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10U (Major) 11U (Open) 12U (Minor) 12U (Major) 13U (Major)

The schedule has been revised and updated. Due to the amount of field space, we have and the number of teams between multiple age groups, we have cut game times down to a 1 hour and 30-minute time limit with a 1 hour and 45 minute DROP DEAD time limit for ALL GAMES including SEMIFINALS. The CHAMPIONSHIP game will be a 1 hour and 30 minute time limit. In regard to Monday games, we understand that some teams have players that will be in school, if you are NOT able to attend Monday Games, PLEASE notify us as soon as possible so we can make sure to communicate with our staff and other teams about the changes.  Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank You

Please arrive 1 hour before your scheduled start time.

Please return all foul balls to Diamondkast scorekeeper.

For any questions, email dwickersham@perfectgame.org & ecpg@perfectgame.org
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankPlaceTeamClassificationFromCoach
  OOTP Cyclones Prospects (2029) (36-6-0 in 2024) 13Major Green Brook, NJ Travis Zilg
  East Coast Ghost Scout (25-11-1 in 2024) 13Major Eatontown, NJ
  RCBC Ghost 13U Americans (18-16-2 in 2024) 13Major Staten Island, NY George Quinn
  RCBC Ghost 13U Nationals (22-12-1 in 2024) 13AAA Staten Island, NY Ricky Giovannone
  Combat 13u National Arnone (7-7-0 in 2024) 13Major Cherry Hill, NJ Tom Arnone
  East Coast Ghost (10-17-0 in 2024) 13AAA Eatontown, NJ
  Essex County Select 13u (7-11-2 in 2024) 13Major Newark, NJ
  Grit 13u Black (9-9-0 in 2024) 13Major New City, NY
  Iron Nine 13U (1-8-2 in 2024) 13Major Montclair, NJ
  Pine Bush Rebels Select (3-8-1 in 2024) 13AAA Bloomingburg, NY Brian Amiel
  Team Francisco Notorious 9 13U (7-9-0 in 2024) 13Major Farmingdale, NY Justin White
  Zoned RedHawks Elite (7-6-1 in 2024) 13A Bridgewater, NJ