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10U (Open) 11U (Open) 12U (AAA) 12U (Major) 13U (Open) 14U (Open)
Teams will play at the same park both days which is the location listed next to your age group specifically
Mar 22 - 23 |  Gaffney Field | Everett, WA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

Gold Bracket

Pool B Seed 2 Riptide 11u - Engelbrecht 6  Pool A Seed 1 Elevate NW 11U - Hanna 10   
GM: 8 | 3/23 | 9:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Gaffney Field @ Gaffney Field
  GM: 11 | 3/23 | 3:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Gaffney Field @ Gaffney Field
Pool A Seed 3 Stanwood Cannons 10  Pool A Seed 3 Stanwood Cannons 2   
      Pool A Seed 1 Elevate NW 11U - Hanna 13
     GM: 13 | 3/23 | 7:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Gaffney Field @ Gaffney Field
Pool B Seed 1 New Level Baseball 11u Brown 18     
GM: 9 | 3/23 | 1:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Gaffney Field @ Gaffney Field
     Pool A Seed 2 New Level Baseball 11u Scherrer 2
Pool A Seed 4 Northwest Hustle 11u 3  Pool B Seed 1 New Level Baseball 11u Brown 5   
  GM: 12 | 3/23 | 5:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Gaffney Field @ Gaffney Field
Pool A Seed 2 New Level Baseball 11u Scherrer 15  Pool A Seed 2 New Level Baseball 11u Scherrer 13   
GM: 10 | 3/23 | 11:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Gaffney Field @ Gaffney Field
Pool B Seed 3 WA Rush Diamond Dogs 11U 3