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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Cooper City Chiefs
0 Sebastian Chari 69 7 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/4/2022
26 4 Parkland Pokers White 10/8/2022
Total 95 11
0 Adam Fermin 0 0 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/4/2022
38 5 Parkland Pokers White 10/8/2022
Total 38 5
10 Mateo Gil 28 3 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/3/2022
9 0 Parkland Pokers White 10/8/2022
Total 37 3
8 Zach Kegley 5 2 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/3/2022
36 8 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/4/2022
Total 41 10
34 10 Cooper City Cowboys 10/8/2022
Total 75 20
2 Lucas Lodowski 49 10 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/3/2022
44 9 Cooper City Cowboys 10/8/2022
Total 93 19
5 Carson Prat 0 0 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/4/2022
Cooper City Cowboys
66 Joseph Burzo 19 3 Parkland Pokers White 10/7/2022
5 Blake Elliott 21 3 Parkland Pokers White 10/7/2022
7 Rory McGlinchey 31 6 Parkland Pokers White 10/7/2022
33 Brayden O’Connor 10 3 Parkland Pokers White 10/7/2022
3 Jacob Potter 32 8 Coral Springs Clippers 12U 10/6/2022
68 14 Cooper City Chiefs 10/8/2022
Total 100 22
99 Colin Sampson 19 3 Parkland Pokers White 10/7/2022
34 3 Cooper City Chiefs 10/8/2022
Total 53 6
27 Trent Wilson 15 3 Coral Springs Clippers 12U 10/6/2022
7 0 Cooper City Chiefs 10/8/2022
Total 22 3
Coral Springs Clippers 12U
4 Jack Gibilterra 43 3 Cooper City Cowboys 10/6/2022
7 Samuel Jones 64 7 Parkland Pokers White 10/5/2022
16 Javier Lopez 14 0 Lion Mode 11u 10/8/2022
9 Benjamin Steinberg 15 1 Parkland Pokers White 10/5/2022
64 8 Cooper City Cowboys 10/6/2022
Total 79 9
19 Dillon Tolar 66 11 Lion Mode 11u 10/8/2022
23 Arian Arias 25 3 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/5/2022
27 Alexander Cajete Jr. 26 7 Sugar Kings 10/6/2022
1 1 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/8/2022
Total 27 8
34 4 Sugar Kings 10/8/2022
Total 61 12
22 Luis Delgado 23 0 Sugar Kings 10/6/2022
36 Nicolas Gonzalez 17 3 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/5/2022
9 1 Sugar Kings 10/6/2022
Total 26 4
10 Gustavo Minguez 19 1 Sugar Kings 10/6/2022
5 0 Sugar Kings 10/8/2022
Total 24 1
2 Alejandro Nahon 16 3 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/5/2022
12 3 Sugar Kings 10/6/2022
Total 28 6
17 Piero Pecora 22 2 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/5/2022
32 Lucas Vazquez-Bello 25 2 Sugar Kings 10/8/2022
79 10 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/8/2022
Total 104 12
Hardball Black
Gabriel Colon 53 7 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
53 9 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/8/2022
Total 106 16
Juan Gonzalez 16 0 Lion Mode 11u 10/4/2022
47 Nicolas Hechevarria 37 5 Lion Mode 11u 10/4/2022
35 4 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/8/2022
Total 72 9
15 Michael Leon 16 2 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
99 Jake Lopez 32 3 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
24 Miguel Lopez 40 3 Lion Mode 11u 10/4/2022
77 King Torres 23 0 Lion Mode 11u 10/4/2022
Lion Mode 11u
13 Jose Alejandro Acosta 44 7 Sugar Kings 10/10/2022
9 Justin Ali 2 1 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/6/2022
12 Alex De La Rosa 28 5 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/6/2022
5 Riley Garcia 32 6 Hardball Black 10/4/2022
67 14 Coral Springs Clippers 12U 10/8/2022
Total 99 20
23 Matthew Lopez 26 4 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/6/2022
70 15 SF Blue Jays 10/8/2022
Total 96 19
16 Jordan Mondragon 28 2 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/6/2022
4 1 Coral Springs Clippers 12U 10/8/2022
Total 32 3
7 David Padron 21 6 Hardball Black 10/4/2022
48 8 Sugar Kings 10/10/2022
Total 69 14
Original Fl Pokers 12u
44 Finnegan Bilyeu 89 15 Parkland Pokers White 10/10/2022
27 Connor Boyette 14 3 SF Blue Jays 10/3/2022
4 1 Lion Mode 11u 10/6/2022
Total 18 4
59 10 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/8/2022
Total 77 14
12 1 Parkland Pokers White 10/10/2022
Total 89 15
25 Nicholas Conte 24 2 SF Blue Jays 10/3/2022
18 3 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/8/2022
Total 42 5
31 2 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/8/2022
Total 73 7
20 Wesley Lucas 14 3 SF Blue Jays 10/3/2022
6 3 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/8/2022
Total 20 6
5 1 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/8/2022
Total 25 7
9 Stephen Merritt 43 5 Lion Mode 11u 10/6/2022
18 0 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/8/2022
Total 61 5
19 Avery Steinberg 43 6 Lion Mode 11u 10/6/2022
42 9 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/8/2022
Total 85 15
3 1 Parkland Pokers White 10/10/2022
Total 88 16
72 Jorge Urdaneta 36 7 SF Blue Jays 10/3/2022
Original Florida Pokers 2030
15 Silas Anstett 30 1 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/6/2022
26 1 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/8/2022
Total 56 2
9 Lucas Colon 49 9 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/8/2022
44 Hunter Delalla 18 6 Cooper City Chiefs 10/4/2022
32 4 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/8/2022
Total 50 10
77 Travis Harstad 20 3 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/6/2022
35 Ethan Latimore 30 1 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/6/2022
90 Matthew Mehra 24 6 Cooper City Chiefs 10/4/2022
6 2 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/6/2022
Total 30 8
23 Gio Morales 29 3 Cooper City Chiefs 10/4/2022
22 Mason Stertzbach 43 6 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/6/2022
27 Caden Williams 19 3 Cooper City Chiefs 10/4/2022
9 1 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/8/2022
Total 28 4
Parkland Pokers White
10 Jake Anderson 32 6 Cooper City Cowboys 10/7/2022
8 Tyler Hanes 28 5 Cooper City Chiefs 10/8/2022
12 Dominic Magli 35 8 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/10/2022
44 Oliver Mouser 37 6 Coral Springs Clippers 12U 10/5/2022
49 9 Cooper City Chiefs 10/8/2022
Total 86 15
0 Lazaro Riba 16 3 Cooper City Cowboys 10/7/2022
24 Sebastian Rincon 51 7 Sugar Kings 10/10/2022
17 Owen Sackman 50 5 Coral Springs Clippers 12U 10/5/2022
41 7 Sugar Kings 10/10/2022
Total 91 12
37 Joey Singh 40 9 Cooper City Cowboys 10/7/2022
42 10 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/10/2022
Total 82 19
PLO Bulldogs Blue
9 Lucas Corporan 25 2 Cooper City Chiefs 10/3/2022
27 Nicolás De Cordova 27 1 Delta 10/5/2022
1 Bradley Gonzalez 14 0 SF Blue Jays 10/8/2022
10 Matthew Gutierrez 5 1 Delta 10/5/2022
15 Kailyn Hernandez 39 6 Delta 10/5/2022
99 Liam McMahon 43 9 SF Blue Jays 10/8/2022
28 Jose Rivera 53 7 Cooper City Chiefs 10/3/2022
27 Nicolas Rodriguez 17 5 Cooper City Chiefs 10/3/2022
24 Peter Rodriguez 42 3 Delta 10/5/2022
PLO Bulldogs Red
15 Carlos Caraballo 24 2 Hardball Black 10/3/2022
36 6 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/8/2022
Total 60 8
27 Jayden Davila 18 3 Hardball Black 10/8/2022
17 Jameson Gardner 33 5 Hardball Black 10/3/2022
48 6 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/8/2022
Total 81 11
25 Lydell Innis 10 3 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/3/2022
23 Jordan Manasseh 37 8 Wtb Hawks White 12u 10/3/2022
68 12 Hardball Black 10/8/2022
Total 105 20
28 Sebastian Vizcaino 42 4 Hardball Black 10/3/2022
SF Blue Jays
12 Angel Baldizon 37 3 Sugar Kings 10/7/2022
14 Jancarlo De Guzman 15 1 Lion Mode 11u 10/8/2022
8 Samuel Ferrebus 22 4 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/8/2022
11 Jose Manuel Gonzalez 17 1 Sugar Kings 10/7/2022
1 David Himely - Fernandez 44 8 Sugar Kings 10/7/2022
6 Joshua Natera 36 8 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/3/2022
25 3 Lion Mode 11u 10/8/2022
Total 61 11
18 Michael Nogues 39 9 Original Fl Pokers 12u 10/3/2022
18 3 Lion Mode 11u 10/8/2022
Total 57 12
88 Adrian Rodriguez 30 8 PLO Bulldogs Blue 10/8/2022
23 5 Lion Mode 11u 10/8/2022
Total 53 13
Sugar Kings
0 Edvin Alvarez Jr. 19 1 Delta 10/6/2022
0 Christopher Cabrera 74 15 Lion Mode 11u 10/10/2022
0 Ruben Cabrera 33 4 Lion Mode 11u 10/10/2022
0 Sariel Coro 31 8 Delta 10/8/2022
28 3 Parkland Pokers White 10/10/2022
Total 59 11
0 Christian DePalo 26 9 Delta 10/6/2022
0 Andy Herrera 63 14 SF Blue Jays 10/7/2022
0 Alexander Lorden 15 1 Delta 10/6/2022
0 Eduardo Riera 69 11 Parkland Pokers White 10/10/2022
0 Yaden Rivera 2 1 Delta 10/8/2022
8 0 Parkland Pokers White 10/10/2022
Total 10 1
Wtb Hawks White 12u
63 Jeremy Andel 14 3 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/6/2022
7 Kyle Borbet 1 3 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
31 5 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/6/2022
Total 32 8
36 4 Delta 10/8/2022
Total 68 12
22 Jean-Pierre Duvert 13 1 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
35 Dylan Feingold 40 5 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
55 8 Delta 10/8/2022
Total 95 13
3 Peter Kehoe 25 4 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/6/2022
19 Troy Moran 5 2 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
44 Matias Ramirez 30 2 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
23 Ethan Schwartz 12 0 PLO Bulldogs Red 10/3/2022
6 0 Original Florida Pokers 2030 10/6/2022
Total 18 0