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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12u Elite Squad-PB Beno
7 Kaden Bufford 48 11 BAT12U 2/26/2022
77 Ryan Carames 20 7 BAT12U 2/26/2022
23 Jack Furnare 16 3 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
17 Michael Sanchez 45 9 Team Orlando 12u 2/25/2022
28 2 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
Total 73 11
5 Parker Shoup 3 3 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
27 Brandon Turner 52 8 Team Orlando 12u 2/25/2022
39 7 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
Total 91 15
5 Star 12u Scout Team
0 Preston Emmons 32 3 Florida Legends 2/25/2022
24 0 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/27/2022
Total 56 3
99 Brandyn Figueroa 12 3 Florida Legends 2/25/2022
35 3 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/27/2022
Total 47 6
17 Sam Grimm 13 1 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/26/2022
29 3 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/27/2022
Total 42 4
0 Yariel Rodriguez 14 3 Florida Legends 2/25/2022
0 Dylan Sorensen 115 17 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/26/2022
0 John Thornton 22 3 Florida Legends 2/25/2022
5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus
28 Tanner Burger 85 17 Chargers 2/26/2022
1 Landon Ferrelli 65 10 Scorpions 12u 2/26/2022
11 3 Dlc Baseball 2/27/2022
Total 76 13
0 Jake Forrest 9 0 Scorpions 12u 2/26/2022
35 3 Dlc Baseball 2/27/2022
Total 44 3
11 Logan Kearney 41 6 Dlc Baseball 2/27/2022
5 Star Orlando 12u Gold
86 Ashton Linke 38 5 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/26/2022
54 Landon Novashinski 29 5 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/26/2022
44 Luka Pacich 49 4 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/26/2022
2 Jake Pevoroff 60 10 BAT12U 2/27/2022
55 Ethan Smith 82 15 FTB Select Blue 2/25/2022
23 David Suarez 40 3 FTB Select Blue 2/25/2022
43 8 BAT12U 2/27/2022
Total 83 11
1 Kevin Cedeno 38 9 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/27/2022
10 Yeriel Lopez 120 18 12u Elite Squad-PB Beno 2/26/2022
7 Jonathan Lugo 76 11 Team Orlando 12u 2/26/2022
5 Leonardo Rojas 72 10 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/27/2022
Canes Florida 12U Corns
25 Tyson Brown 22 6 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/25/2022
42 Austin Corns 13 3 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/27/2022
50 9 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/27/2022
Total 63 12
5 Jayden Cunningham 48 6 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/27/2022
2 Parker Griebel 46 12 Dlc Baseball 2/26/2022
3 Ethan Jackson 47 9 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/25/2022
38 9 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/27/2022
Total 85 18
11 Jeremiah Renaldo 31 6 Dlc Baseball 2/26/2022
Cbu Clubhouse National 2028
27 Bryce Davis 89 18 Team Northeast 2/26/2022
21 Brayden Harmon 73 15 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/26/2022
17 David Logue 50 4 Parkland Pokers 2/27/2022
4 Luke Pitzer 19 4 Parkland Pokers 2/27/2022
1 Ryder Pollard 46 4 Parkland Pokers 2/27/2022
32 Devin Brashear 53 9 Scorpions 12u 2/25/2022
16 2 Team Northeast 2/27/2022
Total 69 11
3 Lucas Caro 32 3 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/26/2022
64 9 Team Northeast 2/27/2022
Total 96 12
10 Maddox Farina 28 6 Scorpions 12u 2/25/2022
10 3 Team Northeast 2/27/2022
Total 38 9
2 Michael Fernandez 18 3 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/26/2022
17 Owen Guffee 68 9 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/26/2022
13 Chase Mosedale 23 1 Team Northeast 2/27/2022
6 Travis Rozier 22 3 Scorpions 12u 2/25/2022
Chet Lemons Juice 12u
13 James Adams 40 5 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/27/2022
19 Cameron Haigh 17 3 Cbu Clubhouse National 2028 2/26/2022
9 Hank Krise 43 3 Team Northeast 2/26/2022
1 Carter Lee 9 3 Team Northeast 2/26/2022
78 18 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/27/2022
Total 87 21
6 Ronald Miller Jr. 36 4 Cbu Clubhouse National 2028 2/26/2022
32 Adam Ndiaye 35 6 Cbu Clubhouse National 2028 2/26/2022
99 Hayden Ramos 43 12 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/27/2022
27 Joel Santiago 46 6 Team Northeast 2/26/2022
Dlc Baseball
16 Willy Aybar 24 6 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/26/2022
19 JanMichael Belliard 9 3 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/26/2022
13 2 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/26/2022
Total 22 5
10 Mateo Cardenas 27 5 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/27/2022
8 Gabriel Coupet 88 10 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/26/2022
5 Cole Finizio 11 1 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/27/2022
7 Derek Hopkins 16 1 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/26/2022
24 Jariel Rodriguez 49 5 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/26/2022
25 Milian Valdez 24 6 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/27/2022
Florida Legends
22 Jacob Ellis 22 5 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/25/2022
21 2 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/27/2022
Total 43 7
45 Colt Felix 21 3 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/25/2022
13 Bronson Hetzel 42 5 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/26/2022
24 Brantley Hise 25 1 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/25/2022
50 12 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/27/2022
Total 75 13
10 Wally Lasher 41 4 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/26/2022
34 Nate Penuel 38 3 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/27/2022
28 Anderson Strange 42 3 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/25/2022
FTB Select Blue
3 Maddox Brown 31 6 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/26/2022
7 Oliver Dugan 45 9 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/25/2022
43 6 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
Total 88 15
4 Jack Halsey IV 12 3 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/26/2022
Bobby Judd 16 3 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/25/2022
24 3 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
Total 40 6
50 Owen Lenzen 38 5 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/25/2022
27 Tyler Puhr 54 9 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/26/2022
Kangaroo Court Roos American
1 Jayden Allen 24 3 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
9 Marcus Davila 30 9 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/25/2022
35 9 Parkland Pokers 2/27/2022
Total 65 18
27 Jacob Gardner 9 3 Dlc Baseball 2/26/2022
47 9 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
Total 56 12
44 Tyson Lake 29 6 Dlc Baseball 2/26/2022
11 Kade Maltz 16 3 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/25/2022
32 Jeffrey Myers 21 3 Dlc Baseball 2/26/2022
18 3 FTB Select Blue 2/27/2022
Total 39 6
35 Easton Stegbauer 30 6 Canes Florida 12U Corns 2/25/2022
44 8 FTB Select Blue 2/27/2022
Total 74 14
Original Florida Pokers 2028
2 Dylan Austen 20 3 Florida Legends 2/26/2022
13 Bodhi Deservio 16 3 Florida Legends 2/26/2022
3 1 Team Orlando 12u 2/27/2022
Total 19 4
14 Jacob Hayes 10 3 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/26/2022
35 5 Team Orlando 12u 2/27/2022
Total 45 8
24 Zach Krey 27 9 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/26/2022
23 Cade Kuhlmeier 50 6 5 Star 12u Scout Team 2/26/2022
69 12 Team Orlando 12u 2/27/2022
Total 119 18
27 Tyler Stertzbach 35 6 Florida Legends 2/26/2022
Orl B-Jays
24 Ignacio Diaz 72 11 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/26/2022
23 Mathias Escalona 32 6 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/26/2022
12 William Greenwell 46 6 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/27/2022
5 Haroun Rodriguez 30 3 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/27/2022
48 Dylan Roehrig 29 4 Parkland Pokers 2/25/2022
31 3 Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski 2/27/2022
Total 60 7
25 David Sequera 61 7 Parkland Pokers 2/25/2022
Parkland Pokers
9 Brody Blackmon 46 7 Orl B-Jays 2/25/2022
12 0 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
Total 58 7
2 Alexander Cipolla 28 3 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/26/2022
17 3 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
Total 45 6
23 Kevin Cronin 29 3 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
4 Noa Das 71 12 Cbu Clubhouse National 2028 2/27/2022
22 Damon Desrochers 58 12 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/26/2022
13 Salvador Lopez 14 3 Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick 2/26/2022
10 Austin Wurtzebach 26 5 Orl B-Jays 2/25/2022
Prime Baseball 12u - Fossick
8 Aiden Adkins 65 9 Orl B-Jays 2/26/2022
31 Athan Andrews 19 1 Parkland Pokers 2/26/2022
5 Aidyn Greggs 32 6 Florida Legends 2/27/2022
50 Dylan Laflamme 28 9 Orl B-Jays 2/26/2022
51 Brayden Maherg 43 4 Florida Legends 2/27/2022
10 Owen Montisano 49 9 Parkland Pokers 2/26/2022
9 2 Florida Legends 2/27/2022
Total 58 11
7 Christian Sarmiento 30 3 Parkland Pokers 2/26/2022
20 Landon Straub 3 3 Parkland Pokers 2/26/2022
48 6 Florida Legends 2/27/2022
Total 51 9
Prime Baseball 12u - Giczewski
16 Sawyer Bannon 25 1 FTB Select Blue 2/26/2022
Austin Barry 29 2 FTB Select Blue 2/26/2022
Cooper Hamilton 73 12 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/27/2022
7 Luke Reed 26 6 FTB Select Blue 2/26/2022
3 2 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/27/2022
Total 29 8
0 Gavin Spisak 67 10 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/26/2022
13 Bryce Sullivan 30 5 5 Star Orlando 12u Gold 2/26/2022
0 Tristan Tallo 23 6 FTB Select Blue 2/26/2022
49 12 Orl B-Jays 2/27/2022
Total 72 18
Scorpions 12u
12 Shaurya Bhosale 32 3 12u Elite Squad-PB Beno 2/27/2022
20 Charlie Blalock 30 8 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/26/2022
Konnor Briggs 65 12 Team Orlando 12u 2/27/2022
8 Samuel Craig 20 4 5 Star Jax 12u Gunsaulus 2/26/2022
28 6 Team Orlando 12u 2/27/2022
Total 48 10
27 Meyer Dawson 26 3 Chargers 2/25/2022
34 Steele Pielin 41 9 Chargers 2/25/2022
46 8 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
Total 87 17
21 Ethan Rice 34 6 Chargers 2/25/2022
42 4 Kangaroo Court Roos American 2/27/2022
Total 76 10
4 Ryland Sander 60 15 12u Elite Squad-PB Beno 2/27/2022
Team Northeast
99 Brady Albertson 19 5 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/26/2022
99 Brady Doyle 70 10 Cbu Clubhouse National 2028 2/26/2022
99 Titus Hassell 53 6 Chargers 2/27/2022
99 Owen Holsomback 72 7 Chet Lemons Juice 12u 2/26/2022
99 Peyton Schley 51 9 Chargers 2/27/2022
99 Blake Wheatley 29 5 Cbu Clubhouse National 2028 2/26/2022
Team Orlando 12u
23 Tony Familia 25 3 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
44 Jace Jenniex 70 8 12u Elite Squad-PB Beno 2/25/2022
6 Christian Kirtland 52 12 Scorpions 12u 2/27/2022
43 Hunter Lopez 14 3 12u Elite Squad-PB Beno 2/25/2022
36 3 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/27/2022
Total 50 6
15 Jason Metzger 67 13 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/27/2022
25 Kobi Nethercutt 49 11 BAT12U 2/26/2022
55 Ty Quinn 38 2 Original Florida Pokers 2028 2/27/2022
9 Jackson Stecher 45 7 12u Elite Squad-PB Beno 2/25/2022