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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Kayson Bruce 35 3 Hooks 10/16/2021
23 4 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 58 7
Cody Conway 51 7 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Braeden Garner 29 2 Dynasty White 10/16/2021
Carson Maher 1 2 Dynasty White 10/16/2021
30 4 Hooks 10/16/2021
Total 31 6
Levi Puckett 37 5 Hooks 10/16/2021
Andrew Quintanilla 22 1 Dynasty White 10/16/2021
Andrew Zavala 18 4 Dynasty White 10/16/2021
5 Isaiah Cerda 14 2 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
27 3 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 41 5
11 Craig Harris Ii 42 6 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
36 4 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 78 10
13 Jake Holmes 0 6 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
15 Bryan Hood 13 3 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
5 2 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 18 5
9 Maddox Johnson 17 0 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
1 Chase McGuire 12 6 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
34 6 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 46 12
2 Daveion Quin 40 6 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
Dynasty White
35 Landon Barr 69 11 Bengals 10/17/2021
9 Reed Breaux 32 3 Bengals 10/16/2021
27 Zachary Carlucci 31 6 Bengals 10/16/2021
7 Nolan Emmerich 18 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/16/2021
44 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 62 6
8 Noah Gentry 73 18 Hooks 10/17/2021
25 Charlie Illanne 26 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/16/2021
1 Cole Kieffer 9 1 Bengals 10/17/2021
36 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 45 5
2 Vincent Mansell 11 3 Bengals 10/16/2021
54 12 Dirtbags 10/17/2021
Total 65 15
17 Mason Roberts 30 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/16/2021
12 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 42 6
7 3 Dirtbags 10/17/2021
Total 49 9
Gps Legends 11u Carlin
John Brady Bratton 24 5 Sf Tomahawks 10/16/2021
3 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 27 5
Jordan Duenas 30 4 Sf Tomahawks 10/16/2021
Isaiah Mora 0 0 Sf Tomahawks 10/16/2021
Staton Norman 9 3 Sf Tomahawks 10/16/2021
3 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 12 4
51 14 Texas Aces 10/17/2021
Total 63 18
Kadin Smith 17 5 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/16/2021
78 11 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 95 16
Maxton Vaughan 43 7 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/16/2021
0 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 43 7
13 Jason Arispe 57 9 Bengals 10/16/2021
8 Easton Benge 14 3 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
19 5 Houston Royals 10/17/2021
Total 33 8
16 Donnie Jablonski 18 5 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
57 9 Houston Royals 10/17/2021
Total 75 14
10 Jagger McRae 0 0 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
7 Easton Ondruch 29 6 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
43 8 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 72 14
23 Michael Raven 15 2 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
99 Weston Reed 20 4 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
51 7 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
Total 71 11
40 Benjamin Savant 8 0 Bengals 10/16/2021
44 Jensen Tielke 13 3 Bengals 10/16/2021
Houston Royals
9 Parker Ford 39 9 Montgomery Bullets 10/16/2021
56 12 Montgomery Bullets 10/17/2021
Total 95 21
23 Nathaniel Long 78 9 Hooks 10/17/2021
2 Benjamin Luks 59 9 Montgomery Bullets 10/16/2021
10 Mason Mettenbrink 86 12 Dirtbags 10/16/2021
11 Maxim Quintanilla 0 0 Montgomery Bullets 10/16/2021
21 Nolan Ruden 14 3 Dirtbags 10/16/2021
36 5 Hooks 10/17/2021
Total 50 8
Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa
10 Liam Escanero 51 9 Sf Tomahawks 10/16/2021
30 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 81 13
27 Joshua Moctezuma 61 17 Texans - Williamson 10/17/2021
29 Grant O'Connor 36 5 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/16/2021
19 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 55 9
12 Kaden Pringle 26 3 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/16/2021
8 Carson Richard 38 4 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/16/2021
87 Brydon Sokol 36 6 Sf Tomahawks 10/16/2021
37 5 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/17/2021
Total 73 11
Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner
6 Devin Aguilar 71 12 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
13 Matthew Butler 30 3 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
60 15 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/17/2021
Total 90 18
18 Christian Gonzalez 0 0 Dynasty White 10/17/2021
17 7 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/17/2021
Total 17 7
20 John Merren 45 9 Texans - Williamson 10/16/2021
33 4 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/17/2021
Total 78 13
8 Alex Sarvarian 59 12 Dynasty White 10/16/2021
Montgomery Bullets
20 Branson Bedford 29 1 Houston Royals 10/17/2021
2 Liam Coughlin 9 1 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
4 Peyton Grothe 4 2 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
13 Kooper Henneke 71 13 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
45 Colt Johnston 22 1 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
7 Greyson Kirklin 6 1 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
1 Maddox Larkins 28 2 Texas Aces 10/16/2021
25 Rylan Potter 58 5 Houston Royals 10/17/2021
24 Austin Reyes 31 2 Houston Royals 10/16/2021
23 3 Houston Royals 10/17/2021
Total 54 5
Sf Tomahawks
8 Carter Durand 14 2 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/16/2021
2 Nicholas Orellana 75 15 Texas Aces 10/17/2021
1 Jeffrey Shipwash 70 9 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/16/2021
12 Reece Tombrella 60 7 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/16/2021
5 Trent Young 43 9 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/16/2021
Texans - Williamson
5 Robert Beich 50 10 Hooks 10/16/2021
4 Dash Dowell 83 16 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/17/2021
6 Justin Leonard 70 11 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/16/2021
3 Tate Tully 12 6 Hooks 10/16/2021
13 Samuel Willingham 13 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Kluesner 10/16/2021
19 2 Lynx Laidlaw 11u Aaa 10/17/2021
Total 32 5
Texas Aces
6 Jaxon Armstrong 24 2 Dirtbags 10/16/2021
0 0 Montgomery Bullets 10/16/2021
Total 24 2
19 1 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/17/2021
Total 43 3
27 Dalton Jenkins 46 9 Dirtbags 10/16/2021
22 Beau Jones 0 0 Dirtbags 10/16/2021
16 1 Montgomery Bullets 10/16/2021
Total 16 1
15 5 Sf Tomahawks 10/17/2021
Total 31 6
50 Crew Lombardo 48 8 Montgomery Bullets 10/16/2021
21 Griffin Nuckolls 71 13 Sf Tomahawks 10/17/2021
1 Colt Roberson 78 12 Gps Legends 11u Carlin 10/17/2021
9 Isaac Vidales 19 1 Dirtbags 10/16/2021