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Due to organization protection per the PG rules, the number 6 and 7 seeds have been swapped.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
EBC 9u-Maynard
3 Beckam Favre 62 9 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
5 Lane Freeman 19 6 Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders 6/1/2024
23 Harding Maynard 72 10 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
77 Brady Moore 17 2 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
20 Mac Naramore 47 9 Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders 6/1/2024
23 3 Scrappers Baseball 6/2/2024
Total 70 12
13 Pearson Rosamond 55 6 Scrappers Baseball 6/2/2024
8 Rivers Rosamond 25 3 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
11 1 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
Total 36 4
34 Levi Stubbs 72 11 MS Rippers 6/2/2024
EBC 9u-Thomas
9 Camden Berezni 17 5 Gamers 9u Giarratano 6/1/2024
3 Noah Collum 66 10 Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders 6/2/2024
2 Maximus Donovan 49 12 Gamers 9u Giarratano 6/1/2024
17 1 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
Total 66 13
11 Carter Osborne 53 10 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/1/2024
8 Levi Parham 22 2 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/1/2024
25 Brewer Rochelle 47 6 Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders 6/2/2024
1 Hayes Thomas 69 12 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
Gamers 9u Giarratano
47 Courtney Ford 24 4 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/1/2024
27 2 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/2/2024
Total 51 6
2 Jack Hartman 69 9 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/1/2024
5 Arlen Mudd 37 3 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/2/2024
23 Henry Nelson 62 13 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/1/2024
7 Crosby White 7 3 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/1/2024
12 Avery Winscher 25 2 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/2/2024
8 Sam Wood 5 1 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/2/2024
Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith
16 Jackson Childress 51 9 MS Rippers 6/2/2024
2 Easton Elliot 30 5 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/1/2024
38 3 MS Rippers 6/2/2024
Total 68 8
19 Liam Holder 51 9 MS Rippers 6/1/2024
23 Mac Smith 57 6 MS Rippers 6/1/2024
26 2 MS Rippers 6/2/2024
Total 83 8
1 Chancellor Suber 48 6 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/1/2024
Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis
12 Carson McLain 35 5 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/1/2024
11 Austin Miller 33 7 MS Rippers 6/1/2024
15 4 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
Total 48 11
1 Matthew Nabors 37 5 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/1/2024
65 12 Gamers 9u Giarratano 6/2/2024
Total 102 17
17 Case Pelkey 68 11 MS Rippers 6/1/2024
14 Grayson Stephney 21 2 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/1/2024
18 2 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
Total 39 4
99 Titus Watson 55 6 Ms Yankees - 9u Silver 6/2/2024
Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u
5 Brooks Currie 63 9 Scrappers Baseball 6/1/2024
3 Hudson Davis 60 6 Scrappers Baseball 6/1/2024
11 Urban Holt 3 1 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/1/2024
65 9 Scrappers Baseball 6/2/2024
Total 68 10
25 Cannon Overcash 23 3 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/1/2024
7 Brooks Saltsman 57 9 Scrappers Baseball 6/2/2024
2 Seth Stanton 75 11 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/1/2024
MS Rippers
Stratton Burns 51 9 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
41 3 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
Total 92 12
Ethan Degelman 62 7 Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith 6/1/2024
Joshua Flynn 25 5 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
Cruze Jones 0 0 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
Titus Neese 33 3 Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith 6/1/2024
1 0 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
Total 34 3
Charley Robinson 0 0 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
13 3 Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith 6/1/2024
Total 13 3
34 9 Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith 6/2/2024
Total 47 12
Cameron Stamps 13 2 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/1/2024
41 6 Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith 6/2/2024
Total 54 8
57 5 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
Total 111 13
Ms Yankees - 9u Silver
17 Paxton Cole 54 6 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
14 Tucker Cook 71 12 Memphis Tigers 9u - Davis 6/2/2024
23 Davis Dickerson 29 4 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
1 Isaac Foust 41 9 Gamers 9u Giarratano 6/1/2024
45 4 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
Total 86 13
27 Luke Ingram 71 14 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/2/2024
15 Bowen Parrish 8 3 Gamers 9u Giarratano 6/1/2024
5 Ethan Vaughan 56 12 Memphis Tigers 8U - Smith 6/1/2024
Scrappers Baseball
25 Brody Berryhill 35 2 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
8 Max Brady 58 13 Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders 6/1/2024
4 Kristian Cathey 12 3 Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders 6/1/2024
37 2 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
Total 49 5
5 Sawyer Falatko 9 3 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/1/2024
2 Jase Jones 7 2 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
3 Beaux Pearrow 11 2 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/1/2024
67 10 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/2/2024
Total 78 12
12 Thomas Riva 62 10 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/1/2024
14 Jameson Vaughn 13 0 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/2/2024
32 8 Memphis Tigers Saltsman - 9u 6/2/2024
Total 45 8
Stl Klutch 9u - Sanders
3 Graham Galanti 35 9 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/1/2024
5 Beckett Hegger 28 3 Scrappers Baseball 6/1/2024
9 Jack Pratzel 22 2 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/1/2024
6 Owen Russell 23 6 Scrappers Baseball 6/1/2024
23 Paxon Sanders 16 3 Scrappers Baseball 6/1/2024
12 Liam Silva 25 4 EBC 9u-Maynard 6/1/2024
77 14 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/2/2024
Total 102 18
16 Ben Steiner 29 5 Scrappers Baseball 6/1/2024
15 2 EBC 9u-Thomas 6/2/2024
Total 44 7