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We are now CASHLESS at most of our locations for GATE AND CONCESSIONS.
Please see the locations below for more information:

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards,CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

-$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-GATE: Credit Cards, CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash, NO Venmo, NO PayPal at GATE
Concessions Available- Cash, Credit Cards, & CashApp

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Gps Legends 10u - Henderson
23 Nicolas Benavidez 46 10 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/24/2024
5 Reign Breazeale 28 3 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/24/2024
10 Hudson Henderson 59 15 Lbc Central Red 10u 2/25/2024
15 Hudson Miller 47 12 Lbc North - Moench 2/24/2024
Lbc Central Navy 10u
24 Garrett Aubry 35 7 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/25/2024
1 Caden Brashears 58 18 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/25/2024
2 Bryson Fry 40 3 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/25/2024
7 August Knox 13 3 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/24/2024
66 14 Texas Velocity 10U 2/25/2024
Total 79 17
21 Austin Miller 44 6 Lubbock Bombers 2/24/2024
28 Eli Pickering 53 9 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/24/2024
99 Max Rodriguez 47 5 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/25/2024
4 1 Texas Velocity 10U 2/25/2024
Total 51 6
17 Cy Ross 33 6 Lubbock Bombers 2/24/2024
Lbc Central Navy 9u
7 August Asher 20 2 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
3 Sawyer Hebert 22 1 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/24/2024
10 Riley Killmer 33 5 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/24/2024
11 Hayes Prudhomme 36 4 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
1 Rhett Rogers 26 6 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/24/2024
23 Chase Yoder 27 3 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
Lbc Central Red 10u
27 Cash Brown 59 6 Sa Titans 10u 2/24/2024
1 Cambell Kimbro 57 9 Texas Braves Baseball 2/24/2024
70 Brendan Murphy 28 3 Sa Titans 10u 2/24/2024
44 Hank Stover 15 3 Texas Braves Baseball 2/24/2024
Lbc North - Moench
Ben Broomhall 26 3 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/24/2024
John Evans 27 2 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/24/2024
Brentley Hernandez 22 3 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/24/2024
Bryce Kennedy 18 3 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/24/2024
Luke Lothringer 17 3 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/24/2024
Turner Moebs 30 6 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/25/2024
Noah Perardi 68 9 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/25/2024
Evan Perez 34 5 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/24/2024
Caden Wilbanks 42 4 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/24/2024
Lt Outlaws 10u
24 Kellan Brandes 30 6 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/24/2024
4 Camdyn Kelso 56 6 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/24/2024
8 Crockett Pittman 37 3 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/24/2024
9 Eli Vondrehle 32 6 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/24/2024
LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan
44 Ethan Clark 39 10 Titans 10u Black 2/24/2024
15 Landon Lawrence 20 3 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
2 Mason McDonald 24 6 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
4 Brady Sullivan 33 2 Titans 10u Black 2/24/2024
Lubbock Bombers
4 Samhir Brown 18 6 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
66 7 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/25/2024
Total 84 13
34 Gustavo Enriquez 8 2 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
25 3 Lbc Central Navy 10u 2/24/2024
Total 33 5
53 8 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/25/2024
Total 86 13
28 Cathan Grady 39 5 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
8 Jaxson Hamilton 39 6 Lbc Central Navy 10u 2/24/2024
7 Creed Lehnen 24 3 Lbc Central Navy 10u 2/24/2024
27 Braden Robinson 12 2 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
9 0 Lbc Central Navy 10u 2/24/2024
Total 21 2
Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek
4 Ford Burrus 24 3 Lbc North - Moench 2/24/2024
5 Hunter Cope 22 6 Lbc North - Moench 2/24/2024
9 Raider Massengale 37 6 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/24/2024
23 Tyler Pawelek 13 3 Lbc North - Moench 2/24/2024
10 Samuel Stevens 21 3 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/24/2024
19 Paxton Zahn 35 6 Gps Legends 10u - Henderson 2/24/2024
Sa Kings 10u Benavidez
24 Mikey Aguirre 28 6 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/24/2024
3 Xain Cuellar 56 8 Lbc Central Navy 10u 2/24/2024
7 Dominic Flores 36 3 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/24/2024
6 1 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/25/2024
Total 42 4
49 9 Lubbock Bombers 2/25/2024
Total 91 13
2 Gunnar Fox 49 4 Lbc Central Navy 10u 2/24/2024
75 14 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/25/2024
Total 124 18
77 Joseph Crew Smith 20 3 Lbc Central Navy 9u 2/24/2024
Sa Titans 10u
34 Eli Galvan 39 3 Lbc Central Red 10u 2/24/2024
2 Dillon Gutierrez 34 6 Lbc Central Red 10u 2/24/2024
6 Ryan Tejeda 19 6 Texas Braves Baseball 2/24/2024
24 Martin Vazquez 23 6 Texas Braves Baseball 2/24/2024
Texas Braves Baseball
3 Cesar Alfaro Jr. 15 1 Sa Titans 10u 2/24/2024
Silas Castillo 29 6 Sa Titans 10u 2/24/2024
8 3 Titans 10u Black 2/25/2024
Total 37 9
20 Ashton Jimenez 15 3 Titans 10u Black 2/25/2024
99 Nolan Self 39 6 Lbc Central Red 10u 2/24/2024
70 9 Titans 10u Black 2/25/2024
Total 109 15
21 Max Weger 28 6 Lbc Central Red 10u 2/24/2024
27 3 Sa Titans 10u 2/24/2024
Total 55 9
Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay
27 Easton Floyd 20 3 Lubbock Bombers 2/24/2024
1 Sylas Hall 32 3 Lubbock Bombers 2/24/2024
32 Brandon Herrera 42 9 Lubbock Bombers 2/24/2024
30 Lennox Minick 20 3 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/24/2024
10 Ryan Ragland 38 6 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/24/2024
21 Andre Yates III 32 3 Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski 2/24/2024
Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz
16 Christopher Alvarez 39 8 Texas Two Seam 2/24/2024
61 12 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/25/2024
Total 100 20
27 Cooper Debolt 64 8 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/25/2024
21 Zachariah Enriquez 40 6 Young Guns Gilbert 2/24/2024
23 Jaxson Gray 70 18 Young Guns Gilbert 2/25/2024
6 Lavon House 40 6 Young Guns Gilbert 2/24/2024
2 Ross Ramon Jr. 11 3 Young Guns Gilbert 2/24/2024
24 4 Marucci Elite Ctx - Pawelek 2/25/2024
Total 35 7
10 Maverick Uriarte 24 4 Texas Two Seam 2/24/2024
13 3 Sa Kings 10u Benavidez 2/25/2024
Total 37 7
Texas Two Seam
12 Jacob Castro 50 6 Young Guns Gilbert 2/24/2024
29 Timothy Herrera 37 3 Young Guns Gilbert 2/24/2024
23 Cruz McAfee 44 5 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz 2/24/2024
13 Aiden Terry 50 4 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz 2/24/2024
Texas Velocity 10U
2 Derek Corral 20 3 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
Noah Cura 44 1 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
25 William Gaona 35 3 Titans 10u Black 2/24/2024
22 Adam Garcia 40 3 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
0 Ivan Rodriguez 42 3 Titans 10u Black 2/24/2024
27 Cheston Yanez 26 2 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
Titans 10u Black
1 Major Espinoza 31 1 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
14 Ashmore Hanley 29 1 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
2 Vincent Harris 16 1 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
11 Chance Hester 75 12 Texas Two Seam 2/25/2024
9 Cameron Howard 56 3 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
28 3 Texas Two Seam 2/25/2024
Total 84 6
31 Dillon Kimbrel 20 0 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
24 Jacob Machen 36 7 LT Outlaws 10u-Sullivan 2/24/2024
12 3 Texas Two Seam 2/25/2024
Total 48 10
3 Aiden Pena 29 2 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
27 Connor Woolley 21 1 Texas Velocity 10U 2/24/2024
Usa Prime San Antonio 10u Orloski
6 Jesus Jaden Alvarado 5 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
42 Nico Collmar 23 2 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
26 6 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/25/2024
Total 49 8
30 4 Sa Titans 10u 2/25/2024
Total 79 12
8 Benjamin Dinkins 12 3 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
2 Gavin Flores 9 1 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
1 Nicolas Garcia 12 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
23 Brody Sanchez 8 1 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
27 Kaige Tyson 35 2 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
10 Kason Wiatrek 24 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 10u Malay 2/24/2024
39 5 Sa Titans 10u 2/25/2024
Total 63 8
5 Baron Williams 11 3 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
53 9 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/25/2024
Total 64 12
9 Gauge Yancy 19 3 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/24/2024
9 0 Lt Outlaws 10u 2/25/2024
Total 28 3
18 3 Sa Titans 10u 2/25/2024
Total 46 6
Young Guns Gilbert
Trace Gilbert 25 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz 2/24/2024
Jaxton Hanke 17 1 Texas Two Seam 2/24/2024
Rush Higson 16 3 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz 2/24/2024
Mason Noblin 32 8 Texas Two Seam 2/24/2024
Mason Oldham 30 5 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz 2/24/2024
Desmond Potts 31 4 Texas Sun Devils - Atx - 9u Ruiz 2/24/2024