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At the request of Seminole County and our partnership with them, the following policies will continue to be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex.

* Metal Spikes are not allowed inside of the complex.  Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box.  Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes.  They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.  
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.   
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed
* No boom boxes, music or noise makers allowed
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Bad News Bears Elite
24 Gabriel Alvarado 66 9 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/21/2023
13 Rodrigo Bracho-Esis 33 4 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/21/2023
51 Damian Castro 26 0 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/21/2023
51 7 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/22/2023
Total 77 7
26 Giovanni Diaz 39 8 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/21/2023
20 Aljani Reyes 43 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/21/2023
27 Damian Rodriguez 4 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/21/2023
51 7 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/22/2023
Total 55 10
Base Eleven 13u
0 Jeremy Almarza 25 1 Plo White 10/21/2023
Mathias Perozo 30 1 Plo White 10/21/2023
93 15 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/22/2023
Total 123 16
0 Fabian Querales 19 2 Plo White 10/21/2023
0 Luke Shaw 26 3 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
0 Roberto Torres 19 0 Plo White 10/21/2023
75 9 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
Total 94 9
0 Victor Valencia 7 1 Plo White 10/21/2023
0 Mauricio Zaa 33 6 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
30 6 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/22/2023
Total 63 12
BAT 13U Gold
Zeke Abbate 22 4 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
11 Alekzandro Abreu 58 7 Ftb Tucci 10/21/2023
18 0 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
Total 76 7
1 Davian Jurado 76 15 Diamond Elite 10/22/2023
0 Reese Knappins 46 8 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
3 Cristopher Lopez 29 3 Diamond Elite 10/22/2023
21 Yeimel Lopez 42 5 Ftb Tucci 10/21/2023
0 Christopher Vanginhoven 27 2 Ftb Tucci 10/21/2023
0 Milo Walker 16 0 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
Canes Elite
10 Matthew Cambert 39 7 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/21/2023
2 Bengie Del Nodal 36 4 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/21/2023
7 Evan Ferreira 49 9 TBT GRIT 10/22/2023
15 Brandon Ingram 38 9 Sba Hawks Select 10/20/2023
99 Adrian Ochoa 52 9 Sba Hawks Select 10/20/2023
27 Nicolas Ochoa 26 6 TBT GRIT 10/22/2023
8 Davin Petrucci 36 3 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/21/2023
9 Louis Prieto 5 1 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/21/2023
11 Marco Rios 41 4 TBT GRIT 10/22/2023
Canes Florida 13u Dax
99 Isaiah Acevedo 34 4 Team Orlando 13u 10/22/2023
43 Brent Bartholomew 58 11 Team Orlando 13u 10/22/2023
73 Zaid Basco 70 12 Lhb 10/21/2023
27 John Elder 4 1 Team Orlando 13u 10/22/2023
19 Briant Gonnella 9 0 Lhb 10/21/2023
28 Alexander Lawhead 69 10 Scorpions 13u 10/20/2023
13 Ashton Minner 49 5 Scorpions 13u 10/20/2023
36 Bjorn Nelsen 19 2 Scorpions 13u 10/20/2023
60 5 Team Orlando 13u 10/22/2023
Total 79 7
Carter Rose 42 6 Lhb 10/21/2023
23 Anthony Welch 24 3 Lhb 10/21/2023
Central Florida Bad Boyz
Harvey Garcia 80 12 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/23/2023
Carter Lewis 59 9 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/20/2023
Eddie Neilson 25 4 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/22/2023
9 Jayden Perez 3 1 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/22/2023
45 3 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/23/2023
Total 48 4
10 Leonardo Polo Arteaga 59 9 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/20/2023
15 Isaac Prevost 33 3 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/22/2023
23 Fabricio Solorzano 55 10 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/22/2023
Phoenix Thomas 4 1 Bad News Bears Elite 10/21/2023
17 Jaidan Velez 72 11 Bad News Bears Elite 10/21/2023
Diamond Elite
13 Owen Andonian 23 3 BAT 13U Gold 10/22/2023
3 Britton Brian 0 0 Team Elite 13U 10/21/2023
36 7 BAT 13U Gold 10/22/2023
Total 36 7
6 Joshua Eaker 69 9 Team Elite 13U 10/21/2023
99 Nate Hammond 22 1 BAT 13U Gold 10/22/2023
11 Josh Jirau 36 6 SUNS 10/21/2023
24 Keagan Libby 4 0 Team Elite 13U 10/21/2023
23 Trey Little 80 12 SUNS 10/21/2023
2 Antonio Marino 39 4 Team Elite 13U 10/21/2023
10 Colton Voss 17 3 BAT 13U Gold 10/22/2023
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan
Braylin DeLoach 47 5 Canes Elite 10/21/2023
Nicolas Farrugia 15 3 Canes Elite 10/21/2023
Wyatt Floyd 17 3 Canes Elite 10/21/2023
101 16 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/22/2023
Total 118 19
George (Trey) Gibbs 33 4 Canes Elite 10/21/2023
Ryan Hull 24 1 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/22/2023
Elijah Sevilla 45 15 Sba Hawks Select 10/21/2023
Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team
Matias Caceres 5 3 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/22/2023
34 Jaylen Campos 0 0 Hard Ninety South 10/20/2023
2 1 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/21/2023
Total 2 1
46 9 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/22/2023
Total 48 10
16 Victor Campos 60 11 Hard Ninety South 10/20/2023
19 Daniel Fernandez 54 8 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/21/2023
21 Ryan O'Gradney 0 0 Hard Ninety South 10/20/2023
31 7 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/22/2023
Total 31 7
10 William Wade 52 12 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/21/2023
Diamond Knights
1 Lyomar Burgos 22 2 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/21/2023
36 6 FL IMAPCT BASEBALL 13U - ROE 10/22/2023
Total 58 8
1 Stefan Diaz Jr 21 0 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/21/2023
12 Cameron Guidry 76 7 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/21/2023
33 Sergio Martinez 73 9 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/21/2023
74 Ryan Nicolaisen 16 0 FL IMAPCT BASEBALL 13U - ROE 10/22/2023
99 Colton Wright 35 4 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/21/2023
58 9 FL IMAPCT BASEBALL 13U - ROE 10/22/2023
Total 93 13
28 Cristian Capellán Rosario 25 0 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
36 5 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
Total 61 5
54 8 Diamond Knights 10/22/2023
Total 115 13
9 Reef Kading 49 3 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
35 5 Diamond Knights 10/22/2023
Total 84 8
6 Landon Roe 34 1 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
8 1 Diamond Knights 10/22/2023
Total 42 2
22 Angel B Ruiz 24 3 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
3 Brandon Smart 15 1 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
4 Kyle Smith 60 4 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
8 Brady Young 3 1 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
Ftb Nationals Scout Team
99 Braxton Craine 72 12 Sba Hawks Select 10/22/2023
Bryce Cutrone 32 6 FL IMAPCT BASEBALL 13U - ROE 10/21/2023
Chase Lima 32 4 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
Adrian Moreno 25 2 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
2 Ryland Nuquist 14 3 FL IMAPCT BASEBALL 13U - ROE 10/21/2023
21 3 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
Total 35 6
Carter Rivera 48 9 Sba Hawks Select 10/22/2023
Landon Thompson 57 6 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/21/2023
Ftb Tucci
0 Sebastian Cruz-Mujica 40 4 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
23 Bryce Hayes 45 8 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
33 Colt Hodges 72 13 BAT 13U Gold 10/21/2023
30 Jake Murray 50 10 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/22/2023
22 Zakir Sadiki 2 1 BAT 13U Gold 10/21/2023
0 Edriel Torres 15 2 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/21/2023
7 Thearn Treasure 49 5 Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis 10/22/2023
Hard Ninety South
10 Max Baird 22 5 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/20/2023
16 Brendan Bosley 53 10 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/22/2023
12 Baron Brownlee 52 6 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/20/2023
23 Jordan Eure 36 3 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/22/2023
3 Devin Johnson 32 2 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/20/2023
21 Reed McFarland 61 6 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/20/2023
2 1 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/22/2023
Total 63 7
29 Kade Nemitz 47 4 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/20/2023
Jose Daniel Concepcion 40 3 ZT Prime Lujan 10/21/2023
Abdiel Cotto-Munoz 5 1 Team Orlando 13u 10/20/2023
Javen Deleon 31 3 ZT Prime Lujan 10/21/2023
0 Alvaro Diaz 39 3 ZT Prime Lujan 10/21/2023
Marqus Gauff 47 8 Team Orlando 13u 10/20/2023
30 6 SUNS 10/22/2023
Total 77 14
Luis Gonzalez 57 9 SUNS 10/22/2023
Juan Mencia 15 0 SUNS 10/22/2023
Mathieu Rocha 40 5 Team Orlando 13u 10/20/2023
42 Ashton Carmona 88 11 Scorpions 13u 10/21/2023
46 Alejandro De La Vega 0 0 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/22/2023
17 Leosvany Fernandez 27 9 Canes Florida 13u Dax 10/21/2023
29 Joseph Redondo 60 2 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/22/2023
23 Herson Rodriguez 80 8 Canes Florida 13u Dax 10/21/2023
13 Ronnie Rodriguez 22 2 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/22/2023
4 Xavier Sosa Zayas 40 6 Team Florida Ruff Ryders 10/22/2023
0 Marcos Veliz 39 6 Scorpions 13u 10/21/2023
Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval
22 Luca Broadhead 44 8 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/23/2023
Mathius Carrasquel 56 9 Team Elite 13U 10/22/2023
19 3 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/23/2023
Total 75 12
3 Nico DiBella 51 7 Team Elite 13U 10/22/2023
10 1 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Total 61 8
2 Noah Feldman 23 2 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
12 Austin Lawson 24 2 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/23/2023
53 Giovanni Monserrate 6 0 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Christian Montalvo 20 4 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
47 8 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/22/2023
Total 67 12
24 2 Team Elite 13U 10/22/2023
Total 91 14
11 Brady Mudlin 45 6 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
16 1 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/22/2023
Total 61 7
17 4 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Total 78 11
Sebastian Rincon 11 3 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/22/2023
16 2 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/23/2023
Total 27 5
Joey Singh 8 2 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
26 1 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Total 34 3
Navin Singh 16 1 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
Johan Valbuena 71 11 TBT GRIT 10/21/2023
25 Justice Williams 4 1 TBT GRIT 10/21/2023
24 6 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 10/22/2023
Total 28 7
23 5 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Total 51 12
Ostingers Baseball 13u Davis
99 Matthew Carrasquillo 46 9 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/20/2023
8 Kai Jacobs 81 18 Bad News Bears Elite 10/21/2023
1 Ian Robinson 73 6 Ftb Tucci 10/22/2023
23 Kole Walker 86 9 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/20/2023
13 Owen Windham 59 9 Ftb Tucci 10/22/2023
Plo White
20 Tristan Diaz 0 0 Scorpions 13u 10/22/2023
10 Logan Herbert 35 4 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
50 9 Scorpions 13u 10/22/2023
Total 85 13
33 Matthew Hernandez 34 5 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
64 11 ZT Prime Lujan 10/22/2023
Total 98 16
14 Angel Nieves 35 6 Base Eleven 13u 10/21/2023
2 1 ZT Prime Lujan 10/22/2023
Total 37 7
12 3 Scorpions 13u 10/22/2023
Total 49 10
7777 Julen Phan 9 1 ZT Prime Lujan 10/22/2023
7 Bryan Rodriguez 2 1 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
54 9 Scorpions 13u 10/22/2023
Total 56 10
4444 Reynaldo Santana 61 5 Tampa Phenoms 13u 10/21/2023
5555 Trey Weihs 26 3 Base Eleven 13u 10/21/2023
25 4 ZT Prime Lujan 10/22/2023
Total 51 7
SBA Bolts National 13U
Cole Christian 22 6 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
Zeth Compean 2 1 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
Peyton Conley 29 7 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/22/2023
7 Owen Duncan 75 14 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/22/2023
10 Oliver Ingram 24 3 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
27 2 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Total 51 5
Carter Jones 32 5 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/21/2023
56 10 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Total 88 15
36 Mason Mackay 60 12 FL IMAPCT BASEBALL 13U - ROE 10/21/2023
25 Jason Marll Jr 17 3 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
99 Chase Woodley 0 0 ZT Prime Lujan 10/23/2023
Sba Clubhouse 2029
Caden Logue 47 7 TBT GRIT 10/21/2023
37 8 Bad News Bears Elite 10/22/2023
Total 84 15
Gaege Naugler 18 1 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/21/2023
Brodie Prater 17 3 TBT GRIT 10/21/2023
32 3 Bad News Bears Elite 10/22/2023
Total 49 6
Connor Smith 26 5 TBT GRIT 10/21/2023
26 4 Bad News Bears Elite 10/22/2023
Total 52 9
William Wilkie 86 14 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/21/2023
Sba Florida Scout Team 13u
2 Kendriel Cabrera 53 11 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/22/2023
30 Alejandro Cordero 58 7 Diamond Knights 10/21/2023
15 Fabian Cruz 69 12 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/21/2023
5 Kaleth Fradera 58 5 Diamond Knights 10/21/2023
21 Daniel Galindez 31 3 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/21/2023
31 Jeremiah Guerra 10 3 Wily Mo Dragons 13u 10/21/2023
47 12 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/22/2023
Total 57 15
33 Gedreyl Rodriguez 64 11 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/22/2023
11 Alex Schmidt 24 4 Central Florida Bad Boyz 10/22/2023
Sba Hawks Select
27 Nicholas Conte 14 1 Canes Elite 10/20/2023
23 Bryson Elbert 54 6 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/21/2023
13 Hayden Foss 43 4 Canes Elite 10/20/2023
7 Jaxon Hosford 30 6 Diamond Elite 13U Calahan 10/21/2023
3 Jaedon Lawton 72 9 Canes Elite 10/20/2023
12 Riley Mattingly 78 15 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/22/2023
18 Tyson Young 29 3 Canes Elite 10/20/2023
31 6 Ftb Nationals Scout Team 10/22/2023
Total 60 9
Scorpions 13u
87 Anderson Bowdish 56 7 Canes Florida 13u Dax 10/20/2023
3 Cade DePriest 16 2 Lhb 10/21/2023
19 3 Plo White 10/22/2023
Total 35 5
11 Jackson Fleming 55 7 Plo White 10/22/2023
7 Drew Goldman 44 12 Plo White 10/22/2023
2 Jace Kennedy 47 9 Lhb 10/21/2023
9 Logan Lopez 24 0 Lhb 10/21/2023
5 Whitt Martindale 80 11 Canes Florida 13u Dax 10/20/2023
13 Jax Yuzzolin 43 7 Lhb 10/21/2023
1 Mason Ayala 12 0 HR14-13U 10/22/2023
27 Landon Degraff 88 9 Team Elite 13U 10/20/2023
0 Landon Kennedy 27 1 Team Elite 13U 10/20/2023
10 Claytin Olmstead 23 1 HR14-13U 10/22/2023
23 Cason Rhoden 8 1 Team Elite 13U 10/20/2023
55 8 HR14-13U 10/22/2023
Total 63 9
26 Braden Scutero 61 10 Diamond Elite 10/21/2023
19 Parker Yero 45 8 Diamond Elite 10/21/2023
22 6 HR14-13U 10/22/2023
Total 67 14
Tampa Phenoms 13u
23 Michael Benitez, Jr 29 5 Plo White 10/21/2023
3 Richard Preston Cain 74 15 Base Eleven 13u 10/21/2023
99 Donovan Daigle 19 3 Base Eleven 13u 10/21/2023
10 Noah Dill 83 9 Plo White 10/21/2023
4 Mason Frey 24 1 Hard Ninety South 10/22/2023
14 Harper Galavis 46 4 Hard Ninety South 10/22/2023
44 Grant Jordan 23 0 Hard Ninety South 10/22/2023
77 Cale Lichtenberg 51 6 Hard Ninety South 10/22/2023
6 Lucas Mendez 10 1 Plo White 10/21/2023
1 Sam Seckinger 14 3 Hard Ninety South 10/22/2023
2 Adrian Betances 47 5 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
13 Corbin Britt 47 6 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
3 Aaron Chevere 38 0 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/21/2023
8 Keegan Garrison 49 9 Canes Elite 10/22/2023
15 Ashton Luehrs 79 11 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/21/2023
11 Elijah Serrano 15 3 Sba Clubhouse 2029 10/21/2023
1 Jaylon Taylor 30 3 Canes Elite 10/22/2023
4 Keaton Thomas 39 9 Canes Elite 10/22/2023
Team Elite 13U
Braxton Bruns 27 6 SUNS 10/20/2023
Benjamin Gilling 34 4 Diamond Elite 10/21/2023
Knox Johnson 26 4 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/22/2023
Knox Keesee 6 3 Diamond Elite 10/21/2023
75 14 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/22/2023
Total 81 17
Mason Malone 34 5 Diamond Elite 10/21/2023
Alden Martin 32 6 SUNS 10/20/2023
Gavin Poteet 6 0 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/22/2023
Jaxson Pudvay 28 3 Diamond Elite 10/21/2023
Team Florida Ruff Ryders
17 Xavier Andrade 32 2 Lhb 10/22/2023
26 Brady Douglas 41 6 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/21/2023
14 Eduardo Matheus 0 0 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/21/2023
27 Santiago Montero 61 8 Hard Ninety South 10/20/2023
1 Matthew Morales Jr 38 8 Lhb 10/22/2023
13 Jacob Perez 39 6 Hard Ninety South 10/20/2023
11 Jayden Taylor 51 12 Diamond Elite 13u National Scout Team 10/21/2023
0 Jack Torresson 29 2 Lhb 10/22/2023
Team Orlando 13u
9 Ethan Chally 57 7 Canes Florida 13u Dax 10/22/2023
2 Sam Goecke 75 8 HR14-13U 10/20/2023
7 Eli Hamel 65 5 ZT Prime Lujan 10/21/2023
32 Jackson Holmes 40 3 HR14-13U 10/20/2023
1 Grant Leonard 73 11 Canes Florida 13u Dax 10/22/2023
45 Ethan Ward 26 4 ZT Prime Lujan 10/21/2023
Wily Mo Dragons 13u
4 Gunner Bingham 2 1 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/21/2023
25 Jacob Casillas 38 6 Base Eleven 13u 10/22/2023
6 Tanner Davis 57 8 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/21/2023
42 Jack Green 7 3 Base Eleven 13u 10/22/2023
3 Misael Jimenez 64 12 Base Eleven 13u 10/22/2023
1 Spencer Mulholland 51 6 Sba Florida Scout Team 13u 10/21/2023
15 Alexander Vichabian 67 12 Diamond Knights 10/21/2023
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs
12 Parker Bridges 72 14 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/22/2023
20 Parker Hodgins 8 3 BAT 13U Gold 10/21/2023
11 Massimo Mena 14 2 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/22/2023
17 Adrian Perez 27 6 BAT 13U Gold 10/21/2023
29 3 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/22/2023
Total 56 9
37 Dylan Rojas 6 1 Ftb Tucci 10/21/2023
11 2 BAT 13U Gold 10/21/2023
Total 17 3
18 Kaden Ruhl 0 0 BAT 13U Gold 10/21/2023
9 Zeke Varela 70 14 Ftb Tucci 10/21/2023
ZT Prime Lujan
32 Alex Bello 64 9 HR14-13U 10/21/2023
0 0 Plo White 10/22/2023
Total 64 9
60 5 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/23/2023
Total 124 14
31 Tyler Fonock 68 12 Original Florida Pokers / Bid Sandoval 10/23/2023
13 2 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/23/2023
Total 81 14
10 Reid Gilmore 73 13 Plo White 10/22/2023
27 Nathan Handley-White 41 6 Team Orlando 13u 10/21/2023
31 Garrett Harper 55 9 SBA Bolts National 13U 10/23/2023
11 Liam Hassen 10 2 HR14-13U 10/21/2023
91 Logan Keiver 26 3 Team Orlando 13u 10/21/2023
7 Mason Moeller 36 6 Plo White 10/22/2023
Evan Rupinta 13 1 HR14-13U 10/21/2023