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At the request of Seminole County and our partnership with them, the following policies will continue to be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex.

* Metal Spikes are not allowed inside of the complex.  Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box.  Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes.  They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.  
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.   
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed
* No boom boxes, music or noise makers allowed
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Prime Naturals 13u Knox Myers R85
Zt Prime Lujan Nathan Handley-White R82
Zt Prime Lujan Samuel Vatterott R79
Zt Prime Lujan Cruz Guzman R78
Sports Academy Orlando 13u Mauricio Zaa R78
FBH Angels 13U Red Christian Gaines R77
Central Florida Bad Boyz Phoenix Thomas R77
R3 13u Pink Lukas Klipper L76
Canes Premier B.C. William Miller R76
Zt Prime Lujan Adrian Moreno R76
Central Florida Bad Boyz Mason Frey R75
Canes Florida 13u Dax Bjorn Nelsen R75
R3 13u Pink Hayden Perez R75
Central Florida Bad Boyz Mathias Perozo R75
Scorpions 13u Jax Yuzzolin R75
Zt Prime Lujan Reid Gilmore R74
Orlando Bandits 13U Jeremiah Guerra R74
Central Florida Bad Boyz Jayden Perez R74
Prime Naturals 13u Owen Messick R73
Scorpions 13u Tanner Russell R73
Canes Florida 13u Dax Zaid Basco R72
Zt Prime Lujan Liam Hassen R72
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Jaedon Lawton R72
CBU 13u Chappell Lucas Ossi R72
Angels 13u Grey Easton Stoltzfus L72
Scorpions 13u Gabriel Klimis R71
R3 13u Pink Carter Lieb R71
Canes Florida 13U Gold Claytin Olmstead R71
Canes Florida 13u Dax Carter Rose R71
CBU 13u Moore Judson Wilford R71
Sports Academy Orlando 13u Jeremy Almarza R70
FBH Angels 13U Red Colt Connell R70
R3 13u Pink Carson Franjesevic R70
Dme Academy Jace Hartley R70
CBU 13u Moore Brody Howard R70
Dme Academy Zachary Kilian R70
Orlando Bandits 13U Logan Lopez B70
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Jacob Perez R70
Canes Florida 13u Dax Xavier Rivera R70
Central Florida Bad Boyz Fabricio Solorzano R70
Prime Naturals 13u Luc Thornton R70
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Jack Torresson R70
Zt Prime Lujan William Wade R70
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Fabian Cruz R69
Scorpions 13u Cade DePriest R69
Prime Naturals 13u Sammy Edgson R69
Central Florida Bad Boyz Allen Fernandez R69
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Kaleth Fradera R69
CBU 13u Moore Finn Gillespie R69
Team Orlando 13u Kors Matthews L69
Scorpions 13u Cade Niles R69
FBH Angels 13U Red Ivan Sada R69
Angels 13u Grey Jaylon Taylor R69
Canes Florida 13u Dax Cristian Torres R69
Canes Florida 13u Dax Reid Alberti R68
Prime Naturals 13u Lucas Blaxberg R68
Angels 13u Grey Corbin Britt L68
Angels 13u Grey Travis Gonser R68
Central Florida Bad Boyz Luis Hernandez R68
Scorpions 13u Jace Kennedy L68
Angels 13u Grey Christian Lopez R68
Sports Academy Orlando 13u Roberto Torres R68
CBU 13u Chappell Brooks Vaughan R68
Canes Florida 13u Dax Isaiah Acevedo R67
Angels 13u Grey Baylenn Ibarra R67
R3 13u Pink Harrison Kieffer R67
Canes Premier B.C. Marcello Velasquez R67
CBU 13u Moore Reggie Ansley Iii R66
CBU 13u Chappell Calvin Blas R66
FBH Angels 13U Red Caleb Encarnacion R66
Orlando Bandits 13U Daniel Galindez R66
CBU 13u Chappell Austin Harth R66
Dme Academy Sam Klimtzak R66
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Matthew Morales Jr R66
Orlando Bandits 13U Zander Wingham R66
FBH Angels 13U Red Jaxon Beattie R65
CBU 13u Chappell Aaron Ches R65
Canes Premier B.C. Jose Hernandez R65
Team Orlando 13u Jackson Holmes L65
CBU 13u Moore Brooks Hubbard R65
CBU 13u Chappell Mason Leshyn L65
Sports Academy Orlando 13u Xylon Liriano-Jimenez R65
Prime Naturals 13u Jonah Lloyd R65
Central Florida Bad Boyz Leonardo Polo Arteaga L65
Angels 13u Grey Elijah Serrano R65
Prime Naturals 13u Jovanni Soto R65
Canes Premier B.C. Luciano Alejandro Bello Suarez L64
R3 13u Pink Ronnie Davis L64
Team Orlando 13u Connor Jernigan R64
Canes Florida 13U Gold Kamaehu Pescaia R64
Team Orlando 13u Connor Tomlinson R64
Canes Florida 13U Gold Jonathan Alicea R63
Dme Academy Baron Brownlee R63
Scorpions 13u Drew Goldman R63
Canes Florida 13u Dax Ashton Minner R63
Prime Naturals 13u Jayden Oliver R63
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Jayden Taylor L63
R3 13u Pink Joshua Wintle R63
R3 13u Pink Andrew Wood R63
Canes Premier B.C. Gabriel Cruceta L62
Prime Naturals 13u Keegan Mackay R62
Orlando Bandits 13U Cameron Robledo R62
CBU 13u Chappell Colton Sambito R62
Team Orlando 13u Jack Bennett R61
Dme Academy Shiloh Gallimore R61
CBU 13u Moore Chris Nunez R61
Team Orlando 13u Wyatt Sheppard R61
Team Orlando 13u Preston Wetherell R61
Angels 13u Grey Adrian Betances R60
Team Florida Ruff Ryders Brady Douglas R60
CBU 13u Chappell Lincoln McBride R60
Canes Florida 13U Gold Aston Mooney R60
Canes Florida 13U Gold Connor Cutchin R58
Canes Florida 13U Gold Carlos Sanchez R58
Canes Premier B.C. Aquiles Torrealba IV R57