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8U (Open) 9U (Open) 10U (AAA) 10U (Open) 11U (AAA) 11U (Open) 12U (AAA) 12U (Open) 13U (Open) 14U (Open)
ALL SEEDING GAMES WILL BE PLAYED BY FRIDAY JAN 31ST. DOZEN BASEBALLS INCLUDED / Diamond Kast Included when possible /Pay Umps at the plate 9U-12U $55 13U-14U $60 / MVP AWARDS, Rings and Team Awards/
Jan 29 - Feb 2 |  Weston Regional Park | Weston, FL
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Astros Doral Red
2 Lucas Blanco 2 1 Original Florida Pokers 2032 2/1/2025
7 Jonathan Borge 72 6 X Team 11u 1/31/2025
33 Sebastian Ferrer 66 14 Vsa Lions 2/1/2025
12 Andres Nin 20 3 X Team 11u 1/31/2025
66 11 Original Florida Pokers 2032 2/1/2025
Total 86 14
69 Sebastian Silva 4 2 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/2/2025
10 Luis Thielen 49 8 Original Florida Pokers 2032 1/29/2025
Cristhian Villegas 7 1 Vsa Lions 2/1/2025
52 9 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/2/2025
Total 59 10
Barwis Baseball
7 Grayson Balestriere 14 6 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/28/2025
27 Juan Diego Bernal 16 0 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/30/2025
9 Dylan Blumenkranz 19 1 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/30/2025
33 9 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/1/2025
Total 52 10
17 Julian Boneri 26 2 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/30/2025
5 Hudson Livek 48 12 Eagles 305 2/1/2025
33 Lyam Mesroua 30 0 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/28/2025
1 Ace Miller 21 3 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/30/2025
3 Brayden Politz 35 5 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/1/2025
11 Micah Rudnick 37 6 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/30/2025
13 Terry Thompson 38 6 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/28/2025
Eagles 305
44 Albert Fagundo 34 9 TBT Ballers 11U 1/31/2025
1 Enzo Fermin 33 1 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/29/2025
6 Alfonso Gonzalez 42 5 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/29/2025
12 1 Barwis Baseball 2/1/2025
Total 54 6
24 Nicolas Guerrero 48 7 TBT Ballers 11U 1/31/2025
21 Mathias Lisson 33 2 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/29/2025
34 6 Barwis Baseball 2/1/2025
Total 67 8
2 Anthony Paneque 37 5 Barwis Baseball 2/1/2025
9 Dariel Perez 23 1 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 1/29/2025
Original Florida Pokers 2032
13 Will Acierno 1 0 Astros Doral Red 1/29/2025
32 4 Astros Doral Red 2/1/2025
Total 33 4
22 Blake Austin 71 5 Astros Doral Red 1/29/2025
71 Landon Hilal 55 9 Vsa Lions 1/30/2025
36 Jaxon Keirstead 14 2 Vsa Lions 1/30/2025
22 5 Astros Doral Red 2/1/2025
Total 36 7
11 Cayden Sonneborn 27 0 Vsa Lions 1/30/2025
3 Logan Sosnowski 25 0 Astros Doral Red 1/29/2025
Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue
7 Cannon Allen 18 5 Eagles 305 1/29/2025
39 6 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/2/2025
Total 57 11
17 Kristopher Linares 31 9 Barwis Baseball 1/28/2025
44 12 PLO Bulldogs Red 2/1/2025
Total 75 21
8 Isaiah Mejia 32 4 Eagles 305 1/29/2025
5 1 PLO Bulldogs Red 2/1/2025
Total 37 5
34 6 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/2/2025
Total 71 11
3 Daxton Parker 28 3 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/2/2025
9 Jonathan Pierre 26 5 Barwis Baseball 1/28/2025
33 4 PLO Bulldogs Red 2/1/2025
Total 59 9
Original Pokers of Parkland
17 Landon Berger 29 6 Vsa Lions 1/28/2025
21 2 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/2/2025
Total 50 8
37 6 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 2/2/2025
Total 87 14
15 Tyler Lasher 24 4 TBT Ballers 11U 1/29/2025
37 7 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/2/2025
Total 61 11
12 Noah Morrison 22 5 TBT Ballers 11U 1/29/2025
46 8 X Team 11u 2/1/2025
Total 68 13
17 1 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/2/2025
Total 85 14
10 Grayson Murray 48 6 TBT Ballers 11U 1/29/2025
28 6 X Team 11u 2/1/2025
Total 76 12
19 4 TEAM XTREME 11U 2/2/2025
Total 95 16
13 Noah Nelke 29 5 Vsa Lions 1/28/2025
16 0 X Team 11u 2/1/2025
Total 45 5
45 9 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 2/2/2025
Total 90 14
PLO Bulldogs Red
17 Samuel Burgos 51 6 Barwis Baseball 1/30/2025
36 4 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 2/1/2025
Total 87 10
9 Paolo Pecora 34 5 TEAM XTREME 11U 1/28/2025
8 2 Barwis Baseball 1/30/2025
Total 42 7
10 Alan Perez 54 10 Original Florida Pokers of Parkland - Blue 2/1/2025
13 Juan Perez 24 1 Barwis Baseball 1/30/2025
1 Dennis Polo Jr. 23 3 Barwis Baseball 1/30/2025
22 Ryan Sleiman 47 9 TBT Ballers 11U 2/1/2025
23 Anthony Torres 28 6 TEAM XTREME 11U 1/28/2025
41 6 TBT Ballers 11U 2/1/2025
Total 69 12
TBT Ballers 11U
24 Thiago Cabrera 7 2 Original Pokers of Parkland 1/29/2025
10 Marco Galindo 31 9 Eagles 305 1/31/2025
8 0 PLO Bulldogs Red 2/1/2025
Total 39 9
27 Carlos Guzman 73 13 PLO Bulldogs Red 2/1/2025
11 Richard Koke 72 9 Original Pokers of Parkland 1/29/2025
Alan Mora 46 5 Eagles 305 1/31/2025
27 Cesar Castro 28 6 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/28/2025
14 Alan Cruz 38 3 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/2/2025
23 Jayce Cuervo 22 3 Barwis Baseball 2/1/2025
7 Gregory Gil 51 8 Barwis Baseball 2/1/2025
42 Kyle Gomez 49 6 Astros Doral Red 2/2/2025
9 Bryan Gonzalez 32 3 Astros Doral Red 2/2/2025
1 Aiden Leon 17 6 PLO Bulldogs Red 1/28/2025
26 Ignacio Paparoni 28 6 Barwis Baseball 2/1/2025
21 Rambo Rivera 35 8 X Team 11u 1/28/2025
39 12 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/2/2025
Total 74 20
13 Jason Santibanez 23 5 Astros Doral Red 2/2/2025
8 Jayden Valdes 42 6 X Team 11u 1/28/2025
Vsa Lions
10 Adrien Chil 63 11 Original Pokers of Parkland 1/28/2025
50 Jair Diaz 34 1 Original Pokers of Parkland 1/28/2025
26 5 Astros Doral Red 2/1/2025
Total 60 6
29 Joshua Fundora 0 0 Original Florida Pokers 2032 1/30/2025
28 Michael Hakimi 11 3 Original Florida Pokers 2032 1/30/2025
16 Rolando Martin 60 9 Astros Doral Red 2/1/2025
24 Zakary Serru 38 9 Original Florida Pokers 2032 1/30/2025
X Team 11u
1 Benjamin Bogner 49 8 TEAM XTREME 11U 1/28/2025
24 Liam Castellanos 37 4 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/1/2025
51 Matthew Castro 14 0 TEAM XTREME 11U 1/28/2025
20 4 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/1/2025
Total 34 4
11 Tommy Gagliano 21 2 Astros Doral Red 1/31/2025
33 Jayce Ruiz 24 4 Astros Doral Red 1/31/2025
32 5 Original Pokers of Parkland 2/1/2025
Total 56 9
23 Colton Ruwe 33 4 TEAM XTREME 11U 1/28/2025
9 Jayce TenEyck 42 5 Astros Doral Red 1/31/2025