin City Thunder 11u Purple
11 Otto Braverman 18 1 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
13 3 Texas Freight 3/3/2024
Total 31 4
4 Branson Falcone 48 9 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/2/2024
7 0 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
Total 55 9
8 Garrett Gallegos 53 9 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/2/2024
82 Jacob Justice 68 11 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/3/2024
24 Brady Kotake 43 8 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/2/2024
7 Abraham Lee 23 6 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/2/2024
44 Knox Pegeder 63 12 Texas Freight 3/3/2024
Southside Defenders- Romero
35 Santiago Chavez 29 3 Lamar Elite 3/2/2024
11 3 Texas Generals 3/3/2024
Total 40 6
23 Ivan Davila 74 7 Lamar Elite 3/2/2024
0 0 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
Total 74 7
23 3 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 97 10
99 Gael Faudoa 32 4 Lamar Elite 3/2/2024
69 14 Texas Generals 3/3/2024
Total 101 18
22 David Houston Gonzalez 34 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
24 4 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 58 7
13 Luke Macias 12 2 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
2 Jared Martinez 56 7 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/2/2024
35 6 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 91 13
1 Brayden Ortiz 1 0 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/3/2024
26 1 Texas Generals 3/3/2024
Total 27 1
Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham
15 Colton Alford 54 9 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
11 Jantzen Baker 44 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
4 Evan Cockrell 60 7 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/2/2024
8 MILES FINCHER 24 1 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
27 5 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
Total 51 6
31 Atticus Granato 13 1 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
5 Stellan Harrison 16 2 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
24 Gunner Mahan 38 8 Btx Wolfpack 3/3/2024
99 Blaine Vardeman 36 3 Austin Banditos National 3/2/2024
17 4 Btx Wolfpack 3/3/2024
Total 53 7
25 Rylan Williams 28 5 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/2/2024
Tbt National White
42 Preston Chatman 20 6 Texas Made 3/2/2024
17 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/4/2024
Total 37 10
21 Ruben Elias 23 3 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/2/2024
74 14 San Diego Show Black 3/4/2024
Total 97 17
5 Tripp Gill 29 6 Texas Made 3/2/2024
41 9 Legacy 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 70 15
26 Brett Hamlin 10 0 Legacy 11u Black 3/3/2024
7 Daylon McCants 25 6 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/2/2024
18 Brayden Nims 46 6 Lh Panthers 11u 3/3/2024
6 1 San Diego Show Black 3/4/2024
Total 52 7
48 8 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/4/2024
Total 100 15
12 Ethan Palacios 37 9 Team Sosa National 3/4/2024
9 Michael Wedgeworth 78 12 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/3/2024
Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u
Travis Adame 0 0 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/3/2024
12 Easton Griffin 27 8 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/2/2024
31 9 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
Total 58 17
19 Landon Hennies 20 3 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/2/2024
60 7 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 80 10
18 Kai Kusano 39 3 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
27 3 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/3/2024
Total 66 6
19 1 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 85 7
34 Justin Lloyd 21 3 Austin Banditos National 3/3/2024
75 9 Banditos 11u Black 3/4/2024
Total 96 12
53 Oscar Segura 49 9 Lamar Elite 3/2/2024
55 12 Sports Academy Edge 11u Mitcham 3/3/2024
Total 104 21
13 Noa Soares 63 12 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/3/2024
1 Frankie Trejo 26 0 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/2/2024
9 0 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 35 0
53 9 Banditos 11u Black 3/4/2024
Total 88 9
Team Sosa National
23 Jordan Acosta 22 1 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
1 Michael Bosch 54 7 Colorado Prospects 3/3/2024
93 Sariel Coro 83 12 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/4/2024
76 Leonardo Gattorno 38 9 Texas Made 3/2/2024
16 1 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 54 10
0 Yaidel Gonzalez-Sunti 9 3 Texas Made 3/2/2024
33 3 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
Total 42 6
77 Steven Joyce 32 9 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/2/2024
74 12 101 Elite 11u 3/3/2024
Total 106 21
11 Cristian Lobaina 37 7 Colorado Prospects 3/3/2024
35 6 The Show 3/4/2024
Total 72 13
79 Andrew Lopez 40 2 Tbt National White 3/4/2024
20 Anthony Novo 37 3 Lbc Central Navy 11u 3/2/2024
10 Christian Sosa 55 6 The Show 3/4/2024
72 Lucas Viera 61 12 Frisco Riders - Rae 3/3/2024
19 3 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/4/2024
Total 80 15
Texas Freight
99 Jake Collins 38 12 ZT Prospects TJ 3/2/2024
24 Kobe Gray 64 9 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/3/2024
57 Jack Heinz 34 3 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
24 3 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/3/2024
Total 58 6
5 Micah Johnson 63 9 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
7 Westin Jones 16 3 LVR Maloff 11u 3/3/2024
12 Braden Matt 57 4 LVR Maloff 11u 3/3/2024
3 Ethan Reyes 13 3 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
19 3 Sin City Thunder 11u Purple 3/3/2024
Total 32 6
1 Dylan Reynolds 45 5 LVR Maloff 11u 3/3/2024
23 Jameson Williams 43 6 ZT Prospects TJ 3/2/2024
Texas Generals
0 Lincoln Bosson 29 4 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/3/2024
99 Michael Chavira 33 2 Texas Saints 3/3/2024
22 Cooper Gill 0 0 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
38 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/2/2024
Total 38 2
6 Brennan Haney 16 2 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
49 8 Texas Saints 3/3/2024
Total 65 10
5 RJ Johnson 0 0 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
5 Ethan Juarez Almanza 24 3 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
17 Chandler Lewis 20 2 Texas Saints 3/3/2024
13 Michael McSwain 50 9 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/2/2024
25 Tanner Osborne 58 12 Southside Defenders- Romero 3/3/2024
12 Isaac Pacheco 21 3 Us Nationals Midwest 3/2/2024
Texas Made
11 Bradyn Castro 43 8 Team Sosa National 3/2/2024
55 10 Fbt 11u National 3/3/2024
Total 98 18
30 Joshua De Anda 16 3 Tbt National White 3/2/2024
27 Victor Diaz Jr 46 4 Tbt National White 3/2/2024
8 Luke Guzman 26 1 Team Sosa National 3/2/2024
39 3 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 65 4
20 Jacob Mejia 30 5 Fbt 11u National 3/3/2024
6 Nicholas Ortega 37 4 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
17 Manuel Rangel 12 2 Team Sosa National 3/2/2024
11 0 Fbt 11u National 3/3/2024
Total 23 2
14 1 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 37 3
35 Justin Trevino 19 1 Tbt National White 3/2/2024
Texas Nitro Baseball
14 Isaac Cavazos 27 1 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/3/2024
9 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/3/2024
Total 36 4
22 John Guzman 30 2 West Valley 11U 3/2/2024
8 Ian Hernandez 6 0 West Valley 11U 3/2/2024
52 10 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/3/2024
Total 58 10
99 Liam Lopez 16 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/3/2024
34 Ian Joaquin Olivares 17 3 West Valley 11U 3/2/2024
57 9 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/3/2024
Total 74 12
6 Jordan Salinas 37 9 West Valley 11U 3/2/2024
22 4 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/3/2024
Total 59 13
10 Eyan Villarreal 56 18 Texas Saints 3/2/2024
Texas Saints
0 Maximiliano Barron 61 12 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/2/2024
10 Austin Diaz 36 6 Knights-Jahner 3/3/2024
Alexander Gamez 78 12 Texas Generals 3/3/2024
Jay Garza 19 9 West Valley 11U 3/2/2024
78 12 Texas Generals 3/3/2024
Total 97 21
1 Rolan Ryan Ramirez 0 0 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/2/2024
63 8 West Valley 11U 3/2/2024
Total 63 8
40 6 Knights-Jahner 3/3/2024
Total 103 14
99 Osvaldo Ramos 25 3 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/2/2024
8 1 Knights-Jahner 3/3/2024
Total 33 4
Jayden Urbina 12 0 Knights-Jahner 3/3/2024
Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 11u Whinery
70 Ronan Bobiles 21 2 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
4 Matthew Brandon 14 3 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
42 6 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 56 9
17 Wyatt Garbade 13 1 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
8 Carson Mitchell 40 10 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
18 5 La Storm 11u 3/3/2024
Total 58 15
27 Wesley Mitchell 16 2 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/2/2024
45 5 SBA Bolts National 11U 3/3/2024
Total 61 7
68 Jackson Pacheco 37 5 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/2/2024
12 Lincoln Short 42 7 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/2/2024
30 Ryland Smith 46 12 Premier Rick 3/3/2024
2 Taz Tulowitzki 8 3 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
10 Merrick Uriarte 61 10 La Storm 11u 3/3/2024
Texas Swingman 11u Cruz
24 Ayden Arreola 45 9 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/2/2024
42 7 Downey Hustle 3/3/2024
Total 87 16
10 Liam Cisneros 16 3 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/2/2024
55 8 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 71 11
2 Rafael Flores 54 4 Downey Hustle 3/3/2024
0 Giovanni Hernandez 35 6 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
4 Connery Moreno 16 3 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
40 1 Traction Canes 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 56 4
35 Isaiah Salas 39 3 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/2/2024
11 Arian Salinas 13 0 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/2/2024
Texas Twelve 11u Maroon--South Texas
30 John Barjenbruch 48 7 Elite - Gonzalez 3/3/2024
6 Tyler Chaffin 46 9 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
11 Tucker Curtiss 53 5 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
0 0 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
Total 53 5
22 Colton Diegel 4 0 Legacy 11u Black 3/2/2024
24 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
Total 28 3
14 Jacob Johnson 25 0 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
4 Cannon Klostermann 61 7 Elite - Gonzalez 3/3/2024
17 Pryce Mackor 78 14 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/2/2024
12 Jase Reeve 68 9 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Leyja 3/3/2024
Texas Twelve San Antonio Black
27 Memphis Bland 31 4 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/3/2024
88 Owen Kavanagh 12 0 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/3/2024
5 Tres Kerr 38 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/3/2024
3 Colten Miles 62 5 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/2/2024
10 Chase Pape 71 11 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/3/2024
4 Jase Pearce 44 10 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/2/2024
6 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/3/2024
Total 50 13
8 Gavin Villarreal 38 4 USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland 3/2/2024
14 Cooper Zimmerhanzel 36 6 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/2/2024
Texas Velocity
1 Dylan Arriola 13 3 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/2/2024
22 Aaron Bricio 39 5 Gold Culture 3/3/2024
60 Ivan Coronado 9 0 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
93 Josiah Garza 34 8 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/2/2024
9 Giovanni Montalvo 12 0 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
30 Jacob Morales 39 7 Canes South 3/2/2024
35 5 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
Total 74 12
15 Wyatt Overocker 38 8 The Right Way Baseball 11u National 3/3/2024
3 Nevin Pacheco 3 1 Gold Culture 3/3/2024
49 Caleb Roberts 31 5 Canes South 3/2/2024
21 5 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
Total 52 10
Kaden Roberts 0 0 Canes South 3/2/2024
37 6 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
Total 37 6
5 Reydan Salas 25 6 Gold Culture 3/3/2024
31 6 Ntx Aces 11u 3/4/2024
Total 56 12
The Right Way Baseball 11u National
24 Cole Benningfield 39 4 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
2 Laquienten Brooks 74 11 Texas Velocity 3/3/2024
6 Anthony Crenshaw 31 4 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/2/2024
24 Carter Ace Johnson 0 0 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
23 Darrell Kelley Jr 40 4 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
14 3 Texas Velocity 3/3/2024
Total 54 7
13 Braylen Lewis 48 5 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
12 Jean-Garry Olivier, Iii 40 9 Mvp Hustle 3/3/2024
9 Karter Smith 68 15 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/2/2024
7 Major Williams 27 3 Mvp Hustle 3/3/2024
The Show
21 Ryan Ardovino 0 0 Elite - Gonzalez 3/2/2024
25 Kason Bentley 24 3 Elite - Gonzalez 3/2/2024
43 4 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/4/2024
Total 67 7
24 Christopher Hand 64 8 PRD Ghost National 3/3/2024
43 Jasper Hill 28 4 PRD Ghost National 3/3/2024
73 10 Team Sosa National 3/4/2024
Total 101 14
2 Blinn Jordan 87 14 Braves Baseball Academy 3/3/2024
30 Jack Mattingly 28 4 Elite - Gonzalez 3/2/2024
25 5 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
Total 53 9
34 Easton McGuire 29 6 Colorado Prospects 3/2/2024
78 14 Doc Baseball 2031 3/3/2024
Total 107 20
18 Crue Moreland 47 8 Elite - Gonzalez 3/2/2024
30 3 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/4/2024
Total 77 11
8 Bo Owensby 20 3 Colorado Prospects 3/2/2024
16 1 Team Sosa National 3/4/2024
Total 36 4
7 Levi Rose 29 3 PRD Ghost National 3/3/2024
0 0 Braves Baseball Academy 3/3/2024
Total 29 3
25 5 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/4/2024
Total 54 8
Traction Canes 11u Black
8 Camden Champagne 34 6 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
36 4 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 70 10
4 Braylen Fontenot 35 3 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/2/2024
13 Tré Ford 36 9 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/3/2024
2 Lee Gordon IV 10 3 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/3/2024
0 Ty’lan Hayes 53 6 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
17 2 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 70 8
1 Grayson Hiebert 39 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/2/2024
7 Cullen LeBlanc 44 6 Texas Swingman 11u Cruz 3/3/2024
27 Tyson Pruitt 29 6 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/3/2024
37 Waylon Turner 16 3 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/2/2024
42 9 Banditos 11u Black 3/3/2024
Total 58 12
Twelve San Antonio Maroon
12 Kaleb Christ 68 12 101 Elite 11u 3/2/2024
1 Colton Hardgrave 65 6 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/2/2024
5 James Lucas 42 7 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/3/2024
11 Luke Murphy 65 11 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/3/2024
8 Ford Nichols 18 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11u - Deleon 3/3/2024
2 Brayden Palomino 28 0 Baum Bat Nw - 11u 3/2/2024
17 Rhys Warder 41 6 Parkland Pokers 11u 3/3/2024
Us Nationals Midwest
10 Gavin Burke 0 0 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/3/2024
7 Cannon Camp 63 4 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/3/2024
28 Corey Carriker Jr. 10 1 West Valley 11U 3/3/2024
32 Easton Fessler 25 1 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
48 Jase Holt 17 3 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
16 Brayden Jacques 34 1 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
15 Pierce Jones 108 8 West Valley 11U 3/3/2024
24 Wyatt Laux 26 2 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/3/2024
17 Reed Miley 1 0 West Valley 11U 3/3/2024
12 Brayden Shelby 68 4 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
16 Jaxon Thompson 0 0 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/2/2024
0 0 Texas Generals 3/2/2024
Total 0 0
17 0 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/3/2024
Total 17 0
20 Preston Wilczek 77 12 Scorpions Team Easton (Silver) 3/2/2024
USA Prime Houston North 11u - Ireland
2 Drew Anderson 40 4 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/2/2024
7 Andrew Bustos 29 4 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
11 2 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/3/2024
Total 40 6
62 12 Canes South 3/3/2024
Total 102 18
33 Marcelo De Rojas 8 3 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/2/2024
20 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
Total 28 6
63 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
Total 91 15
22 Greyson Framel 0 0 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/2/2024
22 2 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
Total 22 2
1 Evan Ireland 28 6 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
28 4 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/3/2024
Total 56 10
6 Brandon Riehl Jr 32 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/2/2024
0 0 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 3/2/2024
Total 32 2
9 3 Canes South 3/3/2024
Total 41 5
45 Chase Smith 34 3 Fbt 11u National Scout 3/3/2024
9 Miles Torregano 25 1 Tc Titans - Madrigal 11u 3/3/2024
West Valley 11U
21 Reid Bettencourt 35 9 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/2/2024
33 Donald (DJ) Ford Jr 4 10 2 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/3/2024
36 6 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/4/2024
Total 46 8
22 Caleb Fuata 89 14 Texas Saints 3/2/2024
35 4 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/3/2024
Total 124 18
12 Jonah Lea 22 3 Us Nationals Midwest 3/3/2024
58 9 Diamond Elite 11U Diaz/Bitz 3/4/2024
Total 80 12
99 Finn Rowbotham 37 7 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/3/2024
13 Brayden Toste 29 6 Texas Nitro Baseball 3/2/2024
2 Jalen Wilson 33 6 Us Nationals Midwest 3/3/2024
Wow Factor Southwest 11U
99 Brady Cahill 41 7 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/3/2024
35 Reece Graziadei 59 4 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/3/2024
26 William Malone 38 4 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/2/2024
3 Manning Myers 58 8 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
22 Coen Reed 60 4 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
23 Wyatt Short 43 11 Cba Heat South Texas 11u 3/3/2024
34 Cooper Snyder 35 6 SBA Los Rayos National 11U 3/2/2024
55 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 3/3/2024
Total 90 11
45 Colt Whitney 13 1 Doc Baseball 2031 3/2/2024
33 Isaac Almeda 68 12 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/3/2024
Carlos Balanon Jr. 10 2 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/2/2024
5 1 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/3/2024
Total 15 3
5 Joaquin De Leon 11 3 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/3/2024
45 Jordan De Marcelo 85 10 Metaprime Florida Scout Team 11u 3/3/2024
27 Blake Hamlin 87 10 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Adams 3/2/2024
35 Adrian Llamas Jr. 81 6 League City Impact 3/2/2024
10 Daniel Negrete 8 1 League City Impact 3/2/2024
ZT National Prospects
5 Aaron Avila 14 0 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
44 Julian Eulloqui 25 9 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
25 Joseph Macias 25 6 MS RAYS 3/3/2024
31 5 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
Total 56 11
10 Joshua Park 0 0 Premier Rick 3/2/2024
30 9 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/3/2024
Total 30 9
4 Khaleb Royster 43 9 MS RAYS 3/3/2024
24 Jeremiah Salas 20 3 Lbc Central Red 11u 3/3/2024
22 Cash Tellez 49 5 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
67 Jonathan Vasquez 52 9 Premier Rick 3/2/2024
27 Leonardo Villalobos 6 3 Premier Rick 3/2/2024
0 0 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
Total 6 3
8 Alexander Zamora 42 9 La Storm 11u 3/2/2024
18 2 Las Vegas Baseball 11u 3/3/2024
Total 60 11
ZT Prospects 11u JC
8 Liam Chavarin 16 3 MS RAYS 3/2/2024
16 2 Premier Rick 3/3/2024
Total 32 5
22 Felix Esqueda 43 6 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/3/2024
3 Dominic j Gaxiola 45 5 MS RAYS 3/2/2024
7 Justin Hinojoza 46 9 Premier Rick 3/3/2024
25 Colton Mahaney 40 9 Btx Wolfpack 3/2/2024
5 Kevin Moran 38 6 MS RAYS 3/2/2024
11 0 Premier Rick 3/3/2024
Total 49 6
24 Julian Pelayo 29 6 Scorpions Team EASTON 3/3/2024
50 Hudson Valiente 2 0 MS RAYS 3/2/2024
42 3 Btx Wolfpack 3/2/2024
Total 44 3
18 Matthew Vazquez 27 3 Btx Wolfpack 3/2/2024
ZT Prospects TJ
9 Benjamin Bittner 14 1 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
27 Nathan Cho 0 0 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
5 David Cipres 55 9 Texas Freight 3/2/2024
21 3 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
Total 76 12
83 Julian Cruz 52 5 Texas Freight 3/2/2024
19 Manuel Guerrero 7 2 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
2 Mikael Megliorini 76 12 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/3/2024
23 Marcus Montoya 84 12 Gold Culture 3/2/2024
24 Anthony Moreno 19 3 Texas Freight 3/2/2024
8 2 Motor City Hit Dogs 11U National 3/3/2024
Total 27 5
20 6 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
Total 47 11
13 Landon San Nicolas 60 8 Houston Wildcatters - 11U - Martinez 3/3/2024
4 Isaiah Trejo 14 0 Gold Culture 3/2/2024