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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Action 12U Green - Brittain
33 Drake Ellis 32 2 Horns 12u 4/23/2022
3 Cooper Gallia 88 13 Horns 12u 4/23/2022
23 Hunter Ryan 65 9 Hooks 12u Cervantes 4/24/2022
13 Sam Stewart 50 15 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/23/2022
Adidas Titans Black
11 Asher Boyce-Beene 26 3 TRPD 12U 4/23/2022
1 Brennan Brown 10 3 Batter'S Box White 4/24/2022
92 Alex Graham 55 6 TRPD 12U 4/23/2022
28 Braydon Harris 33 6 Pride 12u Black 4/23/2022
9 Christopher Leo 11 3 TRPD 12U 4/23/2022
10 Evan Reher 85 12 Batter'S Box White 4/24/2022
6 Benjamin Sowers 42 6 Pride 12u Black 4/23/2022
Austin Boom - 12 Cox
Brandon Boggs 43 5 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/23/2022
Logan Conroy 14 3 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/23/2022
Keaton Hess 11 1 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/23/2022
Caleb Might 50 9 Tier 1 Echo 4/23/2022
William Moreland 50 9 Tier 1 Echo 4/23/2022
Austin Horns - 12u Brooks
0 Connor Abell 15 2 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/23/2022
London Calley 20 1 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/23/2022
Damian Garza 17 3 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/23/2022
Travis Hagen 50 3 Tier 1 Echo 4/23/2022
65 Henry Lersch 42 4 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/23/2022
Arjan Niyogi 31 3 Tier 1 Echo 4/23/2022
Andrew Stout 24 3 Tier 1 Echo 4/23/2022
Austin Wings 12u Greenberg
7 Bode De Jong 17 1 Bat - Fokkema 4/23/2022
12 Gain Galbreath 20 6 Leander Lightning 4/23/2022
70 12 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/24/2022
Total 90 18
15 Charlie Greenberg 13 3 Leander Lightning 4/23/2022
13 3 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/24/2022
Total 26 6
4 Braydon Pratt 49 9 Bat - Fokkema 4/23/2022
23 Ben Wilson 36 5 Bat - Fokkema 4/23/2022
Bat - Fokkema
4 Gaige Aaron 22 5 Leander Lightning 4/23/2022
27 Asher Araujo 11 3 Leander Lightning 4/23/2022
21 3 Cpyl Austin Future 4/24/2022
Total 32 6
8 Garrett Campbell 36 5 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/23/2022
19 3 Tier 1 Echo 4/24/2022
Total 55 8
24 Landon Dyer 24 18 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/23/2022
20 Christian Hughes 38 4 Leander Lightning 4/23/2022
54 9 Cpyl Austin Future 4/24/2022
Total 92 13
10 Charlie McDonald 32 4 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/23/2022
14 3 Tier 1 Echo 4/24/2022
Total 46 7
Bat - Ligons
1 Carter Crump 36 5 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/23/2022
15 Joseph Gordon 29 4 Horns 12u 4/23/2022
50 Harrison Smith 32 4 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/23/2022
22 Kage Spann 8 0 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/23/2022
19 0 Horns 12u 4/23/2022
Total 27 0
24 Cannon Wallace 38 5 Horns 12u 4/23/2022
13 Hagen Willett 23 3 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/23/2022
9 0 Horns 12u 4/23/2022
Total 32 3
Batter'S Box White
1 Ty Dippel 30 3 Cpyl Austin Future 4/23/2022
22 Rocket Flores 30 3 Cpyl Austin Future 4/23/2022
35 Gus Naquin 73 15 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/24/2022
24 Collin Siemsglusz 20 3 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/24/2022
36 Cy Welker 20 6 Yardbirds 4/23/2022
12 Cameron Wells 31 3 Yardbirds 4/23/2022
Cpyl Austin Future
12 Zahir Carter 52 9 Bat - Ligons 4/24/2022
6 Izaak Garcia 32 6 Yardbirds 4/23/2022
48 6 Bat - Ligons 4/24/2022
Total 80 12
3 Aiden Gonzales 22 3 Batter'S Box White 4/23/2022
24 Jeremy Kuhlman 34 4 Yardbirds 4/23/2022
23 Jordan Owens 4 2 Yardbirds 4/23/2022
41 9 Batter'S Box White 4/23/2022
Total 45 11
15 Kasen Parker 16 3 Batter'S Box White 4/23/2022
25 Owen Campbell 18 3 Hooks 12u Cervantes 4/23/2022
38 1 Wings - North 12u 4/24/2022
Total 56 4
27 Jacob Leverett 22 6 Pride 12u Grey 4/23/2022
32 7 Wings - North 12u 4/24/2022
Total 54 13
7 Luke Patrick 23 3 Bat - Fokkema 4/24/2022
29 Landry Sanderson 24 3 Hooks 12u Cervantes 4/23/2022
34 3 Wings - North 12u 4/24/2022
Total 58 6
Hooks 12u Cervantes
44 Ford Griffin 25 0 Goldthwaite 4/23/2022
30 James Morgan 29 4 Goldthwaite 4/23/2022
21 Connor O'Dea 17 0 Goldthwaite 4/23/2022
39 Parker Roberts 26 6 Wings - North 12u 4/23/2022
Horns 12u
1 Ian Johnson 55 12 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/23/2022
7 Bryce O'Sullivan 14 2 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/23/2022
10 Chase Perkins 41 8 Bat - Ligons 4/23/2022
22 John (“jack”) sandstad 14 0 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/23/2022
21 4 Bat - Ligons 4/23/2022
Total 35 4
Leander Lightning
4 Austin Cubit 10 3 Bat - Fokkema 4/23/2022
16 3 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/24/2022
Total 26 6
7 Griffin Darby 41 2 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/23/2022
10 Kipton Field 85 13 Pride 12u Grey 4/24/2022
29 Madden Huskerson 46 8 Bat - Fokkema 4/23/2022
17 Jacob Mahan 29 2 Pride 12u Grey 4/24/2022
99 Carter Villarreal 50 7 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/23/2022
11 Logan White 32 1 Bat - Fokkema 4/23/2022
64 12 Tier 1 Red Squadron 4/24/2022
Total 96 13
Pride 12u Black
7 Michael Boehm 32 6 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
17 Ethan Luckie 27 6 TRPD 12U 4/23/2022
24 Broden McAlexander 21 0 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
30 Kaysen Stanley 27 3 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
10 Jensen West 18 3 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
12 Cooper Wilson 46 6 TRPD 12U 4/23/2022
Pride 12u Grey
Case Daprile 58 3 Goldthwaite 4/23/2022
16 Sam Faulkner 65 3 Wings - North 12u 4/23/2022
19 Andrew Phillips 17 1 Wings - North 12u 4/23/2022
99 Hunter Schmidt 17 0 Goldthwaite 4/23/2022
Zane Shepard 19 2 Wings - North 12u 4/23/2022
26 Hudson Wolfe 12 0 Goldthwaite 4/23/2022
Tier 1 Echo
12 Elliott Grimm 20 3 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/23/2022
17 Charlie Kilpatrick 36 6 Austin Horns - 12u Brooks 4/23/2022
9 Emmett McCaw 47 9 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/23/2022
3 Carlos Tamez 41 6 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/23/2022
Tier 1 Red Squadron
33 Tyre Buttross 9 1 Bat - Ligons 4/23/2022
8 Charlie Keel 47 9 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/23/2022
6 Duncan Shoberg 20 3 Action 12U Green - Brittain 4/23/2022
1 Owen Stoker 82 10 Bat - Ligons 4/23/2022
16 Maclain Brown 8 3 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
0 8 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/24/2022
Total 8 11
Jaxon Hadlock 35 5 Pride 12u Black 4/23/2022
Caden Hanus 29 3 Pride 12u Black 4/24/2022
Brennan Hennessey 62 12 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/24/2022
5 Andy Leftwich 50 7 Pride 12u Black 4/23/2022
28 Preston Marzan 65 9 Pride 12u Black 4/24/2022
12 Andrew Silvertooth 12 3 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
23 Griffin Tielens 21 1 Austin Wings 12u Greenberg 4/24/2022
42 Tristan Trader 32 6 Adidas Titans Black 4/23/2022
26 3 Austin Boom - 12 Cox 4/24/2022
Total 58 9
Wings - North 12u
11 Brayden Campbell 21 3 Hooks 12u Cervantes 4/23/2022
42 Braeden Coleman 32 6 Pride 12u Grey 4/23/2022
2 Owen Johnson 48 12 Yardbirds 4/24/2022
56 Christian Marone 50 6 Hooks 12u Cervantes 4/23/2022
0 Charlie Bien 77 12 Cpyl Austin Future 4/23/2022
22 Will Brady 60 6 Batter'S Box White 4/23/2022
77 Keenan Hardy 34 6 Batter'S Box White 4/23/2022