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We are now CASHLESS at most of our locations for GATE AND CONCESSIONS.
Please see the locations below for more information:

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards & CashApp, Apple Pay, & Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards & CashApp, Apple Pay,& Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

$10/Daily Gate per Adult (17&Up)
-Credit Cards & CashApp, Apple Pay,& Google Pay ONLY
-NO Cash Accepted
-NO Venmo / NO PayPal Accepted

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location

-$200 Team Gate Fee (there is not a daily fee for spectators)
-This must be paid for each team participating at this location
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Action 10U Green
25 Reid Baxter 63 5 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/17/2024
15 Luke Cannon 34 6 Impact 10u 2/18/2024
11 Hudson Carter 59 6 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/17/2024
44 Jackson Dubose 20 1 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
18 Jax Hardy 63 9 Ds Tigers 10u 2/17/2024
16 2 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
Total 79 11
99 Brooks Paul 35 0 Ds Tigers 10u 2/17/2024
23 Dominic Taliaferro 77 9 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
17 Bryden Williams 10 1 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/17/2024
Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg
Andrew Bentley 14 3 Lbc Central White 10u 2/17/2024
Henry Drew 27 4 Lbc Central White 10u 2/17/2024
50 6 Lbc North - Corkill 2/18/2024
Total 77 10
7 John Buis Greenberg 53 9 Tritons 10u Harris 2/17/2024
30 6 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/18/2024
Total 83 15
Barrett McIntyre 36 2 Lbc North - Corkill 2/18/2024
George McIntyre 23 2 Lbc Central White 10u 2/17/2024
Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold
23 Noah Davila 34 9 Tejas 10u Red 2/18/2024
7 Max Enriquez 62 9 Impact 10u 2/17/2024
11 Micah Mundt 47 8 Fusion 2/18/2024
2 Lone Robledo 55 12 Action 10U Green 2/17/2024
3 Jamal Smith 9 1 Fusion 2/18/2024
Canes Southwest - Lake Travis
27 Saahil Gandhi 50 3 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/17/2024
44 Will Kana 30 6 Tejas 10u Red 2/17/2024
48 6 Lbc North - Corkill 2/18/2024
Total 78 12
18 Jc Lewis 30 3 Tejas 10u Red 2/17/2024
53 11 Lbc Central White 10u 2/18/2024
Total 83 14
1 Ethan Manes 24 3 Lbc North - Corkill 2/18/2024
4 Bode Mistretta 34 1 Lbc North - Corkill 2/18/2024
7 Landon Rajaee 20 3 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/17/2024
Ds Tigers 10u
66 Tapley Biel 32 3 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/18/2024
21 Dunagan Dennehy 5 0 Lbc North - Corkill 2/17/2024
38 6 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/18/2024
Total 43 6
27 Reid Johnston 43 6 Lbc North - Corkill 2/17/2024
11 Jackson Lengefeld 53 6 Tritons 10u Harris 2/18/2024
5 Mateo Long 22 6 Tritons 10u Harris 2/18/2024
3 Elijah Norden 28 3 Lbc North - Corkill 2/17/2024
30 6 Action 10U Green 2/17/2024
Total 58 9
1 Henry Rollins 49 6 Action 10U Green 2/17/2024
7 Aiden Almaguer 24 1 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/17/2024
19 Sarah Camarillo 23 1 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/18/2024
26 Noel Guerrero 19 5 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/17/2024
69 12 Tejas 10u Red 2/18/2024
Total 88 17
13 Brody Heflin 30 1 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/17/2024
0 Ashton Jimenez 15 3 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/17/2024
58 5 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/18/2024
Total 73 8
0 Gauge Munoz 16 2 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/17/2024
Impact 10u
12 Connor Behrens 60 7 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/17/2024
30 1 Action 10U Green 2/18/2024
Total 90 8
Colton Ellis 45 3 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/17/2024
16 Santos Mendoza 56 4 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/18/2024
5 Blayne Mikulec 41 3 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/17/2024
8 1 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/18/2024
Total 49 4
7 Vincent Trevino 23 0 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/17/2024
Ryder White 16 2 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/17/2024
50 2 Action 10U Green 2/18/2024
Total 66 4
Lbc Central White 10u
9 Flash Cantu 51 6 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/17/2024
15 Denver Cave 32 6 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/18/2024
23 Brayden Fuller 23 3 Tritons 10u Harris 2/18/2024
8 Jp George 25 3 TRPD Spartans White 2/17/2024
13 Caiden Harris 37 2 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/18/2024
45 Maclin Pike 55 6 Tritons 10u Harris 2/18/2024
5 Deklan Soto 16 3 TRPD Spartans White 2/17/2024
10 Burke Stanley 16 4 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/18/2024
4 Lucas Wyatt 49 6 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/17/2024
6 Charlie Yokubaitis 47 6 TRPD Spartans White 2/17/2024
Lbc North - Corkill
Brayden Barber 9 3 Ds Tigers 10u 2/17/2024
11 3 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/17/2024
Total 20 6
1 1 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/18/2024
Total 21 7
Benigno Garcia Jr. 18 3 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/18/2024
Brooks Godoy 38 4 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/17/2024
Jack Harrison 39 5 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/18/2024
Henry Huisman 13 1 Ds Tigers 10u 2/17/2024
Cannon King 30 9 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/18/2024
Hayden Knapek 13 2 Wimberley Elite 10u 2/17/2024
Case Miksch 14 2 Ds Tigers 10u 2/17/2024
Levi Thomison 39 6 Ds Tigers 10u 2/17/2024
Lcp Tribe- Heredia
Isaac Aros 45 3 TRPD Spartans White 2/18/2024
Davis Covington 41 6 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/17/2024
Jaxon Crevelone 19 0 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/17/2024
43 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/18/2024
Total 62 3
Levi Cushman 18 0 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/18/2024
Hudson Griffin 29 1 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/17/2024
Francisco Heredia 12 2 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/17/2024
50 6 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/17/2024
Total 62 8
38 5 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/18/2024
Total 100 13
Maverick Lippe 47 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/17/2024
8 0 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/18/2024
Total 55 3
34 3 TRPD Spartans White 2/18/2024
Total 89 6
Tejas 10u Red
33 Cayson Cargill 26 1 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/17/2024
42 Bobby Davis-Little 5 2 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/18/2024
5 Christian Gil 4 0 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/17/2024
24 Aidan Kubik 36 1 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/17/2024
24 4 Fusion 2/18/2024
Total 60 5
27 Anthony Ramirez 12 1 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/18/2024
23 Ryne Ristow 50 8 Fusion 2/18/2024
9 Hunter Rodriguez 64 5 Canes Southwest - Lake Travis 2/17/2024
42 Dallas Sahota 42 9 Canes Southwest - 10u Prime Gold 2/18/2024
19 Lucas Walker 48 3 Texas Twelve San Antonio Black 2/17/2024
Texas Twelve San Antonio Black
12 Hudson Asher 41 6 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/17/2024
2 Landon Collins 48 9 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/18/2024
1 Knox Polzin 22 3 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/17/2024
25 Chandler Schramek 36 3 Tejas 10u Red 2/17/2024
11 Nico Tripodo 17 2 Impact 10u 2/18/2024
26 Walker Yost 45 4 Impact 10u 2/18/2024
Tritons 10u Harris
12 Adrian Guerrero 61 3 TRPD Spartans White 2/17/2024
13 2 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/17/2024
Total 74 5
21 4 Ds Tigers 10u 2/18/2024
Total 95 9
5 Jackson Miller 20 0 TRPD Spartans White 2/17/2024
42 1 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/17/2024
Total 62 1
21 1 Lbc Central White 10u 2/18/2024
Total 83 2
7 Sebastian Ramirez 20 1 Ds Tigers 10u 2/18/2024
17 Ryder Reyes 46 5 Lbc Central White 10u 2/18/2024
39 5 Ds Tigers 10u 2/18/2024
Total 85 10
9 Julius Spivey Iv 35 3 TRPD Spartans White 2/17/2024
42 6 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/17/2024
Total 77 9
25 2 Ds Tigers 10u 2/18/2024
Total 102 11
Tritons 10u-Holcombe
3 Ben Brunet 8 0 Fusion 2/17/2024
45 12 Action 10U Green 2/18/2024
Total 53 12
19 Hudson Coleman 24 0 Fusion 2/17/2024
54 8 TRPD Spartans White 2/18/2024
Total 78 8
24 Ty Harlow 20 0 Fusion 2/17/2024
5 1 TRPD Spartans White 2/18/2024
Total 25 1
9 Wyatt Harms 36 1 Fusion 2/17/2024
4 Robert Holcombe Iv 29 6 Impact 10u 2/17/2024
17 3 Action 10U Green 2/18/2024
Total 46 9
TRPD Spartans White
3 Baron Devlin 4 2 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/18/2024
13 1 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
Total 17 3
5 Travis McParland 27 2 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
Witten Morton 46 3 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/18/2024
Wyatt Morton 31 3 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
30 William Rountree 47 6 Lbc Central White 10u 2/17/2024
24 Eli Sandford 20 3 Lbc Central White 10u 2/17/2024
7 1 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
Total 27 4
27 Austin Stubbe 24 1 Lcp Tribe- Heredia 2/18/2024
8 Kohen Taliaferro 28 6 Tritons 10u Harris 2/17/2024
7 2 Tritons 10u-Holcombe 2/18/2024
Total 35 8
17 Lachlan Timmons 20 3 Lbc Central White 10u 2/17/2024
Wimberley Elite 10u
8 Carson Bailey 64 9 Ds Tigers 10u 2/18/2024
7 Bryson Baker 16 3 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/18/2024
34 Braden Masur 34 3 Fusion 2/17/2024
12 Sawyer Mott 43 4 Lbc North - Corkill 2/17/2024
30 3 Ds Tigers 10u 2/18/2024
Total 73 7
3 Lucas Sammarco 28 2 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/18/2024
2 Noah Shepard 35 3 Lbc North - Corkill 2/17/2024
32 1 Austin WIngs 10U - Greenberg 2/18/2024
Total 67 4
99 Stetson Vrana 49 6 Fusion 2/17/2024