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9U (Open) 10U (AA) 10U (Open) 11U (AA) 12U (AA) 12U (OPEN) 13U (AAA) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (AAA)
Payment is due Tuesday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

All American: $10/car - CASH or $12 by CARD

Big League Dreams: $8 CASH OR CARD
- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX (CASH OR CARD)

Rabb Rd: $5/person Cash ONLY

Crosby HS: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5
Sep 30 - Oct 1 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick
21 Preston Blair 0 0 Hp 2028 Watassek 9/30/2023
5 0 Texas Brigade - Konarik 10/1/2023
Total 5 0
45 Riggs Hardwick 0 0 Hp 2028 Watassek 9/30/2023
2 Landon Hertsenberg 64 6 Lions Baseball 9/30/2023
11 Nicholas Isturiz 23 5 Lions Baseball 9/30/2023
22 Graden Krug 30 2 Hp 2028 Watassek 9/30/2023
54 7 Texas Brigade - Konarik 10/1/2023
Total 84 9
7 Chase Meredith 17 2 Texas Brigade - Konarik 10/1/2023
18 Warren Underwood 36 2 Hp 2028 Watassek 9/30/2023
17 Mark Wittliff 49 5 Hp 2028 Watassek 9/30/2023
3k Baseball
18 Isaac Castro 66 9 C2 Baseball 2028 9/30/2023
3 Kason Edwards 14 3 C2 Baseball 2028 9/30/2023
25 6 C2 Baseball 2028 10/1/2023
Total 39 9
7 Drake Leon 9 3 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 9/30/2023
56 7 Bull Shark Baseball 10/1/2023
Total 65 10
22 Brayden Petrash 24 5 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 9/30/2023
1 Alexander Sablatura 17 4 Bull Shark Baseball 10/1/2023
20 Ethan Sauceda 72 11 C2 Baseball 2028 10/1/2023
Banditos 14u-Graham
0 Jack Bresnahan 45 5 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 10/1/2023
0 Blake Daugherty 70 8 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 9/30/2023
3 Nolan Dearbonne 52 4 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 10/1/2023
4 Conner Dunn 0 0 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 9/30/2023
50 4 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 9/30/2023
Total 50 4
0 0 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 10/1/2023
Total 50 4
30 Gavin Lennon 43 4 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 9/30/2023
24 Sebastian Mendez 15 3 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 9/30/2023
99 Maddux Tortone 85 15 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 10/1/2023
Branch Baseball
18 Currie Bechtol 54 12 Lions Baseball 9/30/2023
1 Micah Boutros 84 17 Hp 2028 Watassek 9/30/2023
44 Gage Lindenberger 91 12 Lions Baseball 10/1/2023
Bull Shark Baseball
5 Liam Gutierrez 73 10 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
1 Adam Khubieh 73 15 C2 Baseball 2028 9/30/2023
44 Rylan Lim 79 15 Texas Brigade - Konarik 9/30/2023
26 1 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
Total 105 16
13 Jonathan Massey 56 7 3k Baseball 10/1/2023
3 Nate Promubol 2 1 3k Baseball 10/1/2023
27 Andrew Sederis 36 4 3k Baseball 10/1/2023
4 Connor Welch 14 2 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
C2 Baseball 2028
5 Brice Dickens 11 2 3k Baseball 9/30/2023
72 Andrew Newsom 53 9 3k Baseball 9/30/2023
Aaron Owens 6 2 Bull Shark Baseball 9/30/2023
26 6 3k Baseball 10/1/2023
Total 32 8
11 Aiden Snyder 51 9 3k Baseball 10/1/2023
35 Jordan Trinta 58 13 Bull Shark Baseball 9/30/2023
Crew Baseball Teal
13 Jacob Arismendez 37 3 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 9/30/2023
6 Braylon Barnes 30 3 Lions Baseball 10/1/2023
1 Cole Grove 97 14 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 9/30/2023
27 Ryan Henrichs 27 1 Lions Baseball 10/1/2023
23 Fletcher Jones 31 1 Lions Baseball 10/1/2023
77 Kheelen Kennedy 26 4 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 9/30/2023
3 Lane Phy 15 1 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 9/30/2023
Crush Bsbl Blue
Anthony Jacobo 73 15 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 9/30/2023
Michael Kayne 5 1 Texas Brigade - Konarik 9/30/2023
51 8 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
Total 56 9
Troy Knuth 52 15 Katy Lugnuts 10/1/2023
Adrian Sanchez 47 9 Texas Brigade - Konarik 9/30/2023
29 3 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
Total 76 12
Cyron Sweebe 47 4 Texas Brigade - Konarik 9/30/2023
27 6 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
Total 74 10
Elite Rbi National
10 Daveon Elder 80 12 Katy Lugnuts 9/30/2023
15 Carson Key 35 3 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 9/30/2023
60 12 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 95 15
19 Caleb Klein 32 6 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 9/30/2023
8 Peyton Lopez 29 3 Bull Shark Baseball 10/1/2023
22 Amari Maxwell 74 12 Bull Shark Baseball 10/1/2023
28 Russell Nelson 15 3 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 9/30/2023
63 15 Crush Bsbl Blue 10/1/2023
Total 78 18
Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson)
7 Kayson Bruce 44 6 3k Baseball 9/30/2023
2 Jacob Cantrell 38 2 3k Baseball 9/30/2023
45 Colton Corbett 46 9 Hp 2028 Watassek 10/1/2023
12 Michael Jordan 37 9 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 9/30/2023
6 Hennley Santellana 19 3 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 9/30/2023
16 0 3k Baseball 9/30/2023
Total 35 3
42 Michael Waybright 21 1 3k Baseball 9/30/2023
34 3 Hp 2028 Watassek 10/1/2023
Total 55 4
Houston Heat 14u Roberts
4 Cooper Casey 10 2 Katy Lugnuts 9/30/2023
13 3 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 10/1/2023
Total 23 5
50 Alan Chamberlain 100 15 Texas Prime Black 2028 9/30/2023
1 Bennett Garcia 29 5 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 10/1/2023
55 Drew Nordlander 27 3 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 10/1/2023
Parker Ransom 48 9 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
8 Tj Simpson 67 10 Katy Lugnuts 9/30/2023
27 Trout Wirt 26 1 Texas Brigade - Holcombe 10/1/2023
24 3 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
Total 50 4
Hp 2028 Watassek
Jace Aetonu 66 6 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
Nicholas Fernandez 23 3 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 10/1/2023
Nico Ochoa 52 5 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 9/30/2023
Colton Powers 13 3 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
Damian Saucedo 46 9 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
15 3 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 9/30/2023
Total 61 12
Jude Smith 45 3 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
Davis Windsor 18 3 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
0 0 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
Total 18 3
74 12 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 10/1/2023
Total 92 15
Lucas Wright 30 6 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
Katy Lugnuts
0 Liam Alter 49 5 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
7 Teagan Gastgeb 7 1 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
12 Christopher Hollis-Soto 0 0 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
33 4 Crush Bsbl Blue 10/1/2023
Total 33 4
13 Grant Larson 50 6 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 9/30/2023
5 Joshua Majalap-Wilson 46 9 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 9/30/2023
20 4 Crush Bsbl Blue 10/1/2023
Total 66 13
11 John Morris 0 0 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
9 Tanner Tramonte 40 4 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
46 3 Crush Bsbl Blue 10/1/2023
Total 86 7
Lions Baseball
5 Jason Driskel 17 3 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 9/30/2023
17 Tyler Elam 33 4 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
45 6 Crew Baseball Teal 10/1/2023
Total 78 10
9 Henry Evans 26 6 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 9/30/2023
23 1 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 49 7
33 3 Crew Baseball Teal 10/1/2023
Total 82 10
7 Adam Guy 29 3 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 9/30/2023
34 6 Branch Baseball 10/1/2023
Total 63 9
10 Miles Kelly 24 3 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 9/30/2023
58 6 Branch Baseball 10/1/2023
Total 82 9
4 Aaron Martinez 34 4 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
37 6 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 71 10
13 Dave Sobba 20 5 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
18 William Treleaven 18 1 Branch Baseball 9/30/2023
Magnolia Strikers 14 Red
44 Blaine Ayres 43 4 Crew Baseball Teal 9/30/2023
27 Ben Bostic 11 3 Team Never Quit 10/1/2023
14 Leonardo Paramo 41 5 Crew Baseball Teal 9/30/2023
3 Maanit Patel 60 9 Banditos 14u-Graham 9/30/2023
18 Brian Wilson 66 11 Team Never Quit 10/1/2023
Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u
11 Oscar Davis 21 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
22 6 Banditos 14u-Graham 10/1/2023
Total 43 7
9 Andrew Hausmann 0 0 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
27 6 Banditos 14u-Graham 10/1/2023
Total 27 6
13 Mohammad Ibrahim 64 14 Banditos 14u-Graham 9/30/2023
3 Finley Kayes 65 9 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
48 10 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
Total 113 19
1 Tanner Kotlarz 78 12 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 10/1/2023
77 Michael Mullagh 12 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
7 Luke Westry 79 18 Texas Brigade - Konarik 10/1/2023
Prodigy 14u Fall 2023
12 Jackson Autry 43 6 Crew Baseball Teal 9/30/2023
46 6 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 10/1/2023
Total 89 12
4 Kole D'Agostino 62 11 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 10/1/2023
24 Joe Delgadillo III 76 13 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 10/1/2023
5 Stephen Fraga 22 5 Team Never Quit 9/30/2023
16 3 Hp 2028 Watassek 10/1/2023
Total 38 8
17 Ollie Hem 4 2 Crew Baseball Teal 9/30/2023
21 6 Team Never Quit 9/30/2023
Total 25 8
11 Everett Huwar 47 9 Hp 2028 Watassek 10/1/2023
23 Joshua Lopez 31 4 Crew Baseball Teal 9/30/2023
44 Nicholas Rena 42 4 Team Never Quit 9/30/2023
27 3 Hp 2028 Watassek 10/1/2023
Total 69 7
10 Gio Torchia 25 4 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 10/1/2023
Scorpions Team Easton (Black)
Vance Dieudonne 70 11 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 9/30/2023
Jace Garrett 84 9 Texas Brigade - Konarik 10/1/2023
Daniel Gassaway 16 3 Team Never Quit 9/30/2023
Jackson Mead 2 1 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 9/30/2023
Joaquin Roman 36 7 Team Never Quit 9/30/2023
18 3 Texas Brigade - Konarik 10/1/2023
Total 54 10
Collin White 36 2 Team Never Quit 9/30/2023
Td Edge 14u - Wiley
2 Jackson Borchardt 55 6 Banditos 14u-Graham 10/1/2023
16 Billy Burrhus 39 5 Banditos 14u-Graham 10/1/2023
21 Kasen Hendry 22 3 Banditos 14u-Graham 10/1/2023
77 Lukas Salas 72 9 Texas Prime Black 2028 9/30/2023
99 Ethan Sidener 38 6 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
35 Madden Wakulat 60 6 Elite Rbi National 9/30/2023
Team Never Quit
13 Cullen Adams 36 5 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 9/30/2023
8 Finley ashley 23 2 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 9/30/2023
15 3 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 10/1/2023
Total 38 5
45 Wyatt Benson 34 5 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 9/30/2023
17 3 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 51 8
27 Garrett Boccaccini 52 12 Magnolia Strikers 14 Red 10/1/2023
6 Caleb Grush 17 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
34 Colt Hamm 16 2 Prodigy 14u Fall 2023 9/30/2023
30 3 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 46 5
23 Mason Schiwart 41 7 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
10 2 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 51 9
99 Jeremy Trump 29 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 9/30/2023
39 9 Texas Prime Black 2028 10/1/2023
Total 68 15
Texas Brigade - Holcombe
28 Logan Beatty 12 1 Crush Bsbl Blue 9/30/2023
15 1 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 10/1/2023
Total 27 2
55 Leyton Dauzat 76 10 Crush Bsbl Blue 9/30/2023
1 Kitts Guadalupe 20 4 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 9/30/2023
36 5 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 10/1/2023
Total 56 9
10 Benjamin Krolczyk 17 1 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 9/30/2023
23 3 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 10/1/2023
Total 40 4
4 Chase VanDuivendyk 47 6 Houston Bengals-14u (AWatson) 9/30/2023
Texas Brigade - Konarik
5 Maddox Cowan 78 12 Crush Bsbl Blue 9/30/2023
11 Cade Currey 80 10 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 10/1/2023
0 Jacob Gloria 0 0 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 10/1/2023
43 Jace Hanks 77 16 Osp Pirates - Teykl 14u 10/1/2023
10 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 10/1/2023
Total 87 19
3 2 14u Prime Blacksox Hardwick 10/1/2023
Total 90 21
92 Tye Roberts 62 12 Bull Shark Baseball 9/30/2023
47 Luke Soloway 29 3 Crush Bsbl Blue 9/30/2023
14 Jacob Townsend 77 9 Scorpions Team Easton (Black) 10/1/2023
Texas Prime Black 2028
2 Oliver Absmeier 92 18 Team Never Quit 10/1/2023
Cj Gillman 78 10 Lions Baseball 10/1/2023
18 Ethan Nguyen 18 2 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 9/30/2023
28 1 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
Total 46 3
28 Dante Oberti 17 3 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 9/30/2023
12 Cole Stagg 61 10 Td Edge 14u - Wiley 9/30/2023
28 4 Lions Baseball 10/1/2023
Total 89 14
Tyler Watkins 67 9 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023
2 Blake White 54 12 Houston Heat 14u Roberts 9/30/2023
1 Rocky Zeve 19 2 Elite Rbi National 10/1/2023