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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Backyard Ballers Silver
0 Regan Artero 30 3 Tx Vibe Grey 2/25/2023
Brody Burt 67 8 Lynx 13u Marches 2/26/2023
Isaiah Christianson 31 3 Tx Vibe Grey 2/25/2023
Brooks Eichenberger 14 1 Tx Vibe White 2/25/2023
William Grochett 13 3 Lynx 13u Marches 2/26/2023
0 1 Tsb 2/26/2023
Total 13 4
Chase Jarry 27 6 Tx Vibe Grey 2/25/2023
14 1 Lynx 13u Marches 2/26/2023
Total 41 7
Liam McEwen 39 3 Tsb 2/26/2023
Jorge Meza 0 3 Tsb 2/26/2023
Lincoln Piotrowski 16 1 Tx Vibe White 2/25/2023
0 2 Tsb 2/26/2023
Total 16 3
Jaxon Varner 69 7 Tx Vibe White 2/25/2023
Batter'S Box White
Rocket Flores 18 4 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/25/2023
Hudson Grawunder 56 4 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/25/2023
Gus Naquin 57 9 Houston Heat 13u Bay 2/26/2023
Cason Russ 49 5 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/25/2023
Brayden Scheffer 19 1 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/25/2023
37 7 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/26/2023
Total 56 8
Collin Siemsglusz 33 2 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/26/2023
Cameron Wells 32 1 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/25/2023
Braysen Anselmi 28 2 Sandlot Sluggers 2/25/2023
Cameron Daughtry 45 9 Texas Scrappers 2/25/2023
70 9 Tsb 2/26/2023
Total 115 18
Cole Foshee 38 0 Sandlot Sluggers 2/25/2023
Elias Herrmann 35 6 Texas Scrappers 2/25/2023
Jackson Karamath 33 2 Sandlot Sluggers 2/25/2023
Evan McMahon 34 6 Sandlot Sluggers 2/25/2023
Ayden Powell 24 1 Sandlot Sluggers 2/25/2023
Houston Diamond Kings
11 Diego Avila 34 6 Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue 2/25/2023
31 Jovanni Avila 15 3 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/26/2023
Isaac Garcia 48 6 Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue 2/25/2023
6 3 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/25/2023
Total 54 9
8 Tobias Martel 71 9 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/25/2023
50 Drake Pieters 35 9 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/26/2023
34 Shovaughn Smith 36 6 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/26/2023
Houston Heat 13u Bay
50 Alan Chamberlain 35 8 Lynx 13u Marches 2/25/2023
2 Reese Dugas 33 1 Batter'S Box White 2/26/2023
7 Jonathan Kolenovsky 48 3 Lynx 13u Marches 2/25/2023
12 Lanny Lawrence 17 1 Lynx 13u Marches 2/25/2023
11 Casey Newton 0 7 Batter'S Box White 2/26/2023
3 Emet Patel 64 12 Tx Vibe Grey 2/25/2023
Houston Stingers
22 Brandon Black 23 5 Tsb 2/25/2023
10 Joaquin Estrada 36 6 Texas Bombers 2/25/2023
25 Noah Estrada 35 4 Tsb 2/25/2023
2 Donovan Yancey 13 3 Texas Bombers 2/25/2023
Houston Thunder Baseball 13u
Jonathan Davis 46 6 Opa Jays 2/25/2023
Nicholas Hill 40 6 Texas Scrappers 2/25/2023
Wesley Jaeger 33 6 Opa Jays 2/25/2023
Christopher Lozano 22 3 Texas Scrappers 2/25/2023
Dylan Ruiz 29 9 Texas Scrappers 2/25/2023
Abram Tovar 76 12 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/26/2023
Lynx 13u Marches
23 Preston Blair 60 5 Tx Vibe White 2/25/2023
2 Aiden Covell 77 15 Houston Heat 13u Bay 2/25/2023
9 Cole Fletcher 47 4 Tx Vibe White 2/25/2023
5 Max Priska 20 0 Tx Vibe White 2/25/2023
Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue
44 Blaine Ayres 44 9 Houston Diamond Kings 2/25/2023
27 Ben Bostic 74 12 Houston Stingers 2/26/2023
9 Caden Castilleja 10 2 Houston Diamond Kings 2/25/2023
5 1 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/25/2023
Total 15 3
5 Reese Porter 42 6 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/25/2023
2 Mauricio Querales 40 5 Texas Bluechips 13u White 2/25/2023
7 Chase Tessone 55 12 Tx Vibe Grey 2/26/2023
Opa Jays
14 Francisco Hernandez 72 12 Sandlot Sluggers 2/25/2023
3 Cade Herring 56 4 Houston Thunder Baseball 13u 2/25/2023
10 Maximus Payton 47 4 Houston Thunder Baseball 13u 2/25/2023
1 Mason Pitts 2 2 Houston Thunder Baseball 13u 2/25/2023
Prospect United Houston- Garza
0 Logan Beatty 7 3 Batter'S Box White 2/25/2023
Jackson Gunning 50 5 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/25/2023
Cristian Hernandez 24 4 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/25/2023
Gavin Ruchti 16 3 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/25/2023
John Patrick Smoter 26 6 Batter'S Box White 2/25/2023
Grayson Ware 15 3 Batter'S Box White 2/25/2023
Sandlot Sluggers
1 Aiden Flora 81 12 Opa Jays 2/25/2023
23 Oliver Nhean 36 9 EPA 13U BLACK 2/25/2023
Sta-Mo Storm 13u
2 Christopher Anderson 78 12 Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue 2/26/2023
23 Jayden Douglas 44 9 Tsb 2/25/2023
21 4 Houston Diamond Kings 2/26/2023
Total 65 13
1 Nelson Farr 11 1 Texas Camo 2028 2/25/2023
7 Laithan Jones 19 2 Tsb 2/25/2023
40 Jayden Newhouse 4 1 Tsb 2/25/2023
30 Nathan Reyes 48 8 Texas Camo 2028 2/25/2023
47 11 Houston Diamond Kings 2/26/2023
Total 95 19
TD Edge 13u - Solomon
8 Luca Curci 5 1 Batter'S Box White 2/25/2023
81 12 Sandlot Sluggers 2/26/2023
Total 86 13
44 Colton Dalrymple 100 0 Texas Camo 2028 2/26/2023
32 Thomas Grubert 65 8 Batter'S Box White 2/25/2023
7 Jaxon Slater 13 4 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/25/2023
12 Bode Solmose 54 8 Prospect United Houston- Garza 2/25/2023
Texas Bluechips 13u White
Brayden Euson 18 3 Houston Diamond Kings 2/25/2023
Shawn Greenville 17 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue 2/25/2023
79 16 Houston Thunder Baseball 13u 2/26/2023
Total 96 19
Luke Payne 21 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue 2/25/2023
Ziah Poston 21 3 Magnolia Strikers 13 Blue 2/25/2023
Texas Bombers
7 Jack Brewer 58 5 Texas Camo 2028 2/25/2023
9 Collier Ellis 1 1 Texas Camo 2028 2/25/2023
22 Harrison Hawthorne 16 1 Batter'S Box White 2/26/2023
10 Chet Krummel 42 6 Texas Camo 2028 2/25/2023
3 Elias McVicar 32 3 Houston Stingers 2/25/2023
12 Sam Vincent 8 1 Houston Stingers 2/25/2023
11 Will Vincent 58 5 Houston Stingers 2/25/2023
Texas Camo 2028
8 Christian Ellis 12 1 Texas Bombers 2/25/2023
27 Blake Flores 65 7 Sta-Mo Storm 13u 2/25/2023
7 Walker Krug 9 2 Texas Bombers 2/25/2023
33 Rhett Martin 54 9 Texas Bombers 2/25/2023
0 Harrison Thompson 28 2 Sta-Mo Storm 13u 2/25/2023
Texas Scrappers
21 Alex Gilbert 8 1 Opa Jays 2/26/2023
1 Alexander Gutierrez 46 9 EPA 13U BLACK 2/25/2023
24 Ryat Novosad 39 9 Houston Thunder Baseball 13u 2/25/2023
0 Colton Powers 37 9 Houston Thunder Baseball 13u 2/25/2023
11 Damian Saucedo 91 14 Opa Jays 2/26/2023
7 Jaime Velazquez Jr 48 6 EPA 13U BLACK 2/25/2023
Micah Boutros 3 2 Houston Stingers 2/25/2023
53 6 Sta-Mo Storm 13u 2/25/2023
Total 56 8
Thomas Cropper 29 1 Houston Stingers 2/25/2023
Jackson Fleming 15 2 EPA 13U BLACK 2/26/2023
68 9 Backyard Ballers Silver 2/26/2023
Total 83 11
17 David Lee 52 6 Houston Stingers 2/25/2023
Sebastian Poole 79 13 EPA 13U BLACK 2/26/2023
Gage Rogers 12 3 Sta-Mo Storm 13u 2/25/2023
Tx Vibe Grey
Landon Blaney 18 1 Houston Heat 13u Bay 2/25/2023
Ascher Carhart 45 9 Backyard Ballers Silver 2/25/2023
3 Ian Chase 20 2 Houston Heat 13u Bay 2/25/2023
Josh Davis 58 9 Houston Heat 13u Bay 2/25/2023
Elijah Palos 41 3 Backyard Ballers Silver 2/25/2023
Tx Vibe White
Aidan Estrada 2 1 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/26/2023
58 Juan Hinojosa Jr 13 3 Backyard Ballers Silver 2/25/2023
11 Peyton Patrick 25 3 Texas Scrappers 2/26/2023
12 Trenton Pepin 95 17 TD Edge 13u - Solomon 2/26/2023
24 Andrew Scrivener 46 9 Backyard Ballers Silver 2/25/2023
15 Tristen Welch 15 3 Lynx 13u Marches 2/25/2023
25 Hayden Wright 39 6 Lynx 13u Marches 2/25/2023
59 12 Texas Scrappers 2/26/2023
Total 98 18