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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Atlanta 14U
0 Jett Beck 38 3 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
0 Ryan Bowers 74 12 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
0 Riley Burzinski 18 0 Dingers 14u 5/13/2023
0 Maddox Degon 43 10 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/14/2023
0 Cohen Hansard 21 3 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
68 11 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/14/2023
Total 89 14
0 Anthony Kauker 81 17 Dingers 14u 5/13/2023
Ryan Lee 64 21 Ninth Inning Royals 14u Moore 5/13/2023
643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers
4 Ryder Bass 8 2 CH Athletics 5/14/2023
21 Justin Boronat 55 6 Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris 5/12/2023
13 Jaxon Bowen 54 9 Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris 5/12/2023
17 3 Prospects 5/14/2023
Total 71 12
2 Thomas Byrne 5 3 Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris 5/12/2023
16 3 East Side Chargers 5/13/2023
Total 21 6
42 Taylor Hart 75 9 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/12/2023
11 Samuel Kirk 105 18 Mill Creek Hawks 5/14/2023
0 Jackson Lewachowicz 71 14 Prospects 5/14/2023
32 Aiden Morgan 73 15 East Side Chargers 5/13/2023
10 Hayes Rollauer 108 22 CH Athletics 5/14/2023
15 Kaleb Trowell 51 9 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/12/2023
Aquasox Baseball 14u
1 Ford Dempsey 31 3 Velo Factory Dingers 5/14/2023
13 Jack Macloskie 66 9 Velo Factory Dingers 5/14/2023
15 Jaycob Reynolds 57 15 Denver Stars 5/14/2023
9 Ricky Rivera 83 10 Buford Wolves 5/13/2023
2 Wilson Wallace 45 9 Buford Wolves 5/13/2023
19 Leevi Wilson 60 7 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
16 James Wood 45 6 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery
28 Will Balch 57 4 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/13/2023
40 Cole Cirone 76 15 Ninth Inning Blue Jays 14U 5/12/2023
11 Porter Jones 55 8 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/13/2023
7 Hayes Lusink 52 12 Factory Red 14U 5/13/2023
8 Quint McGrath 53 9 Factory Red 14U 5/13/2023
33 Harrison Todaro 16 2 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/13/2023
Aviator Baseball 13U
7 Westin Barfield 62 8 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/14/2023
0 Devon Beavers 65 12 East Side Broncos 5/13/2023
24 Austin Lipscomb 48 9 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/14/2023
13 Gino Luckie 8 3 East Side Broncos 5/12/2023
32 4 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/13/2023
Total 40 7
98 Jensen Morneau 76 17 Creekview Grizzlies 5/12/2023
23 Dominic Rossy 90 11 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/13/2023
Buford Wolves
27 Sean Han 56 9 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/13/2023
10 2 East Side Broncos 5/14/2023
Total 66 11
24 Ashton McFadden 18 3 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
33 Liam Patrick 68 9 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/13/2023
7 Nash Perdew 60 7 East Side Broncos 5/14/2023
13 John Philistin 46 9 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
1 Spencer Phillips 21 3 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/13/2023
47 6 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
Total 68 9
11 Will Wyatt 24 3 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
34 5 East Side Broncos 5/14/2023
Total 58 8
Canes Southeast 14u Russell
7 Jacob Brooks 23 0 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/14/2023
27 Cade Parham 51 11 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/13/2023
29 3 Dingers 14u 5/13/2023
Total 80 14
12 Daniel Reza 58 7 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/13/2023
3 Graham Segraves 28 5 East Cobb Yankees 5/14/2023
62 13 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/14/2023
Total 90 18
17 Brenner Vandewynckel 38 5 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/14/2023
49 9 East Cobb Yankees 5/14/2023
Total 87 14
19 Elijah Wentz 45 7 East Cobb Yankees 5/14/2023
30 Braden Works 67 15 Dingers 14u 5/13/2023
Canes Southeast 14U Twilly
71 Luke Bennett 75 10 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/13/2023
34 Cortland Carter 83 15 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/14/2023
23 Fenner Melton 28 3 Relentless Force 5/13/2023
10 Brody Tibbitts 81 12 Relentless Force 5/13/2023
3 Barrett Tubiak 19 4 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/13/2023
8 1 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/14/2023
Total 27 5
CH Athletics
30 Kasen Hendrix 84 15 SmarTense 14U Academy 5/12/2023
0 0 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/12/2023
Total 84 15
36 Hunter Lee 22 2 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/12/2023
63 8 East Side Broncos 5/14/2023
Total 85 10
23 Jordan Richards 77 18 Relentless Force 5/13/2023
24 Noe Rivas 34 4 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/12/2023
63 14 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
Total 97 18
21 Gianmarco Vega 69 7 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
13 Parker Watkins 62 6 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/12/2023
23 3 East Side Broncos 5/14/2023
Total 85 9
50 Noah Fee 59 12 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
22 Daniel Head 25 4 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
12 Zach Lockwood 4 1 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
48 Greyson Miller 52 4 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
16 John Reed 22 4 Southeast Barons - Black 5/14/2023
13 Joe Richey 71 10 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
21 Sebastien Timms 78 18 Southeast Barons - Black 5/14/2023
5 Matthew Zander 26 5 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
Creekview Grizzlies
99 Devin Ballard 38 6 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/12/2023
2 1 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
Total 40 7
34 Braxton Carnes 34 8 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
24 5 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/13/2023
Total 58 13
15 James Dugger 94 17 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/14/2023
12 Everett Grubbs 13 1 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
85 15 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/14/2023
Total 98 16
23 Hayden Hansen 22 6 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/12/2023
48 6 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/14/2023
Total 70 12
14 Jack Martin 30 5 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
20 2 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/14/2023
Total 50 7
21 Landon Moore 57 6 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
12 3 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/12/2023
Total 69 9
17 Christopher Reece 37 9 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/13/2023
112 20 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
Total 149 29
6 2 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/14/2023
Total 155 31
Denver Stars
42 Mauro Acosta 14 0 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/13/2023
6 Jeremiah Bradberry 24 0 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
4 Xavier Garcia 33 6 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/13/2023
8 Giovanni Guereca 48 6 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
18 2 Ninth Inning Blue Jays 14U 5/14/2023
Total 66 8
0 Joaquin Martinez 23 2 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
1 Roberto Martinez 42 9 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/13/2023
86 12 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/14/2023
Total 128 21
2 Chase Pittman 21 3 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/13/2023
21 Aaydon Sanchez 95 19 Ninth Inning Blue Jays 14U 5/14/2023
Dingers 14u
26 Chase Alonso 91 14 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
999 Sean Cooper 88 18 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/13/2023
30 Atticus Joseph 3 1 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
6 Riley Patton 10 3 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/13/2023
15 Luis Rosales 54 6 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/13/2023
1 Mookie Smolin 40 9 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/13/2023
Dingers Athletics Premier
10 Dahn Fernandez 27 1 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
77 Matthew Hays 38 9 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
44 Avery Lamb 26 3 Creekview Grizzlies 5/13/2023
8 Parker Lee 40 3 Creekview Grizzlies 5/13/2023
31 Bryson McMinn 0 0 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
5 Holden Meers 50 7 CH Athletics 5/12/2023
13 Cooper Plouffe 41 8 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
20 5 Creekview Grizzlies 5/13/2023
Total 61 13
20 Orlando Ruiz 6 0 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
27 1 Creekview Grizzlies 5/13/2023
Total 33 1
28 Griffin Treadwell 30 5 CH Athletics 5/12/2023
19 3 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
Total 49 8
East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red
44 Colton Burkhalter 19 6 Denver Stars 5/13/2023
55 12 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
Total 74 18
2 Holden Campbell 21 6 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
22 2 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
Total 43 8
6 Evan Greenwood 14 3 Denver Stars 5/13/2023
26 Michael Hambrick III 39 7 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/13/2023
24 Patrick Honeyman 10 1 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
11 5 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/13/2023
Total 21 6
40 Dylan Ivkovich 24 2 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
7 Kade Rohland 20 2 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
1 Parker Troughton 6 2 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
34 4 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
Total 40 6
23 Caleb White 37 7 Hardknox Orioles-Rice 5/13/2023
East Cobb Chargers 14U
18 Seth Ardoin 70 4 Creekview Grizzlies 5/13/2023
29 2 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
Total 99 6
5 Braeden Benear 26 1 East Side Broncos 5/12/2023
25 Charlie Berrell 39 5 East Side Broncos 5/12/2023
12 Zachary Cofer 17 1 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
26 Henry Kilfeather 12 2 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
31 Will Klopp 42 6 East Side Broncos 5/12/2023
22 3 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
Total 64 9
1 Parker McDaniel 25 3 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
440 Hall Mitchell 46 3 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
130 Owen Smith 20 3 East Side Broncos 5/12/2023
49 11 Creekview Grizzlies 5/13/2023
Total 69 14
21 Duncan Zanjani 9 1 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
East Cobb Colt 45s 14u
50 Eli Ampel 43 9 East Side Chargers 5/12/2023
6 Carson Craig 8 3 East Side Chargers 5/12/2023
33 8 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/12/2023
Total 41 11
99 Nirven Dalal 2 1 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/13/2023
19 LJ Gianneschi 37 5 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/13/2023
42 Nathan Grijalva 15 1 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/13/2023
33 Joshua Jordi 21 2 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/13/2023
17 Andrew King 44 4 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/13/2023
27 Ashton Murphy 49 7 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/12/2023
Elijah Smith 11 2 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/13/2023
East Cobb Yankees
24 Hayden Alley 97 15 Gsm Black Sox 5/13/2023
22 Christian Harrier 50 5 East Side Chargers 5/13/2023
16 Lawton McGee 88 7 East Side Chargers 5/12/2023
2 Haydon Montoya 3 2 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
21 2 Prospects 5/14/2023
Total 24 4
23 Braylon Paradiso 30 1 Prospects 5/14/2023
3 Carter Phillips 18 6 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/12/2023
25 6 Gsm Black Sox 5/13/2023
Total 43 12
58 9 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
Total 101 21
12 Andrew Slater 38 4 Prospects 5/14/2023
5 Jory Wardlaw 11 3 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/12/2023
20 1 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
Total 31 4
33 Carter Zima 51 9 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/12/2023
54 8 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
Total 105 17
East Side Aces - Hecht
5 Lennon Baker 84 12 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/12/2023
13 Chandler Mathis 57 8 Pines 5/13/2023
40 Ian Robertson 31 9 Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris 5/12/2023
4 Kendrick Seever 35 5 Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue 5/12/2023
33 Will Sjogren 39 4 Pines 5/13/2023
East Side Aces - Schmal
24 Joshua Alequin 48 12 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
16 Colton Brown 70 15 Southeast Barons - Black 5/12/2023
6 Luke Darsey 32 9 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
73 21 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
Total 105 30
99 David Eisenstein 20 2 Crawdads 5/12/2023
11 Nolan Fahrner 66 21 Crawdads 5/12/2023
21 Cayden Moran 42 6 Southeast Barons - Black 5/12/2023
39 9 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/14/2023
Total 81 15
15 Christian Pearson 66 13 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/14/2023
9 2 Pines 5/14/2023
Total 75 15
28 Jacob Saboura 82 18 Pines 5/14/2023
East Side Broncos
2 Crosby Dunman 58 9 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/12/2023
36 5 Buford Wolves 5/14/2023
Total 94 14
4 Lars Kohm 68 7 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
23 4 Buford Wolves 5/14/2023
Total 91 11
11 Colin McConkey 50 4 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
8 3 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/12/2023
Total 58 7
21 3 Buford Wolves 5/14/2023
Total 79 10
3 Josh Murphy 38 6 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/12/2023
45 1 CH Athletics 5/14/2023
Total 83 7
7 Jonathon Speight 17 1 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/12/2023
60 8 CH Athletics 5/14/2023
Total 77 9
21 Travis Tatom 52 6 Buford Wolves 5/14/2023
East Side Chargers
21 Justin Caron 55 7 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
17 Dylan Cox 55 6 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/12/2023
8 Ian Hair 68 9 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/13/2023
52 Miles Hosterman 11 1 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/12/2023
10 Jacob King 52 4 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/12/2023
19 David Musterer 70 12 East Cobb Yankees 5/13/2023
24 Spencer Reed 21 1 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/12/2023
Factory Prime 14U
8 Brelynd Beasley 33 6 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/13/2023
12 3 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/13/2023
Total 45 9
17 Curtis Bryant 29 3 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/13/2023
28 Jackson Dodd 27 6 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/13/2023
24 Kason Flowers 19 1 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/13/2023
50 Tyler Jordan 44 6 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/13/2023
2 Trent Paulk 60 12 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/13/2023
17 5 Team Elite 14U Steel 5/13/2023
Total 77 17
13 Cayden Tidwell 36 6 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/13/2023
15 3 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/13/2023
Total 51 9
Factory Red 14U
23 Harrison Bell 45 4 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/13/2023
40 Lewis Cheney 63 8 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/14/2023
41 6 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Total 104 14
2 Steven Hafeychuck 26 4 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/13/2023
5 1 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Total 31 5
39 Emmitt Humphrey 32 9 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/13/2023
23 6 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/14/2023
Total 55 15
33 3 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Total 88 18
14 Aiden Morrow 0 0 Pines 5/13/2023
28 6 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/13/2023
Total 28 6
25 2 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Total 53 8
36 Evan Norton 54 8 Pines 5/13/2023
44 9 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Total 98 17
1 3 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/14/2023
Total 99 20
3 Hunter Norton 51 9 Pines 5/13/2023
17 Evan Walker 94 21 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/14/2023
Georgia Bombers 14u Victus
Luke Barranco 24 1 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/13/2023
12 3 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Total 36 4
20 Jack Blaszczak 36 8 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/13/2023
14 Tyler Davis 45 8 Dingers 14u 5/13/2023
1 Brayde Harris 95 20 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/14/2023
8 Lawson Mayer 52 7 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/13/2023
11 Ethan Rasper 16 2 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/13/2023
68 6 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Total 84 8
2 1 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/14/2023
Total 86 9
99 Brody Tanner 58 7 Dingers 14u 5/13/2023
34 Michael Turner 51 6 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Gsm Black Sox
18 Garrett Brooks 65 8 Pines 5/13/2023
24 Christian Colon 84 15 Ninth Inning Blue Jays 14U 5/12/2023
23 Trennon Henson 16 4 Pines 5/13/2023
10 Will Holliday 9 3 Ninth Inning Blue Jays 14U 5/12/2023
31 Braeden Johnson 27 3 Pines 5/13/2023
47 Gibson Knapp 41 9 East Cobb Yankees 5/13/2023
12 Brody O'Neal 75 12 East Cobb Yankees 5/13/2023
Hardknox Orioles-Rice
58 Jaxon Creamer 23 3 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
10 Landen Lunsford 6 1 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
34 William Makowski 78 12 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
11 Camron Murphy 71 12 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
27 Ashton Owens 29 4 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
2 Andrew Snow 56 15 Crawdads 5/13/2023
16 Leonardo Vivaldo 7 2 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
Medlock Monarchs 14u
10 Parker Burst 52 10 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
2 Charlie Frederick 59 8 Relentless Force 5/13/2023
19 Cade Goodmark 55 3 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
13 Noah Hathaway 41 7 Relentless Force 5/13/2023
3 Grant Jackson 55 3 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
89 Ryan Liu 90 17 Ninth Inning Royals 14u Moore 5/14/2023
6 Nicholas Northern 53 6 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
7 Tommy Vertino 19 7 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Mill Creek Hawks
8 Steven Byers 82 15 Prospects 5/13/2023
10 Keller Caldwell 33 5 Prospects 5/13/2023
66 8 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
Total 99 13
77 Erick Hannah Jr 62 7 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
28 Grant McDowell 53 7 Scott Hemond Hustle 14U 5/13/2023
17 6 SmarTense 14U Academy 5/14/2023
Total 70 13
1 Jake Samonsky 74 15 SmarTense 14U Academy 5/14/2023
2 Isaac Vernon 60 11 Scott Hemond Hustle 14U 5/13/2023
Ninth Inning Blue Jays 14U
3 James D'Amico 39 4 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/12/2023
26 Brody Jenkins 71 11 Gsm Black Sox 5/12/2023
99 14 Denver Stars 5/14/2023
Total 170 25
22 Luca Lopez 6 1 Gsm Black Sox 5/12/2023
56 6 Denver Stars 5/14/2023
Total 62 7
0 Ethan McFarland 24 0 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/12/2023
0 0 Denver Stars 5/14/2023
Total 24 0
27 Bradley Parker 65 8 Atl Lightning 14u - Ushery 5/12/2023
4 Deacon Pedersen 49 6 Gsm Black Sox 5/12/2023
Ninth Inning Royals 14u Moore
Quill Howell 73 12 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/14/2023
Rory Lichtman 88 15 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
Devin Rather 13 1 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/14/2023
Conner Ryan 10 2 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/13/2023
40 9 Southeast Barons - Black 5/13/2023
Total 50 11
Reece Thompson 31 3 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/14/2023
Will Zygmont 54 9 Southeast Barons - Black 5/13/2023
Colt Carlo 68 11 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
Ethan Crawford 80 15 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/13/2023
Trace Harrell 0 0 Factory Red 14U 5/13/2023
Garrison Joyner 63 12 Factory Red 14U 5/13/2023
Tanner Larisey 12 0 Gsm Black Sox 5/13/2023
Dawkins Parker 4 2 Gsm Black Sox 5/13/2023
Bubba Rogers 85 11 Gsm Black Sox 5/13/2023
Brinson Rountree 67 9 Factory Red 14U 5/13/2023
Demitris White 53 9 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
1 Gavin Craig 11 3 Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris 5/13/2023
48 12 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
Total 59 15
39 9 East Cobb Yankees 5/14/2023
Total 98 24
9 Ty Eichman 63 11 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
10 Braiden Harness 37 8 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/14/2023
17 Bryson Loveland 63 7 Velo Factory Dingers 5/13/2023
11 Ethan Marcum 74 18 Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris 5/13/2023
22 Brennan Martin 23 2 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
3 Noah Reichert 30 3 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
23 Tripp Spreng 59 14 Velo Factory Dingers 5/13/2023
31 Miles Watson 90 18 Southeast Barons - Black 5/14/2023
33 Braylon Williams 19 1 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
Relentless Force
24 Luke Daniele 51 6 CH Athletics 5/13/2023
2 Anthony Gregones 37 9 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/13/2023
13 3 CH Athletics 5/13/2023
Total 50 12
33 Alex Hahn 43 4 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/13/2023
24 6 CH Athletics 5/13/2023
Total 67 10
13 Caleb Holcombe 46 4 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
8 Jackson Josef 41 6 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
25 Will Lord 14 3 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
43 Ryan Marrinson 15 1 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/13/2023
27 Paul Roman 17 2 CH Athletics 5/13/2023
Scott Hemond Hustle 14U
22 Jake Buis 44 9 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
0 Xavier Chambliss 30 1 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
13 Grayson Gibson 76 9 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
33 Dallas Howard 51 9 Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u 5/13/2023
12 Max Madden 8 3 Velo Factory Dingers 5/13/2023
8 Conor McCann 75 8 Velo Factory Dingers 5/13/2023
99 Hudson Quinn 32 8 Mill Creek Hawks 5/13/2023
84 Nathan Whitney 22 7 Velo Factory Dingers 5/13/2023
Service Baseball 14u - The Unit
15 Brayden Busby 43 2 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
57 7 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Total 100 9
2 Dylan Cunningham 19 3 Denver Stars 5/13/2023
17 Case Gravitt 44 9 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
60 15 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/14/2023
Total 104 24
33 Owen Helms 17 0 East Cobb Cardinals 14u Red 5/13/2023
11 Andrew Hite 21 1 Denver Stars 5/13/2023
22 6 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Total 43 7
14 Rowan McClung 57 9 Denver Stars 5/13/2023
15 3 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Total 72 12
19 6 Medlock Monarchs 14u 5/14/2023
Total 91 18
24 Keenan Rice 96 21 Team Elite 14U Hustle 5/14/2023
7 Hayden Turner 29 7 Denver Stars 5/13/2023
36 6 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Total 65 13
SmarTense 14U Academy
Simon Cook 17 3 Mill Creek Hawks 5/14/2023
Nicholas Cornetto 7 2 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
Owen Haa 21 0 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
Deven Moran 70 11 Mill Creek Hawks 5/14/2023
Braylon Sherman 78 15 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
Jacob Stecik 25 3 CH Athletics 5/12/2023
25 6 Mill Creek Hawks 5/14/2023
Total 50 9
Jaelen Williams 44 9 CH Athletics 5/12/2023
0 0 Team Elite 14U MVP 5/12/2023
Total 44 9
Southeast Barons - Black
22 Drew Fuentes 24 2 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
5 Daniel Gilroy 75 13 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
9 Brody Keel 0 2 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
Felix Perez 5 1 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
95 21 Crawdads 5/14/2023
Total 100 22
11 Rj Pierre 25 3 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/12/2023
12 Chase Schneider 24 4 Ninth Inning Royals 14u Moore 5/13/2023
85 12 Prospects 5/14/2023
Total 109 16
12 1 Crawdads 5/14/2023
Total 121 17
4 Niko Stojic 27 4 Prospects 5/14/2023
15 Drew Zampieri 85 13 Ninth Inning Royals 14u Moore 5/13/2023
Talkin Baseball Blue Sox 14u
17 Aidan Caldwell 64 10 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
11 Blake Ciesla 2 1 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
99 Brody Craig 78 15 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/14/2023
25 Rylin Davis 58 11 Buford Wolves 5/13/2023
17 Caden Evans 3 1 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/14/2023
73 10 East Side Aces - Schmal 5/14/2023
Total 76 11
37 Lucas Foisy 15 6 Buford Wolves 5/13/2023
34 5 Aviator Baseball 13U 5/14/2023
Total 49 11
5 Drew Jackson 51 12 Scott Hemond Hustle 14U 5/13/2023
1 Colten Little 31 3 Buford Wolves 5/13/2023
9 Max Martineau 19 4 Buford Wolves 5/13/2023
27 3 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/13/2023
Total 46 7
6 Thomas (Tj) Studer 55 9 Scott Hemond Hustle 14U 5/13/2023
20 Reece Zeckman 59 12 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/13/2023
Team Elite 14U Hustle
Jaxon Bambarger 26 3 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/13/2023
43 9 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Total 69 12
72 Tyler Charles 30 6 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Dane Leutenegger 58 7 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/13/2023
Maddox McCollum 80 15 Georgia Bombers 14u Victus 5/13/2023
33 Cade Miller 12 0 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/13/2023
Sebastian Rojas 42 8 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/13/2023
31 Wyatt Zimpel 7 2 Service Baseball 14u - The Unit 5/14/2023
Team Elite 14U MVP
43 Richard Barker 6 1 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
46 Aarav Desai 79 13 SmarTense 14U Academy 5/12/2023
4 Hayes Hallman 30 2 SmarTense 14U Academy 5/12/2023
58 Owen Mauney 49 9 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/12/2023
18 Will Morris 81 16 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
71 Sean Siepert 13 1 SmarTense 14U Academy 5/12/2023
7 Carter Voney 43 2 Factory Red 14U 5/14/2023
Lucas Wheeler 83 11 Dingers Athletics Premier 5/12/2023
Team Elite 14U Steel
35 Jayden Bradley 36 3 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
63 Grady Hansen 28 5 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
56 Baret Harless 20 2 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
29 Peyton Hudson 17 2 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
75 Reed Jackson 54 11 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
87 Daniel Johnson 26 2 Factory Prime 14U 5/13/2023
1 0 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
Total 27 2
42 Joseph Owens 12 2 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
57 10 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
Total 69 12
58 David Wagner 41 5 Canes Southeast 14u Russell 5/14/2023
47 Zachary Webb 23 2 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
20 Kaden Wilson 47 9 Canes Southeast 14U Twilly 5/13/2023
Titans Baseball 13U West GA Blue
5 Brayden Beckwith 47 9 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
46 7 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
Total 93 16
2 Brody Conner 67 15 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/14/2023
15 Grant Dorrell 52 9 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
21 6 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
Total 73 15
9 Jarett Hulsey 29 5 Creekview Grizzlies 5/14/2023
42 Korbin Ogletree 18 4 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/12/2023
28 6 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/13/2023
Total 46 10
27 Jett Patterson 26 2 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/12/2023
36 Aldon Sanders 42 8 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/12/2023
13 3 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
Total 55 11
0 Coleman Stubblefield 30 9 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/13/2023
32 6 5 Star Atlanta 14U 5/14/2023
Total 62 15
Titans Baseball 14u Orange
12 Landon Bridgers 22 3 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
Aj Brooks 13 0 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/12/2023
19 David Budd 8 0 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
32 3 Velo Factory Dingers 5/14/2023
Total 40 3
2 Zachary Grayson 54 4 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
13 Colton Ingram 9 1 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
3 Hayden Lewis 89 8 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/12/2023
3 Max Lilly 25 4 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 5/13/2023
21 3 Velo Factory Dingers 5/14/2023
Total 46 7
Louis Parker 85 15 East Cobb Chargers 14U 5/14/2023
55 Sean Stephenson 23 1 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
11 0 Velo Factory Dingers 5/14/2023
Total 34 1
1 Carson Thomas 13 2 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
5 Dallas Woody 41 7 East Cobb Yankees 5/12/2023
39 6 Velo Factory Dingers 5/14/2023
Total 80 13
Titans Baseball 14u West Ga Morris
25 Ethan Bivins 81 15 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/12/2023
17 Cash Dunn 51 2 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
33 Colby Holland 89 14 Prospects 5/13/2023
23 Brendan Pickett 22 6 643 DP Panthers 14U Bowers 5/12/2023
33 4 Prospects 5/13/2023
Total 55 10
55 Chaz Poulk 13 1 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
19 Ty Smith 35 1 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
99 Ethan Williams 14 2 East Side Aces - Hecht 5/12/2023
Velo Factory Dingers
7 Cayson Chester 12 3 Prospects 5/13/2023
10 Parker Grant 16 0 Prospects 5/13/2023
9 Custis Honeycutt 16 3 Prospects 5/13/2023
28 Jacob Hubbard 62 15 Titans Baseball 14u Orange 5/14/2023
17 Jim Letchworth 61 10 Scott Hemond Hustle 14U 5/13/2023
27 Mikey Norton 77 15 Prospects 5/13/2023
8 Aden Oglesby 51 8 Scott Hemond Hustle 14U 5/13/2023
24 Kenny Sullivan 87 15 Aquasox Baseball 14u 5/14/2023