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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star NE 14U
Caleb Barnett 31 6 Sj Young Guns 5/8/2021
70 8 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
Total 101 14
10 Charlie Belli 68 10 BC Stars 5/9/2021
35 Justin Fryer 79 15 BC Stars 5/8/2021
55 Jason Fultz 21 3 Sj Young Guns 5/8/2021
56 9 BC Stars 5/9/2021
Total 77 12
17 Ryan Heincer 32 3 Sj Young Guns 5/8/2021
20 Andrew Klitsch 49 6 Sj Young Guns 5/8/2021
44 Austin Kreyenhagen 44 10 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
BC Stars
Brett Gable 94 18 Tri-State Ghost 14u 5/8/2021
14 Judd Holt 71 9 5 Star NE 14U 5/8/2021
3 Charles Kind 47 6 5 Star NE 14U 5/8/2021
19 Anthony Sacca 25 1 5 Star NE 14U 5/9/2021
16 Ryan Scott 94 15 5 Star NE 14U 5/9/2021
17 Dennis Vittese 17 1 5 Star NE 14U 5/9/2021
Bulldawgs Red
22 Aydan Andy 97 16 FS Prime 5/8/2021
10 Chris Beasley 26 3 FS Prime 5/8/2021
43 7 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
Total 69 10
3 Tristan Eckenrode 50 6 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/8/2021
13 Andrew Eismann 18 2 FS Prime 5/8/2021
0 Jo Jo Gassert 52 9 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/8/2021
16 Nevan Hopkins 45 6 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
23 Landon Williams 42 4 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange
11 Barak Boston 57 9 Tri-State Ghost 14u 5/9/2021
23 Ben Campion 49 12 Tri-State Ghost 14u 5/9/2021
21 Adam Clelan 20 3 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/8/2021
5 Nicholas Emig 34 3 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/8/2021
33 Beckett Funk 8 1 MA Show 14U Select 5/8/2021
42 Ryan Higginbotham 47 6 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/8/2021
4 Jackson Stanyard 99 17 MA Show 14U Select 5/8/2021
FS Prime
20 Anthony Danieli 38 6 MA Show 14U Select 5/9/2021
21 Angelo Gonzalez 47 6 Hammonton Stars 5/7/2021
9 Travis Large 69 12 Bulldawgs Red 5/8/2021
55 Anthony Nodado 90 13 Hammonton Stars 5/7/2021
12 Colin Rueckert 55 6 MA Show 14U Select 5/9/2021
27 Matt Vanaman 20 8 Bulldawgs Red 5/8/2021
12 3 MA Show 14U Select 5/9/2021
Total 32 11
Hamilton A’S East
25 Andrew Marshall 66 5 Sj Young Guns 5/9/2021
50 Ryan Peterson 85 19 Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U 5/8/2021
46 Nano Sarceno 48 4 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/8/2021
20 2 Sj Young Guns 5/9/2021
Total 68 6
4 Peter Simone 23 2 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/8/2021
7 Ethan Wiebesiek 49 6 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/8/2021
5 Brandon Zambrio 6 1 Sj Young Guns 5/9/2021
Hammonton Stars
32 Jake Cagna 11 2 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
2 1 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
Total 13 3
50 7 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
Total 63 10
17 Roger Dreher 5 2 FS Prime 5/7/2021
58 7 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
Total 63 9
41 6 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
Total 104 15
24 Cole Fenton 19 4 Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U 5/9/2021
18 2 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
Total 37 6
22 Bernie Hargadon 12 3 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
23 Brian Harper 58 7 FS Prime 5/7/2021
32 4 Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U 5/9/2021
Total 90 11
0 0 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
Total 90 11
19 Otley Makosky 66 9 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
34 8 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
Total 100 17
33 Sam Taylor 50 12 FS Prime 5/7/2021
1 Nathan Winterbottom 72 13 Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U 5/9/2021
27 Eddie Wisham 11 3 Keystone State Bombers 14u 5/9/2021
Keystone State Bombers 14u
55 Coy Allman 80 12 Bulldawgs Red 5/9/2021
99 CJ Clayton 36 4 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/8/2021
29 9 Hamilton A’S East 5/8/2021
Total 65 13
12 Ty Custer 19 5 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/8/2021
11 3 Hamilton A’S East 5/8/2021
Total 30 8
7 Tobias Myers 28 6 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/8/2021
41 4 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
Total 69 10
8 Landon Soutner 35 5 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
21 6 Bulldawgs Red 5/9/2021
Total 56 11
27 David Zamora 0 0 Bulldawgs Red 5/9/2021
37 3 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
Total 37 3
MA Show 14U Select
19 Jameson Dobis 55 9 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/8/2021
7 Ethan Farrington 63 9 FS Prime 5/9/2021
23 Nikolas Kalogiros 21 6 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/8/2021
23 Chase Kroberger 44 3 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/8/2021
20 Jack McNamee 40 3 Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U 5/7/2021
24 Jackson Smallets 77 11 Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U 5/7/2021
9 Joseph Vaccarella 29 6 FS Prime 5/9/2021
Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U
13 Derek Brand 62 9 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
19 Lorenzo Camilleri 16 1 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
9 Lenny Kim 81 15 Bulldawgs Red 5/8/2021
32 Michael Kisseberth 42 3 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
12 Michael McCormack 22 2 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
11 Gabriel Rozenfeld 26 4 Sj Young Guns Select 5/8/2021
27 4 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
Total 53 8
15 Dylan Vowteras 48 5 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
16 Tyler Yoo 21 2 Sj Young Guns Select 5/9/2021
Sj Young Guns
1 Ryan Fayette 21 3 5 Star NE 14U 5/8/2021
Gavin Friel 92 15 5 Star NE 14U 5/8/2021
Sal Marziani 92 14 Tri-State Ghost 14u 5/8/2021
Christian meitzler 14 3 Hamilton A’S East 5/9/2021
Nick Watson 40 9 Hamilton A’S East 5/9/2021
Sj Young Guns Pride 14 U
26 Alexander Argabright 85 13 MA Show 14U Select 5/7/2021
20 Kyle Batt 60 7 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
11 Lucas Edwards 8 1 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
3 Christian Gosewisch 0 0 Hamilton A’S East 5/8/2021
27 Christopher Mirabelli 79 12 Hamilton A’S East 5/8/2021
10 Dylan Rickards 59 9 Hamilton A’S East 5/8/2021
31 Chase Roberts 97 13 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
Sj Young Guns Select
3 Logan Dawson 97 18 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
Matthew Friedman 84 12 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/8/2021
Brody Gates 25 7 5 Star NE 14U 5/9/2021
Luke Guire 39 6 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/8/2021
Braeden Lipoff 41 5 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/9/2021
32 Alex Morales 2 1 Hammonton Stars 5/8/2021
83 9 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 14U 5/9/2021
Total 85 10
5 Cory Sheridan 103 14 5 Star NE 14U 5/9/2021
Chris Smith 81 20 Hammonton Stars 5/8/2021
Tyler Wiltsey 12 3 Hammonton Stars 5/9/2021
Tri-State Ghost 14u
13 Michael Chowning 26 3 BC Stars 5/8/2021
41 7 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/9/2021
Total 67 10
27 Matthew Cordi 22 3 Sj Young Guns 5/8/2021
31 Ruben Febres 7 0 BC Stars 5/8/2021
25 5 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/9/2021
Total 32 5
9 Nick Hardy 16 2 BC Stars 5/8/2021
6 Logan Koeppel 95 11 Sj Young Guns 5/8/2021
11 Shane Langan 17 3 BC Stars 5/8/2021
12 2 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/9/2021
Total 29 5
18 Will Marziarz 25 2 BC Stars 5/8/2021
23 Matt Richter 16 4 BC Stars 5/8/2021
43 7 Elkridge Hurricanes - Orange 5/9/2021
Total 59 11