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7U (AA) 8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
We do not have enough teams to play this Sunday so the 13AA bracket is canceled.
Sep 10 - Nov 12 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
All Americans-Hodges
17 Declan Bobo 19 3 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 10/8/2023
1 Dockery Hodges 27 6 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/10/2023
16 1 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/24/2023
Total 43 7
25 3 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 10/8/2023
Total 68 10
13 0 OPA JAYS 11/5/2023
Total 81 10
15 August Lefler 78 6 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/24/2023
60 6 The Core 10u 10/8/2023
Total 138 12
9 Cannon Nicholson 19 6 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/10/2023
10 0 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/24/2023
Total 29 6
15 4 OPA JAYS 11/5/2023
Total 44 10
2 Dean Shakhshir 5 2 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/24/2023
8 Noah Tijerina 15 3 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/10/2023
75 15 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/24/2023
Total 90 18
10 2 OPA JAYS 11/5/2023
Total 100 20
64 12 Texas Brigade - Vetter 11/5/2023
Total 164 32
91 Rylan Tijerina 46 6 The Core 10u 10/8/2023
45 6 OPA JAYS 11/5/2023
Total 91 12
14 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 11/5/2023
Total 105 15
All Americans-Richards
2 Sebastian Aranda 61 6 Renegades 9/24/2023
17 0 Banditos 10u Hext 10/8/2023
Total 78 6
99 MJ O’Neal 35 3 Renegades 9/24/2023
77 Kaysen Pinkerton 53 9 AP Express 10u Shannon 9/10/2023
73 11 EPA 10u 9/24/2023
Total 126 20
38 6 Banditos 10u Hext 10/8/2023
Total 164 26
27 Hayden Richards 57 7 Banditos 10u Hext 10/8/2023
Angleton Assassins 10u
34 Aiden Fanning 4 1 Baystros10u 9/24/2023
16 4 KBA Elite 10/8/2023
Total 20 5
1 Nathan Martinez 35 2 Houston Express 10u 10/8/2023
8 Israel Nardi Jr 65 8 KBA Elite 10/8/2023
28 Tydrick Smith 16 3 Houston Express 10u 10/8/2023
2 Jalen Ward 41 8 Baystros10u 9/24/2023
23 Collin Wright 29 4 Houston Express 10u 10/8/2023
AP Express 10u Shannon
45 Calvin Duck 35 3 Houston Menace 10/8/2023
11 1 Banditos 10u Hext 10/22/2023
Total 46 4
3 Luke Fothergill 46 3 Houston Menace 10/8/2023
35 Haylon Hamaker 38 3 All Americans-Richards 9/10/2023
45 2 Setx Outlaws 9/24/2023
Total 83 5
43 2 EPA 10u 10/22/2023
Total 126 7
50 6 Team Hayes 10u Gold 11/5/2023
Total 176 13
34 Nolan Moore 54 6 All Americans-Richards 9/10/2023
14 2 Setx Outlaws 9/24/2023
Total 68 8
74 5 Banditos 10u Hext 10/22/2023
Total 142 13
17 McCoy Shannon 27 3 EPA 10u 10/22/2023
12 Maximus Tedeschi 32 3 Setx Outlaws 9/24/2023
22 1 Banditos 10u Hext 10/22/2023
Total 54 4
14 1 EPA 10u 10/22/2023
Total 68 5
28 3 Team Hayes 10u Gold 11/5/2023
Total 96 8
Banditos 10u Hext
44 Nathan Alvarez 28 0 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
39 6 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/10/2023
Total 67 6
20 3 The Core 10u 9/24/2023
Total 87 9
17 1 Magnolia Bombers 9/24/2023
Total 104 10
36 2 EPA 10u 10/22/2023
Total 140 12
Austin Jenkins 33 3 Magnolia Bombers 9/24/2023
30 Aiden Johnson 9 2 Magnolia Bombers 9/24/2023
46 6 AP Express 10u Shannon 10/22/2023
Total 55 8
8 1 EPA 10u 10/22/2023
Total 63 9
19 Jaxon Male 42 3 EPA 10u 10/22/2023
22 August Patrick 59 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
44 6 The Core 10u 9/24/2023
Total 103 9
55 9 All Americans-Richards 10/8/2023
Total 158 18
3 Josiah Perez 48 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
22 3 The Core 10u 9/24/2023
Total 70 6
Bats Baseball Club 10u
99 Nash Bryan 14 4 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/24/2023
31 3 Magnolia Bombers 11/5/2023
Total 45 7
5 Brooks Cayce 28 6 All Americans-Hodges 9/24/2023
23 Jordan Cruz 6 1 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 9/10/2023
22 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/8/2023
Total 28 4
38 6 Setx Outlaws 11/5/2023
Total 66 10
21 Adrian Garcia-Ford 15 3 Houston Express 10u 9/10/2023
7 Dominic Gonzales 40 7 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/24/2023
13 1 Magnolia Bombers 11/5/2023
Total 53 8
1 1 EPA 10u 11/5/2023
Total 54 9
34 Matthew Landers 54 9 All Americans-Hodges 9/24/2023
27 Lucas Mechlem 24 3 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 9/10/2023
40 5 Magnolia Bombers 11/5/2023
Total 64 8
10 Mateo Parada 26 6 Houston Express 10u 9/10/2023
42 8 EPA 10u 11/5/2023
Total 68 14
12 Owen Paulis 38 6 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 9/10/2023
21 3 All Americans-Hodges 9/24/2023
Total 59 9
11 Isaiah Philip 24 1 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/24/2023
24 6 Setx Outlaws 11/5/2023
Total 48 7
2 Xavier Ramirez 16 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/8/2023
4 Stoney Ware 10 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/8/2023
15 Sebastian Alvarez 35 7 Angleton Assassins 10u 9/24/2023
23 1 Angleton Assassins 10u 11/5/2023
Total 58 8
3 Angelo Arreola 26 3 Angleton Assassins 10u 9/24/2023
53 4 All Americans-Hodges 11/5/2023
Total 79 7
7 Ian Garcia 36 6 Setx Outlaws 9/24/2023
24 4 Blacksox Adams 10u 11/5/2023
Total 60 10
27 Anthony Hurtado 11 3 Setx Outlaws 9/24/2023
35 8 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 46 11
45 8 Angleton Assassins 10u 11/5/2023
Total 91 19
8 Diego Rangel 30 7 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
62 8 Blacksox Adams 10u 11/5/2023
Total 92 15
10 Dennis Serrano 72 8 All Americans-Hodges 11/5/2023
2 Josiah Serrano 23 0 Setx Outlaws 9/24/2023
18 3 Angleton Assassins 10u 11/5/2023
Total 41 3
4 Bryce Smith 5 0 Angleton Assassins 10u 9/24/2023
11 Erik Velazquez 7 0 Angleton Assassins 10u 9/24/2023
Blacksox Adams 10u
16 Easton Adams 28 6 Sluggers 9/24/2023
11 Owen Brent 20 3 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
12 Chase Clarke 56 9 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
14 3 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/24/2023
Total 70 12
29 3 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
Total 99 15
21 Brayden Erwin 3 1 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
33 Sean Gould 33 6 Sluggers 9/24/2023
6 Evan Jaramillo 20 2 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
13 Aiden Smothers 30 4 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
68 12 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/24/2023
Total 98 16
EPA 10u
Brixton Broussard 9 2 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
38 5 Pbf Wall 10u 9/10/2023
Total 47 7
70 9 All Americans-Richards 9/24/2023
Total 117 16
48 6 Houston Mustangs 10/8/2023
Total 165 22
33 3 AP Express 10u Shannon 10/22/2023
Total 198 25
Ryan Hart 29 5 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
28 4 Pbf Wall 10u 9/10/2023
Total 57 9
34 6 Banditos 10u Hext 10/22/2023
Total 91 15
20 0 AP Express 10u Shannon 10/22/2023
Total 111 15
39 6 Texas Blues Navy 11/5/2023
Total 150 21
Gunnar Patterson 10 2 Pbf Wall 10u 9/10/2023
Jakob Swierczek 22 1 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
Kace Williams 34 1 Pbf Wall 10u 9/10/2023
Andrew Yohn 44 4 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
30 3 All Americans-Richards 9/24/2023
Total 74 7
20 3 AP Express 10u Shannon 10/22/2023
Total 94 10
17 2 Texas Blues Navy 11/5/2023
Total 111 12
Fairfield Mustangs
9 Evren Galley 21 3 OPA JAYS 9/24/2023
64 9 Memorial Falcons 10/8/2023
Total 85 12
10 Chase Hansen 55 6 OPA JAYS 9/24/2023
64 9 Magnolia Bombers 10/8/2023
Total 119 15
11 2 KBA Elite 11/5/2023
Total 130 17
8 Branson Heugel 56 12 Katy Lone Star (10u) 10/22/2023
75 13 KBA Elite 11/5/2023
Total 131 25
35 Carson Kaspar 18 3 Magnolia Bombers 10/8/2023
1 Riley Smith 23 3 OPA JAYS 9/24/2023
Houston Menace
27 Jesus Cardenas V 30 2 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/24/2023
3 Julian Davila 29 6 Outlaws Baseball 9/24/2023
35 1 Sluggers 10/8/2023
Total 64 7
7 Luke Wallace 34 1 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/24/2023
35 4 Sluggers 10/8/2023
Total 69 5
23 4 Sluggers 11/5/2023
Total 92 9
2 Ethan Warren 15 3 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/24/2023
13 3 Outlaws Baseball 9/24/2023
Total 28 6
15 Jaxon Zeagler 30 5 Sluggers 10/8/2023
Houston Mustangs
0 Anthony Caballero 7 1 EPA 10u 10/8/2023
Ethan Giron 25 0 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 9/24/2023
Erick Herrera 12 1 KBA Elite 9/10/2023
Isaac Lopez 45 1 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 9/24/2023
Robert Rocha Iii 78 11 KBA Elite 9/10/2023
39 2 EPA 10u 10/8/2023
Total 117 13
Katy Lone Star (10u)
7 Sho Horie 66 12 All Americans-Hodges 9/10/2023
29 6 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/24/2023
Total 95 18
42 6 Banditos 10u Hext 11/5/2023
Total 137 24
31 Keigo Kunisada 9 1 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/24/2023
19 3 OPA JAYS 10/8/2023
Total 28 4
44 8 Fairfield Mustangs 10/22/2023
Total 72 12
18 3 Banditos 10u Hext 11/5/2023
Total 90 15
39 Sakuya Ugai 41 3 All Americans-Hodges 9/10/2023
18 3 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 10/8/2023
Total 59 6
52 9 OPA JAYS 10/8/2023
Total 111 15
62 9 Fairfield Mustangs 11/5/2023
Total 173 24
1 Sam Walker 62 9 Memorial Falcons 9/24/2023
70 6 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 10/8/2023
Total 132 15
41 4 Fairfield Mustangs 10/22/2023
Total 173 19
KBA Elite
3 Simon Gaspard 15 2 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/24/2023
77 9 Setx Outlaws 10/8/2023
Total 92 11
4 Christopher Head 32 6 Sluggers 9/24/2023
26 3 Angleton Assassins 10u 10/8/2023
Total 58 9
7 Payne Huber 16 3 Houston Mustangs 9/10/2023
5 Thomas Jacobs 80 7 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/24/2023
10 Brady Kent 66 9 Houston Mustangs 9/10/2023
26 6 Sluggers 9/24/2023
Total 92 15
68 9 Angleton Assassins 10u 10/8/2023
Total 160 24
11 Cannon Reese 67 6 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 10/22/2023
Magnolia Bombers
27 Gavin Arnold 28 2 Banditos 10u Hext 9/24/2023
9 Harrison Bates 20 3 Fairfield Mustangs 10/8/2023
23 Matix Hernandez 27 2 Banditos 10u Hext 9/24/2023
4 Quaid Hodges 21 4 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 10/8/2023
38 9 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 11/5/2023
Total 59 13
8 Graham Norwood 34 6 Fairfield Mustangs 10/8/2023
50 Tanner Prihoda 8 3 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/10/2023
31 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/24/2023
Total 39 6
22 3 Fairfield Mustangs 10/8/2023
Total 61 9
14 3 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 11/5/2023
Total 75 12
98 Owen Schultz 8 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/24/2023
34 5 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 10/8/2023
Total 42 8
99 Kaden Snell 17 3 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/10/2023
25 5 Banditos 10u Hext 9/24/2023
Total 42 8
Magnolia Strikers 10U Red
3 Mason Gebhard 55 6 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/10/2023
17 0 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/22/2023
Total 72 6
74 9 Houston Mustangs 11/5/2023
Total 146 15
18 Nathan Havemann 7 3 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/10/2023
54 4 Katy Lone Star (10u) 10/8/2023
Total 61 7
36 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/22/2023
Total 97 10
18 0 Houston Mustangs 11/5/2023
Total 115 10
9 3 Sluggers 11/5/2023
Total 124 13
4 Liam Maroney 54 3 Katy Lone Star (10u) 10/8/2023
12 Krish Patel 19 0 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/10/2023
0 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/22/2023
Total 19 3
27 Owen Schafer 22 2 Katy Lone Star (10u) 10/8/2023
36 David Scoggin 47 9 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/10/2023
55 12 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/24/2023
Total 102 21
27 0 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/22/2023
Total 129 21
Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka
Cade Chisholm 33 3 Texas Blues Navy 9/10/2023
Ethan Garris 16 3 Texas Blues Navy 9/10/2023
10 2 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/24/2023
Total 26 5
Layne Goynes 58 7 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/24/2023
Elliot King 27 3 Texas Blues Navy 9/10/2023
Hayes Locander 12 3 Texas Blues Navy 9/10/2023
90 6 All Americans-Hodges 9/24/2023
Total 102 9
Memorial Falcons
Matthew Abramson 43 2 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
Wells Anderson 8 1 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
Jake Cassin 38 3 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/24/2023
29 3 Texas Blues Navy 10/8/2023
Total 67 6
0 Oliver Lee 29 1 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/24/2023
Jake Mays 34 6 Texas Blues Navy 10/8/2023
Trip Ott 40 1 Fairfield Mustangs 10/8/2023
Arya Taghdisi 46 6 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
40 8 Fairfield Mustangs 10/8/2023
Total 86 14
Jack Wagner 11 2 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/24/2023
30 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
Total 41 5
Howie Kelchner 57 12 Fairfield Mustangs 9/24/2023
Jake Khammysouk 39 3 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
Brendan Levine 40 3 Pbf Wall 10u 9/10/2023
Michael Mueller 20 3 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
28 3 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/24/2023
Total 48 6
50 6 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 10/8/2023
Total 98 12
14 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 11/5/2023
Total 112 15
Lincoln No 49 6 Katy Lone Star (10u) 10/8/2023
Noah Novo 27 3 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
Caleb Pulido 28 3 Pbf Wall 10u 9/10/2023
48 6 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/24/2023
Total 76 9
73 12 Texas Brigade - Vetter 11/5/2023
Total 149 21
Adam Schwarz 28 2 Fairfield Mustangs 9/24/2023
Grayson Smith 22 3 Katy Lone Star (10u) 10/8/2023
William Strickhouser 23 3 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
18 1 Fairfield Mustangs 9/24/2023
Total 41 4
Outlaws Baseball
4 Joshua Brock 20 6 Houston Menace 9/24/2023
53 0 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/24/2023
Total 73 6
19 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 92 9
42 9 Renegades 10/8/2023
Total 134 18
45 Cameron Deleon 18 0 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/24/2023
1 Graham Garrett 53 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Pbf Wall 10u
Ryan Cox 40 6 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
58 7 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 9/24/2023
Total 98 13
Kason Lauder 24 3 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
37 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/24/2023
Total 61 9
26 9 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
Total 87 18
Blake Marshall 46 2 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
Kross Pemberton 29 1 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
Logan Pope 12 2 OPA JAYS 9/10/2023
14 5 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
Total 26 7
40 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/24/2023
Total 66 13
5 1 Team Hayes - 10u Black 10/8/2023
Total 71 14
Owen Young 19 4 EPA 10u 9/10/2023
45 5 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 9/24/2023
Total 64 9
Prospect United Houston - Fisher
Tyler Bump 17 0 Pbf Wall 10u 9/24/2023
Austin Carlson 41 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/10/2023
64 9 Pbf Wall 10u 9/24/2023
Total 105 15
38 1 All Americans-Hodges 10/8/2023
Total 143 16
56 6 All Americans-Richards 11/5/2023
Total 199 22
Nate Gouge 33 5 The Core 10u 10/8/2023
Jase Heaton 22 3 All Americans-Richards 11/5/2023
Reid Pearson 33 1 The Core 10u 10/8/2023
Henry Penate 28 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/10/2023
59 9 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
Total 87 12
10 2 All Americans-Hodges 10/8/2023
Total 97 14
Jude Simon 15 3 Pbf Wall 10u 9/24/2023
7 Matthew Singer 38 3 All Americans-Hodges 10/8/2023
Joseph Smoter 14 0 Pbf Wall 10u 9/24/2023
Luke Todd 30 3 The Core 10u 10/8/2023
34 Ethan Baehr 17 3 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
52 3 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 10/8/2023
Total 69 6
1 Sebastian Cintron 15 1 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/10/2023
7 1 Outlaws Baseball 10/8/2023
Total 22 2
32 Logan Kersten 42 1 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
39 4 All Americans-Richards 9/24/2023
Total 81 5
40 3 Memorial Falcons 11/5/2023
Total 121 8
8 Mark Nietubicz 40 6 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/10/2023
35 5 All Americans-Richards 9/24/2023
Total 75 11
66 6 Outlaws Baseball 10/8/2023
Total 141 17
47 9 Memorial Falcons 11/5/2023
Total 188 26
44 Jaxon Nunn 23 2 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
29 0 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 10/8/2023
Total 52 2
13 0 Memorial Falcons 11/5/2023
Total 65 2
23 Cristian Servin 29 0 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 10/8/2023
2 Greyson Smith 12 0 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/10/2023
23 3 Memorial Falcons 11/5/2023
Total 35 3
Scorpions Team Easton (Blue)
Ethan Baird 52 4 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 9/10/2023
37 2 The Core 10u 10/22/2023
Total 89 6
Hunter Baxter 19 1 Pbf Wall 10u 9/24/2023
28 0 Texas Blues Navy 10/22/2023
Total 47 1
Nickolas Castrillo 42 3 Bats Baseball Club 10u 10/8/2023
Alexander Covarruvias 24 2 Bats Baseball Club 10u 10/8/2023
Jeremiah Cruz 8 2 Magnolia Bombers 9/24/2023
Eli Krueger 27 3 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 9/10/2023
62 8 Pbf Wall 10u 9/24/2023
Total 89 11
40 0 The Core 10u 10/22/2023
Total 129 11
Brody Moore 58 4 Bats Baseball Club 10u 10/8/2023
Noah Parsons 42 2 Magnolia Bombers 9/24/2023
48 9 Texas Blues Navy 10/22/2023
Total 90 11
Owen Tomaselli 58 2 Magnolia Bombers 9/24/2023
69 12 AP Express 10u Shannon 11/5/2023
Total 127 14
Setx Outlaws
42 Alexander Babbs, Jr. 27 3 Renegades 9/10/2023
82 Wyatt Cox 31 3 Renegades 9/10/2023
28 6 KBA Elite 10/8/2023
Total 59 9
20 Gavin Fojt 32 5 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/10/2023
49 6 KBA Elite 10/8/2023
Total 81 11
15 Ian Gamez 17 0 Baystros10u 9/24/2023
5 Wyatt Hulsey 36 3 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/10/2023
51 4 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 87 7
0 Eli Jones 1 1 Seven Baseball Academy - 10U 9/10/2023
24 5 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 25 6
27 Jase Medrano 33 6 AP Express 10u Shannon 9/24/2023
7 Koehn Thornton 28 3 Baystros10u 9/24/2023
Seven Baseball Academy - 10U
4 Eyaan Ali 15 3 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
24 Mathias Alvarado 17 3 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
16 0 KBA Elite 9/24/2023
Total 33 3
17 Matias Galue 9 3 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
29 6 KBA Elite 9/24/2023
Total 38 9
75 10 The Core 10u 11/5/2023
Total 113 19
33 Jackson Landry 15 3 Renegades 9/10/2023
27 0 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/24/2023
Total 42 3
14 Luis Padron 14 2 The Core 10u 11/5/2023
31 6 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 11/5/2023
Total 45 8
5 Thiago Torres 23 3 Setx Outlaws 9/10/2023
31 3 KBA Elite 9/24/2023
Total 54 6
Adan Tovar 39 6 Renegades 9/10/2023
50 0 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/24/2023
Total 89 6
23 3 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 11/5/2023
Total 112 9
0 Bennett Boland 15 3 KBA Elite 9/24/2023
Joseph "Ridley" Joy Iv 10 1 Houston Menace 10/8/2023
Adam Pigneri 42 9 KBA Elite 9/24/2023
Henry Ries 10 3 KBA Elite 9/24/2023
Henry Thornhill 74 9 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/24/2023
56 8 Houston Menace 10/8/2023
Total 130 17
Team Hayes - 10u Black
Braylen Brewin 35 3 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/10/2023
67 9 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 11/5/2023
Total 102 12
Cooper Calaway 25 3 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/10/2023
20 3 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/24/2023
Total 45 6
35 9 Pbf Wall 10u 10/8/2023
Total 80 15
61 12 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 11/5/2023
Total 141 27
Anthony Chagolla 40 3 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/10/2023
25 4 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/24/2023
Total 65 7
68 6 Blacksox Adams 10u 10/8/2023
Total 133 13
Jasaan Hurte 17 1 OPA JAYS 9/24/2023
James Reese Iii 34 2 OPA JAYS 9/24/2023
John "Spencer" Shelby 15 1 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/10/2023
39 6 OPA JAYS 9/24/2023
Total 54 7
34 3 Pbf Wall 10u 10/8/2023
Total 88 10
20 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 11/5/2023
Total 108 13
2 0 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 11/5/2023
Total 110 13
Chase Vinning 30 3 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 9/10/2023
14 2 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/24/2023
Total 44 5
Team Hayes 10u Gold
Manny Aguirre 22 5 Magnolia Bombers 9/10/2023
46 1 Texas Blues Navy 9/24/2023
Total 68 6
60 6 Blacksox Adams 10u 10/8/2023
Total 128 12
Schuyler Chauvin 36 2 Banditos 10u Hext 9/10/2023
Nathan Delgado 40 1 Texas Blues Navy 9/24/2023
Ryan Koonce 46 4 Banditos 10u Hext 9/10/2023
55 Cj Melton 34 1 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/24/2023
Ryan Rainville 42 1 Magnolia Bombers 9/10/2023
51 3 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/24/2023
Total 93 4
Colton Terry 14 1 Texas Blues Navy 9/24/2023
17 0 Katy Lone Star (10u) 9/24/2023
Total 31 1
Texas Blues Navy
22 Samuel Hernandez 22 3 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/24/2023
5 1 Memorial Falcons 10/8/2023
Total 27 4
22 3 The Core 10u 10/22/2023
Total 49 7
16 Henry Landowski 15 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/10/2023
31 3 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 10/8/2023
Total 46 6
62 15 EPA 10u 11/5/2023
Total 108 21
1 Jack Meredith 44 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/10/2023
20 3 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/24/2023
Total 64 6
34 Ryder Meredith 43 6 Marucci Elite Texas - Cervenka 9/10/2023
59 6 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
Total 102 12
32 6 Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green 10/8/2023
Total 134 18
0 Evan Moparty 16 0 Team Hayes 10u Gold 9/24/2023
24 Mason Pilgreen 21 0 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
63 12 The Core 10u 10/22/2023
Total 84 12
3 Cordell Robinson. 69 8 Memorial Falcons 10/8/2023
2 Gavin Wind 53 9 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/22/2023
Texas Brigade - Vetter
21 Jaden Blandon Barrera 37 2 Setx Outlaws 10/8/2023
8 Logan Dusablon 13 3 The Core 10u 9/24/2023
31 6 Texas Blues Navy 9/24/2023
Total 44 9
34 6 Setx Outlaws 10/8/2023
Total 78 15
2 Eli Gouguet 50 6 The Core 10u 9/10/2023
11 Landon Hughes 35 6 The Core 10u 9/24/2023
24 5 Setx Outlaws 10/8/2023
Total 59 11
10 Jett Jones 60 15 Baystros10u 10/8/2023
19 Stryker Lemoine 24 3 The Core 10u 9/10/2023
14 2 Memorial Falcons 9/24/2023
Total 38 5
26 Andrew Murray 16 3 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 10/22/2023
24 Beau Read 25 2 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/10/2023
30 Noah Rendon 25 6 Banditos 10u Hext 9/10/2023
33 3 Texas Blues Navy 9/24/2023
Total 58 9
6 Hunter Richards 39 3 The Core 10u 9/24/2023
3 Charlie Rudloff 56 6 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/10/2023
67 12 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 9/24/2023
Total 123 18
54 3 Outlaws Baseball 10/8/2023
Total 177 21
18 Maverick Tesso 52 6 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 10/22/2023
14 Santiago Alejandro Urdaneta Torres 10 3 Memorial Falcons 9/24/2023
22 Canon Whitaker 21 1 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/10/2023
38 4 Memorial Falcons 9/24/2023
Total 59 5
22 3 Outlaws Baseball 10/8/2023
Total 81 8
23 Rj Zabierek 27 3 Blacksox Adams 10u 9/10/2023
48 9 USA Prime Blacksox Koska 10/8/2023
Total 75 12
The Core 10u
4 Aiden Bellamy 29 6 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
37 6 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
Total 66 12
38 5 Banditos 10u Hext 9/24/2023
Total 104 17
52 9 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 10/8/2023
Total 156 26
70 13 Texas Blues Navy 10/22/2023
Total 226 39
24 Joseph Cajou 4 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/22/2023
9 Brecon Lister 47 6 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/24/2023
20 3 Prospect United Houston - Fisher 10/8/2023
Total 67 9
37 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/22/2023
Total 104 11
16 1 Texas Blues Navy 10/22/2023
Total 120 12
10 Cain Lopez 33 3 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
1 Adrian Rodriguez 28 2 Banditos 10u Hext 9/24/2023
73 12 All Americans-Hodges 10/8/2023
Total 101 14
12 2 Texas Blues Navy 10/22/2023
Total 113 16
33 4 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 10/22/2023
Total 146 20
Karson Rutherford 23 1 Banditos 10u Hext 9/24/2023
17 Jase Walker 22 0 Texas Brigade - Vetter 9/10/2023
USA Prime Blacksox Koska
5 Landon Arfsten 23 3 Pbf Wall 10u 11/5/2023
2 Nikolas Castro 19 1 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/10/2023
26 3 Renegades 10/8/2023
Total 45 4
23 Jac Chittenden 23 6 Houston Menace 9/24/2023
31 3 Outlaws Baseball 9/24/2023
Total 54 9
31 5 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 85 14
41 1 KBA Elite 10/22/2023
Total 126 15
35 Jason Koska 28 6 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/10/2023
12 Bryce Ledgerwood 21 1 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
39 3 Pbf Wall 10u 11/5/2023
Total 60 4
7 Colton Markos 15 0 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/10/2023
32 0 Outlaws Baseball 9/24/2023
Total 47 0
8 1 KBA Elite 10/22/2023
Total 55 1
55 Luke Mestayer 10 0 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/10/2023
23 6 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/10/2023
Total 33 6
34 2 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 67 8
24 Aaron Ouano 15 2 Team Hayes - 10u Black 9/10/2023
39 3 Magnolia Strikers 10U Red 9/10/2023
Total 54 5
38 3 Houston Menace 9/24/2023
Total 92 8
17 3 Outlaws Baseball 9/24/2023
Total 109 11
28 1 Texas Brigade - Vetter 10/8/2023
Total 137 12
56 4 KBA Elite 10/22/2023
Total 193 16
12 3 Pbf Wall 10u 11/5/2023
Total 205 19
Xtreme Baseball 10U - Green
30 Ethan Bustos 27 3 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/10/2023
21 3 Magnolia Bombers 10/8/2023
Total 48 6
12 Ethan Dwellingham 44 5 Houston Express 10u 9/24/2023
26 3 Houston Mustangs 9/24/2023
Total 70 8
30 3 Texas Blues Navy 10/8/2023
Total 100 11
10 Marshall Gilliam 39 6 Texas Blues Navy 10/8/2023
3 Warren Hardy 42 6 Houston Mustangs 9/24/2023
2 0 Houston Express 10u 9/24/2023
Total 44 6
56 5 Magnolia Bombers 10/8/2023
Total 100 11
40 4 Outlaws Baseball 11/5/2023
Total 140 15
9 DMari Johnson 57 5 Houston Express 10u 9/24/2023
2 Donovan Prosper 33 6 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/10/2023
55 5 Outlaws Baseball 11/5/2023
Total 88 11
5 Kason Walker 35 3 Bats Baseball Club 10u 9/10/2023
21 0 Texas Blues Navy 10/8/2023
Total 56 3