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There will be a Gate fee at Great Park as part of the Fundraiser!! It'll be a $5 entry!! CASH ONLY!!

Game Times:
8u: 1 hr 30 mins, 6 innings No New
9u-12u: 1 hr 40 mins, 6 innings No New
13u-14: 1 hr 55 mins, 7 innings No New

On Site Directors:
Great Park: Isaiah Atwater - (562)-447-7139
Marina HS: Mike Flores - (909)-374-7439

If you have any questions about anything please contact Isaiah Atwater: (562)-447-7139 or pg.isaiaha@gmail.com
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Cali National Baseball Academy
21 Adam Churney 55 9 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/1/2025
22 Jaxon Clay 13 3 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
13 Curtis Cox 73 13 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/2/2025
9 Laird Rainis 64 9 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/2/2025
23 Isaac Robles 27 6 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/2/2025
22 3 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/2/2025
Total 49 9
17 Cody Rodino 83 18 SoCal Ace's- Wombles 3/1/2025
32 Jacob Woo 72 15 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
Combat Baseball GARCIA
1 Jordan De Marcelo 66 15 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/1/2025
3 Artie Flores 48 4 The Lot 3/2/2025
59 7 Combat Baseball Salamanca 3/2/2025
Total 107 11
30 Alexander Garcia 32 6 The Lot 3/2/2025
34 Matias Gordon 25 1 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/1/2025
24 Oscar Gutierrez 54 8 Combat Baseball Salamanca 3/2/2025
23 Eli Santiago 32 6 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/1/2025
22 Aiden Vargas 20 2 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/1/2025
23 5 The Lot 3/2/2025
Total 43 7
Combat Baseball Salamanca
5 Koen Cabral 44 6 SD TACOS 3/1/2025
10 Fabian Castro 43 5 G1 Cruz 12U 3/1/2025
50 4 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/2/2025
Total 93 9
15 Hugo Garcia 37 2 G1 Cruz 12U 3/1/2025
Richard Hale 3 1 SD TACOS 3/1/2025
42 9 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/2/2025
Total 45 10
11 Anthony Krekos 62 2 SD TACOS 3/1/2025
3 0 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/2/2025
Total 65 2
G1 Cruz 12U
35 Rhys Harris 31 9 Combat Baseball Salamanca 3/1/2025
6 Max Martinez 49 9 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/1/2025
25 Jonathan Reyna 50 6 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
43 Danny Robinzine 25 6 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/1/2025
77 12 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
Total 102 18
31 Dustin Werner 21 3 Combat Baseball Salamanca 3/1/2025
Irvine Dolphins
21 Austin Fujimoto 17 3 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/1/2025
10 Satyen Kapadia 60 13 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/2/2025
19 Kevin Li 70 9 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/1/2025
7 Griffin Looney 18 3 PFA Peloteros 3/1/2025
12 Parker Maninang 20 3 PFA Peloteros 3/1/2025
24 Leon Won 24 3 PFA Peloteros 3/1/2025
26 2 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/2/2025
Total 50 5
Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green
27 Roberto Gutierrez 19 6 Long Beach 6th Tool 3/1/2025
66 Liam Martinez 31 6 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/2/2025
10 Brody Nalder 36 6 PFA Peloteros 3/1/2025
13 Kidd Nettekoven 17 3 SoCal Ace's- Wombles 3/2/2025
15 Christian Sanders 29 6 PFA Peloteros 3/1/2025
5 Drason Valdez 69 12 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/2/2025
9 Omar Villaseñor 69 15 SoCal Ace's- Wombles 3/2/2025
Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black
15 Aaron Barraza 40 9 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/1/2025
9 Zachary Berman 11 3 The Lot 3/1/2025
46 11 Irvine Dolphins 3/2/2025
Total 57 14
42 Connor Brackett 2 2 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/1/2025
27 Decker Del Giorgio 26 6 The Lot 3/1/2025
35 Connor Downey 13 3 The Lot 3/1/2025
36 7 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
Total 49 10
24 Chase Hasson 19 3 The Lot 3/1/2025
27 7 Irvine Dolphins 3/2/2025
Total 46 10
36 5 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
Total 82 15
23 Clayton Malik 29 3 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/1/2025
2 Jackson Menichini 25 4 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/1/2025
5 Graham Pender 12 3 The Lot 3/1/2025
37 6 Placentia Punishers 3/2/2025
Total 49 9
Long Beach 6th Tool
33 Séamus Alimahomed-Wilson 42 3 The Lot 3/2/2025
3 Michael Erice 63 6 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/1/2025
16 Cruz Lujan 37 3 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/1/2025
2 Nicolas Mendoza 12 1 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/1/2025
35 Walton Miller 62 3 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/1/2025
44 Katin Pesce 20 0 West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes 3/1/2025
29 Theodore Weiss 60 8 The Lot 3/2/2025
PFA Peloteros
16 Dominic Alcazar 4 0 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/1/2025
4 Ryder Duarte 36 6 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/2/2025
99 Blake Kwak 33 1 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/1/2025
6 Henrick Martin 34 9 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/1/2025
27 Matix Miranda 68 2 Irvine Dolphins 3/1/2025
0 Carmelo Riggins 46 6 Irvine Dolphins 3/1/2025
57 9 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/2/2025
Total 103 15
Placentia Punishers
44 Tyler DaRosa 17 3 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/1/2025
62 15 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/2/2025
Total 79 18
37 Tyler Erwin 12 3 G1 Cruz 12U 3/2/2025
4 Luke Hartshorn 73 12 SD TACOS 3/1/2025
25 Finn Knapp 21 6 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/2/2025
19 Beckham Mahoney 28 6 SD TACOS 3/1/2025
2 Jack Nunnari 49 5 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/1/2025
26 5 G1 Cruz 12U 3/2/2025
Total 75 10
99 David Orozco 30 9 G1 Cruz 12U 3/2/2025
21 Jeremiah Peterson 20 2 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/1/2025
25 3 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/2/2025
Total 45 5
8 Caden Petler 70 12 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/2/2025
27 Cole Petler 10 2 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/1/2025
8 Baer Bleier 38 5 The Lot 3/2/2025
47 David Clark 15 3 The Lot 3/2/2025
36 9 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/2/2025
Total 51 12
24 Jace Crittenden 19 4 Placentia Punishers 3/1/2025
6 0 The Lot 3/2/2025
Total 25 4
10 August Edelstein 21 2 The Lot 3/2/2025
50 Jathan Hermosillo 38 9 Combat Baseball Salamanca 3/1/2025
28 5 The Lot 3/2/2025
Total 66 14
42 Travis Hillman 11 1 Placentia Punishers 3/1/2025
22 Ryan Lawrence 32 6 Total Baseball Vipers 12u 3/2/2025
7 Jackson Pucci 77 13 Placentia Punishers 3/1/2025
0 0 The Lot 3/2/2025
Total 77 13
SoCal Ace's- Wombles
12 Owen Braun 5 1 The Lot 3/1/2025
7 3 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/2/2025
Total 12 4
35 Cruz Gonzalez 32 4 The Lot 3/1/2025
5 Nicholas Henderson 25 1 The Lot 3/1/2025
2 Isaiah Landa 41 6 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/1/2025
0 0 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/2/2025
Total 41 6
49 Jacob Martinez 57 9 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/1/2025
23 Nicolas Quintero 35 8 The Lot 3/1/2025
55 Joel Rubio 70 12 Knights Knation 11U So Cal Green 3/2/2025
The Lot
45 Jack Bolan 30 6 Long Beach 6th Tool 3/2/2025
9 Akahi Cason 55 6 SoCal Ace's- Wombles 3/1/2025
12 3 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/2/2025
Total 67 9
14 2 SD TACOS 3/2/2025
Total 81 11
27 Blake Christian 57 10 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/2/2025
19 6 Long Beach 6th Tool 3/2/2025
Total 76 16
23 Carter Johnson 27 3 SoCal Ace's- Wombles 3/1/2025
10 Ryker Mahoney 9 3 SoCal Ace's- Wombles 3/1/2025
14 Adam Montalto 71 13 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/1/2025
18 Aaron Ortiz 73 9 SD TACOS 3/2/2025
7 Jake Prewitt 12 3 Combat Baseball GARCIA 3/2/2025
6 Noah Roquemore 19 3 Legacy Baseball Group 12u Black 3/1/2025
Total Baseball Vipers 12u
9 Isaiah Alvarenga 48 9 PFA Peloteros 3/2/2025
5 Matthew Negrete 32 3 Placentia Punishers 3/1/2025
10 3 PFA Peloteros 3/2/2025
Total 42 6
23 2 SD TACOS 3/2/2025
Total 65 8
21 Jacob Sadowsky 10 1 Placentia Punishers 3/1/2025
13 3 PFA Peloteros 3/2/2025
Total 23 4
99 Jett Townsend 32 5 G1 Cruz 12U 3/1/2025
63 12 SD TACOS 3/2/2025
Total 95 17
4 Connor Walters 47 9 G1 Cruz 12U 3/1/2025
32 Desi Willers 36 4 Placentia Punishers 3/1/2025
West Coast Blackdogs 12u Barnes
1 Maddox Frazier 44 9 Long Beach 6th Tool 3/1/2025
4 1 Irvine Dolphins 3/1/2025
Total 48 10
50 Julien Hill 75 10 Irvine Dolphins 3/1/2025
77 Dominic Reyes 35 2 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/2/2025
21 Aramis Sevilla 53 11 Cali National Baseball Academy 3/2/2025