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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Banditos Ltg Jackson
16 Jacob Bourgeois 0 0 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/10/2021
2 Koby Caulfield 60 12 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/11/2021
31 Keagan Coulon 18 4 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/10/2021
1 Re'Shawn Hilaire 71 8 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/10/2021
6 Nathan Jenkins 40 6 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/10/2021
18 Brody Picou 24 1 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/10/2021
23 3 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/11/2021
Total 47 4
10 Jordan Taullie 14 0 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/10/2021
Dixie Rv Mallards
10 Rezion Barney 26 5 Makos 4/10/2021
44 5 Traction Canes 14u White 4/11/2021
Total 70 10
33 Brock Baudean 45 6 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/10/2021
42 Justin Harland 10 0 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/10/2021
13 Casey McCoy 27 1 Makos 4/10/2021
9 0 Traction Canes 14u White 4/11/2021
Total 36 1
23 Brayden Perrin 40 6 Makos 4/10/2021
5 Peyton Puffer 33 5 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/10/2021
69 13 Traction Canes 14u White 4/11/2021
Total 102 18
Knights Knation SW
Dylan Demarie 32 3 Traction Canes 14u White 4/10/2021
Kayden Kochell 27 7 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/10/2021
Jairus Miller 47 7 Traction Canes 14u White 4/10/2021
52 14 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/11/2021
Total 99 21
Cameron Stutes 48 8 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/10/2021
35 6 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/11/2021
Total 83 14
Jace Vasquez 18 3 Traction Canes 14u White 4/10/2021
LBA Naturals 13u Blue
5 Grant Barbera 55 9 Makos 4/10/2021
16 2 Makos 4/11/2021
Total 71 11
21 Kolston Martinez 49 9 Makos 4/10/2021
34 Jorge Pertuit 33 6 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/10/2021
60 15 Makos 4/11/2021
Total 93 21
9 Owen Porche 30 3 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/10/2021
12 Hudson Simoneaux 31 9 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/10/2021
31 3 Makos 4/11/2021
Total 62 12
2 Kole Brackman 49 6 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/11/2021
22 Blaze Duhon 13 1 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/10/2021
54 15 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/11/2021
Total 67 16
54 Kade LaCoste 50 6 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
49 Luke Lejeune 90 12 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/10/2021
13 Sam Marse 66 13 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/10/2021
4 Luke McAdams 20 3 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/10/2021
15 Aidan Ryan 57 11 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
Sbg Sox 14u Reed
9 Jack Dryden 39 6 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/10/2021
7 Jackson Estes 55 7 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
22 Brayden Johnson 13 3 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/11/2021
34 Luke Johnson 50 9 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/10/2021
11 3 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/11/2021
Total 61 12
15 0 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
Total 76 12
19 Stone Myrick 12 3 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/10/2021
42 9 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/11/2021
Total 54 12
21 Andrew Phelps 59 11 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/11/2021
17 Brayden Quick 56 9 LBA Naturals 13u Blue 4/10/2021
25 Richard Lewis Ridgway 40 0 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/10/2021
29 2 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
Total 69 2
51 Major Smith 36 4 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/10/2021
Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway
Trey Bradley Jr 56 6 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/10/2021
0 Bryce Bushelle 73 8 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
5 Gunner Evans 46 2 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/10/2021
8 Kellen Garcia 30 6 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/11/2021
29 4 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
Total 59 10
14 Talyn Robison 44 0 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/10/2021
46 7 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/11/2021
Total 90 7
13 Lucas Self 71 9 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/10/2021
17 1 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/11/2021
Total 88 10
Traction Canes 13u Black
12 John David Alexander 71 17 Makos 4/11/2021
21 Carson Christ 39 5 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
23 Myles Ledoux 78 14 Traction Canes 14u White 4/11/2021
8 Canyon Martin 34 6 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/10/2021
2 William Nikolaus 34 3 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/10/2021
22 Mills Richardson 34 8 Storm Chasers - Huff/Greenway 4/10/2021
5 Hayes Segar 34 5 Banditos Ltg Jackson 4/10/2021
28 3 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
Total 62 8
6 Bennett Smith 20 4 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
20 4 Traction Canes 14u White 4/11/2021
Total 40 8
Traction Canes 14u Bozeman
14 Ronald (Tre') Baron 54 6 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
34 Cohen Carmouche 12 0 Traction Canes 14u White 4/10/2021
23 Mitchell Davis 65 18 Knights Knation SW 4/11/2021
8 Jack Fourrier 21 2 Knights Knation SW 4/10/2021
19 2 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
Total 40 4
15 3 Knights Knation SW 4/11/2021
Total 55 7
1 Noah Graves 53 6 Knights Knation SW 4/10/2021
2 Alex Huffine 25 3 Knights Knation SW 4/10/2021
6 1 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
Total 31 4
4 Beau Legnon 56 6 Traction Canes 14u White 4/10/2021
33 John Martinez 42 9 Traction Canes 14u White 4/10/2021
35 2 Sbg Sox 14u Reed 4/11/2021
Total 77 11
Traction Canes 14u White
16 Aidan Achberger 35 8 Knights Knation SW 4/10/2021
38 5 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/11/2021
Total 73 13
10 Connor Campbell 13 4 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/10/2021
52 9 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/11/2021
Total 65 13
34 John Carley 14 1 Knights Knation SW 4/10/2021
38 2 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
Total 52 3
27 Edward Henriquez 10 3 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
13 Finley Jones 44 5 Knights Knation SW 4/10/2021
30 Zachary Joubert 38 2 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/10/2021
88 Avery Lee 26 6 Traction Canes 14u Bozeman 4/10/2021
17 3 Dixie Rv Mallards 4/11/2021
Total 43 9
51 10 Traction Canes 13u Black 4/11/2021
Total 94 19