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Games at Greenland #4 were slightly delayed this morning due to a sprinkler issue. For those traveling for their championship game, we know there it may take time to get there. We will give you time to get there and warm up.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Nj Marlins 13u Samuel Kentos R75
Mba 2029 - Moore Deandre Williams R75
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Massimo Mena R73
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Fabian Madriz R72
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Silas Magdalein R72
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Hudson Oakley-Doran R72
Florida Select Odanyx Ofarril R72
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Damon Rodriguez R72
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Jackson Titlow R72
Nj Marlins 13u Jason Ballard Jr. R71
Bat 13u Gold Yeimel Lopez R71
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Kash Nickerson R71
Florida Select Luis Andres Cruz Fuentes R70
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Braylin DeLoach R70
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Misael Jimenez R70
Dme Academy Zachary Kilian R70
Bluegill Baseball Kors Matthews L70
Hard Ninety South Reed McFarland R70
Bat 13u Gold Derek Poueymirow R70
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Elijah Sevilla R70
Bluegill Baseball Jackson Arnold R69
Bluegill Baseball Dylan Froloff R69
Nj Marlins 13u Tristen Garcia R69
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Brody Howard R69
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Karson Kettles R69
5 Star Hurricanes Colt Spargur L69
Hard Ninety South Brendan Bosley R68
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Daylen Brown R68
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Lake Bush R68
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Tanner Davis R68
Florida Select Jayden Luciano R68
Jax Indians Cooper Sullivan L68
Tallahassee Renegades Wiley Barfield R67
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas RJ Brown R67
Bat 13u Gold Alvaro Diaz R67
Florida Select Austin Jeziel Escobar Velazquez L67
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Wyatt Floyd R67
Hard Ninety South Devin Johnson R67
Dme Academy Daniel Lucas R67
Jax Indians Logan Phillips R67
5 Star Hurricanes Noah Sepulveda R67
Mba 2029 - Remy Brooks Vaughan R67
Jax Indians Calvin Blas R66
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Juan Duque Crespo R66
Hard Ninety South Jordan Eure R66
Tallahassee Renegades Hudson Mills R66
Jax Indians Keegan Powell R66
Tallahassee Renegades Rj Watson R66
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Jase Williams L66
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Jonah Altman R65
Hard Ninety South Baron Brownlee R65
Florida Select Jeriel Gotay R65
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Ryan Hull R65
Bluegill Baseball Emerson Jones L65
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Adrian Perez R65
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Bryson Shiell R65
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Judson Wilford R65
Tallahassee Renegades Tyler Wilson R65
Florida Select Tanner Barker R64
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Parker Bridges R64
Mba 2029 - Moore Peyton Bryan R64
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Adrian Camejo R64
Bluegill Baseball Banks Chew R64
Tallahassee Renegades Preston Cooksey R64
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Henry Dillard R64
Bluegill Baseball Amari Green R64
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Toby Jackson L64
Dme Academy Sam Klimtzak R64
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Nathaniel Mohan R64
Bat 13u Gold Angel Moreno R64
Florida Select Roberto Torres R64
Bat 13u Gold Ian Ugas R64
Mba 2029 - Remy Aaron Ches R63
Mba 2029 - Moore Nixon Edenfield R63
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan Nicolas Farrugia L63
Jax Indians Parker Hensch R63
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Parker Hodgins R63
Nj Marlins 13u Michael Mendes R63
Hard Ninety South Kade Nemitz R63
5 Star Hurricanes Marion Simmons R63
Tallahassee Renegades Caleb Swee R63
5 Star Hurricanes Zack Szypczak L63
Hard Ninety North Talan Taylor R63
Mba 2029 - Moore Braden Wright R63
Florida Select Cesar Calzadilla Marcano R62
Mba 2029 - Remy Jackson Caputo R62
Diamond Elite 13U Calahan George (Trey) Gibbs R62
Bluegill Baseball Braxton Hickman L62
Nj Marlins 13u Dylan Johnson R62
Hard Ninety North Nicolas Lutton R62
Tallahassee Renegades Fisher Stewart L62
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Zeke Varela R62
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Gunner Bingham R61
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Jacob Casillas R61
5 Star Hurricanes John Ontal R61
Bat 13u Gold Liam Rivera R61
Florida Dodgers Scout Team 13u Suriel Jake Roberts R61
Florida Select Brian Lee Taylor Jr. R61
Tallahassee Renegades Canaan Volpe R61
5 Star Hurricanes Hogan Wareham R61
Nj Marlins 13u William Cloonan R60
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Jack Green R60
5 Star Hurricanes Coleman Joyce R60
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Spencer Mulholland R60
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Alexander Vichabian R60
Mba 2029 - Remy Alexander Hernandez L59
Mba 2029 - Moore Caleb Kahn L59
5 Star Hurricanes Cole Rogers R59
Wily Mo Dragons 13u Grayson Taveras R59
FL Dodgers 13U Lucas Greyson Harris R58
Bat 13u Gold Davian Jurado R58
Mba 2029 - Remy Mason Leshyn L58
Hard Ninety South Cameron Little R58
Mba 2029 - Remy Miles Proly R58
Mba 2029 - Remy Colton Sambito R58
Florida Select Ari Yossifon L58
Hard Ninety North Chase Bowman R57
Bat 13u Gold Nicholas Gonzalez R57
Tallahassee Renegades Liam Lafuria R57
Mba 2029 - Moore Chris Nunez R57
Hard Ninety North Jacob St. Jean R57
Bat 13u Gold Sebastian Vazquez R57
Hard Ninety North Krosby Kling R56
Jax Indians Austin Loyola R56
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs Wyatt Stokes R55
Bat 13u Gold Maximo Betancourt R54
Hard Ninety North Landon Hallam R53
Mba 2029 - Moore Miller Rolf R53
Hard Ninety North Luke Gildon R52